The aura can only maintain the color of her hair for one day, so every night, she would return to the consciousness space to ask Xu Anyin for the aura.

At this point, Xu Anyin can only agree.

With Xu Anyin's support, Xu Anlu and Yang Pingsheng traveled to every corner of the Yan Dynasty, towns, mountains, fields, and forests.The court's pursuers occasionally killed them, but Xu Anlu secretly resolved them.

In the end, they chose to live in seclusion in a valley, only this time, there were only the two of them.

The time, the sun and the moon rotate, and every minute and every second of time is passing by. In the end, the system explained the only plan left, saying: "I want to shut down, save energy, and wait to jump the world. You follow the plan of heaven." Enough."


The system shut down, leaving Yang Pingsheng alone to face the female villain.

In this life, it's okay.

There is no unbearable pain in the first life, nor the inseparable grievances and grievances in the second life. In this life, Yang Ping didn't feel so much towards Xu Anyin in his life. It's fine to abuse him, not to mention that Xu Anyin would suck his soul.

Although he didn't understand why Xu Anyin dragged her into seclusion and confessed to herself, but forget it, it's the last step, she can do whatever she wants.

The courtyard in the valley was made by the female villain, and all the furniture, layout, and daily meals were made by the female villain.What Yang Pingsheng has to do every day is to lie on the rocking chair in the garden and bask in the sun leisurely.

Xu Anyin is also much more well-behaved, without the arrogance of the emperor, even if she is quietly accompanied, she no longer makes the last step or sucks his soul. Every night when she sleeps, she just hugs him.

Suddenly, Yang Pingsheng seemed to see Xu Anlu, that cute and well-behaved child.

By the way, how is Xu Anlu doing now?

That child is probably the most innocent one.

At night, Yang Pingsheng was lying on the rocking chair, looking at the stars in the sky, his thoughts went back to the past.

The little girl who used to be, broke the vase by accident when meeting, clamored to learn martial arts from herself, bullied animals everywhere in the mountains and forests, made friends with sparrows, and often came happily to share the joy with herself.

Eat snacks when visiting Yongan City, take the initiative to hold your hand, and ask yourself what you like.Aggrievedly telling myself about the little things, defending my sister, and talking about trivial matters in life, sometimes I can amused myself.

When we parted, I pretended not to cry, my eyes turned red at first, my movements were stiff, I tried my best not to cry, and finally broke my defense, hugging myself and saying that I couldn't bear it, like a child who will never grow up.

Xu Anlu has many appearances.

Also, in the Palace of Compassion and Ning, that gray gaze when she held Ling Yan'er.

Those lonely gazes and the fleeing back were the last appearance Yang Ping saw in his life.



His thoughts were interrupted, and the red-haired girl walked over with a fruit and a smile.

"Let's eat some fruit."

The smile on her face was clear and pure. Under the soft moonlight, the gentleness of her eyebrows and eyes made Yang Pingsheng even more immersed in memories.

that girl.

"it is good."

Yang Pingsheng nodded, but did not move his hands.The red-haired girl didn't mind either, she put down the fruit, walked behind the rocking chair, and put both hands on Yang Pingsheng's shoulders.

"Teacher, let me rub your shoulders."

"it is good."

A moderate force came from the shoulder, accompanied by a gentle voice, one after another.

"Teacher, what are you looking at?"

"Look at the stars."

"Does Tai Tuo like stargazing?"

"I didn't like it at first, but later I thought it would be good to have a look." Yang Pingsheng said, "Can I ask a question?"

"Of course, you can ask, Taifu."

"Xiaolu, what's the matter?"

The hand massaging the shoulder paused slightly, then moved again.

"Nature is still in the consciousness space."

"Aren't you going to return this body to her?"

"Does Tai Tuo care about her?"

" should I put it?"

This has nothing to do with Tiandao's plan. Anyway, it's okay to chat casually. Yang Pingsheng thought about it and said, "Yes, I care very much."

"Then what does the master think of her?"

"In my heart, she will always be that child."

Innocent, lively, cheerful, kind.

In Yang Pingsheng's heart, she is the innocent in this world.

"Then Taifu, do you like her?"

The red-haired girl asked the question.

The wind blew by at night, and the leaves rustled. The question Xu Anyin asked involved Tiandao's plan.

Yang Pingsheng sighed helplessly, and put his hand on the girl's hand:

"I like you, Xiaoyin."

The massaging hands stopped completely.

Yang Pingsheng didn't care, and continued according to what the system taught him: "In the beginning, I did have some opinions on you, but as I get along slowly, I can actually understand the loneliness of your two lives. Maybe this is a humane choice. The reason why I came to support you, in fact, I am similar to you."

"Forgive me for abandoning you at the last moment. In fact, my original plan was to save you afterwards."

Hand, slowly withdrawn.

The red-haired girl turned around and said, "Teacher, it's getting late, let me prepare hot water for you."


Yang Pingsheng sensed that the atmosphere was not right, and just as he was about to speak, the girl had already left.

consciousness space.

Xu Anlu stood in the middle, thousands of traces of the Great Dao appeared and filled her body.

With a low snort, she merged into the traces of the Dao again, and the entire space of consciousness trembled violently.


With a lingering cold voice, Xu Anyin appeared from the darkness, and asked weakly, "Sister, what's the matter?"

"Teacher said that he likes you very much."


Xu Anyin was a little dazed, and then saw Xu Anlu turn her head slightly, and there was a ray of red light in her eyes looking this way.

Her legs went limp on the spot, she knelt down with a plop, and stammered:

"Sister, you, what are you going to do?"

Chapter 93: The Emperor with Two Faces

Something is changing.

Yang Pingsheng noticed this change.

Xu Anyin became silent, cooked meals normally every day, and then locked herself in the room, rarely coming out to meet people.

She no longer pestered Yang Pingsheng to sleep. Although she was still very polite, there was always something hidden in those pupils.

Concealed... Desire?

Not just desire, but something else besides desire.

Yang Pingsheng wanted to ask, but still felt that it would be better not to move.

In the last period of time, if possible, he didn't want to make extra troubles.

Life in the valley is beyond the mundane, and Yang Pingsheng didn't even notice that the New Year was coming.

But, it's snowing again.

In the vast white world, it is freezing cold, and everything is dressed in white.Yang Pingsheng's reclining chair was moved back into the house, and he lay there every day, watching the snow through the window.

Watching and watching, he didn't realize that another year had passed until the heavy snow disappeared and new shoots began to grow.

Xu Anyin came out less and less frequently. Basically, except for preparing meals, she locked herself in her room most of the time.Yang Pingsheng couldn't figure out what she was doing, he could only see a red aura coming out of her room from time to time.

Maybe she went out at night, but Yang Pingsheng slept soundly at night, so she didn't know when she went out.

That night when the snow melted, he fell asleep and had a dream.In the dream, he was in a pitch-black space. Xu Anyin, with flowing red hair, ran up to him, and said anxiously to himself, "Teacher, run, my sister is already crazy."


who?Xiaolu?But isn't Xiaolu Xu Anyin's younger sister?

Who is the sister talking about?

"Teacher!" Xu Anyin in the dream grabbed his hand with a serious face, "I'm not joking with you, my sister is really crazy!"

The Xu Anyin in the dream is not as ridiculous as the Xu Anyin in reality, maybe it was because of the dream, he wanted to tease her.

"Okay, okay, your sister is crazy, even crazier than you, so why is she crazy?"

As soon as the question came out, a lonely expression appeared on Xu Anyin's face. This was definitely the first time in Yang Ping's life that he saw Xu Anyin lonely.She lowered her head, not daring to look at him, tightly clutching the corners of her clothes, pursing her lips and saying, "'s my fault, I'm a waste, I'm only a drag, even if I'm reborn, I'll give everything to you fuck up."

This is really a dream, Yang Pingsheng thought, if Xu Anyin was in reality, he would never have said these words.

"I really realized that I was wrong. I killed many people, even my uncle... died because of me, but at least, at least you, Taifu, I don't want you, Taifu, to die because of me!"

The words were stuttering, but they couldn't conceal the girl's seriousness.

When Yang Pingsheng looked down, the red-haired girl had tears in her eyes, and she said seriously: "I... am not a good person, nor a person who repays favors. Uncle helped me in his previous life, but I killed him. As for you, Taifu, you also helped me, but because of doubts and fears, I did something very bad to you, and I am really sorry."

She raised her hand and touched Yang Pingsheng's chest with her fingertips, where the light gathered and finally merged into Yang Pingsheng's body.

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