Chapter 11 Enemy Officers

"You are their chief?"

In the smoke and dust generated after the explosion technique was launched, Qin Ji put down the arm protecting his head and asked.

He had already killed more than a dozen soldiers, his hands were now covered with blood, and the ring-sword knife that was originally suitable for chopping was also full of gaps. It seemed that it would not be easy to kill a chicken.

From the appearance alone, it seems that he is the one who should be at a disadvantage.But he walked out of the explosion technique performed by the magician just now.

The only thing that can be regarded as proving that he experienced the explosion just now is his broken armor.

Qin Ji didn't wear his own set of Taiwei's special armor this time. This standard armor does not have such superior protection ability, and it is heavier than his own armor.

So now, the armor that had gone through so many blows was so dilapidated that Qin Ji had to take off his damaged armor and throw it aside while walking.

Standing in front of him was the officer who gave the order just now.

Judging from the other party's clothes, the people this guy brings are basically the largest size he can manage... he can be regarded as a middle- and lower-level officer.

"I know you, Taiwei of Daxia, right?"

The officer gave a wry smile, seeing that Qin Ji didn't even have a single color on his body, he also knew that he might not be able to escape.

"Yes. But no, now I am just a general of the Red Yuan Army."

Qin Ji calmly stated such a fact.

In wartime, he served as an officer at the level of a general on the battlefield.

"Let me explain one thing to you first, I will not surrender, so you can do it."

The officer from Samanjan held the scimitar in his hand and said solemnly.

"Are you expecting to break through?" Qin Ji sounded amused, "Let me remind you first, there are still soldiers from the Red Yuan Army guarding the periphery, even if you break through, you won't be far away."

"That's not it."

The officer said, gripping the scimitar tightly.

Qin Ji approached, ready to capture the officer alive.As an officer in charge of a defense zone, although the officer's position is not high, he must be able to obtain some more important information.

However, just when he was about to reach out his hand, a cold light flashed!

Qin Ji's brain didn't realize what happened at all. Instead, his muscles moved subconsciously before his brain. He leaned back, followed by his legs and took several steps back. Kan dodged the blow just now.

what's the situation?

He frowned, and almost before he could stabilize his figure, the officer stepped forward and swung several knives. These knives were almost exactly aimed at the fatal spot, and even one knife went straight down, Qin Ji knew what he was going to do just by looking at the opponent's eyes, and hurriedly swung his knife down, which made the opponent's knife miss.

Good guy, tearing down the ancestral hall is really a dirty trick.

The wind blew, and the officer in his field of vision had disappeared, but Qin Ji had already heard the position of the other party - he had appeared behind him.

The blazing flames exploded, and the distance between the two of them was very close, but the other party didn't seem to care that the spell would affect him at all. His spell was released at full power, and Qin Ji felt the blazing heat blowing him away. Lost balance and fell to the ground.

But in the end, he only staggered a few steps, and then continued to stabilize his footsteps. By the way, he waved his knife and stabbed a soldier behind him who was trying to sneak attack.So far, this ring head knife has been completely scrapped, and holding it is basically no different from holding a piece of scrap iron.

Qin Ji looked back at the battlefield.At this time, the situation of the battle has become clear. Lingyan protected Qin Siyue very well, and the satellite also shined in this battle. There were already several corpses lying beside him. This young general held a shield in one hand and the other in the other. Armed with a gun, he did not panic in the encirclement of the enemy, but constantly looked for opportunities and even blocked attacks for his comrades.

"I probably know what you do. Although there are people like you in Samanjan, I just heard about it before. Today is indeed the first time I see you."

The country of Samanjan used to be a country that just wanted to develop steadily. However, when the mission of the church thoroughly penetrated the country, the young people in this country, especially the young men in the army, were almost full of a kind of Crazy madness.

In fact, these people may not agree with the scriptures and teachings of the Holy Bishop’s Church, but the thoughts and atmosphere that the Holy Bishop has brought to Samanjan over the years have made them gradually converge with the thinking of the Holy Bishop, and they are in line with the local Samanjani people. "Ranger" and "valor" combine to form a terrible "madness can destroy all enemies" creed.

The officer in front of him was probably such a person.

Just now, no matter whether it was spells or melee combat, this guy didn't think about his own safety or not. Qin Ji could already see that the opponent's body was on the verge of collapse—the officer was hurriedly He was breathing, his whole body was flushed, and he was clearly facing a desperate situation, but he had a sick smile on his face.

Sure enough, their army will be ready to take drugs at any time when it comes to this juncture.

"Now...among us, who is stronger?"

The officer said excitedly, his mouth was still chewing.Qin Ji guessed that this guy might have contained the medicine in his mouth before the war, and he only needed to chew it when necessary.

"You don't live long."

There was a trace of pity in Qin Ji's eyes when he looked at the other party.

The Samanjanis have experienced so many years of suffering, what exactly has the church brought them?

There is no Gospel, no Promised Land, and no prosperity. They brought a radical way of thinking to the people of Samanjan, brought crazy thinking, and even brought iron hooves from the west.

If the so-called Holy Master really allowed the believers to do such behavior, then Qin Ji felt that it would be better for the Holy Master to die.

"That's not something you need to think about..."

As if it were a ghostly shadow, the knife in the opponent's hand had already been swung, and the moment he swung the knife, Qin Ji caught a white light flying out of his arm.

Without any hesitation.

Qin Ji's standing figure suddenly lowered down, and then, like a low-lying leopard, he avoided the hidden weapon that was coming straight to his face, and then "drilled" into the opponent's armpit.

Both feet stepped on the ground fiercely, and a small hole was stepped out of the not-so-hard ground. Then, with this strength, Qin Ji hit the opponent's chest with an elbow.

The figure of the Samanjan military officer flew out, accompanied by a mouthful of blood.Qin Ji didn't give him any chance. After flying the opponent, he followed the direction the opponent flew out and threw out the broken ring head knife vigorously.

No matter how strong the stimulus the medicine brought to the commander, it still couldn't make him ignore the fatal attack. Under the deception of the pain sensation of the medicine, he completely lost his voice.

Qin Ji stood up and tore off his clothes that had been badly burned by the opponent's flame.

Drugs do have benefits, but, on the one hand, the gap between the two cannot be made up by drugs, on the other hand...

This guy may have taken drugs several times before, and his body has long since failed, relying solely on the explosive power brought about by taking drugs to barely hold on.

Chapter 12 Good News

The battle that followed was almost without difficulty.

The Chiyuan Army was originally the regular army of Daxia. After undergoing changes, the ideological education of grassroots soldiers was strengthened, and the obedience of the soldiers was strictly trained, and the equipment and tactics were innovated. Beyond the comprehensible scope of Samanjan.

After the satellite's troops touched the enemy's gap in the east, as expected, the enemy ambushed three battalions of nearly 2 troops behind the gap, divided into four groups and surrounded them from all directions, trying to eat all the satellites at once. department.

However, the satellite, which had been expected for a long time, did not run away blindly. After sensing the enemy's siege, the satellite made a decisive decision and chose to turn around and make a bend to the east. Samanjan on the river, and then suddenly killed a carbine when a small number of troops from Samanjan crossed the river.

Unexpectedly, when the Daxia army dared to turn around and fight back when they were fleeing, the vanguard of Samanjan suffered heavy losses and fled, but the satellite did not pursue it deeply, and turned around and ran away after getting the results of the battle. In this way, not only was it not surrounded , but also a small victory.

As for General Chen, he was under quite a lot of pressure this time. Qin Ji arranged for him to intercept the retreating enemy army and prevent the enemy's reserve troops from reinforcements.General Chen did a very good job. When he was under the most violent attack from the enemy, he even held his position with a long gun, and finally forced the enemy to take a detour.

Then, this group of detoured enemy troops encountered Li Shijing's troops.

There is a passage in Daxia's military book that the ancestors taught the posterity: Those who follow the heights and look down will win; those who follow the valleys and trails will die.

To put it in the vernacular: high hit low, hit shark arm.

Li Shijing's troops are in the geographical advantage of a high base. In fact, the enemy army is not unaware of the dangerous terrain here, but they were beaten by General Chen and they couldn't bear it anymore. They had to choose to come here to meet them. Try your luck——In their intelligence, they really didn't notice the direction in which Daxia's Li Shijing's troops moved.

Then, they really encountered "luck"-fortunately met Li Shijing, who was only 29 years old, had 11 years of combat experience, and was considered to be the successor of General Bai...

It is conceivable how broken their hearts were when they saw a group of heavy infantry pressing over aggressively.

The ambush was unsuccessful, the reinforcements were blocked, and they were attacked and delayed by the army of Daxi Kingdom. In the end, on the frontal battlefield, the troops of Samanjan collapsed after almost no persistence.

From helping Atlantis to counterattack at the beginning, until now, basically all the areas that Atlantis had captured before have been taken down.As the victory of the first phase of the entire campaign to support the Great Western Kingdom, Qin Ji sorted out the battle reports and dispatched people to Tai'an City as quickly as possible.


When Xia Yuxiao received the battle report from the front line, it took a lot of effort to control her expression in front of the ministers.

In that battle report, it was written that the Great Xia army had initially expelled the enemy from the Great Western Kingdom.And the loss of the Great Xia army was almost so small that Xia Yuxiao thought it was unbelievable.

"My minister, Qin Ji, reported to His Majesty that our army won a great victory in the battle with Samanjiang, and Samanjiang has been basically driven out of the territory of Daxi Kingdom. I have sent envoys to the peace talks, and it is expected that the enemy will not obey. In this way, the minister can Let the army drive straight into the territory of Samanjiang - because there must be the Holy See army and knights in the country to intervene, so after entering Samanjiang, our army may be slightly hindered."

"At that time, the situation of the battle will be complicated, so I have the courage to ask Your Majesty, En Zhunchen, to take charge of the internal and external military affairs of the Red Yuan Army for the time being, so as to facilitate the frontline warfare."

"Goodbye again."

In the envelope, in addition to this letter, it also included the results and battle losses of the Great Xia army so far. Judging from the above figures, it can be described as a very beautiful victory.

However, there is still a long way to go before the end of the entire war. It is better to say that starting now is the real "war".

"Okay, Taiwei is indeed worthy of the high expectations for me!"

Xia Yuxiao nodded, praised, handed the letter in her hand to Liu Songyao next to her, and asked her to read it out.

Hearing the content of the letter, all the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty bowed and saluted:

"Congratulations to Your Majesty, the Taiwei, and the Daxia Sheji!"

"In the past, some people said that the Taiwei was a treacherous minister of the court, and he was greedy, but now? What the Taiwei has done is really a capable minister."

Xia Yuxiao continued, but in the face of Qin Ji's achievements, the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty did not dare to object explicitly, they just echoed.

In fact, she really had no idea whether Qin Ji was a traitor or not, and this time, she didn't let Liu Songyao read the second half of the letter.

Facts have proved that Qin Ji's expedition this time was definitely not purely for her allegiance, on the contrary, he also took a fancy to the strong enough force of the Red Yuan Army.

If he could control the Chiyuan Army, then Qin Ji's power would not only be huge enough to threaten the imperial power, but it might even go against the imperial power directly.

However, Xia Yuxiao dared to hand over the Red Yuan Army to Qin Ji, so she naturally had her own self-confidence.

Regarding Qin Ji's request, she did not publicize it to the outside world, nor did she refuse, but was ready to agree to his request.

On the one hand, Qin Ji really needs a more solid military voice on the front line, otherwise his ability to act may be greatly reduced; on the other hand, Xia Yuxiao does not want to have trouble with Qin Ji at this time because of this kind of thing. not happy with each other.She is very clear about the situation inside the Red Yuan Army.

If Qin Ji wanted one, two thousand, three or four thousand people, then she could acquiesce in his doing so, but if she wanted the entire Chi Yuan Army, she was thinking too much.

"Your Majesty, the ministers and others suggest that now that the war in the west is at an advantage, we should announce this great victory to the people of Great Xia to stabilize people's hearts."

Prime Minister Long made a suggestion.

Xia Yuxiao's biggest problem now is that there are always people who are not optimistic about her authority and ability.

And this victory can just provide her with sufficient capital.Even if she wasn't in command of this battle, but Daxia won the battle under the leadership of the emperor, that's enough.No one would jump out and say that the emperor was incapable when Da Xia won the victory.At this time, no one would dare to disagree.

Therefore, this matter must be publicized, and it must be publicized so that everyone can have more trust in Xia Yuxiao, the empress, so that the authority of the imperial power can be established.

"Okay, what the prime minister said is very true. Not only do we need to publicize, but I also want to reward and comfort the soldiers on the front line. The order will continue. From today onwards, I will take a sum of money from my own expenses to reward the soldiers as a token of respect. Compassionate. This is my own reward to the soldiers, and when the soldiers return to the court, there will be a reward from the court. This matter, let Wang Yushi do it."

"Your Majesty is wise, I will do it now."


PS: Just at night, there was an epidemic at my house. . .

The child has just returned from home to the city where he works, and he will go to work tomorrow morning, but he doesn't know whether he should go to work or not.

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