The flame on the candlestick flickered for a while, and it was originally extinguished, but the fiery red aura brushed past and burned again, and the shadow cast by the flame was reflected on the wall, moving with joy.


Failed again.

Xu Anlu looked at the blood on her hands, until all the aura slowly disappeared and the broken formation disappeared, then she recovered from her daze and coughed.

Just now, she was distracted again.

The things in the center of the formation always reminded her of the past.

At that time, she ran excitedly and shared the things she picked up with the Taifu. As long as she ran over, that person would put on a posture of listening carefully, and finally returned a gentle smile.

By the time she woke up from her memories, the formation had already been shattered.

Broken again and again, like memories, constantly alienated.

Reality taunted without hesitation, that person has already left this world, what can you do, a puppet emperor without the slightest fighting spirit?

What can I do...

Xu Anlu looked down at her own shadow, the sound of blood dripping in the secret room kept echoing, and the flame of the candle finally went out, leaving her standing alone in the darkness.

When a person is born, his internal organs are governed by the heaven and the earth. It is impossible to escape this world to find another person.

When Yang Pingsheng left, he didn't leave any clues behind, what's more, Xu Anlu didn't know what was outside the world and what impact the time travel would bring.

However, she will never give up.

She was sick, very sick, and the only cure was Yang Pingsheng.

She must find him.


In the darkness, someone hugged her.

"Do not worry."

With soft words, that cruel and ungrateful sister has also become a gentle person.

"Don't worry." Xu An showed his face frosty, "It's just the 520th failure."

One failure after another, one collapse after another.

She wanted to give up several times in the middle, but the crazy emotion in her heart made her unable to let go.

Xu Anlu didn't know if the truth she had learned from "Tiandao Cultivation Record" was correct, and she also didn't know if she could really go to Yang Pingsheng's world after the ultimate move was successfully created.

She could only keep telling herself that she could do it.

It must be successful.

Even if you bet everything on yourself.

That faint hope is like the flame of a candlestick, small in the darkness, and may be extinguished at any time.

She will never allow it to go out.

If there is not even this little light, then her life is really left with only darkness.

"Sister, it is difficult to create a killer move in the immortal way. It usually takes several years, ten years, or even hundreds of years for immortals to create a killer move, and the ultimate move they create is also related to their own spiritual roots. It seems to involve time and space. The many mysterious ultimate moves of the soul are not only time-consuming, but also require extraordinary talent. The reason why I can create a soul-type immortal ultimate move is essentially just to expand the immortal ultimate move given by the remnant soul."

The voice behind was soft and persuasive: "My sister is a mortal, let alone relying on the spiritual energy that I have. It is not easy to practice a killer move, let alone create it? Besides, the killer move created by my sister The trick, just from the conception, is unimaginable, even if it can be created, it may not be easy for a monk in the real fairyland."

The voice fell silent after finishing speaking. Many times, the two sisters communicate with each other, and the two people who have awakened the memories of both lives understand what the other is thinking better than others.So there are some words, just click and stop.

"Yeah, I'm a mortal, and it's a miracle to be able to condense the scar of the Dao, let alone such an unimaginable immortal killer move."

Xu Anlu shook her head and smiled, but the coldness in her eyes became more and more solid.

"However, I will never give up."

Perhaps without Yang Pingsheng, everything would be fine.

With the memories of her previous life, she has comprehended the two ways of kings and bullies, mastered the scars of the great way, and has the fairy sister as backup. She should obey the ambitions of her previous life, declare war on the immortals, and realize her previous ideals.


She can't go back.

Already, there is no going back.

She wants Yang Pingsheng, only Yang Pingsheng.

not to mention……

"This world is inherently false!"

In the darkness, she gritted her teeth and said.

The will of the world is above all people, and in essence, it is the highest thing.

"That's it, the one who blocked me back then."

Only by destroying it can she reconcile with herself.

Only by destroying it can she go to other worlds and look for Yang Pingsheng.

Ten years, ten years, Xu Anlu has tried to convince herself.

There is no conflict between taking the world as one's own responsibility and living with the Taifu.

She wants both.

However, there is something lying in the middle, that is, the will of this world.

It created the difference between immortals and ordinary people, it forced two people to separate, and it was the culprit of everything.

"Sister, what is behind the will of the world?" the voice behind asked worriedly.

Actually, you don’t even need to ask.

Everything has been written in the "Tiandao Cultivation Record".

The world was born between being and nothingness, influenced by Yin and Yang, separated the heaven and the earth.

"Sister, we can't win."

"There's nothing you can't win."

Xu Anlu said:

"As long as we're together, there's nothing we can't win."

That is, another world.

Xu Anlu's inner world.

There is no longer a piece of darkness there. Unlike before, there was only darkness. The current consciousness space has become another look.

On the solid and thick soil, the blue sky, and the vast plain, luxurious palaces rise on the ground.

Xu Anyin who was sitting on the throne was stunned for a moment, then said with a smile:

"My sister is right."

A monstrous red aura rises and fills the entire sky.

Around the world, there are eleven immortal auras.

"As long as we're together, there's nothing we can't win."

On the original plot line, the double-faced emperor draws his sword and rises up, no one can stop him.

Now, the same is true.

It's just that in the past, the targets were the protagonists, immortals, and those who stood in the way.

And now, it's heaven.

The double-faced emperor did not bow to the world at all.

What they want to challenge is the sky.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The ice and snow gradually melted.

The sun is warm and comfortable, the cold of the heavy snow has passed, everything is gradually recovering, and the river is rushing due to the melting snow, and the flow is endless.

Another failure, Xu An revealed the secret room, closed it casually, opened the door, and stood outside to breathe.

A sunny day can't take away the gloom in her heart, and many failures have made her almost a different person.Even Xu Anyin could hardly hold her down.

Fail, fail, keep failing.

She stood on the stone steps outside the hall, looking at the shadow under her feet, her eyes were gloomy, and she didn't leave for a long time.

Suddenly, she realized something, turned her head to look, and found Xiao Hua standing not far away.

"Flower Fairy, I thought you would leave after the new year, but you haven't left yet."

She changed her face and smiled again, showing her intimacy.

"What's the matter, what can I do for you?"

In the sky, there are white clouds drifting by, the sun's rays are rushing down, Xiao Hua's green robe looks bright, she is not as impatient as she was last time, and there is only tranquility in her eyes.

"I thought about what you said last time."

"Did I say something last time?"

"The truth." Xiao Hua said, "I want to know the truth about ten years ago."

Xu Anlu stopped talking and looked up at the sky.

The sky is still sunny, but the sun is too dazzling to see clearly.

"I see."

She turned around and walked into the hall.

"If you want to know the truth, come in with me."

The voice came and went, as if in a dream.

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