She knew the background of Wenxianzong. Even if Xu Anlu could defeat these people, she would not be able to shake the entire Wenxianzong. Wenxianzong would only send more powerful immortals to chase after them.Xu Anlu's reputation has already been ruined by her, it is better to avoid the edge than to fight to the end.

However, Xu Anlu shook her head and rejected Xu Anyin's suggestion.

"So, Xiao Yin, you don't know how to be overbearing at all."

"The reason why the country is important, and the reason why the Lord is venerable, is strength. If you want to regain your former position, if you want to revive our Great Yan Dynasty, you can't do without absolute power."

"Blindly escaping will only make you cowardly. Stand up to fight and overwhelm the opponent with force. This is domineering."

She confronted the angels in the sky.

"I already have that strength."

Pushing hard on her toes, she jumped into the sky and shouted: "Xiao Yin, the spiritual energy helps me fly."

"it is good!"

In Yong'an City that day, a mortal beat up two angels.

Chapter 90: Dislocation


A pawn falls.

Yang Pingsheng looked at the situation on the chessboard, twisted a chess piece in his hand, and said, "I don't seem to have asked how you escaped."

"Yeah." The girl sitting opposite nodded obediently, "The Taifu really didn't ask."

"Is it……"

Yang Pingsheng was thinking, the chess pieces in his hand fell, and the situation on the chessboard became more and more anxious. The chess pieces he dropped did not help him gain much advantage.

The girl's face was stiff, but the red soul behind her laughed instead, and controlled her body to fall down quickly.

"Just ask the Taifu if you have anything, I'm sure I'll know everything."

Yang Pingsheng shook his head and said, "Don't worry, I'm just talking casually, let's play chess."

It's just this son, he hasn't fallen behind yet.


Palace at midnight.

It turns out that the bedroom where Xu Anyin lives has been heavily blocked by guards, and no one is allowed to enter or leave.


The window opened suddenly, and a figure flashed in quickly, blending into the darkness inside.

It was Xu Anlu.

Like a cat, she stepped in softly, and the guards outside couldn't hear any movement.

Xu Anyin, a red-haired soul, wrapped around her and said worriedly, "Sister, they will catch up soon."

"One dead and one injured, just chase after them, at worst, fight here again." She replied with a sneer, "So where is the thing?"

"Inside, go over the screen fan, turn the teacup on the left to the right, and you will be able to open a secret passage, and I will put all your items in it."

"You still have a conscience."

Xu Anlu walked over to operate according to the description, and indeed opened a secret passage, followed the secret passage, and there was a secret room inside.

In that pile of debris, a gun stood there.

The fiery red spiritual fire burned, bringing a short-lived light, Xu Anlu stared blankly, and her thoughts returned to six years ago.

She seemed to be back when she was a child again, reluctant to leave, crying in her arms.

At that time, the Taifu said: "Xiaolu, when will you grow up?"

What does it mean to grow up?

During the years in the consciousness space, she thought a lot, and the most thoughtful thing was her visit to Yong'an City with the Taifu.

She still wants to do many things with Taifu, play chess with him, fly kites together, climb mountains together, swim together, and...

The filthy air in the ground filled the air, Xu Anlu closed her eyes, feeling uneasy.

In the past six years, Xu Anyin has used her body to do everything, from seeing, to hearing, and finally to personally feeling.

She has grown up and learned to be domineering.

But in terms of liking Tai Tu, she doesn't seem to have grown up.

She shouldn't be like this.



The red soul next to her made a sound, she came back to her senses, said nothing, and stepped forward to hold the gun.

The mark of the avenue appeared, tightly wrapping the gun body.


Xu An made a sound, and the spear suddenly became the size of a thumb, and it was placed in the palm of his hand.

Xu Anyin was dumbfounded, not knowing what to say.



"I'm going to save the Tai Tuo now, don't let him know that I am me."

"What do you mean?"

"It means, shut up, watch, wait for me to signal to Lingqi, and don't do any unnecessary movements."

"I know, I know..."

Ever since Xu Anlu told the secret of the two lives, Xu Anyin has become weak.

The elder sister is still the same elder sister, and the younger sister is still the same younger sister, even if Xu Anlu hasn't read her own memory, it is still the same.

Without him, it's just what it is.

Xu Anyin asked: "Sister, shall we go to the Tai Tuo now?"

"No." Xu Anlu shook her head, left the dark room, left the window of the main hall, and rushed to the roof, "First deal with the remaining angel."

For some reason, she suddenly became murderous again, wanting to get rid of the remaining angel.

Xu Anlu is too fierce, and she is a mortal who uses aura and Dao Dao. It is really weird. One fairy has already died under her fist, and the remaining fairy will not come over stupidly no matter what. The earth immortals chased after him, and he watched from a distance in the sky.

Xu Anlu didn't find the celestial fairy, but bumped into the earth celestial beings chasing after her.She immediately took out her spear and fought with them.

"Overlord gun!"

With a loud shout, she pointed her gun at an earth fairy first.

The Scar of the Great Dao can bless immortal ultimate moves, as well as mortals and weapons.The earth immortal's defensive immortal ultimate move was punctured like paper, and Xu Anlu yelled inexplicably, he couldn't react in time, and was stabbed to death on the spot.

The rest of the Earth Immortals were stunned, each holding their celestial artifacts, not daring to move forward.

"Overlord gun!"

She roared again, resounding through the night sky, and the earth immortals immediately fled in all directions, not daring to face this freak again.

The roar attracted the guards, and the guards of the brigade rushed over. They saw Xu Anlu stepping on the red aura, walking in the air, chasing several earth immortals alone, and looking at each other.

"What kind of monster is this tm?"

Seeing this scene, the celestial being far away in the sky didn't dare to stay any longer, turned around and flew away with his sword, and went back to ask Xianzong for help.

Xu Anlu couldn't catch up with those Earth Immortals, she turned her head to see that the Forbidden Army below was looking at her, so she turned around and charged towards the Forbidden Army.

The leader of the forbidden army drew his sword, and before he could react, he was stabbed to death by a single shot.The rest wanted to resist, but they were also stabbed to death one by one by Xu Anlu.

The commotion became louder and louder, the palace was brightly lit, and a large number of forbidden troops rushed towards Xu Anlu.

In the Empress Dowager's bedroom, Gu Ziang pushed open Ling Yan'er's door and said, "Xu Anlu is back."

Ling Yan'er was overjoyed: "Then tell the seniors of Xianzong to take her down!"

"Ask the seniors of Xianzong, they have already been defeated, and now Xu Anlu is massacring the imperial army, so come here."


Blood flowed down the tip of Xu Anlu's spear.

The blessing of Dao Scar is especially aimed at the aura of the immortal, which can make people or weapons ignore the ultimate move and aura protection of the immortal, but it has no special power in itself, and the special power of the blessing is only for the ultimate move and formation of the immortal.

Xu Anyin's red aura was also withdrawn due to excessive consumption, and Xu Anlu slaughtered the imperial army by relying on her own force.

When she stabbed the hundredth person to death, no one dared to approach her.

She slaughtered all the way to the main hall, then to the empress dowager's bedroom, searched around, but couldn't find Gu Ziang and Ling Yan'er, so she went back the same way and went to the backyard to find Yang Pingsheng.

When she reached the corridor leading to the backyard, a burst of spiritual energy stopped her.

Xu Anlu stopped and looked up.

On the eaves, Xiaohua stands holding a knife.

"Witch, you still dare to come back."

Xu Anlu was too lazy to talk nonsense, and asked directly: "Where is the Tai Tuo?"

Xiao Hua sneered: "With me here, you don't want to see Tai Tu."

"It seems that he is really inside, Ling Yan'er escaped, and it is impossible to take him with him."

Xu Anlu raised the tip of her gun and pointed it at Xiao Hua: "Sister Xiao Hua, can I help you?"

"Don't call me that name, disgusting!"

Xiaohua's figure disappeared, and she walked behind Xu Anlu in an instant, and chopped it down with a single blow.

"When you controlled me, when you killed Xiaozhu, did you think about me?"

The cold light of the blade flashed and fell along the moonlight.

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