If the martial law lasts for more than three days, if many counties in the vicinity learn about it, the news will cause a huge disturbance across the country.

So be sure to do it as soon as possible.

"I will ask Lingyan to act as soon as possible. I promise to finish the cleaning within three days." Qin Ji said firmly.

Grandma, it's a big deal that the gray scale department is short of manpower, so he mobilizes troops from inside and outside the city to assist in the arrest, and he can always finish the arrest.

"Okay, with your words, I'm relieved."

Xia Yuxiao said.Now that Qin Ji said so, she dared to let go and do it.If she let others say this, she might have to think about it.

Qin Ji picked up a piece of watermelon and took a bite. The sweet taste lingered in his mouth, and then he raised his head: "By the way, Your Majesty, Lingyan..."

"What happened to Lingyan?"

"It's nothing, it's just that I hope that Lingyan can get rid of the background of the Demon Cult." Qin Ji said.

"..." Xia Yuxiao stared at him with suspicion, "Why?"

She always felt that Qin Ji was up to something.Reminiscent of when this guy took revenge on himself, he once released the news that he was going to marry Lingyan...

Brother, don't, don't play for real!

"The leader of Da Xia's Huilin Department is a disciple of the Demon Sect. This identity will inevitably be talked about by others in the future. Your Majesty, the Huilin Department has been hated by those hostile forces and treacherous officials. The identity of Lingyan is likely to become a leader in the future." A point of attack for them."

Qin Ji said so.

Hearing this, Xia Yuxiao was slightly relieved.

"In this case, I can't do anything about it. Many ministers in the court know Lingyan's identity. After all, the late emperor didn't hide it when he suppressed the Demon Cult. I can only remove this identity for her in name, but she The fact that she was once a disciple of the Demon Sect cannot be erased." She expressed apology for this, after all, the fact that she was born in the Demon Sect is a fact, and her edict cannot change the memory of the ministers.

"No, what I mean is, if this task is done beautifully, can His Majesty reward Lingyan in public at the court meeting? In this way, those who question her origin will naturally not dare to say too much."

Thanks to this experience of divine grace, it is a good way to whitewash your identity.Qin Ji knew this very well.

"That's not a problem. But," Xia Yuxiao smiled, and looked at Qin Ji thoughtfully, "You really care about your guard."

"...Your Majesty has made a clear decision. The spirit and face are like the arms of the minister, so the minister should naturally pay attention to it."

"Hmph, okay, when you go back, don't forget to report to Lingyan to approve a set of official official uniforms. When the time comes, Fengshou can't wear a guard uniform, it's ridiculous."


Chapter 85 Cleaning begins

The next day, early in the morning.

Wuheya woke up from her sleep.

After coming to Daxia, she rarely lived a leisurely life with regular work and rest, eating and drinking. Although she is a proton, Daxia still takes good care of her as a princess. She has servants to take care of her in daily life. Eating and drinking are served by a dedicated cook.Although it is not a delicacy, it is very fragrant, and this is enough.

She doesn't need to do anything else every day, she just needs to enjoy life, and then read books and ride horses every day. This life is simply beautiful.

However, on the surface she is very comfortable, but Wuheya is always thinking about the affairs of her own country in her heart.Rather than saying that he is helping his country think about things, it is better to say that he has already gotten used to it.Even if she doesn't need to think about these bad things now, she still can't help herself to think about them.

After getting up, she had a meal first, and then decided to take her maid out for a walk.

Everything was ready, she walked out of her house happily facing the rising sun.

Then, she was stunned.

This street that used to be full of people, today it seems that all the people have evaporated out of thin air. There is not even a single person. There are only a few cats, dogs and sparrows looking for food on the whole street.

Cold sweat broke out from Wuheya's body all of a sudden.

She felt something was wrong.

At this moment, the sound of horseshoes came from a distance, and then a group of men in gray riding horses appeared in her field of vision.

The moment these gray-clothed men appeared, one felt a sense of oppression. They did not ride horses galloping through the streets, but simply let the horses under their crotches walk quickly. However, the sound of hooves and the The silent and tidy march without a word of communication at all made people afraid to avoid it.

What's happening here? !

Soon, these men in gray arrived at the gate of the palace where she lived, and the man in gray at the head glanced at her.

"You are...the one next to the Taiwei..."

Just as Wu Heya was about to say the other party's name, she was taken aback for a moment, and quickly shut up—she didn't know whether she should say the other party's name at this time.Judging from the other party's state, it is obvious that the comer is not good.

"Lingyan, Your Royal Highness, King An Qin Ji is my young master." Lingyan didn't get off the horse, but bowed her head slightly to her immediately, which was regarded as greeting her.

"Is it martial law today?"

Wuheya didn't ask her what she was going to do, but just asked about the martial law.

"Yes, under the order of His Majesty and the Taiwei, we will handle the case in Tai'an City for the next three days. During this period, the entire city of Tai'an City is under martial law. Unless you have permission, you are not allowed to go to the streets without permission."

Lingyan's tone was as calm as ever, like a killing machine without emotion.

"That's it." Wuheya breathed a sigh of relief, looking at it like this, it shouldn't have anything to do with her.It's just that I can't go to the streets these days, so it's not a big problem.

"By the way, my young master asked me to remind you by the way that it is best not to even step out the door these days. We are now more vigilant against foreigners. If we find foreigners walking outside, we may be interrogated by our people. "

"Okay, I see." Wuheya nodded, then hesitated for a while, "Well, Qin Ji, are you okay?"

According to Lingyan, it seems that Qin Ji was responsible for the martial law this time. With such a big incident, could it be that Qin Ji encountered some troubles?

"Thank you for your concern, don't worry, it won't affect the young master." Lingyan showed a rare smile, and then said, "Even if there is, I won't let it happen. Farewell."

A group of people walked towards the other side of the street.

Watching the group leave, Wuheya sighed, turned and returned to her residence.

People are more popular than others, they were all the same kids back then, how could they have fallen to this level......

Thinking of this, Wuheya went back to her room, sat down, and truthfully wrote down what happened to her just now.

Of course, she's not a spy, and she doesn't have the ability to conduct intelligence. The guards around her are equipped with Daxia's eyeliner, so it's impossible for her to pass on any news to the outside world.

And she was really too lazy to pass any information to her simple-minded stupid brother, even if this guy had information in his hand, he wouldn't use it.

She just wrote down what happened in Daxia's capital. If she was lucky enough to return to her own country in the future, she might be able to learn some of Daxia's practices.


Four Seas Museum.This open cultural exchange hall used to be a place where countless domestic and foreign celebrities made friends and shared the culture and language of various countries.

At the beginning, Daxia regarded it as a portal for opening up and establishing communication, but now some people with ulterior motives have mixed in.

The scale guards got off their horses, and then completely sealed off the Four Seas Cultural Museum.

All the official documents here have not been passed on - because the decision of Linwei to come out to arrest people was made by the emperor and the Taiwei, and the commander of Linwei only informed the Linwei below the day before. Wei, it can be said that even if there is a ghost inside the Gray Scale Office, there is no time and opportunity to report it.

"What are you doing!? This is the Four Seas Cultural Museum. The late emperor would not be violent here. Are you going against the heavens!?"

The owner of the Sihai Wenguan, who is also a foreign businessman, stood in front of everyone, shouting and trying to prevent them from entering the Sihai Wenguan.

"We were ordered to arrest people. This is His Majesty's order. Boss Liu, do you want to resist the order?"

"Your Majesty's will... Your Majesty, she... There are a lot of money of foreign businessmen and officials in it, and there are foreigners living in it. These people are either rich or expensive, you just rush Go in, it will have too much impact!" The boss persuaded, wiping the sweat off his face.

"They are the ones who are investigating," Li Ling, the deputy commander beside Lingyan, sneered, "By the way, I warn you, Boss Liu, we know what you are doing here. Now you are dragging it here, it's okay. If we Go in and search, and find that any evidence and documents have been temporarily destroyed, so don’t want your head today.”

As soon as these words came out, Boss Liu froze in place in fright.

Seeing that the other party didn't dare to argue any more, Lingyan gave Li Ling a wink.The latter understood, he picked up the knife in his hand, loaded the crossbow with an arrow: "Search carefully for me, and arrest all the people inside. I don't care what country he is from, or whose son he is, even if he is Her Majesty, her relatives, can be caught——Your Majesty said it himself, do you understand?"


The scale guards said in unison, and then they quickly rushed into the Four Seas Cultural Museum, and began to rummage through boxes and cabinets, even the wooden floor under the carpet.

Lingyan stepped into the Sihai Wenguan, and when she passed by Boss Liu, she lightly patted Boss Liu on the shoulder.

The girl's soft palm patted on his body, but Boss Liu, who was usually so lustful that his body was hollowed out by her beauty, now felt that soft palm was like a steel hook for life.

"Boss Liu, I hope your head can stay on this shoulder for a while longer."

Chapter 86 Band Cleaning (1)

This is an unprecedented purge.

No matter in anyone's opinion, this cleansing will not leave a good evaluation. After all, without warning, Tai'an City was suddenly under martial law. The "outrageous and unreasonable" operation is bound to be opposed by many people.

However, compared with those soft criticisms, it is the most important to solve the problem of the infiltration of the Holy Church in Tai'an City.

While Lingyan and Linwei were attacking and catching the tentacles infiltrated by the Holy Bishop, Xia Yuxiao and Qin Ji were enjoying snacks in the study.

Elaborate cheese, supplemented with nuts, take a bite of cheese and chew a few nuts, the slight sweetness will fill your mouth.

"Some people will be busy tomorrow."

Xia Yuxiao complained about this.

"It doesn't matter, Your Majesty, anyway, I'm afraid I will be busy with you when the time comes."

Qin Ji also leaned on the back of the chair, enjoying this rare comfort.

Both of them knew very well that after a while, the two of them would not be able to be idle.

The capital was under martial law for three days, and Hui Lin was mobilized everywhere, grabbing a large area and placing them all in a centralized place.Among those arrested were princes and nobles at home and abroad, as well as foreign talents who came to study, and some missionaries who stayed in the country and waited for the missionary license to be issued...

The secular world, the religious world, the academic world... almost all have been arrested, and even the people of the domestic imperial court will probably interrogate a large number of people. The big net involved behind this is not ordinary.Xia Yuxiao could already imagine the scene where the table was piled up with petitions and inquiries the next day.

"To be honest, this action is really too hasty. Although I agree with eradicating the church forces in Tai'an City, it's obviously a little too fast now."

"Your Majesty, you said that conventional methods are useless to deal with religious forces, only the same extreme methods can be used. As far as the Holy Church is concerned, whether we pull them out step by step or cut the mess quickly It seriously cuts their interests, and they will 'treat people equally'. They all have the same result, so it is better to end this farce as soon as possible, which can reduce the loss a little."

Qin Ji ate the cheese and said with a smile.

"I always feel that the prisons in Tai'an City are not closed enough now." Xia Yuxiao did not object to his opinion. In fact, what Qin Ji did was very reasonable. These religious elements are extreme, as long as they don't believe My Lord looks like he's going to hell, so it's better to do things right.

But to be honest, with so many arrests, when the time comes for interrogation, I'm afraid there won't be enough jails!

"I have already told Lingyan that among the group of people she arrested, there must be some who have not pleaded guilty. For those people, it happens that the prison will not fit them, so they can be put in the ice cellar first."

Qin Ji said this very calmly, but Xia Yuxiao was covered in lumps.

The so-called ice cellar is a place where ice cubes are stored.In order to enjoy iced drinks and cool air in summer, the royal family of Great Xia sends some people to collect ice from the river every winter and transport it to the ice cellar for centralized storage.

In summer, the ice will be used to cool off the heat.

However, as the practitioners—that is, the cultivation of monks gradually become systematic, the number of monks is more than before, not at 01:30. Therefore, after studying the corresponding formations, Daxia can also directly make ice used.Although the ice cellar is still in use, most of it is now used to meet the needs of the people.

On the outskirts of Tai'an City and underground in the city, most of the ice cellars originally used by the royal family are now leased and sold to some merchants, which allows the common people to occasionally enjoy the coolness in summer.

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