But there are still some abandoned ice cellars, those ice cellars are often dug underground, cold, and there is only one opening for people to enter and exit, and the space inside is not small...

It is indeed a way to stuff people there, but it may cause some psychological harm to some people.She had been to those ice cellars once at that time, and the inside was cold and dark, with echoes in her speech, and the walls of stone bricks could not hear the sound on the ground at all, which can be said to be quite depressing.

This guy can really think about it.

"The church also relies on fooling around to attract people. It makes everyone a mess."

Xia Yuxiao complained casually. In fact, she also knew that there must be advantages for the church to survive for so long.This is not something that can be explained by the word fooling alone.

However, being unhappy is just being unhappy, and I don't believe in your holy master.

"Some of their things are pretty good. I have seen their weddings before. Although our Daxia weddings are more grand and festive, the weddings of those holy bishop believers are also interesting. And the process should be simpler and clearer."

Qin Ji said casually.

He is not a believer, so he naturally has no way of knowing about some of the real internal rituals of the Holy Bishop's Church.

However, he has seen ceremonies such as weddings and funerals that ordinary people have to come into contact with.

As far as the wedding is concerned, the Holy Bishop's Church is indeed more concise. Qin Ji thinks that if he is a lazy person who is afraid of trouble, then it is absolutely no problem to choose the Holy Bishop's Church for the wedding ceremony.

"Hiss..." Hearing what he said, Xia Yuxiao's heart suddenly became agitated, or rather, when she heard him say these things, she was in a bad mood.

what is this?Why did you just turn the topic to the wedding so bluntly?What is he trying to say?

"You liked their wedding?"

"Oh, that's not true. I just think this concise way is quite interesting. Although our wedding in Daxia is a bit complicated, it is very lively and festive. After all, a person can get married several times in a lifetime. It's good to be festive. "

Xia Yuxiao nodded.

Good guy, it hasn't been decided whether they will marry or not, and they have already started to consider the form of the wedding, right?This guy really came here with the will to win from the very beginning!

"Like when we get married in the future, I think it would be good to have a traditional wedding. There is no need to learn those foreign things."

Qin Ji sighed.

The main reason why he lamented this way was that in his own world, many ways of getting married were actually more Western-style, and since he came to Daxia, he must try an authentic traditional wedding.

But Xia Yuxiao felt that the taste was getting worse and worse.


I'm not acting anymore, right?

She lowered her head, and then began to quickly think about whether this marriage should be concluded or not.From the current point of view, Qin Ji did not rebel, but if he married recklessly like this, if his family is allowed to dominate in the future...


Can he be happy to be a foil?This guy's self-esteem is definitely not small. If he wears the name of the emperor and acts as a political foil there every day, it will be much more uncomfortable than being a minister.

Both the important minister and the emperor's husband follow the emperor outside, but the important minister makes people feel that he is a talent with extraordinary ability; but what about the emperor's husband?The first reaction will give people a feeling of "eating soft rice and being superior"...

Can he be willing to do this?In case of dissatisfaction, what should we do if we seize power again?If she succeeded in seizing power, she would turn the emperor into a queen. Where would the Xia family's face be?

Xia Yuxiao was making up her mind here, but Qin Ji didn't care about what he just said.

Because in Qin Ji's original world, "We" is very commonly used, and it doesn't just refer to "us", but can also refer to "I".

But after all, this is just a local language habit. In many places, "we" is still only understood as "we".

So, Qin Ji just said it casually, but Xia Yuxiao was fooled by his "we".

She thought the guy couldn't wait to throw a straight ball...

Chapter 87 Evidence

"Are you thinking about the wedding now?"

Xia Yuxiao decided to ask clearly.

It depends on Qin Ji's attitude. Looking at it now, Qin Ji is obviously a little anxious.

"It can't be said that we are considering the issue of the wedding. How should I say it? At least there is a general direction. What if it really ends in the future?" Qin Ji smiled, "Your Majesty, what do you think? Putting aside the treatment of religion Do you prefer a simple and trouble-free wedding, or a traditional, more festive and grand wedding?"

"Huh? I...I haven't thought about it yet."

"What about now?"


Mom, I know you're in a hurry, but don't be in a hurry!

Xia Yuxiao's heart was messed up all of a sudden, she hadn't expected that things would develop to this level at all, if she thinks rationally, deciding to get married now...is actually a good choice, after all, she never According to Tianshi Mansion's suggestion, marriage is a good way for the country.

"If you think it's okay, then I think it's better to be traditional."

Xia Yuxiao said.

After all, Daxia is two leaders. If they don't use their own traditional wedding customs, but use the customs of the church countries in the west, it may cause bad influence.

"I see. So His Majesty still prefers traditional people."

Ah, does this have anything to do with passing on tradition?This is just a pure choice of interests, right?

However, Qin Ji was completely unaware of Xia Yuxiao's internal rants. He looked at the time, and then smiled: "I won't mention this. The group of people who are most suspected should have been arrested by now. "

According to the speed of action at Huilin, it is not a big problem to catch the first group of people. Qin Ji had an agreement with Lingyan in advance. When encountering extraordinary resistance, Qin Ji will appropriately involve the army.

Lingyan hasn't asked her for help until now, which shows that the situation is still going well.

Xia Yuxiao looked at the time and became serious.

If the situation in Tai'an City is really as the intelligence said - if the church has penetrated into many areas and is waiting for an opportunity, then she can't guarantee how good the situation is in some port cities and those hub cities that are open to the outside world.

Tai'an City is like this, so the poison must be scraped and cured.

"I'm ready to deal with the conversations between the foreign chambers of commerce and the envoys, Qin Ji, I believe you won't really push the empire into the abyss, right?"

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty, I am willing to do my best for Great Xia." Qin Ji said respectfully.

"...I believe in you and believe that you will not betray my trust."

After Xia Yuxiao finished speaking, she turned her head and stared outside the capital.


For Lingyan, today is really a fruitful day.

A group of foreigners were arrested in the Four Seas Cultural Museum. Although they continued to protest, this did not change the idea of ​​arresting people at Huilin. The guards not only arrested people, but also took many of their belongings Turned over.

Daxia is actually very tolerant of foreigners, not to mention that the foreigners in the Sihai Cultural Museum are either rich or expensive, and ordinary people would not dare to check them.

But today, Grayscale searched all their items and rooms in an almost unreasonable way.

Sure enough, evidence of private communication with the outside world was found in the rooms of many people. Some people even appeared to be the sons of wealthy businessmen, but actually carried the exclusive cross of the clergy of the church.

Among their belongings, many were used for preaching and transmitting information to the outside world. For example, the materials that recorded the internal defense and defense changes of Tai'an City can be said to be quite detailed.

The Sihai Cultural Museum is no longer the good place where friends from all over the world gathered here.This place has now become the secret base of some forces.

"Report to the commander, we found these in the furnace!"

A scale guard held the embers that had not been extinguished and said.

Lingyan leaned over to take a look.

Inside the pile of ashes, some handwriting could be seen.

Lingyan glanced at Boss Liu beside her, and then waved her hands. The scale guards immediately placed the plates containing the ashes carefully on the table, and then closed the doors and windows.

Lingyan observed these ashes carefully, and the writing on many of them was relatively clear. Lingyan could tell that it was not Daxia's writing, but one of the many writings in the west.

"Write down all these words, fasten it with the cover, and use it as evidence in the future." After Lingyan finished speaking, she turned to look at Boss Liu, "Do you remember what we told you before, Boss Liu?"

"No, I really don't know them..."

"Don't thank me, and don't thank your foreign friends. If you want to thank them, you should thank them for their money."

Lingyan joked, although such jokes are not funny in front of dying people.

These foreigners themselves have a certain identity and status. The ink they use is very expensive, and the ink pad used for stamping is also of good quality, and it can still be seen clearly even after being burned.

These measures were originally used to show dignity, but now they have become proof that Boss Liu's crimes have been aggravated, and they have also become helpers for the prison disasters of noble foreigners like them.

Ink and ink pads of generally lower quality will become blurred and faded under the burning of flames.Even if the handwriting can be seen, it is barely legible.

And the ink and ink pads they used, even if the paper was burned to ashes, the handwriting is still legible. Although there are still many that are completely impossible to find now, these broken evidence alone are enough to prove everything.

"Take it away and go to the prison for interrogation first."

Lingyan beckoned, and the dragon guards immediately escorted the captured people together with Boss Liu to the prison.

Looking at the messy Sihai Wenguan in front of her, Lingyan only felt the exhaustion from her body at this time.

She hasn't slept since last night.After her young master entrusted her with this task, she has been working out a detailed plan with the deputy commander and several assistants, and deduced it overnight.Due to time constraints, she has not slept, eaten or washed her hair so far.

It wasn't until this time that she thought of something to eat. Before the Sihai Wenguan, she also sealed up several mansions suspected of colluding with foreign forces. She was physically exhausted, and she was indeed a little hungry.

Therefore, the leader of the president at Huilin, the confidant of King An, and the central government official, just sat down on the steps in a very unmannered manner, took out the mutton shortbread that was hidden in his bosom before, and ate it.

It was because Qin Ji was afraid that she would be hungry, so he specially asked the cook to make it for her and let her take it with her.

Chapter 88 Working Together

The development of the matter was as expected by Qin Ji and Xia Yuxiao.

The next day, Chunning Palace's study room and Xia Yuxiao's study room were already overwhelmed by a large number of memorials.

Most of them are inquiries from the central officials about the sudden arrest of people in Grayscale.Many of them didn't know what happened at all, and when they received the martial law order, they didn't even think about arresting people at Grayscale.After all, who the hell would have thought that arresting a few people would require a full martial law blockade?

Secondly, some well-informed officials knew about this operation and interceded for some arrested people, including those who interceded for Boss Liu of the Sihai Cultural Museum.

At present, most of them don't know what's going on, and they have a great fear of Huilin arresting people everywhere.

"Do you want to answer why they arrested people, Your Majesty?"

Qin Ji asked.

Although the documents asking him what happened were sent to Chunning Palace, considering that it might take a long time to process the documents, in order to facilitate communication, Qin Ji simply asked people to move those documents to Xia Yuxiao's study , the two simply temporarily worked in a study.

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