She had already hinted to Gu Ziang many times, but this guy was uncharacteristically, far less enthusiastic than before, and instead had a very warm relationship with several young junior sisters who had just entered the sect.

"Sure enough, men are big pigs, if you get it, you don't want it anymore."

She pouted, expressing her resentment, thinking that even without Gu Ziang, there would be others, the big deal, she would find someone who is stronger than her, but people who have reached the realm of the earth fairy have a much higher vision, her beauty Color is basically useless. In the world of immortals, everyone is actually pretty good-looking, not to mention, the beauty is only a pink skull.

On a breezy night, it was boring for her to stay here, and she was about to go back, but just as she turned around, she saw a figure flashing by on the trail she had come from.


She is an earth immortal, and her perception is not bad, but the strange thing is that she can't feel the breath of people even though she sees the figure.This strange situation made her suddenly feel bad, and immediately sacrificed the fairy weapon, opened the spiritual body protection, and shouted: "Which fellow Taoist is here? Show up quickly, this joke is not funny."

"Jie Jie Jie..."

No one, just laughter.

Strange laughter continued along the jungle.

The sharpness in Ling Yan'er's eyes was revealed, the other party was coming for her, but unexpectedly, someone actually dared to attack Tian Zongzong.She didn't like to fight either, she raised her hand to use the immortal ultimate move of warning, and shot into the air.

"Jie Jie Jie..."

"Not good!"

Ling Yan'er came to her senses, and her face turned pale with shock: "I have acquired the ultimate move of the Immortal Dao!!"

She noticed it, but it was too late.

Everything in front of me is spinning, and the moon in the sky is hanging, turning into a smiling face of a person.

But in reality, she stood there alone, without doing anything.

She hit the ultimate move of immortality.

That laughter is the killer move!

The strange smiling face transformed into moonlight laughed, wantonly mocking the person being manipulated, and the elongated shadow had a hand protruding from it.

One, two, three.

Grab her hand, pull her hair, hold her waist, and pull her down.

"Help, who will help..."

Just as she was about to make a sound, a black hand stretched out from the shadow and covered her mouth.

"Ohh ohh ohh ohh ohh ohh ohh!!!!!"

a little bit.

Pull her down little by little.


It's like falling into an abyss, unable to extricate myself.

The demon's soul stared at it, and it grinned, enjoying the rare fruit of revenge.

Tears overflowed from the corners of Ling Yan'er's eyes, and it became increasingly difficult to breathe. The black hand stroked her body, then penetrated into her body, ravaging her internal organs.


She opened her eyes suddenly, only to realize that she had come to the interior of a palace.

Twelve figures were scattered around, and the tyrannical immortal aura pressed her down, making her unable to move.


Frivolous voices sounded from above.

Ling Yan'er raised her head, her pupils suddenly shrank.

On the throne, long scarlet hair hung down, and the girl smiled frivolously, looking at her with her legs crossed.

"Hello, concubine mother."

She smiled, and her face became ferocious.

"Welcome to the kingdom of shadows."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------


A dark cloud covered the moon.

Few people come to Wentianzong's main peak, except for the core disciples, most people can't get close.

As the cool wind blew, Wen Tianzong was extremely quiet under the night, the glare in several caves loomed, halfway up the mountain, the shadows of candles in the room swayed, matching the woman's emotional cries.

After a while, the figure stopped, the candle was extinguished, and there were tender and slender hands wrapped around her, with a feminine voice: "Brother, shall we do it again?"

"No, no, the suzerain will let me go to the main peak tonight."

"Hey~ What a pity, a rare time alone."

"Okay, don't make trouble, it's not like you don't know, I only like you."



Wooden door opens.

Gu Ziang walked out with his clothes on, without looking at the scene in the room, he let out a sigh of relief.

The voice of the system sounded in Gu Ziang's mind, it was as cold as ever, but with a little curiosity: "If you are so panicked, why do you need this?"

"What do you know, cough..." Gu Ziang said, realizing something, looking around and seeing no one, he walked forward and replied in a low voice: "The women in this world are beautiful and sweet, and they are still serious oriental fairies. , Let me ask who is not moved."

"But I think you're not that interested in Ling Yan'er."

"Her? Forget it, I'm not interested in it after watching the plot, it's just green tea." Gu Ziang curled his lips in disdain, "Besides, in terms of appearance, my junior sisters are much better than her, really. Understand why such a woman is the so-called heroine."

"You are a bit talkative."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but... well, it doesn't matter, as long as it feels good."

It's great to be able to travel to this world!

In the past, he was just an abandoned house in modern Japanese society, living by gnawing on old age. One day when he was crossing the road, he was unfortunately hit by a truck, and then he traveled to this world.

It turns out that what the anime said is true, as long as you complete the tasks assigned by the system a little bit, you can get a lot of rewards. Hugging left and right is no longer a dream, and fairies are licked like dogs. There is nothing like this. Even better!

Now that the tasks have been completed, the system has given him a holiday. Naturally, his nature has been revealed, and he has been enjoying himself all these years.Although there is no computer, beer and fried chicken, this kind of life is much better than before.

"It's almost time for the holidays to end."

"Hey~ What's the matter, can the system sauce give me a little more time?"

"Can you stop calling me so disgusting?"

As soon as the system sound fell, it rang immediately, but this time, it was hasty and urgent.

"Warning, warning, it is detected that the host's life is about to be in danger, please leave this world immediately."

Gu Ziang was stunned: "Huh?"


Extremely hot.

The boundless darkness spread like a fire, bringing intense scorching heat.

A pitch-black shadow stepped out of the woods and surrounded Gu Ziang, and the moon covered by the dark clouds also became indescribable.

"something wrong!!"

He reacted, but what he didn't realize was that a hand reached out from the shadow and grabbed him.


Before him, the dark night turned into a red dawn.

In the magnificent palace, a red-haired girl sat on the throne above. When she saw him coming in, her scarlet pupils flashed a smile and cruelty.

"Come in?"

She smiled, showing murderous intent: "Then do it!"

The immortal breath erupted, and Gu Ziang was suppressed before he could react.

Tonight, the night of asking Tianzong was extremely long.

Everything has shadows, as long as there is light, shadows will appear.

The shadow permeated the entire Wentian Sect, and the arrival of the Shadow Empire was not even noticed by several bigwigs of this sect.

When they realize it, it is when they are deeply trapped in the shadow empire.

How ordinary is the shadow, it follows you silently, but you regard it as nothing, because you are confident that it is a part of you.

But what if one day, it no longer belongs to you?

The fiery red aura followed the shadow, controlling everyone's soul.



Facing the moonlight, Xu Anlu stepped onto the steps leading to the main peak.

She walked step by step, sonorously and forcefully, until she had completed the entire step and arrived at the gate of Wentianzong's main hall.


The coercion of spiritual energy was conceived from behind the door, Xu Anlu's face remained unchanged, and he didn't take the coercion seriously at all.

"I once figured out that I asked Tian Zongben that there was a catastrophe. I used to wonder if this catastrophe would be the previous deputy suzerain, but now it seems that it is you..."

The man's voice sounded from the depths of the hall.

"Xu Anlu, you hide so deeply."

"I even told the mystery of my own sister's rebirth, and even contributed my soul. It's in vain that I have trusted you so much in the past ten years, but I never thought that you still have such a method behind your back."

The man's voice was low, hoarse, and faint, as if he was suppressing something.

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