These days, she has been dreaming.

In the dream, back to the small courtyard, Xiao Er and Xiao Yao were both there, she was playing happily in the yard, and the Tai Tuo sat on the rocking chair to watch her.

Time did not wash away her miss, on the contrary, it made her miss more and more heavy.

Now she has long been immersed in it, and she can think of Taifu when she sees everything.

Touching the tall tree in front of her, she could think of the scene when the Tai Tuo first agreed to teach her at that time.

She fell from the tree and sat on the ground. The Taifu came back with the bamboo slips in his arms and came to ask himself.

"what happened?"

The tenderness at that time has become a bubble.

In her dream, she dreamed many, many times. In ten years, she didn't grow up at all.

I can't bear it, I can't forget it.

Can't let go.

I lost my ambition, lost my direction, and when night fell, I could only lie helplessly alone, letting my loneliness slow me down.

Walk and walk, and finally wake up and look at yourself in the mirror with tears all over your face.

How sad.

She's grown up, and she should be.

She sits in a high position above ten thousand people, surrounded by schemes and calculations, if she is not careful, she may fall into the abyss.

She has learned to restrain herself, hide her edge, and greet people with a smile. She is no longer the innocent and lively Xu Anlu who only knows how to play.



Only Taifu, only these two words, she still can't forget.

Every day and every night.

Her body was scorched by flames, her heart was riddled with holes, and her internal organs were covered with ants. She was attracted by the temptation named Yang Pingsheng and frantically gnawed at her heart.

The illusion named "Love" has set up a trap so that she cannot escape.

The face and words of the Tai Tuo will appear in the midnight dream, giving her a fatal blow.

There is no escape.

In the morning, she looked at herself in the mirror distraught, and muttered to herself.

There is no escape.

When you fall in love with someone, you go to hell.

Missing is the biggest devil.

When the Taifu left, he was alone, and he left with his own painting.

In the end, it was her that Tai Tu was worried about.

Xu Anlu.

The naive Xu Anlu, the lively Xu Anlu, the lovely Xu Anlu, in the eyes of the Taifu, Xu Anlu will always be that obedient child, imprisoned in the space of consciousness by his sister, living in darkness.

Did he know that she was actually the one who confessed his love in the end?

No, he doesn't know.

It's all my own bad, my own fault.

If, if, at that time, when I got my body, I went to the Taifu immediately and told him everything, would the ending be different?

However, the Taifu said that he likes Xiaoyin...

But when he left, it was himself who couldn't let go.

There is also Ling Yan'er's painting under the bed, and the scene seen in the Palace of Compassion and Peace.

Can't tell.

She really can't tell.

She really doesn't know who Tai Tu likes.

That year, after the fireworks filled the sky, she looked at the Tai Tuo, and her enthusiastic heart almost jumped out.

"Teacher, what is liking?"

"To like is to want, to be with someone, that is to like."

Taifu said, this is what I like.

Then who does Taifu want to be with?

Is it Ling Yan'er?

No, if it was Ling Yan'er, he would have been able to stay with her long ago.

Is it Xiaoyin?

No, she pretended to be Xiaoyin and lived with the Taifu, but the Taifu escaped in the end.

That is……

"It's me, Taifu must like me."

Stretching out her hand and touching the rough ancient skin, Xu Anlu muttered to herself.

Tai Tu likes his liveliness.

Taifu promised to teach himself martial arts.

Tai Tu thought of himself in the end.

The person Tai Tu really likes must be her.

So, everything is her fault.

She was too slow and too slow, and by the time she came to her senses, the Taifu had already left.



Xu Anlu didn't dare to think about where the Tai Tuo went.Because no matter where he went, the self who was trapped in this world could never find him.

Already, farewell.

The pain accumulated in her heart, she covered her heart, supported the tree with her hands, and squatted down slowly.

Tick ​​tock!

The blood from the corner of the mouth fell down, staining the white of the ground red.

"Your Majesty!?" The attendant was shocked, and hurried forward, "How are you? I'm going to the Imperial Hospital right now, to..." Before he finished speaking, he heard the empress' violent roar.

"no need!"

"But, Your Majesty..."

"I said, no need!"


The servant bowed his head and stepped back, Xu Anlu stood up, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, his eyes were filled with coldness.

"Let's go back."


Inside Qinzheng Hall, the hall door was closed tightly, the curtain blocked the sunlight, and the air was silent and depressing.

Xu Anlu dismissed the crowd, and walked into the depths of the palace alone holding a candlestick.

In the corner, the red tasseled gun stood there, eating a lot of dust.

Without looking at it, she twisted the mechanism on the bookshelf.


The sound of the mechanism running, the passage of the secret room opened in front of her eyes.

The flickering flame of the candle illuminates the dark road ahead.

There was air-conditioning overflowing from inside, hitting the empress's face, but Xu Anlu didn't care, just walked in with her legs up.

The world, the common people.

Country, people.

It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter.

It was her fault. Her vision was too narrow, which made her only focus on the following.

She should have thought of it a long time ago, the thing above her head, the one that stopped her at a critical moment——


There were many emperors in the Yan Dynasty, and everyone thought that the secret treasures inherited by the royal family were just some precious treasures or magical artifacts, but they were all wrong.

What was handed down from the Great Yan Dynasty was a book.

Its name is "Tiandao Cultivation Record".

Chapter 100: The Emperor Vs the Sky

Some people said that the ancestors of the Great Yan Dynasty were originally immortals, but they were defeated in the battle, so they were exiled in the mortal world. The reason why Wen Xianzong frequently intervened was also because of their ancestors.

However, most of the descendants of that immortal had no chance of cultivating immortals. Those who had the aptitude for cultivating immortals either died mysteriously or disappeared mysteriously. Therefore, the monarchs of the Great Yan Dynasty basically had no chance of being immortals.

However, their inheritance secret treasure is a book related to cultivating immortals, so few emperors would pay attention to the inheritance secret treasure. Most of the time, this thing is also a spiritual symbol.


In the secret room, the resonant sound of the formation echoed, followed by continuous shattering, until finally it collapsed.

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