I have been communicating with people in the unit and the community all night, and it is estimated that I will have to wait until tomorrow to have a definite result.

People numb 555

Chapter 13 Military Discipline

When His Majesty's reward arrived at the front line, Qin Ji was in the tent discussing with Lingyan about military discipline in the army.

After Daxi Kingdom saw that Samanjiang was so easily defeated by Daxia's army, it was very sensible to ask Daxia to help Daxi Kingdom solve its future troubles.Faced with such a request, Qin Ji would naturally not refuse.

However, before that, Bactria needs to let the soldiers know how to enter Samanjan.

Qin Ji knew very well that although Samanjiang was at odds with Daxi Kingdom and even Daxia, if Daxia wanted to keep Samanjiang away from the church, it could not just use violent rule to manage the country.

The emergence of the church is often accompanied by the difficult life of the local people. In this case, when the church appears under the banner of the Holy Lord and exerts a little favor on it, it is matched with a seemingly reasonable and troublesome The missionary teachings of many people can often make many people believe in their teachings in a daze.

The churches in Daxia did the same thing before, but the reason why they failed in Daxia was that Daxia already had its own ancestor worship, and the people in Daxia didn’t live very well in today’s Daxia. , but most of them are much better than countries like Samanjan.

In this case, the propaganda of the church is more difficult.Unless the people go out one by one, it is difficult to win over a large group of people at once like other countries.

If the Great Xia army simply uses violence in Samanjan, it will actually make the people of Samanjan more inclined to the Holy Church—for the people, there are two choices out there, and when they can only choose one, Facing the brutal rule that kills them, it is better to choose a religion that is a bit unreliable but can give yourself some food occasionally.

Therefore, Qin Ji needs to let the soldiers of Daxia know in advance what they should and should not do after entering Samanjiang.

"Looking at it now, the army in Samanjan is also doing its best to suck blood from its own people-according to the knowledge of the spies I sent out, at the border of Samanjan, due to the pressure of logistics supply, Samanjan cannot guarantee the number of people. The long-term supply of tens of thousands of troops on the front line, so the army almost always collects food from civilians at the border, and even goes directly to the homes of civilians to recruit soldiers."

Lingyan looked at the information in her hand and said.

Samanjan's doing this is really quite speechless. Long before Daxia's army intervened, in fact Samanjan had been continuously expanding its army. Judging from its series of actions, they are likely to be He is showing his so-called piety to the Holy Church.

But this devotion was bought by countless Samanjani civilians.

"I have learned that among the cities on the border of Samanjan, there are several cities and towns that are most severely raided. Among them is a border city called Vasrina, where almost 30.00% of the young people are raided. The army was transferred to Samanjan. The food of the civilians in the city and the food in the granary were also recruited.”

"Will the Samanjan army fight without food?"

Qin Ji knew that the Samanjan army could do this, but judging from Lingyan's intelligence information, it seemed that the country's ability to squeeze the people far exceeded his expectations.

30.00% of young people were transferred to the army, even civilians and granaries were transferred... The strength of this is beyond imagination-this army does not bring its own logistics supplies?

"According to the officers who were captured, the church and the high-level officials in Samanjan still haven't got enough food for their army. Therefore, this army actually sent troops to fight us without enough food. Before the war, in order to raise enough food and reserve troops, basically every city near the border was robbed by them."

To be honest, even Lingyan felt that this was outrageous after reading it.

The army of this country crazily plundered the food of its own people, captured its young people to join the army, and pretended to be for the people of Samanjan... This is too outrageous.

As for the lack of supplies in the rear...

Ghosts believe that Samanjan is indeed not the kind of fertile and rich country, but it has not yet reached the point of barrenness, and it has been earning foreign trade and "tolls" from various countries for so many years. Among other things, their Food is definitely not enough to support an army.

It is nonsense to say that the materials were not collected, and the normal mind can think of it.

"After our troops entered Samanjan, try not to intensify the conflicts with the local civilians," Qin Ji put the information aside, and then said, "First of all, tell them that after arriving in Samanjan, there must be no harm. For the common people, as long as they do not take actions to support the enemy, do not interfere excessively."

"In addition, in Samanjan, everyone has restrained themselves. Although these words have been said all the time, I still want to emphasize it again. If you let me know which team's soldiers have bullied men and women in Samanjan Soldiers looting, direct military law, understand?"

"Okay, I'll let the others know."

Lingyan memorized his words, and then continued to ask: "Is there anything else?"

"Many people in Saman Xinjiang believe in the Holy Bishop, and there are also a few who believe in local religions," Qin Ji continued. "Regarding religious matters, all officers and soldiers cannot interfere with the religious thoughts of the civilians."

When she said this, Lingyan frowned.

"Master, don't forget, our war is to eliminate the power of the Holy Bishop..."

"Solving the local people's thinking and the belief of the Holy Bishop is a post-war matter." Facing his guard's questioning, Qin Ji seemed very calm, "Our purpose is to defeat the enemy's troops, and the follow-up propaganda ideas, Cleaning up the actions of the Holy Bishop has its own follow-up methods. The first task now is to fight, and the army must avoid religious and ideological conflicts with them..."

"Let's not do things that will cause trouble. We will adapt to the local customs, understand?"


Lingyan nodded.

"That's about it. Other issues related to military discipline have already been mentioned before, so there is no need to mention them again. Each army will spend three days to repair it. I think His Majesty's reward will arrive soon."

He was very confident about this. Daxia's envoys were basically very efficient, and Xia Yuxiao would never be perfunctory with the frontline troops.This time it will definitely be expressed.

Just as he finished speaking, a guard's voice came from outside:

"Master Taiwei, a group of envoys came from outside the camp, saying that they brought His Majesty's decree."

"Look, what did I say?"

Qin Ji smiled triumphantly, then stood up: "Let's go, we can probably enjoy a little bit today."


PS: I didn’t update yesterday, because I went to centralized quarantine yesterday (in fact, it was supposed to be quarantined at home, but I’m a co-renter, so I can’t implicate my roommates in staying at home with me and not going to work).

I have been busy with the quarantine, so I haven't updated it, and I will resume the update today.

Chapter 14 Rewards

When he saw the envoy, Qin Ji saluted him respectfully, and then let him into the barracks.

In Daxia, even Qin Ji, the envoy responsible for delivering the decree, should be treated with courtesy, because they hold the will of the emperor in their hands.

Facing Qin Ji's courteous reception, the envoy accepted it frankly, and then opened the edict in his hand:

"Your Majesty's decree: I am very happy to hear the good news from you and the generals, and all the ministers in the court are encouraged. Now that the lost land has been recovered for the Great Western Kingdom, in order to prevent the capriciousness of the enemy country, we must continue to fight and expel the poison of the Holy Bishop. .I allow you to take charge of all affairs in the army, and you must work hard to triumph as soon as possible.

As for the matter of rewarding the commanders of the three armies, the ministers believed that it would be better to reward the soldiers after they returned to China.However, the soldiers must be encouraged when they are outside. I will spend some of the expenses in the palace at my own expense to reward the soldiers.Although the money is not much, but it is my heart, you can accept it, or distribute it to the soldiers, or buy food and wine, so as to reward the whole army. "

After saying this, the envoy collected the decree and handed it to Qin Ji.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your compassion for the soldiers."

Qin Ji received the decree, and at the same time, the envoy waved his hand, and the envoys who came with him also carried up the boxes.

The box contained Daxia's gold coins.Although these gold coins are not too much, if they are divided equally among the soldiers of the army, it will be enough for everyone to eat a meal, but...

This is the money rewarded by His Majesty the Emperor with his own personal expenses.

In fact, to put it bluntly, it is equivalent to His Majesty spending money to give the soldiers an extra reward.

After handing over the decree to Qin Ji, the envoys finally completed their task. At this time, the envoys put down the burden of "passing on the holy will" and saluted Qin Ji in their own capacity.

Facing these envoys, Qin Ji naturally persuaded them to stay and rest for one night before leaving the next day, and arranged a sumptuous dinner and camp to accommodate the envoys.

"Your Majesty still values ​​you, this time not only allowed your request, young master, but also issued these rewards for the Chi Yuan Army."

Back in the tent, Lingyan sat on Qin Ji's bed and said with a light smile.

"Your Majesty attaches great importance to the war on the Western Front. After all, the Western Front is the most likely direction for the Church of the Holy Bishop to attack us." Qin Ji is not surprised by this, "If it is said that the Saar Dynasty in the north brought security to Great Xia If there is no external pressure, then the enemy in the west is all-round pressure from the ideological, economic, cultural and even military aspects. In the battle of Samanjan, we must fight something."

"Master, that's not what I said."

Lingyan didn't care about what Qin Ji said, she just looked at him with an unspeakable smile.

"Ah...you mean His Majesty treats me personally." Qin Ji is not stupid, "Indeed, His Majesty has become more and more willing to trust me recently, which is also a good thing."

"Why trust?"

"Why... probably because what I have done recently is more in line with her wishes."

Qin Ji said so.

"Young master, do you really not know, or are you pretending to be stupid to me?"

Lingyan looked at him, and then sighed: "Master, I don't know anything about military affairs, and I don't know anything about politics, but at least I know more or less what His Majesty's personal thoughts are—that's right. If so, after you go back, you may have to consider marriage with His Majesty, right?"


"Your Majesty, on the one hand, what he is doing is for our war here, and on the other hand, he is probably trying to establish a certain emotional foundation with you. Young master, you should also respond. I am not talking about military affairs. It is a matter for the country to respond politically and politically. You should also properly respond to His Majesty with the same emotional response."

Lingyan said so.

From the perspective of the country, Lingyan may not see it very thoroughly, but judging from the emperor's recent trust in Qin Ji, this is undoubtedly a manifestation of goodwill.

The emperor is the emperor after all, you can't really expect her to talk to you and even flirt with you in the decree, otherwise, she will be "famous in history" in the future.

It is impossible for her to express her favor directly in this regard, so she can only express it in this unique way.

"Your suggestion to me, I think it should be very useful," Qin Ji nodded, but he hesitated, "But, Lingyan, your words..."

Then, what he hadn't said yet was covered by Lingyan's hand.

"Master, stop here, needless to say. I know what you want to say."

She quietly looked at the familiar person in front of her, then shook her head.

What she wanted has already been accomplished. For Lingyan, she thinks that she doesn't need to pursue anything anymore.

"You should be more sensible. For you, this marriage is very important. And I believe that it is also a very important marriage for Daxia. I can know your thoughts, young master, and that is enough."

she said so.

Of course Lingyan knew what Qin Ji was thinking, he was always thinking about her.However, she was very clear that this marriage did not actually have much emotional factors. As a political marriage, it had a clear purpose.

Therefore, she didn't want her young master to affect her way forward because of her own reasons.not to mention......

That's fine too.

Qin Ji was silent for a long time.

Then he smiled wryly: "You... well, how can I say hello, you are too tolerant of me."

"What I care about is whether I will leave with the young master. As for the rest, I don't care." Lingyan said, and hung her coat on the rack where the clothes are placed, "So, I can tell you what I think Advice that works. Master, please rest assured that wherever you go and whatever you do, I will support you."

"...suddenly felt full of strength."

Qin Ji said.

"Then what I did was right." Lingyan smiled slyly, then took the edict by the way and read it several times, "So, young master, you should respond. As for how to respond...you I should understand."

"oh, I understand now."

In fact, it is very simple to put it bluntly, let the messenger go back with a seal, express his gratitude, and then tell His Majesty to pay attention to his health, ask about the current situation, etc.These are basically enough.

By the way, I want to show my loyalty. As for what to do after I go back, that is a matter for the future.

"Oh, by the way." Lying on the bed, Qin Ji suddenly thought of something, "Your Majesty's money, if you have time, you can arrange it, buy some cattle, sheep and wine from Daxi Kingdom, and distribute it to the soldiers. ——If the money is distributed to each soldier, it’s not much, and they don’t need money on the front line now.”


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