"Don't bother Your Majesty, I can do it myself."

"Okay then, pay attention to the road."

Xia Yuxiao didn't insist, mainly because her arms were sore and heavy now, and she really didn't have the energy to continue struggling.

Chapter 73 Sentencing

The next day, in the morning.

In the bedroom, Qin Ji held his "Zhengxi Policy" in his hand, and looked at Xia Yuxiao who was lying on the bed with a face of resentment.

"You don't have to show me, read to me."

Xia Yuxiao said.

"Um, Your Majesty, I think you should take a look for yourself..."



It's not that Xia Yuxiao doesn't want to read his strategy for conquering the West. It's Qin Ji's detailed strategy for dealing with the issue of Samanjiang, which involves intelligence investigation, war preparation policy, strategic and tactical deduction, etc.

Although Xia Yuxiao doesn't know much about tactics, she is quite good at the overall grand strategy and policy. If possible, she would certainly like to read it by herself.

The problem is that her hand can't move now.

This is the end of a stubborn mouth. Yesterday I insisted on holding the incense burner myself. I stiffened for 10 minutes, and then my arms began to feel sore and heavy.

She thought that it was just that her arms were overworked, and she would be fine after a night of sleep and rest.

As a result, after waking up in the morning, she couldn't move her arm at all, and it was sore and painful. As long as she moved a little, the sourness that penetrated into the bone marrow would make her close to collapse.

Therefore, today's Majesty's hands are almost crippled.

Before Qin Ji was ready to read, she asked Song Jingqing to massage herself according to the imperial doctor's instructions.

The reason why Song Jingqing was asked to come was because she knew that Chief Envoy Song had practiced martial arts since elementary school and should have experience in this area. Combined with the massage therapy proposed by the imperial doctor, the effect should be better.

"...It is reported that Samanjan is a country with 12 soldiers, and its landform is mountainous. The military system in Samanjan is manduo—that is, the system in which local elders are responsible. Between places, the army Each is independent, and the administration and law are relatively separated..."

Qin Ji continued to read, and Song Jingqing finally found the "texture direction" that the imperial doctor said, so she put her two fingers together, followed the muscle direction of Xia Yuxiao's arm, and then "swipe" downwards with a little force.



Qin Ji, who was still reading his existing information, trembled all over, and couldn't help but look at Xia Yuxiao.

"Your Majesty, what is this?" Song Jingqing hurriedly stopped.

"Take it easy...it hurts like hell."

Hearing Xia Yuxiao's feedback, Song Jingqing expressed that she could not accept it: "Your Majesty, it's impossible, my strength just now was already very light."

"Yes...is it? Then try to be as light as possible. Qin Ji, continue reading yours."

"Oh, good," Qin Ji breathed a sigh of relief, and then continued to read, "Therefore, in the battle in the Samanjan region, preparations should be made for interspersed encirclement and annihilation one by one. Due to its numerous mountains, cavalry, chariots and large equipment are not conducive to To play, it is recommended to focus on light and heavy infantry. First occupy the mountains around the main cities in the country, and then besiege the cities. Then..."


Qin Ji raised his head again.

"Your Majesty, I'm very light, really." Song Jingqing was very innocent.

"But it really hurts?!"

Xia Yuxiao also said it was difficult to accept.

"I said, Chief Envoy Song, it can't be that you have practiced martial arts since you were young, so you can't control your hand strength?" Qin Ji couldn't help but teased.

Hearing his words, Song Jingqing immediately became unhappy: "What do you mean, Mr. Taiwei? Are you saying that I am a powerful tigress?"

"I didn't say it, you said it yourself."

"Master Taiwei, stop talking sarcasticly. If you have doubts about my strength, then come up and try?"

Song Jingqing said very unhappy.

"Just try it."

Qin Ji expressed contempt for this. President Song learned martial arts since he was a child. It's strange that Xia Yuxiao, who is thin and tender, can resist that strength.

"Hey, no, Qin Ji, are you sure you can do it?"

Seeing Qin Ji's confidence, Xia Yuxiao suddenly felt that Qin Ji was like a savior at this moment—after all, Song Jingqing's hand strength was too strong, and she couldn't bear it at all.

"I have encountered this kind of situation before, so I understand a little bit. Your Majesty, please relax your arms. Forgive me for being disrespectful."

"Ah, it's alright."

The disrespect Qin Ji said was actually because he was going to massage her arm next. If it was normal, touching the emperor's body casually would be a crime of disrespect, but at this time Xia Yuxiao didn't care, it was better than being tortured by Song Jingqing .

Qin Ji made his movements as gentle as possible, and imitated Song Jingqing:

"Look at it, this is the real massage, show your ugliness!"


In a short time, from the bedroom, there was a very miserable girl's wailing.

It was the first time for Qin Ji to see his Majesty so disregarding his image. The moment he struck, His Majesty let out a very tragic cry, and kept trying to retract his whole arm. His body suddenly tensed up, as if he was being tortured. look like.

So much so that the people of Qin Ji were so stupid that they grabbed her arm subconsciously, causing her to struggle more and more unable to pull it out, and instead it hurt more because of the force of her arm.

Seeing this scene, Song Jingqing reacted quickly, and immediately went over to pull his hand away:

"You're about to kill His Majesty!"

This is not an exaggeration at all. With Xia Yuxiao's violent reaction just now, if the Taiwei really continued to press it, he would probably be charged with regicide the next day.

"I... can't do it? I don't use any strength at all?"

Qin Ji couldn't believe it.

"That's why I said, I'm already very light, it's because His Majesty is too sensitive."

Song Jingqing's stigma was cleared, and she said helplessly.

"Hiss... so serious?"

Qin Ji knew that Xia Yuxiao might not be able to move her arm the next day if she held it up for 10 minutes like Xia Yuxiao, but she didn't expect to be able to reach this level. Sure enough, non-force characters are weaker.

"But we still have to do it... How do you feel now, Your Majesty?"

Song Jingqing asked.

Xia Yuxiao recovered from the pain just now, and then moved her arm slightly: "It seems... the pain is not so sore."

"It shows that this massage method is still very effective." Qin Ji said, "Come on, let's continue."

"Continue what?" Xia Yuxiao had a premonition that something was wrong.

"Continue to massage, Your Majesty, if you don't get treatment, it might hurt for a few more days. Since you think Mr. Song is using his hands too hard, then my hand strength should be the most suitable."

Qin Ji felt inexplicably happy at this moment.

"No... no, I didn't mean that..."

Xia Yuxiao looked at Qin Ji, her voice trembling a little: "I'm dying, I'll just rest in peace."

"Then can His Majesty review official documents?"


"So it still needs to be treated. Come on, Chief Envoy Song, get your Majesty a towel and prepare to wipe off your sweat!"

"No, wait a minute... ouch—it hurts, it hurts so much! I'm going to kill you!"

"Presumptuous! I...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

"You're not human, oh, oh, oh-"

"Let go of me! I won't chop you up... yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!"

"Ha... ha... please don't..."

Today's treatment is very effective treatment.

Similarly, on this day, the sound of "healing" in the bedroom became a mystery in the minds of the dragon guards who guarded outside.

From the faint voice coming from inside, it can be seen that the high-ranking majesty was begged for mercy by the Taiwei in the palace. Originally, this plot should be very colorful, but how do you hear this cry? It feels like he is being tortured ?

Chapter 74 The Effects of Massage

"Okay, it's done. In this way, Your Majesty, you will recover soon."

Qin Ji said confidently.After his massage just now, Xia Yuxiao has already collapsed on the bed with a look of lovelessness.The severe soreness made her almost want to die, but Qin Ji was so strong that he tightly controlled her arm so that she couldn't move at all.

"I...I'm going to kill you..."

"If your majesty wants to kill the minister, the minister will not agree." The tragic situation of the majesty in front of him made Qin Ji feel happy instead.

When he was doing these things, Song Jingqing just watched from the sidelines, not intending to stop him at all, which also caused Xia Yuxiao to be forced to face the terrible pain, but obviously, Qin Ji didn't do it for "abuse" His Majesty insisted on carrying out this massage to the end, on the contrary, he was really healing.

It's just that the treatment method is slightly sore, which is normal. After the muscles are overworked, this kind of massage can greatly relieve the muscle soreness.

Xia Yuxiao moved her arm.

I have to admit that although the treatment process makes people sore and want to die, it turns out that the treatment effect is very effective.In the beginning, her arm was almost crippled, but now, her arm can move to a certain extent.

This is really a good thing, otherwise, it would be too miserable to be unable to hold a pen and paper these days.

"Look, Your Majesty, it really works, right?"

Seeing that Xia Yuxiao's arm could move, Qin Ji certainly wouldn't miss the opportunity, and immediately made an appearance of asking for credit.

Now he basically has nothing to invite, and the so-called invitation is actually just a joke.

"You're amazing." Xia Yuxiao was silent for two seconds, and found that Qin Ji's actions were logically all right, so she could only say this.

But she was sure that this guy's "massage" just now definitely had some personal grudges.

She turned sideways and took Qin Ji's Zheng Xice - after the "careful" massage, her arms were able to move a little bit, but only a little, in fact, her arms still can't be stretched now Straight, I can only move my body as much as possible to pick up the memorial.

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