
"I don't know."

"You don't have to understand."

The mysterious man smiled and opened his arms.

"Xu Anlu, it is already a hundred times more difficult to comprehend one way, let alone two ways? In the era you live in, no one will teach you. Your country and your people have to take many detours to understand , Wang, domineering and miscellaneous are precious. And you can only solve your doubts if you understand this."

"But judging from the information you sent me, I want to die for my sister. Since I am already dead, how can I understand the kingly way and overbearing?"

"Don't worry, according to the plot... I'm sorry for being wrong, cough, according to the future calculation, your sister is destined to become a real fairy and be besieged by thousands of people, and because I can't stay in this world for long, I will use the form of a remnant soul Appear and teach your sister the ultimate move of the immortal way, and when that time comes, if your sister wants revenge, she will definitely use the ultimate move of the immortal way I taught. So, if you start all over again, you will naturally be resurrected."

"Well, I saw the deduction in your message." Xu Anlu nodded, but still frowned, "But, this way I don't understand even more. With my sister's character, she will definitely interfere with my growth, and she has a strong desire to The heart of revenge, I don't have the memory now, not to mention comprehending the domineering way, at that time, who will stop her will be a problem."

"You don't have to worry about that." The mysterious man said, "Someone will stop her, and I will return your memory to you."

"give me back?"

"That's right, I will compress your past life memory, and when all the past is repeated, I will naturally return it to you after you come to me."

"Why didn't you give it back to me in the first place."

"In that case, you won't be able to comprehend the overbearing and kingly way." The mysterious man shook his head, "I can only return it to you after you have comprehended the two ways and mastered the scar of the great way."

The Scar of the Great Dao is a weapon that can only be condensed by true immortals.

Domineering and domineering are products that do not exist in this world.

Everything the mysterious man said was more like a painting. He tricked you into participating in a grand gamble, but the price was your life.

However, the prizes won are indeed exciting.

"Choose, Xu Anlu."

The mysterious man approached Xu Anlu's ear, whispering softly, like a devil.

"Whether you live ignorantly, always troubled by your own problems and then meet death, or take a gamble, see through the falsehood of the world, and grasp the traces of the great way."

"The choice is yours."

A born emperor has a strong sense of responsibility for everything.

Ling Shui'er couldn't answer Xu Anlu's question, and neither could the others.

But it doesn't mean she can't know the answer.

Facing the whisper of the mysterious man, Xu Anlu smiled slightly and said, "Okay."

Her words were soft but firm.

"Master said, if you hear the truth in the morning, you can die in the evening. If you can let me know the answer, why not die once?"

"It's just death."

Chapter 96: Hard to Find

"Is that enough?"


"...I always feel a little dull."

"Are you a masochist? You have to come to the first two worlds to feel comfortable for the last time?"

"No... If you have to say it, it's fine now."

Although he didn't understand why the system said the task was completed, he didn't want to worry about it.

"This time Tiandao wants to keep your body, um... As your good partner, I'll take the initiative to help you get out. It would be too painful for you to wait for death like this."

"I thank you."

At the end of consciousness, Xiao Jie was leaning towards him, looking at him worriedly.

He stretched out his hand and stroked its feathers, in a daze, as if he had returned to that small courtyard that year.


Under the sun, the black-haired girl was full of enthusiasm, and the splashed water glistened, followed by the rabbit and the sparrow.

"Come play in the water!"

If there is anyone in this world who is the most sorry, it should be Xu Anlu.

Because of this, the system asked him to do this, and he didn't resist.

Xu Anlu's child is innocent and lively, but it's a pity that his body was taken away by Xu Anyin, and he can only stay in the consciousness space by himself.

She must be very lonely.

It must be a very painful life for her to be imprisoned by such a lively person.

But sorry, I can't help you.

I... am also a failed teacher.


Seemingly feeling that the end of Yang Pingsheng's life was approaching, Xiao Jie jumped into Yang Pingsheng's arms, crying, with tears dripping from the corners of his eyes.

Yang Pingsheng touched it and smiled in relief.

Anyway, it's over.

There is no hesitation and helplessness in the first life, and there is no heartbreaking in the second life.

That's good.

A little bit of starlight flickered, and consciousness came to the sky.


The sound of the system sounded.

The soul scattered, and the heavy snow covered everything. In this world, there was no more Yang Pingsheng, and only his bones remained.

Maybe one day his bones will be found, but it will be a long, long time.


Ten years later.

In December, the winter is coming, the auspicious snow heralds a good year, the snow of Yongan City fell again, the river was frozen hard, and the dead bodies could be seen buried in the snow in the corners of the city.

The coolness of the majestic imperial palace has not leaked, and the charcoal in the center of the hall is burning red, warm and reassuring.

The cold wind permeated every corner of the palace. The eunuchs and maids passing by were wrapped tightly in their clothes. Those who freeze to death can easily lose their fingers.


The door outside the palace wall opened, and someone came back from the snow wearing a cloak. When the passing servants saw this, they didn't even care about the cold on the ground. They lay down in fright and shouted: "Hi, my lord."

It was Xiaohua who came, she came back from the snow, she just pushed open the door of Qinzheng Hall and entered with a knife.The imperial guards knew her identity and background, and no one dared to stop her.

The empress was lying on the table and having a good time, the servant next to her looked dissatisfied at Xiao Hua who had barged in, and motioned her to keep her voice down.Xiaohua also realized her recklessness, so she took a few steps back, found a chair and sat down.

After waiting for a long time, the Empress did not get up, so Xiao Hua couldn't sit still, so she got up and looked around.She wandered around the bookshelf first, but she didn't see any interesting books. When she looked up, she saw a red tasseled gun behind the bookshelf.

This familiar gun made her memories flood. That night, the young empress was carrying this gun and beat her up.

She stared at the gun for a long time, and in the long memory, she thought of Mr. Xiaozhu again, thinking about it, she subconsciously stretched out her hand.

"Why didn't you say something when you came?" Behind him, a female voice sounded.

Xiao Hua turned her head, and the empress who had been asleep had woken up and was standing behind her.

The long and fine black hair is draped behind her, making her look a little soft, her white skin is like a freshly peeled egg, white and tender, her bright and bright eyes flicker, as if she can speak.When she smiled lightly, her dimples appeared again, which was very cute.

Even after ten years, when she became an empress, Xu Anlu still hasn't changed much, the only thing that has changed is probably a little majesty behind her cuteness.

Immortals do not kneel to mortal emperors, Xiao Hua lowered her head slightly and said, "Your Majesty."

"Let's go down first." Xu Anlu looked around and dismissed the attendant with a wave.

"As ordered."

The servant bowed his head and exited, and some guards hiding in the shadows also exited at the same time.After a while, only Xu Anlu and Xiao Hua were left in the Palace of Qinzheng.

The tea flowed out slowly, and the empress of a country personally made tea for the guests, and said with a smile almost flattering: "I don't have any good tea here, let's drink it for the time being, this year's drought, the palace has cut expenses, I also No exception."

Xiao Hua sat on the chair and let the other party push the teacup in front of her, then picked up the teacup, took a sip slowly, and frowned.

It's really not good to drink.

She put down her teacup and said in a cold voice: "Since your majesty mentioned the severe drought, I will get straight to the point. The severe drought in the southern border before winter, why is your majesty's relief food so late?"

The queen was a little taken aback, as if she didn't expect Xiao Hua to talk to her about this matter.She tilted her head, chuckled, and sat back in her chair.

"Did Fairy Hua come to me to talk about this? I thought it was because the Zongmen had something that needed my cooperation."

Lazy words revealed carelessness.Xu Anlu picked up a volume of books, yawned, and said boredly, "I would have dealt with this matter long ago. The relief food was distributed, and an extra sum of relief money was given by the household department. The report was also made the day before yesterday." It's delivered, well done, fairy, would you like to see it?"

"Not a bad fart!" Xiao Hua uttered a rare swear word, and slapped her palm on the table, "Ninety percent of the relief food and relief money have been stolen by your subordinates, and less than ten percent have actually been implemented. Officials are evading everywhere, and several of your important officials are refusing to know. When I ask, I will push all of them to my subordinates. This is the court you manage, the country you manage!?"

"That's right, then you gave me the names of those people and made you so angry, Fairy, I will definitely punish you later."

Xu Anlu looked at Xiaohua and smiled: "Is there anything else the fairy has to do?"


Xiao Hua stood up, gritted her teeth, pointed at her, and said almost word by word: "You are also someone taught by your master, why..."

"Don't, don't, he doesn't regard me as a student." Xu Anlu quickly waved her hand, "What's more, what he taught me was martial arts, not the way of governing the country. Besides, the shitty things he and my sister did, I don't know. But the victim, you know."

"What did you say!?"

Ten years ago.

Xu Anlu suddenly returned to the Great Yan Dynasty.

She told an amazing fact that there was another soul in her body, that soul was her reborn sister, and all the things were done by her sister.

It was her sister who manipulated the innocent, imprisoned her in the space of consciousness, and then came out to endanger the world by herself.

And she wanted to resist, so she condensed the Dao Scar in a mortal posture, but after all, her sister's fairy posture was superior, and she controlled her again, struggling to the death and massacring on the night of escape.

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