She finally smiled, got up, and led the people out.

The gate was closed, and Ling Shui'er was left lying here alone, the crowd left, and the excitement was gone.

A pair of twins, the Yan Dynasty has two more princesses since then.

When the emperor came back, he saw Ling Yan'er who was pretending to be weak on the bed, and also saw the two children.He was not unhappy because it was two girls, on the contrary, he was very happy.

"Good good."

He said three good words in a row, and then smiled and hugged the two children.

My younger sister has stopped crying and is sleeping soundly. Except that the lanugo is red, there is nothing unusual about it.On the other hand, my sister, still opened her two big round eyes, watching silently.

When the emperor hugged her, a strange feeling arose spontaneously.

"This child..."

He frowned and asked, "Why don't you cry or make trouble?"

Ling Yan'er winked, and the confidant next to her hurriedly replied: "Your Majesty, the room was filled with red light when the two children were born. Since the two princesses are dragons, they are naturally not ordinary children."

"Well, there is some truth to it."

The emperor nodded, reluctantly acknowledging this truth.

But for some reason, he felt that the child in his arms was looking at him with pity, as if a passer-by saw a white pig being slaughtered by a butcher.

He held out his fingers, trying to tease her, and she blinked, grinned, scratched her fingers, and babbled.

At this time, it seems like a normal child.

But he knew it wasn't.

The child in her arms was not like this because of curiosity, but because she felt it.

She felt that she was abnormal, so she needed to be like this.

It was clearly summer outside the window, but the emperor of the Great Yan Dynasty broke out in a cold sweat unknowingly.

When she regained consciousness, the baby in her arms had already fallen asleep.

The cronies began to flatter, saying that as expected of His Majesty, His Royal Highness can only sleep peacefully in His Majesty's arms. He listened, not happy, but with a serious expression on his face.

Ling Yan'er saw something was wrong and asked, "Your Majesty?"

"It's okay, my concubine has worked hard. I remember that there are still some government affairs that need to be dealt with in the Qinzheng Hall. You should have a good rest first. I will come to see you in the evening."

The emperor came happily and left in contemplation.

Ling Yan'er couldn't figure out what went wrong, so she could only tell everyone not to reveal their flaws.

As the two sisters grew up, this incident became an episode instead, which was rarely mentioned.

Elder sister Xu Anlu is a cute, lively, polite and good child. She never looks down on others and respects everyone. Most people in the palace like her very much.

On the contrary, the younger sister Xu Anyin is a mischievous, disrespectful child who acts as a domineering princess everywhere. People in the palace have been bullied by her more or less, but because she is Ling Yan'er's child, she is very Few dared to say anything.

The growth experience of the two sisters is seen by Ling Shui'er, Ling Yan'er is using them, the teaching is only on the surface, and Ling Shui'er is their biological mother, so naturally she pays more attention to the education of the two sisters than Ling Yan'er .

In her eyes, Xu Anlu was obedient and obedient, while Xu Anyin was terrifying. She was both angry and helpless with Xu Anyin's behavior.

Once, when she entered the palace, she happened to see Xu Anyin scolding a maid:

"Why didn't you stop me!?"

"Your Highness, Your Highness, the villain also stopped you, it was you who insisted on playing in the water."

"It's against you, and you still dare to talk back. These are clothes made for me by my mother and concubine. It's all your fault that it's wet like this now!"

The servant girl was wronged by her accusation, her eyes were filled with tears, she lowered her head and dared not refute.The more Xu Anyin talked, the more angry she became, and she raised her hand to hit the maid.

Ling Shui'er couldn't stand it anymore, and used lightness kung fu to grab Xu Anyin's hand: "Xiaoyin, you are beating and scolding servants casually, be careful and I will tell your concubine mother."

"What, so it's my aunt." Xu Anyin saw that it was Ling Shui'er, and said nonchalantly, "I taught my maid a lesson, and it's not causing trouble. It's okay if you tell my concubine."

"Is this a lesson for you? It's clear that you want to play with the water yourself, how can you just blame others?"

"What's the matter!"

"Xiao Yin, you have to be reasonable. Have you forgotten the benevolence and righteousness that Master taught you?"

"Ah, ah, it's so noisy. Auntie, why are you talking about benevolence and righteousness with me like those old men? Enough is enough, I don't want to listen to these big truths!"

She shook off Ling Shui'er's hand and ran to a distance, when she came to her head, she turned around and made a face for Ling Shui'er.

"A little bit~"


Ling Shui'er was about to say something angrily, but Xu Anyin ran away after making faces.

She could only turn around and comfort the little maid, and then went to find Ling Yan'er.

Every time she enters the palace, it means that Ling Yan'er has a task to entrust to her. Time is precious and she doesn't have that much time.

The task was completed, and it was probably already afternoon. Ling Yan'er asked her to have dinner, but she thought about going to see her two daughters again, so she agreed.

Usually when there is no class, the places where Xu Anyin haunts are the imperial dining room and the back garden. Ling Shui'er thought about what happened in the morning, and planned to talk to Xu Anyin again, but she searched around, but couldn't find Xu Anyin.

Did that guy seek revenge from the maid?

Everyone in the palace knew that Xu Anyin was notoriously vindictive, and when a servant accidentally disturbed her nap, she yelled that she wanted to kill that person.Of course Ling Yan'er didn't agree, so she ran to the servant's sleeping place in the middle of the night, imitating the servant's voice and yelling "Fire", so that the servant was picked out by the manager and beaten severely.

Ling Shui'er was a little worried. Hearing that the girl was drying the clothes, she took advantage of her lightness skills and went over to see the situation.

Someone did come to her, but it wasn't Xu Anyin, but Xu Anlu.

The dumb hair swayed in the wind, Xu Anlu stood there, bowing and apologizing to the bewildered servant girl.

"I heard what happened in the morning, sorry, my useless sister is doing stupid things again."

She took out a bag of money from her pocket: "This is an apology..."

"No, no, Your Highness, you've spoiled me, I, I, I..."

The servant girl was at a loss, seeing this, Xu Anlu smiled slightly, and said, "Then let me put it another way, I heard others say that you are ingenious, so I wonder if you would like to come and follow me."

"But, Your Highness, Your Highness..."

"I'll talk to the manager. In addition, I heard that you haven't written a letter to your family for a long time. I can help you with this."

She smiled, and Daimao spun around with the wind.


Tears, patter patter to fall.

The servant girl sniffed, wiped her tears, and nodded:

"Thanks to Your Highness for not giving up, I, I will work hard..."

"That's it."

Xu Anlu smiled, and stuffed the money into her hand: "Take it, it's going to be cold these days, buy some clothes for yourself."

"Thank you, Your Highness."

Ling Shui'er watched Xu Anlu leave, and after she left, the maid shed tears while drying the clothes.

She suddenly gave up her plan to find Xu Anyin, and instead followed Xu Anlu secretly.

Along the way, Xu Anlu greeted everyone, and seemed to have a good relationship with everyone.

"Your Highness."

"It's you, is there anyone bullying you?"

"Thanks to Your Highness, it's gone."

"If someone bullies you again, tell me."

"Your Highness."

"It's Uncle, is the war in the southwest going well?"

"all the best."

"Did you come into the palace to find your sister?"

"Yes, I haven't thanked His Highness for taking care of me. Although she is not my own sister, she is my friend's sister after all. My friend is dead, so I can't just sit idly by."

"Don't worry uncle, she has me to take care of her, everything is fine, but uncle, you have to take care of yourself, the country has to be entrusted to you loyal ministers."

"Where is your Highness, for my Great Yan Dynasty, I will naturally wait for death."

Ling Shui'er looked at Xu Anlu with complicated eyes.

She can exchange a few words with everyone, from the harem to the front hall, whether it is a servant or a minister, whether it is a high-ranking official or an honorable person, everyone has a very good impression of this imperial concubine, and more importantly, she remembers Everyone's name.

Every one, including the names of those servants.

She walked around the palace, and finally returned to the back garden, and found a place to sit quietly by herself.

As the sun was setting in the sky, Ling Shui'er couldn't bear it anymore and walked out.

The stupid hair stood up, she turned her head, saw Ling Shui'er, stood up excitedly, and ran over with a lively look: "Auntie, you have entered the palace!"

"Well, we're in the palace."

"Did you bring me a present?"

"Sorry, my aunt came in a hurry and didn't bring a gift. I will definitely bring it to you next time."

"Oh~" She groaned, but she didn't feel disappointed, but raised her face and said with a smile: "It's okay, just auntie came to see me, and I don't want any presents."

Really sensible and terrible.

Ling Shui'er stroked her hair, thinking about what she had done along the way, and asked, "What is Xiao Lu doing here alone?"

"Well... think about some questions."

"Why, is there any difficulty in the homework that the master left for you?"

"No, the homework left by the master is not difficult, but I can't figure out some things myself."

"Oh?" Ling Shui'er smiled, "What's the matter, can you tell my aunt?"

Xu Anlu suddenly stopped talking, walked back and sat down by herself, staring somewhere, in a daze.

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