It can be regarded as luck among misfortunes. The reason why he lost his composure this time was beyond his imagination. In fact, the main reason is that he never expected that the opponent would make such an operation. It's not a good time to do it either.

"Since Qing has the idea of ​​rectifying his name, he might as well do it as soon as possible, otherwise, once the ministers in the court accuse Qing of a few more crimes, Qing may not be safe."

The girl didn't forget to urge him.

"The minister will deal with this matter as soon as possible."

This time Qin Ji didn't ask His Majesty for any more tea, he was careful this time, and he didn't dare to ask His Majesty for anything at this time.

Watching Qin Ji go out, Xia Yuxiao was paralyzed on her seat, she closed her eyes, and in her mind was the guard named Lingyan.

She knew the specific information about Lingyan very well. She had seen Lingyan after the former emperor wiped out those cultivating sects. It is said that the father had also thought about finding some of the children of those sects. He came to defend the royal family with extraordinary talents, but considering his background, this matter was not completed in the end.

In the end, Lingyan was delivered to Qin Ji's hands.

What kind of method can allow a teenager to train another child into such a loyal bodyguard in a few years?At that moment just now, Xia Yuxiao had no doubts that if she really let the knife and ax lying in ambush nearby do it, Lingyan would definitely charge up to kill herself with all her might—that killing intent was undisguised.

What magical powers does Qin Ji have?

Xia Yuxiao didn't know, but this time she realized something: at least Qin Ji did have a certain ability, an ability that could make his subordinates work hard for him.

As the emperor, looking at the entire empire, she probably couldn't find a few people who are better at employing people than her, but she couldn't catch this guy. Part of the power, and now she can't deprive her of it.This may be partly because An Guogong himself is good at employing people.

What Xia Yuxiao said just now was not entirely out of anger. She really believed that the current Duke An has the ability to sit on the throne. Although she didn't really want to give up this position, she knew that the young Duke An had such abilities. ability, if he really gave up the throne to her, then his performance might not be bad.

Speaking of which...

Xia Yuxiao called the maid beside her:

"Tell the eyeliner of Duke Anguo's mansion to let him resign. It is impossible to continue lurking in Duke An's mansion. Let him not worry, Duke An will not convict him."


The maid—or, the most trusted female officer by Xia Yuxiao's side—immediately started preparing to deliver the news.


When Qin Ji returned to An Guogong's mansion, Lingyan still couldn't recover from the previous alert state.

Seeing Lingyan who is so loyal to him, Qin Ji originally planned to reprimand her for being too rude, but now he can't say it.

She just cared about his safety, and from her point of view, there was nothing wrong with it.

No.17 Chapter Fishing Law Enforcement (1)

"Master, you don't really want to investigate the real murderer, do you?"

Lingyan asked.

She is really not good at thinking about those struggles, but this does not mean that she is stupid. This so-called investigation by His Majesty the Emperor is basically a trick. Qin Ji didn't do anything, because if there was a suspicion, he had to investigate it. murderer?It can only be said that it is really depressing.

Your Majesty doesn't have to do anything in the end, if you can't find out, just throw the blame to your young master, and if you find out, throw the blame to the real murderers and it's over?Does this make sense?

"Since His Majesty asked me to investigate, I can only go. It's not a question of whether I want to - I have to go."

"Okay, so what do you need me to do?"

Lingyan asked.

However, Qin Ji shook his head: "There is nothing you need to do, you just need to stay in the mansion well. Protecting me is your only goal."

"Not taking the initiative to attack?"

"Take the initiative? That will only tell the other party that we are not patient enough."

Qin Ji lay down comfortably on his bed, and then continued: "The other party's attack was just to frame me. By the way, if possible, it would be best to kill me directly. Their real purpose is to let His Majesty kill me." Kill me, this way, they won't get their hands dirty. Since there is no movement on His Majesty's side now, and I'm in charge of investigating this matter, they will definitely not be able to sit still, after all... in their In my eyes, it may be that His Majesty gave me a chance to take revenge."

When Qin Ji said this, he picked up the tea that Lingyan had brewed, and then took a sip: "Big Xia needs stability now, since they took the initiative to provoke troubles, and I have an edict in my hand, it's better to take it seriously." Let them hang out for a while, they will naturally be anxious."

Lingyan lay on the side of the bed, with her arms under her chin, and looked at her young master: "Are you sure they won't be able to bear it?"

"They won't hold back, because in their view, His Majesty has listened to my 'slander'. This time they thought they could bring me down, but I am completely fine to the outside world. Even a fool should realize that something is wrong. So, to do things to the end, naturally killing me completely is the best choice. The big deal is to introduce a moderate official to take the blame. Routine operation."

Having said that, Qin Ji sat down and pointed at Lingyan.

"I'll pretend I didn't see what happened today, but next time, you can't be so rude in front of His Majesty. In any case, she is His Majesty after all, and you have murderous intentions for her, which is not good for us. ,Understand?"

"Well... I see."

Lingyan bit her lip lightly, then lowered her head.She also knew that she had gone too much today. Since the young master did not panic in front of His Majesty, it meant that the situation was probably still under his control, but she completely exposed her edge.

"I know you are doing it for my own good, but sometimes, you are actually helping me by restraining yourself. Of course, you don't need to feel guilty. Today's things are indeed beyond my expectations. Rather, if you are not here If it is by my side, I will lose a lot of means to confront His Majesty."

"You don't need to comfort me, young master."

"It didn't comfort you, it's a fact."

Qin Ji's smile looked very warm, which made Lingyan feel a little comforted, but she still realized the fact that she was indeed putting the young master in danger.

This is not a joke, what if His Majesty was really scared or felt that his life was threatened because of his killing intent, and completely torn face with the young master?As a bodyguard, she was doing a disservice to her.

"Are you still struggling with this matter? It's all over, just remember the lesson next time, or do you feel uncomfortable if you don't get punished by me?"

Qin Ji said jokingly.

However, just as he finished speaking, Lingyan lowered her head and nodded slightly.


Seeing her like this, Qin Ji's mind suddenly fell into a brief frenzy.

This girl is definitely out of her mind!

"Let Siyue punish you."

Qin Ji decisively chose to leave this troublesome problem to his younger sister. This is normal. The younger sister is used to blame the blame. This is the normal operation between brothers and sisters.

Apparently, Lingyan didn't expect Qin Ji to make such a choice, she was stunned for a moment, then saluted, and walked towards Qin Siyue's room.

Qin Ji looked away, and then carefully thought about the possibility of finding out who was behind the scenes.

After thinking for a long time, he finally made a decision.

He picked up a pen and wrote a letter, then smacked his face twice with the pen, and suddenly remembered something:

"Uncle Cui!"

As soon as the words fell, hurried footsteps came from the small room next to him, and a middle-aged man stood in front of Qin Ji: "Master, what did you call me?"

"Send this letter to General Bai's mansion, and say that I asked him to transfer five hundred troops."


Uncle Cui nodded, then turned around and walked out.

"Slow down," Qin Ji stopped his movements, and then patted Uncle Cui on the shoulder, "Uncle Cui, remember, this letter is very important, don't lose it—let alone let it fall to others My life is in this letter.”

Uncle Cui was shocked by his solemn words, and then immediately became serious: "Please rest assured, young master, I promise nothing will go wrong."

Qin Ji watched Uncle Cui leave, then picked up a wooden box on his desk.

He opened the wooden box, which was full of gold and silver.

He was already ready to resign to Uncle Cui. If Uncle Cui asked to resign just now, the money in the wooden box, enough for a family to live on for decades, would be sent to Uncle Cui.

But the old servant has not taken the initiative to resign.

What does he want to do?Do you want to do one last thing for yourself before you leave, or are you unwilling to give up and leave An Guo Gongfu?

It's really hard to handle...


General's House.

General Bai took the letter, then fell silent for a moment, then looked up at the old servant in front of him.

"I have received the letter, you can go."

"General, the young master has said that this matter is of great importance. Although the villain does not know what is written in the letter, I still hope that the general will act as soon as possible."

"..." General Bai leaned back on the chair behind him, and then sighed, "You seem to be very loyal to your master."

"The young master is young and promising, and the villain admires the young master. However, the villain's health is not getting better every year, and he probably has to prepare to retire and return home as soon as possible. Before leaving, I want to do a few more things for my young master in a beautiful way." .”

"Okay, I'll do it."

General Bai nodded in agreement.

Chapter 18 Phishing Enforcement (2)

Alcoholic Palace.

In the courtyard of the Wangfu, by the pond, King Chunshan was fishing.

As a former prince, King Jinshan's current life can be described as "nourishing". After all, King Jinshan has withdrawn from the power struggle, and His Majesty will naturally have to make corresponding compensation in this regard.And the compensation given by His Majesty is quite generous. Not only does King Chunshan have a luxurious palace second only to His Majesty, but His Majesty also sent a group of carefully selected women to the palace for King Chunshan to enjoy. The treatment can be said to be the top level of the losers in power struggles. Those who don't know think he is the winner.

However, the former crown prince and now King Chunshan are not satisfied now.

People's desire for power is hard to get rid of. It's okay if this person has never been able to get in touch with real power, but once he gets in touch with real power, his desire for power will be far beyond ordinary people, and King Jinshan is like this people.

He used to be the crown prince, and almost everyone thought that as the crown prince, he could become the emperor and control the supreme power of the empire, but things went against his wishes, and his father actually handed over this power to his sister.

Now, King Jinshan still has not completely given up the idea of ​​fighting for power. In his eyes, he is the one who should be on the throne. Other than that, no one else is truly orthodox. Everything is in his own hands again, and he wants to take back what should have been given to him.

And now, Prince Chun is doing just that.

"General Du, do you know what you are talking about?"

King Jinshan asked with a smile on his face.

The fishing rod in his hand was trembling at this moment, and the reason for the trembling was naturally not because there was a fish taking the bait, but because just now, the tall general beside him told him a plan that shocked him.

"How dare the general," General Du said with a smile, "The reason why I came to visit the king today is precisely because the plan for this matter has basically been completed. The ideal man of insight. The general thinks that the king is such a person."

When General Du said this, he even flattered King Jinshan, although he also knew that it was impossible for a high-ranking person like King Jinshan to easily believe his flattery, but at least it was better than nothing. good.

"General Du is overrated." King Jinshan quickly recovered his original calm appearance, "General Du, I just want to ask you a question, do you know what you mean by what you said?"

"Represents orthodoxy, Your Majesty," General Du straightened his body and put on a dignified look, "Your Majesty, the last general always believes that affairs in the world should be done according to the rules. It is justifiable for the crown prince to succeed to the throne. If you follow the rules of your ancestors, you should be the emperor."

"However, my younger sister is indeed more capable than me. What is this called? Abandon the throne and let the virtuous." Hearing what the other party said, King Jinshan did not lose his mind easily, but said lightly, "Gu is not capable enough, That being the case, Daxia should naturally let my younger sister take on this important task. This is also for Daxia to continue."

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