She read the above information, then nodded: "Well, I think this countermeasure is no problem, I will do as you said, and, about the innovation of the army, have you read it?"

"Your Majesty, I have gone to see it."

"How do you feel?"

"My Great Xia has gradually begun to pay attention to the coordinated combat capabilities of the various armies. This is a good thing. And according to my observation, in this innovation, many young officers should be employed within the army, right?"

"Exactly, according to General Bai, veterans will retire from the army sooner or later. You can't rely on old people to support you in war," Xia Yuxiao said, "So, I have also selected a large number of military talents to take root Go into the various armies of Daxia, step by step to reform the style of Daxia's army."

Qin Ji nodded in agreement.

The officers of the older generation are really good at fighting, and most of them fought with the late emperor. In terms of battlefield experience, they are definitely better than today's young people.But Daxia can't always rely on these veterans.Also have to promote some new generals.

However, the military talents Xia Yuxiao chose by herself...

All I can say is, I hope you don't pull your hips too much.If General Bai was by his side to help the staff, the ones selected should not be bad. If Xia Yuxiao chose on his own initiative, he would probably be able to reach a passing level.

It's not that she looks down on Xia Yuxiao, the main reason is that most of the military tactics that Xia Yuxiao has read are actually dead, while commanding on the battlefield is alive, and her talent is not in commanding operations, so she Whether the selected person can fight or not depends on the situation.

"If Your Majesty needs young military talents, I have a lot of options for Your Majesty to choose from, and they are guaranteed to be able to handle all of them independently. If Your Majesty is interested, I can provide some for Your Majesty."

"For example, those officers who came back from the Weixi Empire?" Xia Yuxiao asked.

"Your Majesty, their promotion is inevitable. These officers are the young and promising elite selected by the Great Xia. For us, they are the future sword of our Great Xia. What I mean is to select some Officers who are still working hard at the grassroots and middle ranks. According to my observations, there are many officers who are actually very talented and only waiting to be reused by Your Majesty."

Qin Ji said.

The recommendation of these officers was, on the one hand, indeed for the sake of Daxia's future, and on the other hand, it was also for the stability of his own power.

Daxia's reform was relatively smooth. Headed by General Bai, two of Daxia's twelve regular armies had begun to eliminate the control of hereditary nobles as much as possible. Although the promotion system has greatly improved the morale and combat capabilities of the soldiers, it also leaves a hidden danger.

That is, after the long-term battle in the late emperor's period, many relatively large hereditary "military aristocrats" were formed. These guys once controlled part of the regular army in the Great Xia.

But fortunately, the first emperor also noticed the problem in his later years, so the first emperor drastically weakened these military nobles at the end, transferred or promoted the capable generals and elite troops under these military nobles for various reasons, so as to use a A milder way weakened the strength of some nobles.

Even so, there are still individual teams that obey the orders of these military nobles.

Qin Ji was not surprised, after all, these guys were military nobles just like himself, but Qin Ji's father did a better job.These military nobles are often very prestigious in the eyes of the soldiers.Many people even only recognize them in their hearts.

And after Xia Yuxiao came to the throne, because she had Qin Ji's double-edged sword in her hand, she cautiously used Qin Ji's help to kill these deep-rooted nobles who continued to attack them.

Obviously, this time, Xia Yuxiao's actions have achieved great results. The proportion of military nobles in the Great Xia army has dropped sharply. This is also the reason why Qin Ji can now place so many talents he recognizes in.

After the two dismantlings by the first emperor and Xia Yuxiao, a power vacuum appeared in the Great Xia army, and this vacuum was filled by Qin Ji.

"Okay, give me a list when you have time, and I will consider it as appropriate."


After Qin Ji finished speaking, he raised his head and asked, "Well, Your Majesty, minister...retire first?"

He had to resign, and there were still a lot of political affairs in his family. He came here today to report a strategy, and now he still needs to optimize the plan.

"Thank you for your hard work, you step back."

Chapter 75 Sacrifice

Returning to Tai'an City again, Wuheya's mood was a bit complicated.

The last time she was in Tai'an City, she came here as an envoy, negotiating with the leaders of Daxia for her own national interests.

However, after such a long time of negotiation, she was sent back here again.It's just that this time I didn't take the initiative to ask for Ying, but my brother sent me here.

"Going to Daxia for communication" is a name that is said to the outside world, but people with a discerning eye can tell at a glance that this is not communication at all, just to be a proton.

Great Xia may not need such a proton to ensure that the Saar dynasty abides by the contract, but it does need such a proton to demonstrate the initiative of Great Xia.

Therefore, Uheya, who was designated by her father as a political victim on her brother's way to become king, was naturally sent to Daxia as a proton.

She does the work, she suffers the scolding, and now, that's probably all she has left.

However, Wuheya's mood was not as bad as she had expected.On the contrary, when she saw the city wall of Tai'an City, she suddenly felt a sense of relaxation in her heart.

I don't know what the cause of this feeling is, maybe it's because she has her old friends in the capital of Great Xia, or maybe it's because she can finally get out of the uncomfortable "low-end bureau" of the Thrall Dynasty. .....

"Princess, who will we meet first after we enter Tai'an City?"

"Of course it's His Majesty the Emperor who saw Great Xia first." Wuheya smiled wryly, and then said.

In fact, it wasn't Xia Yuxiao that she wanted to meet, but Xia Yuxiao was the emperor of this country, and if she didn't meet her first, it would cause a lot of unnecessary trouble.

"Princess, according to the king's wishes, I hope you can stick to the iron bones of my Thrall children in front of Emperor Daxia..."

The attendant next to him said in a low voice.

"You are my attendant, come here, listen to me."

Faced with such a request from the other party, Wuheya replied blankly.

Does her father really want to punish herself to death?'Stick to the iron bones' in front of the Great Xia Emperor?Are you crazy?

At best, her own situation in Daxia will plummet; at worst, if Daxia really wants to fight the Saar Dynasty, this sin of belittling the emperor is enough to make them start a war.

Is this father in my family forgetting the interests of the country to deceive himself, or is he old and out of his mind?

In short, go to see His Majesty first, and then go to see Qin Ji after seeing His Majesty, the process still has to go.

However, just after she walked into Tai'an City, she was stunned.

In the city, a group of majestic cavalry came oncoming. These cavalry wore thick armor and held sharp swords, as if they were preparing to fight.However, unlike the cavalry on the battlefield, they did not have the murderous aura on the battlefield. This formation was more like a formation to greet them.

As expected, the cavalry quickly moved away to the sides, making way for a path, and a person appeared in front of her from the middle of the cavalry.

He is wearing exquisite and luxurious armor, wearing a red cloak, and a tall black horse with shiny fur under his crotch. When he is riding on this horse, he will probably make many soldiers from countries that once had enemies with Great Xia. A little psychological shadow.

This set of decorations is the common attire of the generals of Daxia, and this kind of "general" wearing a red cloak embroidered with golden patterns often means that he has made great military achievements.

The one who impressed the Saar Dynasty most with this attire in recent years was the old An Guogong of the Great Xia.At that time, the old An Guogong was wearing black armor and riding a black horse. He led thousands of elite cavalry to attack day and night, chasing the Saar iron cavalry that the Saar people were proud of at that time.

More than 100 years ago, an "Unknown General" of Daxia was also dressed in the same attire. He led tens of thousands of troops all the way to the court of King Saar, and beheaded King Saar for public display...

It can be said that this attire is basically equivalent to the nightmare of many surrounding countries.

But now, the other party is still wearing this outfit to greet me, I have to this a demonstration?

Gan, as for Qin Ji, my business-like mother understands, what do you mean by wearing this outfit?It's murderous, right?

"I've met the Taiwei. When I returned to your country today, I was surprised that the Taiwei came to greet me in person. I was really flattered."

Wuheya gave a simple salute.

Although in terms of status, she is a member of the royal family and is more noble than Qin Ji, but considering that the Saar Dynasty is a vassal of the Great Xia, she naturally has to be lowered by half a level, basically equal to Qin Ji.

"Where is there, the princess is coming to Daxia, so naturally I should do my due courtesy." Qin Ji said sitting on the horse.

Seeing Wuheya's unhappy look, Qin Ji also murmured in his heart: Why, this battle should be quite grand, why doesn't he look very happy?

To be honest, he really didn't think about this attire.This attire is the standard attire for generals of his level in Da Xia, nothing special.He's not from Thrall, so how can he know what he means in the eyes of Thrall...

He got off his horse and gave a salute: "Your Highness, please come with me. Your Majesty is waiting in the palace. There is a dinner for you all today. In addition, His Highness's residence has already been arranged. After seeing His Majesty later, someone will come for you arrange."

"Okay, let the captain worry about it."

After exchanging pleasantries, the group walked towards the palace.

Qin Ji led Wuheya all the way towards the palace, and the people on the side of the road couldn't help mumbling when they saw Wuheya.

Facing these foreigners who were treated as protons, the people of Daxia looked very happy.After all, the people in Tai'an City have all heard of what the Saar people have done over the years.

Although the people in Tai'an City were not harassed by the Saar Dynasty, they all remembered the sufferings suffered by the civilians on the border.

"Is Your Majesty okay today?" Wuheya asked.

Qin Ji immediately understood what she meant: "Your Majesty is fine today and is in a good mood. Your Highness does not need to worry. Your Majesty regards Your Highness as a guest, so naturally there is no reason to embarrass the guests."

On the one hand, his words are comforting, on the other hand, they are also telling the truth.

To tell the truth, although Xia Yuxiao is a bit good at calculating, she still has a relatively open mind. Wuheya is just a sacrificed political tool, which Xia Yuxiao knows very well.

Embarrassing Wuheya will not do any good.Xia Yuxiao just needed such a proton to stay in Tai'an City, as for how to treat the proton, it didn't really matter.

Daxia didn't say anything else, it's not a problem to raise one more proton.Besides...she still has a glimmer of hope for Wuheya.

Chapter 76 See you

The process of meeting Xia Yuxiao was far smoother than Wu Heya expected.

Xia Yuxiao's mood today is obviously not bad, it looks completely different from the aggressive look she had during the negotiations before.And Wuheya, who had no burden, did not refuse to be more polite to Xia Yuxiao.So when the two met, they chatted quite enthusiastically.

Since it was a chat between the emperor and the princess of a country, Qin Ji who was at the side naturally would not join in at will, but just waited quietly.

Of course, he and Wuheya may not know that Xia Yuxiao's friendship is largely due to the "same disease and sympathy" with Wuheya.

They are all women in the midst of power struggles, and they are all members of the royal family. At the same time, they are all facing troubles from their own countries and their relatives. It can be said that Xia Yuxiao has seen a little bit of her own feelings in Wu Heya.She even wondered in her heart, if she had failed in the power struggle, would she be what Uheya is now.

But now, she didn't need to think about it. According to the usual practice, she still greeted the Tuva king of the Saar Dynasty and his son Bango.When she found out that everything was fine with the two of them, Xia Yuxiao just smiled and didn't express any disappointment or other feelings.

"Oh, by the way, when you came to Daxia to negotiate, I asked Qin Taiwei about the two of you. I heard that you and the Taiwei are old acquaintances, right?"

"Exactly, Your Majesty. The Taiwei was once brought to the Saar country by the former An Guogong, and we met there. At that time, we had a very close relationship, so we can be regarded as good friends."

Facing Xia Yuxiao's question, Wu Heya said.

"That's great. I didn't know Taiwei had such a good friend in Saar country when he was young. You don't know, Qin Taiwei has never been very keen on making friends, and he doesn't like to go to parties—although every gathering The performance of the Taiwei is good, but I know very well that he is not a person who likes to socialize."

Xia Yuxiao said.She still has a little understanding of Qin Ji. On the surface, Qin Ji is quite familiar with most officials and even servants in the court, but in fact he doesn't like this kind of social interaction.The reason why he chose to go against his preferences was simply because he needed those officials.

Xia Yuxiao has observed Qin Ji for so long, but he only has a better relationship with a few officials, and occasionally takes the initiative to entertain them.Besides, it was the young officers who interested him.

In Xia Yuxiao's view, the friendship with those officers is more of a feeling of fellow-men with similar topics and ideals.

If you say "best friend", Xia Yuxiao has never met her before.However, if one puts aside one's identity, Lingyan is definitely considered, and Xia Yuxiao feels that the relationship between Lingyan and Qin Ji has long since surpassed that of a close friend.

Even... I feel that the relationship between these two people is completely impossible for ordinary people to reproduce.

"Your Majesty has said it before, but it's just that they played and quarreled together. Now Qin Taiwei is the Duke of An. It's embarrassing to mention those things before."

Wuheya casually brought her relationship with Qin Ji to the past.

She once deliberately tricked Qin Ji once during the negotiation before, but that was because she represented the interests of her motherland at that time, but now, she is already an abandoned child anyway, and she doesn't want to cause trouble to her friends. If we blindly talk about the past relationship between her and Qin Ji, I am afraid that Qin Ji will be guarded by the emperor in the future because of this relationship.

From her national standpoint, it's a good thing that Taiwei Daxia is being guarded by the emperor, but Wuheya still feels that she should be separated from Qin Ji a little, so as not to implicate her friends.

Xia Yuxiao saw that she brought the topic to the topic like this, so she didn't want to ask too much, she just nodded: "Yes, you are here, what are your plans for here in the future, and you can tell me if you have any requests, and I will meet you." Try to satisfy you. In addition, Qin Ji is not An Guogong now, he has already been crowned king. So in the future, we should pay attention to his title."

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