He did know that someone was going to be unable to restrain himself from attacking him, but he didn't expect to do it so quickly, and from Lingyan's point of view, it seemed that he had paid a lot of money. It is not easy for a dead man to die for himself.

"What about the specific characteristics?"

If you know the general characteristics of the other party, you may be able to find out the details of the other party by following the vine.

"I brought back one, but unfortunately, it's dead."

Lingyan leaned out half of her body, and then dragged a bag in. Opening the bag, it contained the body of an assassin.

"I'm super! What are you doing with the corpse!?"

"Isn't this convenient for you to identify? If you don't bring the body back, you probably won't be able to guess it correctly just by relying on my dictation."


The guard was too considerate in his work.

Qin Ji opened the bag and took a closer look, then glanced back to make sure that Qin Siyue did not see the corpse, then nodded: "Well, if it is identified, I will analyze it slowly later, and send the corpse to the black prison later Come inside."

The so-called black jail is actually the place of confinement inside the Duke of Anguo. This kind of place was originally used to punish those servants and family members who violated the family law, and sometimes it was also used as a lynching place for the Duke of Anguo— — But since the new emperor came to the throne, Qin Ji sealed up the prison.

"You change your clothes first, you are drenched all over, although your physique is beyond ordinary, you still have to pay attention, you know?" He told Lingyan.

"Well, I know, when I came here just now, I took a set of clothes along the way." Lingyan said, "If I hadn't been in a hurry to report to you, I would have changed in the laundry room."

Having said that, she untied the oilcloth bag in the other hand, which contained clean clothes.

Then, she grabbed the corner of her night gown, turned it up, and took it off.

Her movements were so fast that Qin Ji didn't even have time to react, his eyes were blinded by the white flowers, and the girl's alluring body was revealed in front of him.

"Ah! What are you doing!?"

Qin Ji quickly turned his head, and Qin Siyue next to him reacted faster than him, jumped up like a little leopard and rushed in front of Lingyan, blocking her body.

"Didn't you tell me to change my clothes?"

Lingyan's tone sounded particularly innocent, but if Qin Ji turned his head, he would find that the cheerful smile on this guy's mouth was not concealed at all.

It seemed that she was very satisfied with Qin Ji's reaction.

Important notice

Hehe, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, although it's an important announcement, it's definitely not a eunuch, don't worry, don't worry.

Mainly, I had no idea when I started writing this book that people would like it so much.It's embarrassing to say, this book is the book with the best start since I came to sf. To describe it in one sentence: it has never had such a wonderful start.

Therefore, for the sake of the experience of everyone and subsequent readers, I am going to make large-scale revisions (maybe even reset) to the currently updated chapters to optimize the reading experience.

Of course, please rest assured that the modification does not involve the overall plot and basic settings, but will only modify some settings that may be thundered in the future. Others, including character settings, plots, etc. will not be changed.

Chapter 13 Inferring behind the scene

Qin Siyue dragged Lingyan over to change clothes.

But Qin Ji fell into deep thought.

Although he didn't want to believe it, Lingyan's words this time did illustrate a problem: that is, as the Duke of An, he might really be facing the threat of his life now.

Yes, he monopolizes the government and has military power in his hands, but he can't put thousands of soldiers around him every day to protect himself anytime, anywhere. If he really just passively waits for the other party to make a move, he will die sooner or later.After all, even if he can avoid hundreds of assassinations, it is enough for the opponent to succeed once.

The most urgent task is to confirm who hired these assassins.

Obviously, this is a group of dead soldiers, at least on this point, it is enough to prove how much energy is behind this group of people.In Daxia, dead soldiers have been used since ancient times.However, the cost of cultivating a group of dead soldiers is extremely high.

Although Daxia people are not those Westerners, they don't have so many so-called "free" thoughts in their personalities, and they don't feel that they can do whatever they want after praying to God for forgiveness, but Daxia people are not fools, and they don't have enough benefits or personality charm , who will work for you.Especially in this era, His Majesty's power has been greatly strengthened, and it is even more difficult to raise dead soldiers at this time - many times, His Majesty will let you die, and it is useless for you to raise thousands of dead soldiers.

Only people like him with 30 military power in his hands have the confidence.

The most common training method for dead soldiers is to find newborn children.This method is relatively the easiest, that is, to find children whose parents have died or who have not seen their parents at all, take them under their command, and educate and train them while they are still naive. In the end, he was trained into a state of completely distorted vision and personality.

That is to say, he has established a deep-rooted thought since he was a child, and he must be firmly controlled. He is strictly forbidden to go out privately on weekdays, and avoid contact with things that may affect his thinking.

After more than ten or twenty years like this, a dead man who is completely loyal and does what he says will become.

The cost of this kind of training is extremely high, but its advantage is that it is very safe. The dead men who have been cultivated since childhood are rarely rebellious, but those "dead men" who have grown up or are sensible and have been bought off are not.No matter how much money you spend to win them over, you will still spend money to win them over. If others give you more money, they will betray you.

But this time, according to what Lingyan said, there were quite a few of these dead men.

Basically, it can be concluded that the other party is unlikely to be someone like a sheriff - on the one hand, most of the sheriffs do not have the financial resources to support the dead, and on the other hand, many of the sheriff positions are selected through selection. However, most of the county guards in the central government have worked for a little over ten years, and it is difficult to train a large number of dead men.

It is even more impossible for the officials in the central government. Almost all of these officials are under the control of His Majesty the Emperor. For some officials, His Majesty the Emperor tacitly allows them to have a little bit of their own private soldiers-the kind that are not large and not fully armed.But private soldiers and dead soldiers are completely different things. Among the officials in the central government, almost every official is under the supervision of the emperor at all times, raising dead soldiers under the eyes of His Majesty?What lunatic dares to do this?Once discovered, they will lose their heads.

Therefore, Qin Ji could only think that these dead men might have been raised by those princes and nobles.

Most of them are from aristocratic families, and some are even of royal blood. Their families have a long history and are deeply rooted. They can fully support dead soldiers and have enough time to cultivate them.

And Qin Ji sorted it out roughly. At present, the most likely ones to attack him are indeed only those princes and nobles.Although Qin Ji is a "treacherous minister" and "powerful minister", both the former Duke Anguo and the current Duke Anguo are implementing a series of policies that are beneficial to the Xia Kingdom. These policies have really moved the old nobles cake.

In addition, many of them still have opinions on His Majesty the current emperor, and they dare not oppose Xia Yuxiao openly, so there is only one way - to kill An Guogong first.

After all, in their eyes, with the death of Duke An, Xia Yuxiao would not be able to suppress everyone in the court.

Who it is, maybe he still needs to discuss it with His Majesty.

Yes, Qin Ji didn't intend to just keep this matter in his heart silently.

He is going to tell His Majesty directly about this matter tomorrow, after all, this is a rare opportunity to show his loyalty - you see, I have been threatened with my life in order to assist you, Your Majesty, you should trust me this time, right?

At this moment, Lingyan changed her clothes and came in.

This time she was wearing very ordinary home clothes, which were loose and clean, and the slight whiteness at the neckline made her mouth dry, but Lingyan didn't care about it, she just sat there in front of Qin Ji.

"What are you going to do next?"

"I think, sometimes, you should be allowed to do some dirty work."

Qin Ji said helplessly.

If possible, he really hoped that Lingyan could be his bodyguard, and he didn't want her to do those bloody things all day long.But the problem is that there is basically only one person left in him who can be trusted and capable: Lingyan.

"Kill who?" Lingyan asked with a serious expression.

"It hasn't been decided yet, but the answer will come soon." Qin Ji poured Lingyan a cup of steaming tea, "Here, try it, this is the tea I brought back from His Majesty, Royal Tribute. "


Lingyan thought for a moment.Although it is true that Qin Ji and her are very close, and Qin Ji is not afraid to share many valuable things with her, but...

Is it a bit bad to just give the tea given by His Majesty to others?

After all, in her impression, it seemed that many of the things His Majesty personally bestowed were to be kept at home.

"Try it, no one else has seen it anyway," Qin Ji said, "I'll ask His Majesty for more information at that time."

Ah don't.

Lingyan's nose could easily smell the aroma of the tea, and then she looked down at the tea leaves in the teapot, and she didn't dare to drink any more.

In order to prevent Qin Ji from being poisoned, Lingyan once tasted various teas from the south and the north in the summer (so that she can immediately distinguish if there is a strange taste in the tea), among them, Liangchun camellia is the best tea one.And the production of this kind of tea itself is small, those really high-quality ones, which she had never tasted before, were all sent directly to the palace.

According to the tea farmers, it is estimated that only a dozen boxes are delivered to the palace a year.

Considering that Qin Ji said that this is royal tribute... she should stop drinking it. This young master obviously doesn't know how precious this thing is, and when he finishes drinking it, he will run over to tell him so stupidly. Your Majesty wants to...

That would be a big sin.

Chapter 14

"Master, if you need, you can send me at any time."

Lingyan said.

Although it seemed that Qin Ji didn't plan to take action immediately this time, Lingyan still knew that his young master was probably about to do something.

Of course, she had to explain her position first, otherwise, sometimes her young master would often fall into hesitation in using her.Hesitation is not a good thing.

"It's not necessary, Lingyan, the more you should be by my side at this time," Qin Ji smiled, and then took a sip of tea, "You know, only when you are by my side can I Rest assured, and only when you are by my side can His Majesty the Emperor feel at ease."

He said that for a reason.

Inside the Duke Anguo's mansion, there is an eyeliner placed by His Majesty.The predecessor Qin Ji knew about this matter two years ago. Although His Majesty the Emperor said that this matter was impeccable, the eyeliner lived in Qin Ji's An Guogong Mansion after all. , and then look for clues on the servants of Duke Anguo's mansion. In fact, it is not difficult to find out who the eyeliner planted by the court is.

It's just that Qin Ji didn't want to find out that eyeliner right away. After all, the other party didn't intend to seek money and kill him. He was just watching him. Keeping such an eyeliner by his side would make His Majesty trust him even more. , to facilitate my next actions - on this point, both the former Qin Ji and the current Qin Ji think so.

At this time, he sent Lingyan out frequently, and if that eyeliner found out, His Majesty the Emperor would inevitably arouse unnecessary suspicion, and after that, the deaths of those ministers in the court were all his fault.

At this time, it is still time to use some unconventional forces.

"I understand."

Lingyan nodded.

In this matter, Lingyan will always obey his orders.

"Ah, but there are still things you need to do," Qin Ji thought for a while, and then smiled, "It's quite important."

"whats the matter?"

"Come with me tomorrow to meet His Majesty."

Qin Ji said so.

Lingyan was obviously stunned for a moment, her breathtaking eyes stared at him for a long time, until Qin Ji looked away, and then asked seriously: "Master, is it true that you took me to see His Majesty? It's no small matter."

The remnants of the evil cultivator sect and the biggest treacherous official of the dynasty ran to see the emperor, no matter how you think about it, it feels a little forced.

"It doesn't matter, I will inform His Majesty about the news in advance." Qin Ji waved his hand, anyway, there are many people in the palace, "Dress better tomorrow, and don't carry your sword over there, I can bring it into the palace, You can't."

"I understand, but if something unexpected happens..."

"I still carry a sword, don't I?"

Qin Ji said.

"Ah, I didn't think carefully."

And to be honest, Lingyan remembered a very important thing when she said this - in fact, the young master himself is quite capable of fighting.

The name "An Guogong" has its literal meaning. As a Taiwei, Qin Ji is naturally not a person who rests on his credit book and eats his father's money. He has indeed led troops in several conquests. Zhong Li has made great contributions, so he is qualified to stand in the position of Taiwei.And these military achievements were made by him with his troops.

In terms of authority, the current An Guogong is monopolizing power in everything in the court, but if we really want to talk about it, he is actually an officer.

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