click da da——

The mechanism of Shimen turned.

Behind the main hall is a cave.

Twisting the mechanism of the cave, Xu Anlu stepped in. In the deepest part of the cave, the secret of Wen Tianzong was hidden.

The secret of the year.

Wrapped in deep darkness, Xu Anlu took a torch and walked inside step by step.

The circulation formation is cracked, and the deepest secret is a bone of bones.

The bruised palm covered the white bones, and the scars of the Great Dao covered it, Xu Anlu saw everything.

The truth of the will of the world.

"The will of the world, not the local?"

She thought obsessively, and felt that she had fallen into a huge conspiracy, but unfortunately, she could no longer break free.

Ever since she eradicated Wen Tianzong, she couldn't break free.

A huge red magic circle enveloped the entire Wentianzong.

Not only that, it was getting bigger and bigger until it covered the entire Great Yan Dynasty.

"You crazy people, what are you going to do!?"

"This formation, such a strong Dao mark, are you going to destroy the world!?"

"Crazy, all crazy, adding tens of thousands of Dao marks!!"

The mark of the avenue.

Only the real fairyland has the qualifications for condensing, and each condensing process will consume a huge effort of the real immortals.

Generally speaking, if you add one or two immortal ultimate moves, the power can already spread very strong, like Wen Shihan's formation, if you add three traces of the Great Dao, the immortals will have no choice, unless it is a fairyland or Use the corresponding trace of the Dao to solve it.

Xu An revealed the cave, and the entire sect had been swallowed up by shadows. The twelve zodiac signs stood beside her, and there were a large number of transformed shadows.

Xu Anyin fell from the sky and landed in front of her: "Sister, it's done."

"En." Xu Anlu nodded, "Then let's start."

"Have you got the secret?"

"I got it, it's nothing important."

Xu Anlu looked up at the sky: "No matter where it comes from, it can't stop us."

"Then declare war!" There was flame in Xu Anyin's eyes, "As long as we are together, nothing can stop us."

After speaking, Xu Anyin approached again, and whispered in Xu Anlu's ear: "There is something wrong with Gu Ziang."

"How to say?"

"The smell of his soul is not right." Xu Anyin said, "Just like the Taifu, it has the smell of [time travel]."

"Is it."

Xu Anlu sneered: "Kill them, there is no need to stay in this world."

"Okay!" Xu Anyin stuck out her tongue and licked her scarlet lips with a ferocious expression, "I'll make them die ugly."

The grievances and grievances of the previous life are finally repaid today.

Let all the plots, all the grievances, go to hell, as long as the sisters are of one mind, nothing can stop them.

They are double-faced emperors, on the outside and on the inside.

It is not pure kingly way, nor is it pure domineering, but king, domineering.

The first formation: Invasion Shadow.

Xu Anlu's consciousness space has been transformed by the Scar of the Dao, which is too big and can already affect the real world in turn.This first formation is to turn everyone in the Yan Dynasty and Wentianzong into shadows who only know how to obey.

Then, pack it and send it to Xu Anlu's consciousness space.


The sky thundered, the will of the world noticed Xu Anlu's actions, and was immediately furious.The aura gathered in the middle like a sea, stimulating Thunder Dragon to grow stronger, and vowed to wipe out Xu Anlu, an alien.

"Are you in place?"

"In place."

Xu Anlu faced the thunder brought by the violent storm, and uttered sonorous and powerful words.

"Then let's begin, Mietian."

The second formation: Yaoguang.

With the rise of Scarlet Fury, fire and blood converged, turning into a flame giant again.

The ten thousand traces of the Great Dao appeared outside the flame giant, like ferocious blood vessels.It roared furiously, reaching out to the sky.

The brontosaurus was crushed by it just like an earthworm.

The Scar of the Great Dao involved the most essential aspect. In the depths of the sky, a huge ball of light was hit by a flame giant.

Then, rupture.

"Success, success!"

The will of the world is broken.

The earth was trembling, the sky was opened, and people looked up, only to see the flaming meteors descending.

"younger sister."

"I'm here."

"last step."


The third formation: reincarnation.

The immortal ultimate move that the remnant soul gave to Xu Anyin, its name belongs to Dafa, Xu Anlu and Xu Anyin rationally researched and created a new immortal ultimate move.

Reincarnation Dafa.

The blessing of Ten Thousand Dao Dao Scars, in exchange for the entourage of the entire Shadow Empire.Once this method is used, Xu Anlu will bring Xu Anyin and the Shadow Empire to reincarnate in a world with doors.

At the same time, that is also the world where Tai Tuo exists.

"It's time to start practicing again..."

Within the formation, everything is breaking apart, buildings, soil, and life.In the endless void, long bright red hair floated by, Xu Anyin looked at Xu Anlu with a smile: "Besides, it's still a baby."

"Don't worry." Xu Anlu glanced at her and said, "I added a lot of things to the ultimate move. After reincarnation, your memory and mine will not be lost."

"That's fine."

The sisters stopped talking.

Everything is being annihilated, everything is shattering, and there is only a piece of light left in sight.


"What's the matter, sister?"

"Do you want to hold hands?"

Xu Anyin looked at Xu Anlu strangely.

The latter was unmoved, but said firmly by himself: "I let go of one person's hand. Now, I don't want to let go of yours. If you are lost after reincarnation, I will be very troublesome." .”

Xu Anyin smiled: "Okay."

They held hands.

In the soul, something is gradually leaving.

"There is a world where the door is... To be honest, I'm really a little scared."

"Don't be afraid, Xiaoyin."

Xu Anlu clenched her hand and raised her head to face the light.

"You and I stand side by side, no one can beat you."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

dry country.

Located in the center of the world, apart from some small barbarian countries, it is the largest country in the world.

The current king of Qian Kingdom is Xu Weibang, who made the second prince Xu Nianren the crown prince. However, because Xu Nianren is a concubine, and the fourth prince Xu Baxian is the empress's own son, it is still unclear who the future monarch will be.

Of course, these matters have nothing to do with the third princess Xu Anlu.Her mother died early, but she was a mere nobleman, and she was an imperial concubine. The best choice in the future was to choose to win the political battle between the crown prince and the fourth prince, and then find a reliable man to marry.

However, no one thought that Xu Anlu, the third emperor's daughter, had a big secret hidden in herself.


In the dark hall, the long spear standing in the formation is surrounded by countless marks of the avenue, burning with fiery red aura, making the red tassel particularly eye-catching.

The flame of the candlestick was burning, stimulated by the red aura, the candle flame burned even bigger, and Xu Anlu's shadow on the wall was also moved by it.

Under the blessing of Daozhishen, the celestial weapon——the Sunshine Spear, the original brilliance dimmed, but after a while, it broke free again, trying to bloom its original brilliance.

Although the mark of the Great Dao is suppressed, because it comes from the twin souls of Xu Anlu and Xu Anyin, although the light is dim, the fiery red breath is still vigorous, like the sun.


She watched without moving, then slowly stretched out her hand and grabbed the handle of the gun. The hot gun body gradually cooled down in her hand.

"It's okay, sister."

A voice sounded, half of Xu Anlu's face changed, and even half of her hair turned red: "The normalization of fairy artifacts is an incredible idea. There is no rush for this thing, just take your time."


Xu Anlu withdrew the gun, thought deeply, and didn't say a word.

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