"Why kill him?"

"Young master, after you entered the palace, I went outside to buy some herbs for the young master's body conditioning, but when I came back, I found that the old grandson was chatting with others. They were talking about how to kill you, young master."

Very simple and direct explanation, Lingyan immediately explained the ins and outs of the future clearly in a few words.

"So you killed him."

"Not all, logically speaking, I should control him, then report to you and wait for your decision," Lingyan said with a hint of gloom in his eyes, "But, Old Sun seems to have noticed something before I can do anything." , he surrounded me with those people who had colluded with me."

Qin Ji nodded and understood.

In this way, the blood on the bronze sword was not just Lao Sun's.Apparently, Lingyan, who hadn't expected that Lao Sun would soon tear her face, pulled out the bronze sword she was wearing and killed those who tried to besiege her.

"Where's the corpse?"

"I've dealt with it."

When she said this, Lingyan glanced at the river under the bridge.

"Hey... Sure enough, there are still people who can't hold back. They wanted to put pressure on His Majesty, but it didn't work. In the end, they had to use this method..." Qin Ji sighed , "Lingyan, let's take a detour home today, I don't want to be attacked by a group of people on the way."

"Yes, sir."

Chapter 11 Rainy Night

In the pouring rain, figures walked through the deserted streets.

Those people were dressed in black and wore bamboo hats on their heads, as if they had completely merged into the rainy night. Water drops fell on their sides, like countless pearls interspersed.

At this time, those figures were fleeing towards the front in a hurry, they could no longer even care about their companions, they rushed towards the other end of the street, like a flock of frightened birds.

But behind them, there was only one figure chasing after them.

The completely wet night clothes wrapped tightly around the body, outlining the alluring outline, but now, those people in black who used to kill people had no intention of admiring the beautiful scenery at all, they fled away in horror , as if this soft figure was an evil spirit.

Just when they thought they had distanced themselves, the man in black who was running at the front suddenly stopped.

"What are you doing!? Run tm!"

The man in black behind bumped into his companion. Seeing that his teammate was still cheating on him at this time, the man in black yelled at him.

However, the moment he finished speaking, the head of the stopped companion rolled off.

Blood spurted out, staining the rain-soaked road red.

The men in black looked at everything in front of them in horror, and all the men in black couldn't help but look at the figure rushing from behind.

Damn it, what kind of monsters are around that dog officer! ?Just one woman is as strong as a ghost?

"Don't run away. As I said, whoever gives the answer I want first will survive. Why are you so stubborn?" Lingyan's stern voice sounded. Their bodies are as cold as rain.

The people in black didn't answer.

They also had no way to resist, or to put it another way, it is unrealistic to resist - the woman in front of him, the twelve men in black teamed up to attack her just now, but three of them died all at once, which is already very clear problem.

Their purpose this time was to assassinate Qin Ji.

However, not only did they fail to complete the task, they even failed the task before it even started. The coachman was completely useless, and he was hacked to death after taking the money, causing all their actions to be out of control.However, what they received was a death order after all—this was a death order personally issued by the higher-ups, and they couldn't resist it at all. Since the plan had failed, they could only take the risk and choose the simplest and most brutal action.

That is to directly enter An Guogong's mansion and assassinate Qin Ji himself.

The ideal is very full, but the reality is very skinny. Although these men in black are all carefully selected elites, what I didn't expect was that they were detected by Lingyan just after they arrived around the An Guogong's mansion and were about to climb over the wall.

In fact, to be honest, the actions of this group of people are already very professional. It is true that other people will not notice their actions at all, but the problem lies in...

Lingyan came from the Demon Sect, and she also practiced Demon Art.

No matter how much the masters in the palace taught her later, she still laid the foundation of magic skills, and among those so-called "evil cultivation" skills, quite a lot of skills were used to shady people.

For example, the most classic unique technique "Wan Peeping Eye" can judge the specific location of people within a certain range, even their age, body shape, etc. based on the blood flow and heartbeat sounds of the people around them.Equivalent to a weakened version of clairvoyance.

Although Lingyan didn't learn everything, at least she knew a little bit. She was waiting for Qin Ji to eat fruit in the house, and when she noticed the abnormality, she ran out with the fruit knife in her hand.

The so-called "attack" of those men in black was actually discovered by her long ago, but she was just waiting for these people to attack and show their flaws.

They can only be considered unlucky when they meet Lingyan, but if they change to a well-known and decent cultivator, they will probably be able to take a little bit of the initiative. Who let them mess with the rats in the gutter like them~


The man in black whispered, and then they threw something round forward.

All of a sudden, smoke and dust filled the air, and those smoke and dust full of acrid taste filled the air in the rainy night. Although limited by the rain, the smoke and dust did not play the best role, but at least it blocked Lingyan's sight.

Lingyan frowned, and the spicy smell entered her nostrils, making her feel very uncomfortable.

With a flick of her hand, she swept away the smoke and dust in front of her with a strong force, even the rainwater in front of her was swept away, and then she stared at the empty street.

"Yo, ran away?"

A cruel smile appeared on her face, and then she played with the fruit knife in her hand.

Indeed, the escape effort of these people exceeded her imagination. Originally, according to Lingyan's estimation, this group of people could not escape her sight, but obviously this group of people was well prepared, and they were able to escape... ...


How could she make such a low-level mistake and let a group of enemies who tried to assassinate Qin Ji escape like this?

Moreover, even she couldn't run out of this spacious street in just two seconds when the smoke obscured her vision. If she could do it, then Lingyan felt that the other party was completely capable of killing her.

So, the rats are most likely lurking nearby.

It's just the usual routine, using the smoke and dust that obscures the vision to hide immediately, inexperienced hunters will think that they have run away quickly with the help of smoke, so they will chase them in the direction where they may escape.

Then wait until she is far away, and then flee in the opposite direction, so that you can escape from the sky.

Lingyan picked up a handful of rainwater, then possessed herself, and kissed the handful of rainwater in her hand with her tender lips.

Afterwards, she raised her arms, and the crystal rainwater spread out in the air—this was a very ordinary sprinkling of water, but there was some kind of faint light hidden in the rainwater.

The raindrops seemed to be countless sharp swords, flying in all directions.

From a nearby dark alley came a slight piercing sound, accompanied by short screams.

The rain mixed with blood gurgled from the entrance of the alley, and there were waves of footsteps inside.

"So I said, don't run away, it's better to say everything I want to ask."

Lingyan brushed away the hair that was sticking to her forehead because of being soaked, and then walked into the alley.

The dark alleys are dark, and even the lights of the houses in the city can't shine here.A flame emerged from her palm, shaking in the heavy rain, but it was not extinguished by the heavy rain.The flames lit up everything in the alley.

In front of them are corpses in disorder, and there are bloody holes on the corpses - but the cause of their death is not because of those holes.

Their faces were blue and their bodies were still slightly convulsed. They died of poisoning.

Chapter 12 mission completed

In An Guogong's mansion, Qin Ji was reviewing official documents in his room.

Beside him, Qin Siyue is also busy - she is drawing a picture, the woman in the picture has short black hair and looks heroic.

"You are very familiar with the painting."

Qin Ji took the time to glance at her paintings. The women painted on them always made him feel familiar, and the feeling of elegance was really unforgettable for him.

"Of course it looks familiar, this guy is with you every day."

I don't know if she is jealous, Qin Siyue looks a little bit dissatisfied, but despite her dissatisfaction, the paintbrush in her hand is very realistic to paint the woman in the painting with charm.

Of course, Qin Siyue is not a person who can't draw without a digital tablet. At any rate, she has also learned painting systematically. She can't do traditional Chinese painting, but if she doesn't know how to use a brush, can she still sketch?

"It turned out to be her, why did you remember to draw her?" After Qin Siyue's reminder, Qin Ji immediately understood who she was drawing, "By the way, I remember that the relationship between you two is really good."

"Fortunately, I can only say that we appreciate each other, and sister Lingyan is indeed very beautiful." Regarding this, Qin Siyue did not hide it at all, "I drew her because the temperament of her was very in line with what I once wanted. The kind of girl depicted is elegant, but also has a bit of violent aesthetics~”

"Oh, indeed, you've always liked the genre."

Only then did Qin Ji recall that in the past, Qin Ji often saw beautiful pictures of girls in Qin Siyue's mobile phone. It looks like he's going to kill someone.

"By the way, I saw Lingyan sister go out in night clothes just now, what tasks did you arrange for her?"

"I didn't arrange any tasks, she should have discovered something by herself."

"Aren't you going to have a look?"

"I'm still very relieved when Lingyan does things." Qin Ji continued to approve the official document in front of him. This is an official document about mobilizing military deployment on the border of northern Xinjiang. Such official documents involving major strategies often require him to be in charge of the military. He personally approved the reply, and he neatly approved the five words "Immediately Executed" on it, and then printed his own seal and packaged it.

"Hey, brother, I'm not talking about whether she can do things with confidence, I mean, at least you should show concern for others?" Qin Siyue lay on the table with a look of resentment.

"What's the matter, I..."

Qin Ji was about to continue talking, when suddenly, light footsteps sounded from the door, gradually approaching the study.

Qin Ji listened carefully, then relaxed, it was the sound of Lingyan's footsteps.

"came back?"

"Well, I'm back."

Before Lingyan could enter the house, the voice first floated in from the outside, and then she opened the door and walked into the study.

Qin Ji looked up at her, and immediately threw away the pen in his hand.

The girl in front of her was drenched all over, and her already tight-fitting nightwear was tightly wrapped around her body, reflecting her beautiful body curves, and her hair was also messed up by the rain.

However, these were not the reasons why Qin Ji threw away the pen.

It was the red rainwater dripping from Lingyan's night clothes.

"You are hurt?!"

Qin Ji quickly stepped over his desk, walked over and grabbed her hand.

"You don't worry too much, young master, I'm fine." Lingyan shook the rainwater off her head—to embarrassment, Qin Ji was right in front of her, and her subconscious action shook the rainwater from her hair all over Qin Ji All over the face, "Not a single drop of blood on my body came from my own body."

Qin Ji breathed a sigh of relief.

Lingyan is the person I trust the most. If she is injured, then he is really in danger. Now in the entire Great Xia, except for those masters raised in the palace, the only people who can beat Lingyan are Very few, if even she was injured, then Qin Ji would have to consider strengthening protection.

"Then what's the matter with you?"

"I chased down those assassins who tried to assassinate you, young master. They are all of good quality and can be regarded as one of the best in a hundred," Lingyan said. It seems to be dead soldiers, they all committed suicide by taking poison. From this point of view, at least the behind-the-scenes man sent to assassinate you has not dared to let you know his name."

Qin Ji frowned.

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