Ling Shui'er was puzzled, walked over and asked, "Xiao Lu?"

"Auntie...why is there oppression in the world?"


Ling Shui'er was stunned.

She never thought about this question, let alone that Xu Anlu would take the initiative to ask this question.She was a little at a loss and asked, "Xiao Lu asks that?"

"I read that the sky is superior and the earth is humble. The Master said that the sky is noble and the earth is humble, but will the sky oppress the earth? No, it will not. What is born, the earth bears it, the reason why the sky is above, It is for life, and the reason why the earth is below is to bear. The sky is not above because it needs to be respected, and the earth is not going down because it needs to be humble."

Xu Anlu spoke steadily, and kept talking: "Heaven is born above, and Earth is below, just like the people in the palace. The emperor is responsible for raising the people, so above, the people are to bear the burden of the country. , So I’m here. If the emperor thinks it’s right to oppress the people, then the people will also think it’s right not to bear the burden of the country, and what’s more, they will rebel and cause chaos.”

"Even if the titles of the emperor and the people disappear after a thousand years, the relationship between the superior and the inferior will never disappear. Just like immortals and mortals, why are they not the relationship between the emperor and the people?"

Ling Shui'er was taken aback, and immediately realized what Xu Anlu was talking about, she immediately changed her face and scolded: "Xiao Lu, do you know what I'm going to say?"

"Of course I know, and I've known it for a long time."

Xu Anlu didn't shut up, and said unyieldingly:

"When I was living in the palace, I was thinking that even in a place like the palace, there will be a phenomenon that the superior oppresses the inferior. What kind of scene is outside the palace? I can't imagine what the people outside are like. life, but I know that it must be a life in dire straits, and it must be a life of helplessness."

"During a famine, will the government withhold relief food? Is the family of the soldiers taken care of? Is there still corruption in officials? Are there still bribes from businessmen? Are the people on the border invaded by foreign enemies still looking forward to the rescue of the court? Are there any reservations to the diligent and simple style of the ancestors who opened the dynasty? Are the policies of the court really correct? Do the current emperors and officials have the courage to reflect on themselves? Are there any unjust cases in the county government?

At that time, Xu Anlu asked Ling Shui'er word by word to Ling Shui'er who was dumbfounded.

And now.

Xu Anyin cried helplessly, Xu Anlu looked at him coldly, and said, "Xiaoyin, you are really stupid."

She sneered and continued:

"Do you know where you are stupid?"

While speaking, she opened her eyes, the cold wind blew by at night, the murderous intent was revealed in the alley, and the uncle's blade was right in front of her eyes.

After regaining her body, she didn't feel any discomfort, but tilted her head to avoid the uncle's blow, and snatched the weapon with her backhand.

The uncle was surprised, but he didn't stop moving. Seeing that the blade was taken away, he drew out the dagger and stabbed.

The cold light flickered, the uncle moved extremely fast, and the tip of the dagger was already very close at hand.

However, Xu Anlu's movements were nimble, and she raised her hand with two sabers, crippling her uncle's wrist.


The dagger was dropped, and the uncle fell to the ground with a hideous face and howled in pain.

Xu Anlu didn't give him a chance, and stepped forward again, ready to kill him.

"Sister..." At this time, Xu Anyin's cry came from his mind, he no longer saw the violent appearance before, only weak, "Before I was reborn, my uncle saved me, we..."

"save you?"

Xu Anlu sneered, didn't stop, stepped forward and chopped off his uncle's head.

"Don't be shameless, just like you were when you were a child, don't you have any points? He saved you because of me."

In the previous life, in the square, the uncle's neck and limbs were tied with ropes, and each rope corresponded to a horse.Ling Yan'er looked at him and asked, "Speak or not?"

"I won't say it." The uncle smiled, "Since His Highness wants her sister to live, I won't say it."

"What good did she promise you to let you guys work so hard for her?"

Ling Yan'er really couldn't figure out why the maids, servants, cooks in the back kitchen, court officials, and even the people of Yong'an City all turned a blind eye to Xu Anyin who had fled.

The traces of Xu Anyin's escape were really too obvious, if it wasn't for the help of these people to cover, Ling Yan'er would have caught Xu Anyin long ago.

But she couldn't kill the officials of the whole dynasty and the people of the whole city, so she could only use the most obvious one.

"There is no reason, you poisonous woman will never understand."

The uncle looked at her and said, "You will never understand that there were people like His Highness in this world."

Ling Yan'er fell silent.

She waved her hand, and the five horses ran vigorously in five directions, their flesh and blood were torn apart, and the center of the square was blurred.

Now, in the alley, blood was flowing from the blade of the knife covered with cold light. Under the moonlight, Xu Anlu stood upright with the knife in hand.

"He saved you because of me. And I'm killing him now because of you."

Chapter 89: Overbearing

Xu Anlu swung the knife, the blood on it splashed out, blooming on the wall like plum blossoms.

"Xiao Yin, you have the memory of the previous life, and you have the talent of a fairy, but you have come to this point, do you know why?"

She asked, the cold night wind whistling past.

The red soul entrenched behind him, lowering his head timidly: "...why?"

"Because you don't know how to be king or domineering, you think you are revenge, you look at the world with prejudice, and you have no tolerance for others, so you have come to this point."

"Whether to kill or not to kill should not be influenced by emotions. You kill people because of emotions, and let people go because of emotions. This is your biggest mistake."

There was a cold light in Xu Anlu's eyes, and she smiled: "Besides, the Taifu told you that you don't have to kill some people."

"Huh?" Xu Anyin was stunned, "Sister... so you can feel the outside? But, but I clearly..."

"After comprehending the Scar of the Great Dao, your tricks will naturally be useless."

"Then Taifu and I..."

"Of course." Xu Anlu's smile disappeared suddenly, and even her voice turned a little cold, "But for the sake of using my body, I don't care about it with you anymore. But, don't say that it's for me. When you are happy, you don't care about me at all."

"I'm sorry, sister..."

"Heh, I'll settle the score with you after I finish typing."

The high wall behind her is connected to the eaves of the house. When the moonlight falls, figures appear there one after another.They have the same clothes, both men and women, a total of seven of them, all wearing the Wen Xianzong logo.

Earth Immortal.

A total of seven earth immortals.

The private revenge is just an excuse. My uncle has already notified Wen Xianzong, and Wen Xianzong was also afraid that Xu Anlu would have some hidden means, so I let my uncle come to test the water first. It just so happened that he also volunteered, so let him take revenge first. .

Unexpectedly, Xu Anlu really didn't show any sympathy, so she chopped off this guy with a single hand.

The life of a mortal is not worth mentioning, and death is death.Now the person who asked Xianzong planned to end by himself. Above the dark clouds, two heavenly immortals and the rest of the earth immortals were hiding there. The seven earth immortals who came down were just to test Xu Anlu's water.

Xu Anlu glanced coldly, and she no longer had the innocent look she had five years ago. She raised her knife and asked, "Are you going to do it together?"

"Mortal?" A handsome female fairy asked in confusion.

"It may be that the spiritual root has been severely damaged and has disappeared. In addition, the spiritual energy has dissipated, and she has become a mortal." The male fairy next to her replied, "I just don't know what kind of treasure is the blade in her hand."

"It's just an ordinary weapon, don't worry, that thing can't even break our body protection aura."

In the world of cultivating immortals, the gap between mortals and cultivators is like that of ants and elephants.

It is absolutely impossible for a mortal to challenge an immortal, even the lowest-level earth immortal, because of the existence of immortal ultimate moves and immortal weapons, it is enough for him to face an army of [-], let alone a heavenly immortal, who can move with just a few gestures. Mountain reclamation.

The way of heaven is magnificent, only those who cultivate immortals can get close to the sky.

The seven Earth Immortals, not to mention seven, but one, are not something ordinary people can deal with, and these seven are not newcomers, they are all old-fashioned Earth Immortals. It is very proficient.


The leader let out a low shout, and did not show mercy because Xu Anlu is now a mortal. Thinking of the sudden burst of cultivation of this princess, overwhelming the heavenly immortals, the seven of them dared not be careless and rushed forward.

The colorful celestial ultimate moves were released, and the celestial artifacts were either held in the hands of the seven people, or wrapped around them, and everyone made a deadly move from the very beginning.

"Sister, give me your body, I'll do it."

"Isn't your spiritual root damaged?"

"But you are a mortal, this is a fairy..."

Xu Anyin couldn't continue.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, the true meaning of domineering lies in being fearless from the beginning."

A silver light flashed, and the blade sank into the wall.Xu Anlu threw the knife casually, took a deep breath, and put on a posture.

"When you encounter an enemy, you will be the master, and you will not be afraid in the face of danger."

The Bengquan of Xingyiquan belongs to wood. It is named because its movements are shaped like sharp arrows piercing objects, and the boxing is powerful.It is advocated that the liver qi must be matched with the top, and it belongs to the liver meridian of the foot Jueyin, which belongs to wood and is yang; the movement should pay attention to the in and out of one qi, like a boat sailing on the waves, its shape is like an arrow but not an arrow.

"Overbearing is not fearless in aura, but fearless because you have enough hard power."

Traces of domineering faintly appeared, entangled in Xu Anlu's hands.

"I have comprehended the trace of the Great Dao."

Fist intention, burst out.

Those colorful fairy ultimate moves shattered like a mirror, and the leading immortal was hit first and died on the spot.

The red soul was looming, and Xu Anyin stared at it with wide eyes, never thinking that his sister had such a skill.

Isn't she just a mortal?

Why, mortals still make the mark of the great way?

Isn't that what a true immortal can condense! ?


The fist wind was in full swing, Xu Anlu took the initiative to attack, and shouted at the same time: "Help me!"

"Why, how can I help?"

"Urge the defensive immortal ultimate move to protect my body. I read your memory and know that you have the means. Your spiritual root has been fused with your soul, so you can still activate the immortal ultimate move now. Save my body!"

"I see!"

Under the moonlight, the two sisters completely merged into one, their red souls intertwined with their long black hair, and beat the incoming immortals to pieces.

The immortals observing the situation in the sky saw that something was wrong and came down one after another to help.

The two celestial beings also ended, and they used the more vicious immortal ultimate move.

"Sister, I'm in a soul state now, and with my spiritual root damaged, I may not be able to withstand the ultimate move of the immortal. Or, let's run first and find a safe place to talk." Xu Anyin panicked and gave Suggestions for retreating.

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