【Yes! 】

Hikari nodded slightly:

【He can talk to anyone no matter, that's because Little Reza already has a corresponding... decoding data packet in his body. 】

Hikari struggled for a while, and used a description commonly used by scientific researchers.

It seems that the ability to read words that can communicate smoothly with anyone is mediocre, and even the Cub of Light himself usually doesn't take it seriously.

That's because of dialogue, understanding these things can be summarized through observation, and it is not difficult to achieve communication if you are patient.

The performance is mediocre, but this does not hinder the essence of breaking through the sky behind the cub's unique ability to read words——

Little Reza's body contains stars, the aura of life in the entire universe!

Of course, this is a statement of high EQ, low EQ... I won't repeat it.

In fact, the nature of the cub's reading is not low-end——

The taiga spark that Tregear has been developing, its essential function is to achieve a similar effect:

Let the creatures of different planets be able to talk smoothly in a way similar to one mind, so as to achieve mutual understanding.

As for the current cub's belt, and the method of using Taiga's sparks to fuse power in "Taiga", it's absolutely evil!

It's a bit like humans first developed nuclear energy for future development, and then a nuclear weapon was devised midway.

Outrageous, but true.

The stars agreed with Little Reza's reasons, and there is no need to argue with the Cub of Light's super brave self-destruction that reversed the situation.

【The other part of Little Reza...】

Father of Ultra recalled the first ray of eyes:

[The child should be the one who was thrown out? 】

【Eh! 】

Sophie nodded in agreement:

[can match——

The child who left first, and the little Reza who left with his mother later. 】

Ampera seemed to understand what she heard——

He hasn't had time to finish "Light of the Earth" yet!

【wait. 】

Sophie suddenly remembered the unfinished conversation outside the Star of Light:

[Then why is the star cluster council fleet safe and sound? 】

Hikari couldn't help but stagnate, he really couldn't explain this.

The planets and spaceships in 78% of the M80 nebula were condensed together, except for that fleet...

[Um, didn't I say that? 】

Beria tilted his head:

[The brat's brother is on that boat! 】

Ampera:  …

【What did you say! ? 】

Before Ji Ao had time to speak, Ampera reacted first:

[My child is not just Resa? 】

Hikari & Bighorn & Beria & Zofi:  …

[It's Brother Leo. 】

Beria rarely taunted the Great Emperor of the Dark Universe based on this:

[Watch your "Light of the Earth", and talk after reading it! 】

Ampera:  …

Habitually insulting the Great Emperor of the Dark Universe, the eyes of the silver giant became quite intriguing, and the Captain of the Star of Light Guard was terrified.

[Outside, um...a lot of things happened. 】

Bei Laobai looked at Sophie with that weird look, and at the same time gave a brief overview of what happened to the L77 beast warrior brothers before he came in.

【I see. 】

Hikari nodded clearly:

[That makes sense. 】

It's all because of the memory shared by another self, and he gets confused from time to time.

The beast warrior brothers of L77 are in the fleet, and L77 will spare the entire fleet, which is reasonable.

[Now there are two last questions——]

Superman Aguang's speech made everyone present look sideways... It's all here, there are two more questions?

[First, the stars... L77's will must know that simply delaying time is useless. 】

The light screen in front of Hikari quickly flowed some strange data, asking:

【Then what is she waiting for?Or what is the ultimate goal! ? 】

Zhongao nodded in conviction, indeed... the answer to this question is the core to solve the current situation.

Maybe it's because the question is wrong, or maybe in the eyes of L77's will, everyone here can't help at all, so there's no explanation at all.

[Another question? 】

Guessing alone cannot give a reliable answer, so Otto's father asked.

Bighorn Bull was keenly aware that Hikari's previous question seemed to be foreshadowing.

[Assuming that the will of L77 at that time was enough to be equal to Gheros, have you ever thought about it...]

There is a strange light in the eyes of the Director of Science and Technology Development of Star of Light:

【What is the nature of that part of her stuffed into Little Reza? 】

Bighorn & Beria & Sophie:  …

They finally reacted!

The increase that the core essence of the ancient god Pagon brought to Little Reza is obvious——

With just one incarnation, a reckless man in every sense...the Cub of Light can become a top nuclear energy expert.

The ability of nuclear energy to control this ability is enough to become the foundation of the Kingdom of New Light and a source of unlimited energy.

Pagon is nothing but an ancient god of 'nuclear energy', and in no way can compare with Gehroth, who symbolizes 'the stars are always reincarnated'.

[Tch, don't be fooled. 】

The silver giant hugged his chest, and Beria could see that Hikari had already had his own thoughts in his heart:

[Speak up if you have any ideas! 】

[This is just my guess, not necessarily true. 】

Everyone can see the confidence in Superman Ah Guang's eyes by saying this:

[I don’t know if you have observed that after losing its essence, Gehroth’s power has increased instead. 】

Zhong Ao's figure froze, and his thoughts sank into his mind to replay the scene at that time.

[I don't think so. 】

Soon, Bighorn Bull was the fastest to wake up, and he was quite sure:

[Geheros seems to be a little bit unable to control his own strength. 】

【Um! 】

Hikari nodded:

[The external manifestation is the increase in the scope and destructive power of the damage. 】

【You mean...】

Otto's father suddenly understood what Superman Aguang wanted to say:

[Gheros only has the concept of destruction left, and the rest is with Little Reza? 】

[There is this possibility. 】

Hikari didn't say anything dead:

[But if this is the case, then the will of L77 is forcing the stars in reverse. 】

Bighorn:  …

Unable to refute!

The essence held by Gehros is 'the eternal & reincarnation of the stars'.

It can be known from "Light of the Earth"——

The real-name evil gods & monsters such as Outer Gods, Old Gods, and Old Ones mostly strengthen themselves through behaviors that conform to their essence.

For example, the fear of Cthulhu, the god of death Engel Colas created death, and its incarnation Imnar induced the self-destruction of civilization and so on.

Before that, Bigger Ross's performance, it should be a more Buddhist guy.

Since power can be obtained regardless of the destruction or rebirth of the planet, Gehros doesn't need to do extra things, just stay quietly.

Sleeping all the way and destroying the planet all the way, dancing a dance and destroying a few more stars is a celebration when you are happy.

After all, there are so many universes, how can the stars disappear?

Besides, there is no need to destroy it completely, isn't there still reincarnation! ?

If it is true as Hikari said, L77 will take away the essence of reincarnation alone, leaving only destruction.

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