"If you have the courage."


It's Xu Anlu.

The girl in front of her is Xu Anlu.

"Teacher, you recognize me."

The red-haired soul merged into the girl's body, until in reality, the girl's black hair also became red-haired.

The originally stunned face became lively, like melting ice, the girl blinked mischievously, and the red hair moved with joy.

"Oh, I wanted to pretend for a while, Taifu is really evil~"

Her cheeks were slightly red, and she put her hand on her heart, showing a happy expression.

"That's great, it's really great. This shows that my idea is correct. The Taifu likes it, and it really is me."

The shadows receded, the doors and windows of the room were closed tightly, the red formation was in motion, and the aura enveloped the room.

Yang Pingsheng naturally felt it, and frowned slightly: "Xiao Lu, what are you going to do?"


The chess piece fell to the ground.

Like a galaxy of stars all over the sky, black and white are mixed together and cannot be separated clearly.

Yang Pingsheng lowered his head and looked at the girl who threw herself into his arms.

The girl who was once innocent, lively and passionate has become a young girl.

Big and bright pupils, a pure and beautiful face, a straight nose like a bird, and long red hair hanging behind her like a river of blood.

It was indeed Xu Anlu.

Even the redhead is Xu Anlu.

The little overlord who shuttled through the forest has now grown into a glorious and luxurious princess.

The third world.

The small courtyard, the breeze, the rocking chair, most of the habits after retirement seem to have started from that world.

It seems that it was also from that world that I had the idea of ​​[find someone to accompany me after the mission is over].

What a long time.

Little ears, little pulls, that year's wind and snow, the little black-haired girl originally left, but suddenly rushed back stubbornly, hugging herself, refusing to leave.

He asked her when she would be able to grow up.

At that time she did not answer.

And now...

Yang Pingsheng raised his head, and the familiar magic circle and aura around him were revolving, which was very similar to the last scene of the third world.

It turned out to be the case.

It turned out that the last one was Xiaolu.

How stupid he should have thought of that.

Tiandao's plan targets not only Xu Anyin, but also Xu Anlu.

After all, the definition is [double-faced emperor].

So the answer is this...

That year, something I ignored.

He sighed, stroking the hair of the girl in his arms, feeling again the realization that the other party wanted to make himself a puppet, and shook his head helplessly.

"Little Lu."

His words surpassed time and brought back memories.

he asked:

"When will you grow up?"



Xiao Hua lost her mind and knelt down on the ground.

"how come……"

"that is the truth."

In the dark secret room, the flames of the candlestick flickered, illuminating the shadows of the two.

Xu Anlu put away her smile, looked at Xiaohua who was kneeling on the ground, approached her, looked down at her coldly and asked:

"Then, Miss Hua."

A red soul stretched out from behind, looking straight at her.

"Are you going to join me?"

"join in……"

Xiao Hua raised her head and looked at her in disbelief: "You?"

"That's right, you really want to find the Taifu too." Xu Anlu said, "But you also know that the Taifu has gone, he is no longer in this world, our world is just a prison, and we all live in Ants in a prison."

"Ants or something... This is just your guess. I really want to find Mr., but I'm not as crazy as you."

Xiaohua stood up, took a deep breath, and said:

"Xu Anlu, what you did was like a lunatic... No, a lunatic would not do what you are going to do. I originally thought you just had a grudge against the sect, or you were mentally abnormal and wanted to vent something... But you Actually, want to go against the sky!"

"Do you know why our sect is called Asking Tianzong?" Xiaohua continued, "We practitioners practice, and the sky is our teacher. We are on the way of pursuing cultivation, and it is a process of asking the sky. Xu Anlu, you hide The true soul of your sister, to deceive our suzerain is one crime; to ignore political affairs and ignore the people under your rule is two crimes; to try to go against the heavens and to rebel against the law is three crimes."

"With these three crimes, both humans and gods are angry. Why do you think that I will join you?"

Xu Anlu looked at her, and she looked at Xu Anlu.

Suddenly, Xu Anlu smiled.

"Sister Xiaohua, you will join me."

She smiled, stepped forward, and patted her on the shoulder.

"Because you didn't mention my real crime, which means that in your eyes, it's nothing."

The red formation is in motion, and the aura will last forever.

In the middle of the formation is Yang Pingsheng's corpse.

dead bodies from ten years ago.

He is still so serene, time has not corrupted his face, and his formation and aura have preserved him very well.

"Why don't you put the crime of humiliating the corpse on me?"

Xu Anlu smiled and said, "You know the answer yourself."

Then, she asked again: "So, would you like to join me?"

Xiao Hua fell silent.

She thought a lot, thought of the past, thought of the present, and thought of the future.

Thinking about it, until Xu Anlu said a crucial sentence: "Xiao Zhu has been resurrected."

Consciousness space, 11 people have gathered.

One of them is Xiaozhu.

Years of training gave his body bronze-colored muscles. He became taller and stronger, and his fierce eyes were no longer as pure as they used to be.

The formation was in motion, and Xu Anlu's shadow slowly stood up, turning into a person.

Consciousness, reality, two in one.

"Little flower..."

Looking at the dumbfounded Xiao Hua, he was a little embarrassed, but he still said, "Long time no see."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"If you fail so many times and fail to succeed, it's not because your Majesty's idea is wrong."

"I read His Majesty's ultimate move concept in detail, it is wonderful and surprising. To realize it, what is missing is not the perfection of the formation, but the four treasures, namely the soul of the sword, the light of the same dust, There are no flowers in the ruins."

"The "Tiandao Cultivation Record" said: 'Those worlds evolved independently, and the heavenly way resides at the top to cover them all, but only one world can find the door, so as to touch the true origin of the heavenly way.' Now His Majesty uses Mr.'s corpse to locate, After confirming that Mister is in the world where the door is, then these four treasures are necessary if you want to travel to that world."

"The suzerain always loves to collect treasures. Over the years, he has collected Tongchenguang, Taixu soil, and Wuhe flowers. Only the sword soul heart is currently missing. But I saw Gu Ziang come out of his body one night. , his soul has a sense of sharp sword light, so it is guessed that the heart of the sword soul is likely to be on him."

"Your Majesty, if you want the ultimate move to be successful, you must have these four things, and you must also beware of the observation of the sky when the ultimate move is executed. Ask the secret volume of Tianzong, the sky in this world we live in is conscious, but because I am not a core disciple , so more inside information is unknown.”

"All in all, if your Majesty wants to succeed, whether it's destroying Tian's consciousness or collecting secret treasures, Wen Tianzong is your number one enemy. If you don't mind, I am willing to respond to your actions as an internal response."

These few days, Ling Yan'er was a little restless.

Her dream is to become an eternal empress and gain supreme power, but because of Xu Anlu's manipulation, she missed the empress, but fortunately, with the help of Gu Ziang, she has also become a fairy, extraordinary and refined, and slowly in the world. Wen Tianzong stood firm.

Wentianzong has two names, one is Wentianzong, and the other is Wenxianzong. In essence, whether you are called Wentianzong or Wenxianzong is right.Ling Yan'er couldn't figure out why a sect had two names until Gu Ziang gave her the answer:

"Ask the sky, ask the sky, don't ask the immortals. Ask the heavens to become immortals, don't ask the immortals. Ask the immortals to become immortals, but ask the heavens to become immortals."

He said that the reason why there are two names is also to test the disciple's xinxing.Whether it’s called Tianzong or Xianzong, the name you subconsciously choose essentially determines whether you focus on heaven or immortals.Paying attention to immortals is the idea of ​​mortals, and paying attention to heaven is the idea of ​​immortals.

It's like the author wrote about Tianzong and Xianzong in the previous chapters. Before you saw Xiaohua's words, did you ask Tianzong or Xianzong in your memory?Look at Xiaohua's passage, is it following the meaning of asking the sky, or is it going to the front to find out if the author made a mistake, isn't it asking Xianzong?

No matter what it is, Ling Yan'er's thoughts don't matter.She has no interest in becoming a fairy or not, but she is very interested in becoming a fairy after ten thousand people, and she is very interested.

It's a pity that her talent for cultivating immortals is really not very good, and she hasn't made much progress in the past ten years.The most important thing is that after Xu Anlu's incident ten years ago broke out, Gu Ziang's attitude towards her became much colder.

Right now, at Tianzong's viewing platform, she is alone facing the vast moonlight and the forest path, and she really doesn't have much interest by herself, so she can only sigh silently.

The days of cultivating immortals are boring, trying to figure out ultimate moves, and comprehend the Dao, it usually takes ten days and a half months, and it can last for several years or decades.It's not that Ling Yan'er has no friends, it's just that she's not used to such a peaceful life now, compared to the life of storms and storms in the past.

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