In the 20 years of his career in the Kingdom of Light, Jonias, who visited from time to time, and fought with himself from time to time, fully developed the fighting potential of the stinky brat.

The description of the combat power in "Light of the Earth" is not accurate at all, but the cub's life experience...

Of course Beria could sense the secrets that may be hidden in the stinky kid's unknown life experience.

For example... how did he get to the Star of Light, and how did he split into two individuals, 'Lesa & Child'.

Drifting in another dimension and floating alone to the star of light?

Does this possibility really exist? ?

As big as the universe is, there are roughly as many zeros after the decimal point.

And secondly——

The one at the end of the "Tiga" chapter, which appeared at the same time when Gherros appeared on the stage, gave the stinky brat a familiar taste of the grand consciousness... Isn't it really the will of L77?

When the L77 exploded to the end...

"No, we know who the enemy is."

The interface was Astra, who categorically denied this statement:

"The Star Cluster Council has records from that year, and it was done by the Magma Stars!"

Beria:  …

Well, it was useless!

Beria has seen no less than three versions of the plot of the Magma Stars destroying L77 in the "Ressa Database" of the Kingdom of Light——

"Leo" TV, "Ultraman STORY0", and the actual history of the Kingdom of Light universe.

"Leo" TV and the actual history can barely match, there are some differences in details.

The plot of "STORY0" is much more straightforward, a brief description in two sentences:

[The president of the Magma Stars and his brother (commander of the advance fleet) led troops to invade L77 star. 】

[The president died in battle after fighting with Leo, his brother was unwilling to fail, detonated and destroyed the star core of star L77. 】

Now that the Leo brothers have been reduced to relying on the records of the star cluster council, they know the history of the Magmas destroying L77.

Then there is a high probability that they will not be able to remember what the stinky brat experienced back then, let alone know what secrets were hidden in the L77 explosion.

Cruel Yin suddenly lost his interest, but fortunately he was excited just now——

Beria thought he could use the truth to smear the brat's face first.

"Tell me, what kind of dirty work did you do?"

Beria asked casually, but he didn't mention the Magma Stars at all.

Whether the Magma civilization is here or not, it's all the brat's business.

The Cruel Silver is too lazy to avenge the cub, and most likely he will be blamed if he is thankless.

On the contrary, the dirty work that Brother Leo claims to do is a bit interesting!

Learn more, when the time comes to fight with the stinky brat, there will be trash talk to run on.

Damn it, Tangtang Brutal Silver tied with an Ultra cub less than two thousand years old, is it really reasonable for such a thing! ?

Leo: ...

He deliberately reminded that if the chat continued, the two brothers would die about ten minutes earlier.

But after thinking about it, Leo decided to bear it one more time——

No one would think that in the eyes of this fierce god, the lives of his two brothers are more valuable than the representatives of Jayden's core! ?

"Most of them are assassinations."

Leo considered the generalization carefully, trying to use the shortest words to satisfy the sudden interest of the fierce god in front of him:

"There are also some other things that are not on the table. The biggest thing that our brothers have participated in is the sealing operation of the Star Cluster Council on the Star of Light."

When hearing the first sentence, Beria nodded casually.

Assassination... as expected.

Now that the Star of Light is exiled, the Star Cluster Council actually holds the absolute right to speak.

Officials can't do it casually, and those who need to deal with dirty work are reasonable.

But when the second sentence of the beast warrior was finished, the brutal silver figure froze.

"What did you say!"

Beria turned over and looked at the two L77s in disbelief:

"You two are related to the seal of the Star of Light?"

"Why didn't you say it earlier!?"

Leo & Astra:  …

You didn't ask either!

Of course, this kind of words was said to the fierce god in front of him, Leo hesitated for a moment, and simply chose not to explain.

He roughly described the situation back then——

At that time, the two brothers had just debuted not long ago, and there was not much blood on their hands.

But because of this, they belonged to the odds and ends, and the degree of participation was not deep.

There was no huge scene, the council defeated and sealed the entire star of light with only a beam of light.

Since that beam of light fell into the star of light, the entire M78 nebula... the galaxy cluster fell into a state of instability.

Afterwards, the Star of Light burst out with an incomparably intense flash.

After the light, the star of light and 78% of the planets in the M80 nebula disappeared together.

Surprisingly, the fleet of the Star Cluster Council moored outside the Star of Light was safe and sound.

The fleet of the Star Cluster Council stopped and investigated the M78 nebula for a long time, but found nothing.

The only thing worth mentioning is the survivor of the star of light who arrived later, the giant of light who once protected the earth——


When the other party asked what happened, the fleet of the Star Cluster Council attacked it by surprise.

As a result, Altman was seriously injured and escaped without a trace.

Speaking of this, Leo noticed that the fierce face in front of him was extremely cold.

"Tch, a bunch of trash!"

Beria cursed bitterly.

"Kane is a waste, and that Ultraman is also a waste!"

Leo & Astra:  …

Although it is not unheard of to overthrow the country of bird light, after all, the Ultra Star is the place where Beria was born, grew up, and fought for.

The scene of teaming up with Kane to fight against the Ambellas is still vivid in my mind, and Beria was once regarded as the absolute top of the Kingdom of Light.

Compared with the universe I belong to, the more powerful the Kingdom of Light is, the more it sets off the incomparable waste of the Star of Light here!

Just wait, Kane of Star of Light, Mary, and you...babe!profit!Ya!

The only dark Ultra warrior of the Star of Light, Leonix Beria's reputation in this universe is not low at all.

In this universe where there is no King Ultra, the Star of Light has not been destroyed...

This can only mean one thing -

The Beria of this universe is defeated!

As for the target of defeat...huh!

With the power of Lebrondo, he was defeated by Kane again, what a waste, another me! ! !

Bella gritted her teeth.

Cruel Silver has already thought about how to laugh at the trash of this universe!

The good-for-nothing Kane, who is an expert in the civil war and an outsider in the civil war, must stick to his face and ridicule him well.

Mary, this is the trash you chose!

as well as--

Let labor and capital teach you how to fight, even more useless... Beria! ! !

Damn it, where is the Star of Light! ?

Beria gritted her teeth for a while, wishing to...


The inexplicable feeling of sudden arrival prompted Cruel Silver to turn around and look back.

In the dark sky, a line of characters seemed to be engraved in the space, exuding a faint silver glow.

Beria subconsciously frowned, brat... no, it's the signature of the little pet next to brat!

Even so, it's risky!

In addition to being fast and being able to locate people without location, Ott's signature is not a safe way to communicate.

Camouflage and modification are easy when prepared

With the current situation in the universe, using this unique contact method will undoubtedly expose the relationship between the user and the Ultra family.

The stinky brat does not hesitate to pass on his own news...

Cruel Silver stared at the beautiful cursive characters on the horizon and fell into deep thought——

The amount of information is a bit large!

A moment later, Beria raised his hand, and the flash of light scattered the text in his vision.

After finishing all this, the Cruel Silver bowed his head, and cast his cold eyes on the two unknown beast warriors.

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