"Witch who humiliated the teacher, die for me!"

Chapter 91: Wrong Love

With the trace of the Great Dao, the so-called body protection aura is just a joke.


Xiao Hua vomited blood and fell against the wall, unable to get up again.

Xu Anlu's reaction was too fast, she could see through even teleportation, all the blades emitting cold light were shattered, and the shadows of fists superimposed, all fell on Xiaohua's body.

"Go back."

As she spoke, she shrunk the gun and put it away, without looking at Xiao Hua, she raised her legs and walked in.

Xu Anyin appeared behind her, wanted to say something, but finally shut up.

"Teacher, are you there?"

In the backyard, Yang Pingsheng himself was not seen.Xu Anlu turned around and saw that there was a trail leading to the back mountain, so she walked along there.

Yang Pingsheng came down from the top of the back mountain, the moonlight was faint, and the ball of light floated beside him, he was talking to the system:

"Two heavenly immortals and many earth immortals are besieged, Xu Anyin can't escape, right?"

"She's a female villain. If she really can't escape, the will of the world doesn't need us to save her."

"It's just that, are you sure that if Xu Anyin comes to me, I really want to do what you said?"

"Don't underestimate the way of heaven, the sky net is restored, and it is not lost. At the end of the final chapter, the female villain is destined to be changed only along the way of heaven."


Just as he was talking, the ball of light suddenly disappeared. Yang Pingsheng was wondering when a familiar voice sounded.


The girl stood in the middle of the road, beads of sweat mixed with blood stuck to her hair, and the red-haired soul was behind her, lowering her head, not daring to face him.

The system really made it right, Xu Anyin escaped and came to look for him.

Following the plan, he sighed and said, "You escaped."

"Yes, I escaped." The black-haired girl, like the soul behind, lowered her head, and the shade of the tree shook, casting a shadow on her face, "Teacher, would you like to come with me?" ?”

The two confronted each other up and down, and the system hid in Yang Pingsheng's body.The wind blows at night, and the temperature in the mountains is much cooler, with a bone-piercing cold.

"Teacher, that woman is cruel, you stay here, she just treats you as a pawn."

"Is it."

"Let's go together, go to a place where there are no people, just like that small courtyard, I am willing to listen to what the Taifu teaches, and I can also help the Taifu with many things. The world is so big, there is always a place for us to go .”

Xu Anlu's voice stopped.


She raised her head, and the bright white moonlight fell on her face, dispelling the shadows, and the expression on that face was no longer rigid, but full of hope.

"Would you like to come with me?"

From high to low, Yang Pingsheng stood still, Xu Anlu took the initiative to raise her leg, took a step up, and said stubbornly: "I am not the same as before, Taifu."

She has grown up.

She is no longer the innocent Xu Anlu she was before.

She read the memories of Xu Anyin's two lifetimes, honed in the consciousness space for five years, comprehended domineering, and condensed the trace of the great way.

She has grown up, but she still likes Taifu.

"I want to be with you, forever and ever."

"Because I like you, Taifu!"

The night wind blew by, her hair swayed slightly, and the love condensed and never left.

"I like you."

So want to be together, always be together.

Xu Anlu, who has realized domineering, no longer tactful, but expresses her heart frankly.

That's what she wants.

Even if she dies, even if the world is destroyed, she still wants to do this.

Yang Pingsheng looked at her, the soul behind him had dissipated, the girl's hair was slightly raised, her eyes were bright, her lips were tightly pressed, but she looked at him without evasion.

He originally thought that his heart should not move anymore, but for some reason, when the girl sincerely expressed her love, his heart moved again.

I thought of a long time ago, there was a girl who said with tears, "Brother, Xiaohan was wrong, come back."

I thought of a long time ago, there was a girl who cried and said, "Brother, don't want me."

He thought about the past and the future, and it seemed that the same tragedy would happen to the girl again.

They have no future, this is a love destined to have no future, a love without ending.

His life span is only four years.

He should have refused, and if it had been himself, he would have refused.

But this time, it was the system, the way of heaven.

So, he said:

"it is good."


The hope in the girl's eyes was shining brightly.

"I'll go with you."

Yang Pingsheng lowered his eyes and said:


Then, into the abyss.


Pat, the pawn finally fell.

The situation on the chessboard became more and more anxious, Yang Pingsheng turned his work into defense and started a war of attrition with the opponent.

The girl on the opposite side was meditating, and when Yang Pingsheng raised his head, he happened to meet the gentle gaze of the soul behind the girl.

The ocean of memory rolled over, complementing his memories.

The girl stood in front of him, looked at him stubbornly, and shouted dissatisfied:

"You always teach me benevolence and righteousness, then tell me that in this country, everything, whether it's the people or the royal family, even myself, belongs to the sect of the immortal family above! Any one of them can do it with just a flip of their hands. Destroy everything in this country. Power is paramount, how can there be benevolence and righteousness?"

"I can't protect the people, loyal ministers, or even myself. Tell me, can benevolence and righteousness protect me? Can benevolence and righteousness...can you knock down that high-ranking immortal?"

The memory is blurred, the girl seems to have a red soul.

He couldn't remember who said it.

Xu Anlu, Xu Anyin, the two were mixed together, it was hard to tell them apart.

"What's the matter, Master?"

The dead heart, subconsciously moved.

"Speaking of which, you seem to have confessed to me at that time."

"Ah, Taifu still remembers."

The red-haired soul smiled slightly: "It's really rare, I thought the master had forgotten."

"It's true that I almost forgot, but I just remembered again, it's your turn."

"Hey~ I'm going to be sad when Tai Tuo said that."

The sluggish black-haired girl raised her hand and picked up a chess piece.

"That was the happiest and happiest time of my life."

"Teacher, do you know? After you left, I always dreamed. I dreamed that you finally recognized me as a student. You sat on a chair, and I saluted you and offered you tea. Then, you smiled and touched me. Hold my head and say, 'Okay, that's it.' Then we live together, carefree."

"It's a pity that people will die eventually. Even immortals can't live longer than heaven."

The girl smiled and said coquettishly:

"So, Taifu, just promise me, let me make you a human puppet, okay? In this way, you can always, forever, always be by my side."

"Forever, what an inspiring word."

Chapter 92: Exposure and Concealment

Ever since Xu Anlu regained her body, Xu Anyin found that she seemed to have changed.

She became neither like her sister before nor her sister in her previous life. Instead, she became more and more silent, and the time for thinking gradually increased, and she would repeatedly enter and exit the consciousness space, looking at Xu Anyin's memory.

She engulfed part of Xu Anyin's aura with the Scar of the Great Dao, turned her hair red, and began to play Xu Anyin.

All of this made Xu Anyin start to panic.

"Sister... what do you want to do?"

"It's nothing."

In the consciousness space, Xu Anlu patted her on the shoulder and replied, "I'm just a mortal, so don't be nervous."

"Sister, you..."

When Xu Anyin wanted to ask again, she was the only one left in the consciousness space.

Xu Anlu has already read her memory, logically speaking, she should know everything about Ling Shui'er, the identity that Yang Pingsheng confessed, humane.

However, she didn't seem to know, and got along with Yang Pingsheng as she wished.

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