"It's what you want anyway, isn't it?"


The trace of the Great Dao was crushed, and Xu Anyin's personality consciousness was completely destroyed.

The red gradually disappeared, leaving only the dark shadow.Xu Anlu stood alone in the space of consciousness, expressionless.

In this life, she and Xu Anyin didn't have much sisterhood at all, and Xu Anyin's self-conceived elder sister's care and love never came back at all.

In the battle of Yong'an City, Xu Anlu fought for herself, otherwise, if this idiot gave up resistance and his body was damaged, he would be the one who would suffer.

"Sister and sister, what rebirth, it's so boring."

It doesn't matter that Xu Anlu doesn't have spiritual roots.

She gained Xu Anyin's control, which is equivalent to having a spiritual root.

Just manipulating another person's spiritual root to practice immortal ultimate moves is much more difficult than practicing immortal ultimate moves by yourself.Because of this, Xu Anlu needed a little longer.

In addition, there was Wen Xianzong making trouble in the middle, so it took her two years to get it done.

Fortunately, she caught up.

She finally caught up with Yang Pingsheng before he left.

The red formation was revealed, and Xu Anlu blocked Yang Pingsheng's retreat, pressing in step by step:

"Teacher, you said that you like Xiao Yin, right? You said that you like mine, right!?"

She took another step forward, with hope and anticipation in her eyes: "You didn't lie, did you?"

Tiandao's final plan is to let Yang Pingsheng say to the female villain: "I like you, Xiaoyin."

The system fell asleep after telling this. Yang Pingsheng didn't think it was difficult, so before the system fell asleep, he wasn't nervous, and didn't ask about the rest.

After all, Xu Anyin has done all that with himself, plus the experience of the past few years, saying that he likes it, what waves can be caused.

He never expected that the waves still rose, and they were not small.

Is it because you see through yourself that you will leave?

Cold sweat dripped from Yang Pingsheng's forehead. The scene in front of him was not in the plan, and he didn't know what to do.

"Teacher, why don't you speak?"

"Yes, I like it……"

However, before the words fell, the female villain's face darkened.

"you're lying!"

She looked at Yang Pingsheng with tears in her eyes, full of disappointment.

"Teacher, you are lying!"


"I've [seen] it. What you said is a lie!"

That year, she happily chased Xiao Yao into the Taifu's room, and saw the painting of the concubine mother under the bed.

That year, she tremblingly entered the bedroom of the concubine mother and watched the concubine mother and the Tai Tuo hugging each other.

That year, in the space of her consciousness, she felt the joy that Xu Anyin and Yang Pingsheng experienced—the joy that was not joyful.

It's useless for her to play Xu Anyin.

The identity she tried to get was useless.

Because the Taifu likes the concubine mother.

"Hehehehehe, hahahaha, hahahahahahahaha!!!!"

She suddenly looked ferocious, and laughed wildly.

What kind of person is Xu Anlu?

Before rebirth, she was a born emperor, respecting her servants, loving teachers, and thinking about the suffering of the people.

After rebirth, she is a little overlord in the mountains, lively and cheerful, straight from the bottom of her heart, as innocent as a child.

During the few years in the conscious space, she watched the soul of another girl and saw another self from the perspective of others in the previous life.

The natural emperor and the little overlord gradually merged, and she also realized domineering, and condensed the trace of the great way.

But, before these things happened, what kind of person was she?

In the summer nine years ago, in the mountains and forests, she stared at the fallen bamboo and the blood all over her arms. She was stunned for a few seconds, and then laughed:

"Oh, it seems to have caused trouble."

In the space of consciousness, Xu Anyin's heart jumped subconsciously, and asked, "Aren't you afraid?"

"There's nothing to be afraid of. Isn't it killing someone?" She said indifferently, "I'm worried about the Tai Tuo, and I don't know how to tell him."

"You don't have to worry about that."

Xu Anyin used the ultimate immortal move, and the wound on Xiao Zhu's body disappeared immediately, and he stood up abruptly, his eyes became hollow.

Xu Anlu's eyes lit up: "It's amazing, what kind of move is this?"

"Heaven's secret and human puppet, but this is a primary level, time is limited, and Xiaozhu's life cannot be saved. Let's talk about it when we go back. I hope that Xianzong won't see it."

"Can you teach me?"

"You are not a fairy, you can't learn it."


"What should I say when I go back, remember?"

"of course I remember!"

Xu Anlu patted her chest, showing a sly smile.

"Just like before, I'm pretending to be silly and cute, sister, you can deal with the aftermath."

Xu Anlu, who has been influenced by Xu Anyin since she was eight years old, is different from her previous life.

After two lifetimes, they influence and achieve each other, just like a person and his shadow, inseparable.

In the previous life, Xu Anyin caused trouble, and Xu Anlu helped to deal with the aftermath.

In this life, Xu Anlu is ignorant, and Xu Anyin is planning behind the scenes.

Perhaps, they were all alone.

It was only until today that they merged into one and officially became a double-faced emperor.

What did the system and Yang Pingsheng miss?

They only look at the surface, but forget to look at the changes in the shadow.It's as if people's hearts are unpredictable. Everyone always shows the most favorable side when facing others, but the shadow deep in his heart is changing all the time.

Even for an ordinary person, his shadow can create huge waves in his inner world.

Xu Anlu, Xu Anyin.

Two-faced emperor.

He is the king of the outer world as well as the inner world.

Chapter 94: Endgame

The red formation chirped, echoing with the female villain.

"Xiao Yin, calm down!"

The situation in front of him was completely beyond Yang Pingsheng's expectations, and the plan didn't say what to do now.

The system is also in a deep sleep, Yang Pingsheng himself has no strength, if this continues, he will really have no choice but to catch him without a fight.


At the critical moment, a red aura shot from outside.


Xu Anlu turned her head in doubt, the oncoming red light had already torn the wall and came towards her.


Then, swallowed her up.

Although the formation is completed, it still has weaknesses, and this spiritual light is aimed at the weaknesses.

"Chirp, chirp!"

In the gap that was blasted down, the small figure fluttered its wings and screamed vigorously. There was still a red afterglow on the bird's beak.

It's Xiao Ya.

Needless to say, Yang Pingsheng knew exactly what to do, he ran out along the gap, screaming desperately, and flew to the front to lead the way.


The smoke dissipated, and the figure of the female villain loomed.


Xiao Ya turned his head, and another burst of spiritual energy spewed out from his mouth, but it was not directed at the female villain, but directed at the pillars of the house.


The pillars were broken, and the house collapsed, burying the villain underneath.

It swayed the aura again, lighting up the entire courtyard.

The raging fire engulfed everything like waves at night.

Panting heavily, Yang Pingsheng supported a tree, but when he turned his head, he could only see a sea of ​​flames.

"Choo Choo Choo."

The sparrow grabbed Yang Pingsheng's clothes and was still urging him to run.

"Do you want me to run? But..."

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