
A red aura broke through the sky, and Xu Anlu jumped out of the sea of ​​flames. The red-haired soul behind her, like a patron saint, helped her avoid many injuries.


The sparrow desperately hooked his clothes with its claws, Yang Pingsheng had no choice but to run down obediently.

A stone rolled down, and he was caught off guard. He stepped on the stone, and his body fell to the side, just fell down the slope and fell into the river.


The sparrow flew over worriedly, the river surged downward, it followed, and flew downstream together.

Standing above the firelight, Xu Anlu looked at the pitch-black forest, her eyes were full of gray.

Without saying a word, she manipulated Xu Anyin's soul and chased after her.


Sunny day as always.

On such a beautiful day, the system woke up.

"Good news, I woke up, bad news, I didn't save much energy, just enough to jump the world, you... I'll go, why did you become like this!?"

No wonder the system was surprised.

Now Yang Pingsheng, disheveled and ragged, was lying in the cave, leaning against the wall weakly, his face pale and weak.


It hastily threw a cleansing technique over, and then added some nutrition to Yang Pingsheng, watching the other person's face slowly turn from pale to rosy.

"So, what's going on here?"

In the one-person unified communication, just like that, day and night passed.

The wind outside the cave blows the leaves, and the waterfall next to it rushes down, pulling out a beautiful silver color.The forest below rustled in a uniform manner, and occasionally a few animals jumped by.


Xiaoya happily flew around the waterfall, and the rainbow light from there came into view, which was really beautiful.

Yang Pingsheng walked out of the cave and looked at Xiao Jie flying there, and his mood improved a lot.

"System." He called softly.

"here I am."

The voice in the sea of ​​consciousness resounded, unchanged.

"Are you sure, Xu Anyin wants to make me a human puppet, and if I run out, it's also in Tiandao's plan, right?"

"That... of course!"

The system sound stuttered for a while, and soon became firm:

"You just said that one sentence, which caused such a change. Doesn't this mean that the layout of Tiandao is wise!? And Tiandao said that it will not give you strength, isn't that right? That sparrow burst out with spiritual energy to save you , it is obviously a spirit beast enlightened by human beings, which just proves that the Dao of Heaven has planned for a long time, and it is right not to give you strength!"

There are two kinds of beasts, one is monster beasts, and the other is spirit beasts.

Monster beasts use monster energy as the foundation of their cultivation, just like human immortal cultivators, they advance step by step, and masters can even transform into humans.

As for spirit beasts, their bodies contain aura, retain the thinking of a beast, and do not know how to cultivate. Generally, the aura in their bodies is enlightened by immortals, but if they do so, they will be rejected by the world.Like Luo Benmo's mother in the previous life, it was because the passing Xue Ling was rejected by the world and entered the body in desperation, and gave birth to Luo Benmo, a natural fairy.

This sparrow can spit spiritual energy, which means it is also a spirit beast.

There is no problem with the system's explanation, but Yang Pingsheng always feels that something is weird.He watched Xiao Jie flying there, and asked, "So, as long as I complete the last step of the plan, it will be fine?"

"Of course, you also feel the rejection of you by this world."

He did feel it.

As winter approached, the world's blessing on him became more and more repulsive.Up to now, he can barely stand and walk, and he has exhausted all his strength.

It is estimated that when winter comes, he will not be able to move at all.

"It's about time for the female villain to come, so get ready to meet her."

The system yawned and said:

"Quickly end this world and go to the next world."

People always learn to grow.

But in the process of growing up, there are some things that I can't let go of.

In the space of consciousness, Xu Anlu tortured Xu Anyin's soul, repeated confirmation, and finally found the clue.

Before the Scar of the Great Dao crushed her consciousness, she had already used the immortal ultimate move, separated a small part of her soul, and the sparrow that suddenly attacked was probably the result of the manipulation of Xu Anyin's separated soul.

After all, it is a person who has lived two lives and suffered so many losses one after another. Xu Anyin also kept a few more thoughts. Her immortal ultimate move was cast from the very beginning. As long as something happens to the soul itself, the immortal ultimate move will be activated. .

Xu Anlu could see the date of Yang Ping's death, and it was because of this that she was even more anxious.

In Xu Anyin's memory, Yang Pingsheng said those things about humanity, and he admitted that he traveled to help her.But this kind of help is not eternal. Now, especially this year, is the day when Yang Pingsheng will leave.

Xu Anlu has already understood the meaning of liking, so she will not let Yang Pingsheng leave.

But where is Yang Pingsheng?

The soul remaining in the sparrow seems to be Xu Anyin's instinct. Unless he is himself, no one knows what Xu Anyin's last order is.

She can only find it by herself.

She followed the traces and found them until they disappeared.Then, she searched every corner of the forest.

After searching, she came to a cave and came to a tombstone.

A ghostly blue remnant slowly emerged.

"You finally came."

Looking at the vigilant Xu Anlu, Remnant Soul smiled slightly.

"It's time to return the memory to you."

Chapter 95: Pursuit

In June, the heat in Yong'an City was hot, but it didn't cool down because of the setting sun.The scorching air stimulates the sweat beads, which are sticky, making people wish to rush into the icy river for a quick wash.

It was cool in the palace, and each palace had neatly cut ice cubes, which the emperor sent someone to take out from the cellar. There was also specially made mung bean soup on the ice cubes, which was especially refreshing to drink.

At this time, few people came to the back garden, and therefore, there were only two people in the back garden, Xu Anlu and Ling Shui'er.After Xu Anlu finished her words, Ling Shui'er's first reaction was to guard the surroundings, but fortunately, there was no one there.

"Little Lu."

She looked solemn, squatted down, looked at Xu Anlu and said, "Don't say what you said again, and don't tell others, including your mother and concubine."

Xu Anlu looked at her, blinked, pondered, and finally nodded slowly.

"I understand."

"This is a fatal matter, Xiaolu, please remember it, understand?"


Ling Shui'er left, full of worries.

Xu Anlu is so smart, of course she saw Ling Shui'er's worry, so she didn't refute and obeyed Ling Shui'er as much as possible.But it is a pity that once words are spoken, they will take root and sprout in people's hearts like seeds.

Her heart is full of worry, it is worry, her daughter is actually such a person.

If one lives in the rivers and lakes, such a disposition is not a problem.However, Xu Anlu has already recognized Ling Yan'er as her mother and lives in the emperor's house. Such a disposition is a big problem.

Let him be domineering, benevolent and moral, to put it bluntly, the royal family wants to protect the interests of the royal family, benevolence, righteousness and etiquette are just means.

The hegemony of a powerful country must also be carried out on the basis of safeguarding the interests of the royal family, otherwise, it would be treason.

Forget it, Ling Shui'er thought when he was leaving, let's observe more when there is a chance in the future.

After all, it was her daughter. She didn't want her to fall into the abyss of eternal doom because of her own thoughts.

After sending Ling Shui'er away, Xu Anlu didn't go back immediately, but wandered alone in the courtyard.

With her hands behind her back, she looked at the blood-red setting sun, sighed, and said to herself: "Is there really no way to solve my doubts in this world?"

"There is a way, of course!"

Xu Anlu was startled, turned her head suddenly, only to find a mysterious person appeared behind her.

He was wearing a pitch-black hooded suit, and the shadows covered his face, making it difficult for people to see what he looked like. His voice was indistinguishable, and it sounded particularly weird.

Facing this stranger who was dressed in strange clothes and sneaked in somehow, Xu Anlu quickly recovered her composure and asked, "Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is that I can help you answer your doubts."

As the mysterious man said, he raised his finger and touched Xu Anlu's forehead.

Xu Anlu was slightly taken aback: "Huh?"

The mysterious man comforted: "Don't be nervous, just accept it."

In an instant, a lot of information flooded into Xu Anlu's mind.

The strong stimulation caused pain. She clutched her head and digested with difficulty. It took 5 minutes for her to finish digesting and let out a long sigh of relief.

Then, she raised her head and looked at the mysterious man with complicated eyes.

"It turns out that Ling Yan'er is really not my biological mother."

"Oh?" The mysterious man was surprised, "Have you already guessed it?"

"It's just a hunch, this method, are you a fairy?"

"It doesn't matter who I am." The mysterious man said, "What matters is how you choose."

A born king.

The king, with a heart of benevolence, has an infinite sense of responsibility for the world. This sense of responsibility will allow him to make the choice that the mysterious person wants.

Xu Anlu frowned: "How do I know, are you lying to me?"

"That's why I said, the important thing is how you choose." The mysterious man laughed, "This is the only way you want to understand domineering and domineering."

"Let me die for my sister, so I can understand domineering and kingly ways?"

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