"Xiao Yin, you..."

"I'm sorry, Taifu, I'm not a good emperor, nor a good student. I failed your teachings and killed so many people. I'm really sorry."

As the light entered, Xu Anyin's figure became much weaker.

Her face was pale, and she smiled weakly: "I'm sorry, my sister has restricted me, I can't tell you what happened, but at least, at the last time, let me take you out..."

"Really, it's a wonderful fate. I didn't realize it until now. If there is a chance in the future, please tell me more about that world. Maybe I myself like the Tai Tuo..."

"It would be great if you were really my teacher in the previous life. In that case..."

Xu Anyin's figure began to dissipate.

Starting from the lower body, Xu Anyin's body slowly turned into light and slowly moved upwards.

She looked at Taifu, originally she was smiling, but slowly, she started to cry.

"Sorry, I cried again, I'm really a coward, I don't deserve to be an empress."

"Teacher, in fact, I really like the kingly way you talked about..."

"I really want to, listen again..."

Xu Anyin disappeared.

In the dark space, only Yang Pingsheng stood alone.

Then, the dream woke up.

Sunshine came in through the gaps in the windows, and the spring was just right outside. Yang Pingsheng stared at the ceiling in a daze for a while, and then slowly got up.

It was he who slept exceptionally well last night, and woke up this morning feeling exceptionally refreshed.

In the dark, it seems that something has returned.


There was a sound by the window, and he looked over, only to find a sparrow jumping there.It flapped its wings, stood by the window, and looked at him with its head tilted.

Yang Pingsheng walked over and stretched out his hand. The sparrow was not afraid of people, and took the initiative to rub against his palm.

"I'm not afraid of people."

As Yang Pingsheng was talking, he suddenly remembered that a few years ago, in the college, Xu Anlu also raised one, and she seemed to call it Xiaopu.

"Little one?"


The sparrow was bouncing around, seeming to like the name very much, and refused to leave in Yang Pingsheng's palm.

"Never mind."

Yang Ping touched it all his life, and it was regarded as adoption. In the last time, he also had a life companion for comfort.

In the second year, Wen Xianzong's pursuers and the imperial court's large troops arrived, Xu Anyin took the initiative to attack the enemy in order to prevent them from finding out, and he went there for three months.Three months later, she came back full of evil spirits.

Needless to say, the large troops of the imperial court were killed by her, throwing away their helmets and armor, and most of Wenxianzong's pursuers were injured, and lost one heavenly and five earthly immortals, and the others returned in embarrassment.

Wen Xianzong's suzerain was furious, but the opening of the secret realm was approaching, and manpower was needed to compete with other sects, so he didn't care about chasing and killing for the time being.

Ling Yan'er was still thinking about it, but ordinary people couldn't deal with it if Xianzong didn't show up, so she could only bear it for the time being.

In this way, Yang Pingsheng and Xu Anyin lived another two years of peace.

In the spring of the last year, one month before the system woke up, the female villain finally showed her fangs.

It was a night, dark clouds covered the sun and covered the stars, only the moonlight penetrated.Yang Pingsheng, who had just finished eating, was lying on the rocking chair and dozed off when he heard Xu Anyin walk over and say:


Looking up, the red-haired girl was standing in front of her with a smile on her face, as if something had finally been completed.

"Can you come to my room?"

Ever since they lived together, Yang Ping had never been to Xu Anyin's room, this was the first time in three years.

"What's wrong?"

"There is something that needs the help of the master."


"As a human puppet... you are still the same as before, Xiao Yin."

Yang Pingsheng sighed helplessly.

The system said that the girl's intention to kill herself was real.

It was indeed true. At that time, Yang Pingsheng knew it.

In the end, the girl showed her killing intent towards herself, and Yang Pingsheng was not surprised when she came back and brought up the old story again.

However, he knocked on the chessboard and said, "I'm sorry, let me refuse."


Because you made me a human puppet, the other female villains will definitely take your skin off, Yang Pingsheng thought.

Of course, he didn't say these words, but knocked on the chessboard, urging the girl on the opposite side: "It's your turn."

The miscellaneous memories of the past are gradually revealed on the chessboard, black and white intertwined, the scene at that time sometimes emerges, sometimes lonely.

Separated by the torrent of time, the girl smiled and dropped a child, making Yang Pingsheng in a trance. When he looked over, his appearance began to change.

It's a grown-up appearance, taller, thinner, and more beautiful, with a charming look in his eyebrows and eyes.

But when he followed forward, that appearance turned into——


The little black-haired girl ran over with a smile, grabbed him, and said:

"Come and see me punch!"


The chess piece falls.

Yang Pingsheng looked down at the chess game, then looked up at the girl, with complex eyes.

"It's really you..."

In the tone, there was a sudden realization, but also remorse and regret.

Yes, he should have noticed, should have noticed earlier.

He should have noticed it at that time.

"Little Lu."


The wind blew away all the voices, and at the end of the story, Tiandao wrote a stroke.

Nothing lasts forever, and the two slowly moved away in the end, without even expressing their intentions. This was helpless, but it was more of God's will.

Yang Pingsheng's memories of World No. [-] finally stayed in the winter of that year.

But before we talk about the winter story, let us turn our perspective back and look at the last story before winter.

The room was full of strange magic circles, and it was only when Yang Pingsheng stepped in that he realized it. When he turned around, he saw the female villain's morbid smile.

Heaven's Secret, Man's Puppet Dafa.

She actually wanted to turn herself into a puppet.

"Teacher, you are a time traveler, right?"

She smiled and took a step forward, the formation was activated, and under the blessing of the Great Dao Scar, she became red.

"I can [see] that your body's lifespan is only the last year of this year. After this year, the Taifu will leave this world, right?"

what is like

Tai Tu said to himself, liking means wanting, and wanting to be with someone is liking.

She likes Tai Tu and wants to be with him.

However, Tai Tu wanted to leave.

He wants to leave alone.

No, this won't work.

Xu Anlu, who understood the dominance, muttered to herself.

This kind of thing is absolutely unacceptable, since the Taifu wants to leave, then forcefully keep him.

When looking through Xu Anyin's memory, she saw that Xu Anyin had learned the art of secrets and puppets.

Tianji Human Puppet, an immortal ultimate move to control people's souls, the controlled person can only obey the caster's orders, just like a puppet, and the physical life is linked to the core of the formation. Theoretically speaking, as long as the formation is not destroyed, The secret and human puppet will live forever.

But to use the immortal ultimate move, you need a fairyland, and Xu Anlu is just a mortal, so you can't use the immortal ultimate move.

But it doesn't matter, she thought of a solution.

The scars of the avenue spread like grass, and in the space of consciousness, Xu Anyin was firmly restrained, screaming in pain.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh, no, no, sister, let me go, let me go!!!"

"No, Xiaoyin."

Xu Anlu smiled slightly, raised her hand, gathered all the traces of the avenue, and began to erode Xu Anyin's soul.

"Although I read your memory, I don't know what kind of person I was in my previous life. However, because I died once for you in my previous life, you should also do something for me. OK?"

"Sister, I will help you practice the formation. I will listen to you whatever you say, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, let me go, let me go!"

"No." Xu Anlu shook her head, "Teacher said he likes Xu Anyin, that is to say, he wants to be with Xu Anyin."

Having said that, Xu Anlu smiled.

"So, Xu Anyin, as long as there is one is enough."

Pointing with his fingers, the trace of the Great Dao was bound even tighter.

"As for you, my sister, you can act as my shadow honestly and serve me."

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