The scattered starlight condensed into layers of light and shadow, dissolving and dispersing the blood-red eyeballs that were constantly congealed on the surface of Little Reza.

again and again.

Time seems to be accelerating in the palm of that stalwart existence——

It seems to be only about 15 seconds, but it can be compared with the light and shadow that is so disordered that it is almost indistinguishable and the energy particles that fluctuate normally around it.

— 1500 years!

For some reason, such a number popped up out of nowhere in Father of Otto's mind.

In the passage of 1500 years, the clotted blood-red eyeballs on the body surface of the Ultra cub gradually disappeared.

Finally, no more condensation!

When this scene was captured, the infernal orb... Ghroth went completely insane.

It seemed to have given up all resistance, and rushed forward frantically, trying to stop something from happening.

Father of Ultra knows what it wants to stop—

L77 raised his will, and the gathered starlight merged into a passage extending to the unknown destination.

In the next second, a female figure flashed out of thin air——

Who could it be if it wasn't Lei Mu! ?

This strong mother nodded slightly towards the majestic and majestic existence, and turned into a condensed stream of light in the next instant——

The radiant light engulfed the unknown cubs of light, and disappeared without a trace on the path of starlight...

This is the end--

The magnificent field of vision collapsed and disappeared in an instant, and the few people who came back to their senses...

The former/current commander of the Star of Light, the guard captain of the Star of Light & future arms dealer, and the Great Emperor of the Dark Universe looked at each other, and they all caught the shocking brilliance in each other's eyes.


After a long time, Hikari broke the silence:

[This is the child of the star? 】

By that time, it could be said that there was no part of little Reza's body that was unique to him.

First came the Ultra Bomb, the collected light soaked into the plasma spark core before it was completely condensed.

After all, there's Gherloth's... probably part of the essence.

Coupled with the starlight of the entire universe, no, to be correct, it is the origin of the stars contributed by all the planets in the entire universe, which together condense the body of the Cub of Light.

Of course, the purpose of the stars is probably to help Little Reza wear down the essence of Gheroth that L77's will snatched and stuffed into him.

【I'm curious--】

Hikari looked pensive:

[What is the essence of Geheros in Little Reza? 】

[Wait, that's not important! 】


A group of Ao suddenly looked towards the direction from which the chanting sound came——

The silver giant... Beria stroked his chin, looking solemnly at the Great Emperor of the Dark Universe:

【Are you sure that brat is still your son! ? 】

Ampera:  …

???????! ! !

101 Consistent Purpose~ 5K [-]-in-[-]

The chaotic vision dissipated, Hikari raised his head subconsciously holding the Ressa ring that was no longer flickering in his hand, and what caught his eyes was a dark deep space.

Apparently, the will of L77 directly threw the warp spaceship out of the Demon Nebula.

In the end, Hikari only had time to ask one question.

Fortunately, he was the one who asked the question... If he asked Bei Laobai a meaningless nonsense, the pressure of everyone in the audience would increase.

【Are you sure that's still your son? 】

Hikari:  …

Look, look!

[How to see——]

Beria obviously didn't know what the head of the Light Star Science and Technology Development Bureau was thinking at the moment.The silver giant rubbed his chin, looking serious:

[Stinky brat has a greater relationship with our Star of Light than with you. 】

Ampera:  …


Bighorn & Hikari & Sophie:  …

Makes sense!

Hikari glanced unexpectedly at Ampera, who hadn't had an attack yet, and thought about it for a while, Beria's words really couldn't be wrong——

Does not have an Otto heart, and blew himself up in an irrational state.

At that time, Little Resa's body could basically be declared dead.

The total amount of photons collected by L77's will is obviously not enough——

The Plasma Spark Core replenished a wave, the Essence of Gehros replenished another wave, and the Origin of the Stars replenished another wave before barely pulling the Cub of Light back.

Here, little Resa's body basically has little to do with his parents.

The reason why he can still maintain the image of the Otto family is most likely due to his subconscious instinctive cognition.

Possibly...the Plasma Spark core also contributes?

At that time, the reason why L77 Will brought Little Reza and his mother to the Star of Light was presumably because of this——

Observing from the external image, Little Reza is obviously from the Otto family!

In view of the fact that L77 in this universe does not have an Ultra family, L77 will intuitively recognize Little Reza as someone from their Star of Light, and then come to him for treatment... Unexpectedly reasonable.

Thinking of this, Hikari suddenly couldn't laugh or cry.

The reason why the star of light and Nebula M78 were unlucky when they co-authored it was simply because the little Reza looked more similar to their Ultra Clan.

Well, considering that L77's will may have been blessed by the stars, maybe it was the Star of Light who took the initiative to invite——

If the star of light really has self-will like the earth.

Cough cough, but even so, it's a bit...

I thought about it for a while, and I almost started filming on the spot——

The Great Emperor of the Dark Universe clenched and stretched his fists, stretched and clenched again, and went back and forth several times before he could barely control the emotion that was close to going berserk.

If it wasn't for the wrong time and place, Ampera would have fought Beria on the spot.

[Belia! 】

Since Bei Laobai was a bit difficult to suppress, the big horned cow who was afraid that it would directly evolve into a full-fledged martial artist simply changed the topic:

【Hikali, what did you find? 】

Otto's father noticed the deep-thinking head of technology development early in the morning.

Hikari:  …

Can he say that he was also thinking about the question of whether little Resa and the Ampera star are still related by blood?

[cough! 】

Glancing at Ampera who was about to go berserk, Hikari coughed lightly from the bottom of his heart:

[I have a little idea, wait a minute, let me say it bit by bit. 】

After rigorous calculations, the director of Light Star Science and Technology Development Bureau is convinced——

In this subspace spaceship, the four of them may not be able to do the Emperor of the Dark Universe even if they are tied up!

[First of all, the reason why Geheros chased and killed Little Reza is very clear. 】


Superman Aguang is looking for something to say, and everyone saw that scene very clearly.

L77's will is suspected to have squeezed out the essence of Geheros and stuffed it into Little Resa, and squeezed it twice!

[When the stinky brat blew himself up, his photons were swallowed up by that guy's body...]

Beria was talking about Geheros without a doubt, and Ao nodded.

The Ambella star didn't reply——

He is reading "Earth Light" in the light quantum information!

That self-explosion directly reversed the situation, but little Leisa's own situation was very serious.

Due to the gap between the levels of life, Gehros's body was instinctively decomposing the little Reza who was at the core before and after the self-destruct.

In that case, the body of the Cub of Light would never come back without dismantling Geheros.

As for the follow-up-

The plasma spark core will definitely restore Little Reza's body, but the key is that the Cubs of Light do not have the ability to digest the essence of the Outer God.

So much so that the will of L77 had to call upon the power of the stars again, and through local acceleration of time, it greatly shortened the fusion process of the cubs of light and the essence of the outer gods.

During this process, the power of the stars merged into Little Reza's body synchronously.

[No wonder, little Resa's words! 】

The Captain of the Star of Light Guard remembered a little detail, and his other self was also very curious about the barrier-free ability of the Ultra cub.

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