The young master and her, even if they only carry a sword, can't be said to be able to compete with the guards of the entire palace, at least it is barely guaranteed to retreat completely.

"In that case, please, young master, choose some clothes for me."

she said so.

"Well, I remember you have a blue dress, just wear that one, at least it doesn't look so aggressive."


The next day, when Qin Ji entered the palace again, the palace was busy.

After Qin Ji asked, he found out that just last night, a group of assassins also broke into the palace, and according to the person in charge of cleaning, two of them died and three or four escaped.

His Majesty was very angry when he heard that, and now he has started to put the whole city under martial law, digging three feet to dig out these assassins.

Qin Ji was stunned when he heard this.

Although he had expected that these guys would strike regardless of 21, Qin Ji never expected that they would dare to strike at His Majesty.

How insane is this! ?

Qin Ji, who heard the news, hurriedly dragged Lingyan and walked all the way to His Majesty's study.

In His Majesty's study, Your Majesty——Xia Yuxiao's face was full of haggardness, but she had a hint of anger that couldn't be concealed. Obviously, for her, she never expected that someone would dare to assassinate at this time .

When she saw Qin Ji, Xia Yuxiao gave him a hard look - this behavior may have no practical meaning, but she is just in a bad mood today.

"I have seen Your Majesty."

Seeing that His Majesty was a little angry, Qin Ji stopped talking nonsense, and simply skipped unnecessary understanding.

Xia Yuxiao waved her hand: "Tell me, what do you want?"


Qin Ji froze for a moment.What do you want?

"Send an assassin to warn me, right?" Xia Yuxiao smiled instead of anger, and she threw out an iron pick. This iron pick is extremely sharp, and the slight curved arc on it shows that it was nailed into some On the hard object, "The gift you left for me is really wonderful. Look, although it didn't enter my bedroom, it was actually nailed to the pillar of the hall."

Qin Ji felt something was wrong.

He hurriedly picked up the thing in front of him and looked at it. There were complicated patterns carved on it. It was just an ordinary decoration, but from the patterns, Qin Ji sensed something was wrong.This is the pattern on the iron coupon that His Majesty once gave him to avoid death...

"Your Majesty, this does not mean..."

"It doesn't mean you ordered it, right?" Hearing this, the empress smiled even more sternly, "Okay, then please explain, those assassins who escaped that my guards masters saw with their own eyes yesterday, Why did it appear in your An Guogong's mansion and become a corpse?"

"Qin Ji, I have to admire you, you are so cruel that you even silenced the dead who worked for you, right?"

Qin Ji took a deep breath.

Damn, my good guy, these dead men are actually working on consecutive shifts?First broke into the palace to attack, then left a few survivors and ran to his side, and was finally wiped out by Lingyan, and then...

In the eyes of His Majesty, this is a typical example of Qin Ji sending dead men to assassinate him but failing to do so, in order to avoid leaking the truth, kill him directly...

Okay, well played chess!

Chapter 15 Trust Broken Again

Qin Ji understood that all his explanations were futile in the eyes of the other party.

There is no doubt that this is not just an attempted assassination, but at the same time... it is also a planting. No, to be precise, the main purpose of the other party may be to plant the frame, and the assassination may be the other party I did it by the way.

Qin Ji regretted it a bit. He should have thought of it a long time ago. Since His Majesty has placed an eyeliner in his Anguo Mansion, other people must know about it—maybe they won't know who His Majesty arranged, but at least, Your Majesty Will definitely arrange eyeliner.

The other party obviously expected this, so he simply used his eyeliner in An Guogong's mansion to personally send this seemingly ordinary information to Qin Ji. In an instant, Qin Ji would change from a victim to a genuine traitorous official who intends to assassinate His Majesty. Thieves...good tricks.

"Your Majesty, Rong Chen informs me that I don't know about this matter. I came here recently to explain to Your Majesty what happened yesterday. I hope to get some clues from Your Majesty..."

Qin Ji knew that it might be useless to explain at this time, because in His Majesty's eyes, he was no longer "one of his own" in His Majesty's eyes, or in other words, he was not from the beginning.And now, even if he is really innocent, His Majesty will be the first to suspect him. This is the negative impact of the role of An Guogong.

"I know, Qin Ji, I know exactly what you want," Xia Yuxiao sneered and looked at the powerful official in front of her, her fingers tightly pinched the pen in her hand, so hard that her palm seemed to be To be scratched by nails, "But, I have never had much trouble with you. Indeed, I have not believed in you, but I have never thought of killing you. And you... are in your hands." Power finally makes you unable to hold back this desire, or is it because I haven't stabilized the domestic situation yet, making you feel that you have the ability to replace me?"

Hearing such words, Qin Ji quickly lowered his head:

"I have never thought of such a rebellious thing."

"I haven't thought about it, or dare not think about it? Or...can't think about it for the time being?"

Xia Yuxiao walked up to him and asked in a low voice.

Qin Ji didn't speak.

"I remember I once told you that you are my younger brother. I can give you whatever you want. As long as you don't bend your elbows, I will try my best to meet your requirements," she said. His tone became colder, and those straight, white legs stood in Qin Ji's field of vision, as if every time he raised them, it would affect the fate of countless people, "But what about you? If you want military power, I will give it to you; if you want money and food, I will give it to you." I will give it to you; if you raise a private army, I will allow you to raise it. Tell me, what do you want?"

When she said this, she suddenly showed a smile, then threw off her sleeves and opened her arms:

"Why don't you just let me give you all this outfit and the crown on your head? Oh, by the way, if you are still not satisfied, take off this clothes, I still have a body with nothing left, you How about taking it all?"

"Your Majesty, I have never had such an idea."

Qin Ji took a deep breath, he didn't dare to raise his head - in fact, he didn't dare to raise his head because of guilt at all, but because at this moment, he was deeply afraid that these actions would further stimulate the other party.

"I can't guess whether you have such an idea," Xia Yuxiao snorted coldly, and then her tone seemed to soften a little, making her feel like a spring breeze, "How is it? An Guogong? What I just said was not a lie, Having you as a loyal minister in my court really makes me feel like I am sitting on pins and needles. I am tired of sitting in this position of emperor. You must be more suitable for this position than me. What is this called? Oh yes, abdication, right?"

"Your Majesty is joking."

"Look, you seem to have never been afraid of me. Up to now, you haven't even a drop of sweat..."

Xia Yuxiao's voice became a little tired. When she finished speaking, she suddenly noticed a problem.

In this room, there is a person who has not bowed his head.

She subconsciously looked at that person, the woman standing beside Qin Ji, or the girl.

Then, she felt as if her heart was tightly held by someone.

Lingyan was beside Qin Ji at the moment, she didn't lower her head, but stared at Xia Yuxiao with a vigilant gaze - that wasn't even vigilance anymore, but genuine killing intent.This feeling is like being stared at by a dormant poisonous snake, but Xia Yuxiao didn't even notice the other party before this.

Lingyan's expression seemed to be saying a sentence, a sentence that she would really put into practice:

"Before you touch him, I will kill the king."

The eyes of the two women collided, and the cold emperor and the murderous "witch" briefly confronted each other.

Qin Ji sensed something was wrong in the atmosphere. In his field of vision, he found that His Majesty's legs seemed to be a little bit in the direction of Lingyan.

He immediately understood what was happening.

"Lingyan, don't be rude."

"Yes, young master," Lingyan withdrew her gaze, restored her clawed right hand to a natural drooping state, and then saluted in the same posture as Qin Ji, "I beg your majesty to forgive me, I... just do my duty That's all."

Hearing this, Qin Ji's heart was full of bitterness.

I'm a bitch, can't you just be honest and silent, you look like you want to kill the king, and now you are still saying that you are doing your duty, whose responsibility are you doing?Declare in front of His Majesty that you are only responsible to An Guogong, right?

Let you read some books carefully, if you don't read, this damn girl, if the car overturns in the future, she will definitely die at her hands...

"It's okay, your young master is a good master for you."

Xia Yuxiao let out a long sigh, then sat back on her seat, and then glanced at Qin Ji plainly:

"There is no need to perform this 'big gift', Qin Taiwei, does your neck hurt from standing like this all the time?"

"I don't feel hurt, I just hope that His Majesty can see clearly and deal with this matter with peace of mind."

"I'm very calm, Captain Qin." Xia Yuxiao smiled angrily, "Look, I'm even ready to give you everything I have."

"I dare not accept it."

"Stop pretending to be loyal in front of me. Sometimes I get annoyed. Tell me, how do you want to defend yourself?"

"Lingyan, explain to your Majesty what happened to you yesterday." Qin Ji could only sigh and asked Lingyan to explain what happened last night.

Lingyan nodded, and then recounted everything she saw last night, including those dead men who committed suicide by taking poison.

Xia Yuxiao listened to Lingyan's narration calmly, without any interruption in the middle, but when she got to the end of the narration, her expression changed a bit.

Chapter No.16 Imperial Order

At the beginning, Xia Yuxiao didn't believe Qin Ji's justifications, but after the report from the eyeliner who had been planted in Anguo Gong's mansion, she was almost sure that her subject was full of rebellion.

However, when hearing what Lingyan said, Xia Yuxiao fell into a brief silence.

If what Lingyan said is true, then I am afraid that there will be a group of forces in the court that worry her even more.

For the current Xia Yuxiao, the faction headed by Qin Ji is certainly a serious problem, but Qin Ji is still listening to him at least for now, and the current Xia Yuxiao really cannot do without him.But not necessarily the other faction.

On the surface, this faction is currently opposing Qin Ji's monopoly in the court. It seems to be loyal to her emperor, but in fact it wants to clear out Qin Ji who can suppress them. Once Qin Ji is cleared out, The vacuum of power will be occupied by this group of people.And this group of people, what they are essentially opposing is her, the queen.

It was her royal brothers and brothers that they supported, not her. Once Qin Ji, the big rock that weighed down the officials, was removed, they might reveal their true intentions.

Originally, with Qin Ji present and her own guidance, Xia Yuxiao's original idea was to guide Qin Ji and these ministers to fight and balance each other, so that she could sit more securely in this position.But......

If what Lingyan said is true, it means that those ministers have now begun to directly expose their thoughts. Are they confident?Or do you already think you have something in your hand?

Regardless of whether the guy in front of him and his guards' defenses are true or not, Xia Yuxiao will not ignore the existence of this problem.

"Qin Taiwei," Xia Yuxiao looked into the other person's eyes, then lowered her voice, "How do you think I can trust you?"

"Whether your majesty believes it or not, this is a fact. If your majesty doesn't believe it, I have nothing to do." Qin Ji said.

"How about it," Xia Yuxiao smiled and stroked the carving on the armrest of her seat, "I will personally issue an edict to you, you have to find out the truth of the matter and dig out the black hand behind the scenes, no matter what method you use method. As long as you can prove with enough evidence that you are also a victim and prove the guilt of other people, then I will naturally trust you again."

Qin Ji's body seemed to be still for a few seconds.

"How about it?"

"Sir, I would like to receive this imperial edict."

His Majesty has already said so much, Qin Ji has no way to refuse.

His Majesty's method seemed to give him a chance to prove himself, as if he was very lenient and rational.


To put it bluntly, I still hope that he can compete with those court factions that oppose her.

This kind of crime is so serious, no matter how brave those behind-the-scenes black hands are, it is impossible for Qin Ji to investigate, but what about Qin Ji?He can only accept His Majesty's seemingly rational and objective choice. From the perspective of outsiders, it seems that His Majesty has given him much preferential treatment.He bit the bullet and went to investigate, and those behind-the-scenes people naturally had to compete with him...

No matter whether Qin Ji is innocent or not in the final result, it is inevitable that he and those ministers will suffer from both sides. In this way, His Majesty will be happier.

Now, he can only accept such an arrangement, and this is indeed a way to stop losses in time for him-these ministers seem to be planning to tear their face apart, although it is only a symbolic threat to His Majesty the Emperor , but for Qin Ji, these guys are really ready to kill him.With the help of the imperial edict issued by His Majesty himself this time, he can justifiably play with those guys and clear up his threat in advance.

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