She just wanted revenge. Those people she killed had persecuted her before she was reborn.

No one is innocent, Ling Yan'er, Gu Moxuan, the ministers of the aristocratic family, and the people of Yong'an City, each of them is vying to kill her and exchange her for money.

There is also Yang Pingsheng, he is a time traveler, he talks about being humane and kingly, but he is actually a fool, if Xu Anyin doesn't take advantage of such a person, isn't she a fool?

So, where did she go wrong?

Why did she still mess up everything in the next life?

Laughing miserably, when she looked up, the moon sneered mercilessly.

"Uncle, I'm a fairy, even if I'm injured, I'm still a fairy. Do you want to draw your sword against me?"

"You are not a fairy, you are a devil." Uncle held the handle of the knife tightly, with a cold expression, "Everyone in Yong'an City wants to eat your flesh and drink your blood."

"...Uncle, is it the same?"

"You ruined my family, what do you think?"


Really, a failure.

Unknowingly, the red hair has turned into black hair.Xu Anyin's perspective changed. In the dark space, she walked into the palace in a daze.

She is a coward, she escaped once during the day, and now at night, she chooses to escape again.

The resplendent palace slowly disappeared, and in front, Xu Anlu was still sitting there with her eyes closed.Xu Anyin walked over step by step and stood still.

Unlike before, Xu Anlu opened her eyes this time.

"You came."

Five years, she spent five years in the conscious space.

She has grown taller, the same as her appearance, and her appearance has also lost her liveliness and cheerfulness. There is no sadness or joy, and no emotions can be seen. Even the dull hair on the top of her head has disappeared.

Xu Anyin stared blankly, a little powerless.

"……Feel sorry."

"Why are you apologizing?"

"I'm sorry."

Although it is hypocritical to say so, the person she most wants to protect is Xu Anlu.

No matter in the previous life or in this life, the person she cares about the most is really only Xu Anlu.

Tears fell down.

"Like, I screwed up again."

She wiped her tears with a helpless smile on her face:

"I originally thought, let you stay here until I kill all the people who deserve to be killed, the royal family, the aristocratic family, the villain who is ungrateful for profit, ask Xianzong, and then return your body to you, my wish is Yes, but now..."

"Sorry, I guess I can only say sorry."

Xu Anyin lowered his head and kept silent.

Xu Anlu listened, without saying a word, and slowly raised her head.

The scars of the Great Dao flowed in her eyes, and what was originally stretched on her body had been restrained by her.

That deep gaze was like the night sky, and she understood a lot in places where even the gods could not detect it.

"That's it."

She spoke in a calm tone without fluctuations: "You are still the same as before, you messed things up, Xiao Yin."

Xu Anyin was stunned.

She raised her hand tremblingly, her voice was a little unsteady: "You..."

"Our souls are too close, Xiao Yin."

Xu Anlu said: "When I looked at [Tao], I also saw your soul, your—"

"—the soul of two lives."

Everything is breaking.

Nothingness, darkness, only the consciousness space of the two of them, Xu Anlu said:

"It's messed up again, Xiao Yin."

Familiar tone, familiar emphasis.

Past, present, everything overlaps.

Xu Anyin couldn't hold back any longer, knelt down with a plop, and cried out:


On a sunny afternoon, Xu Anlu in military uniform was sitting on the bed, and Xu Anyin with red hair and shawl threw herself into her arms and cried.

She patted her on the back and said in a helpless tone: "You screwed up again, Xiao Yin."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry sister, I just wanted to make you a handkerchief, and then I ruined the cloth that my father gave you, woo woo woo, I'm sorry, sister, don't blame me."

"Okay, okay, it's okay."

Under the sun, the dull hair stood up high.

Xu Anlu smiled and patted her head: "Although we are twins, who told me to come out earlier than you? I'm an older sister, so why would I blame you?"

"Sister, you are the best!"

Xu Anyin smiled through tears, and acted like a baby in her arms: "If there is an afterlife, I must come out earlier than you, so I will be my sister, and I won't blame you!"

"Okay, but my sister's brain is relatively stupid, Xiaoyin is the smartest, and I must protect my sister well."

"That is required!"

In the dark space of consciousness, Xu Anyin threw herself into Xu Anlu's arms, crying like he did back then.

"I'm sorry sister, I'm sorry, I really want to protect you, I didn't expect this to happen, I really, really, really want to protect you, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"


She patted her back, but her tone was not as helpless as before, but cold.

"You really--"

"—that's stupid."

Chapter 88: Born to be King

On an ordinary afternoon in the Yan Dynasty, a pair of twins were born.

Remarkably, the two children were born in the palace.

Ling Yan'er has been preparing for this for a long time. The fake pregnancy pill she obtained from Wen Xianzong allowed her to successfully fake the signs of a pregnant pregnancy. When the day of real delivery came, she smuggled Ling Shui'er into the palace again inside.

All this, the emperor was kept in the dark, and even in the first night, he was fascinated by the strange fragrance of Wen Xianzong, but when he woke up the next day, he saw the shy girl and the blood on the bed sheet.

The inspector had already been bribed, and Ling Yan'er's fairy background gave her more confidence and allowed her to make bold plans.

The emperor had no memory, and the inspector said that there was no problem. After several secret investigations, he was relieved.

When it came time to give birth, the emperor originally wanted to come and accompany him, but in the end he asked Xianzong to send someone down to earth, so he could only go to meet the immortal first.In the delivery room, only the midwife and his so-called cronies were left.

"gave birth!"

With the baby's first cry, the midwife cried out with joy.Ling Yan'er raised the curtain and walked in quickly.

"It's actually twins."

She was a little surprised, but then she felt a little regretful: "It's a pity that it's a girl."

Ling Shui'er was lying on the bed sweating profusely, panting, looking to the side weakly, with love in her eyes.

The child, her child.

"Wow wow wow!"

Two children, one crying loudly, the other motionless.

"Why isn't the child crying?"

"Yeah, but this crying baby's lanugo is red."

Everyone gathered around and looked at the two children in amazement.

Ling Yan'er was a little worried: "One has red lanugo, and the other doesn't cry or fuss. Your Majesty won't be suspicious, right?"

"The seeds of the royal family are naturally born with visions." The confidant understood Ling Yan'er's worry, and took the initiative to say: "Your Majesty, don't worry, it's just a matter of words, just leave it to the villain when the time comes."

"sorry to bother you."

"It's right to relieve your mother's worries."

The two babies were born, and the delivery room suddenly became lively. The servants came in and out, those carrying towels, those carrying the water basin, Ling Yan'er waved down, and the people below were about to get busy.

She stepped forward, looked at the two children, and asked, "Who is the elder sister and who is the younger sister?"

"It's the elder sister who doesn't cry, it's the younger sister who cries." The midwife stepped forward and replied, "The elder sister came out first, and the younger sister came out after a minute. It was almost a dystocia."

"Is it."

She signaled the midwife to take the two children down with her eyes, then walked inside with a smile on her face.

Ling Shui'er was still reaching out her hand, she stepped forward, sat down, and held Ling Shui'er's hand: "Thank you."

"...Your request, I did it."

Her husband is dead, Ling Shui'er originally wanted to follow her underground, but was stopped by Ling Yan'er.

She knew that she didn't want to have children, but she needed children.

"I promised you, and I will definitely do it. I am also a member of my mother's family." Ling Yan'er smiled and patted Ling Shui'er's hand, "Besides, I will treat them as my own children. ,do not worry."

"...can I see them?"

"You just gave birth, and you still need a good rest. Rest first, don't worry about the children, I will take good care of them."

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