After reincarnation, the souls of the two sisters were connected together by chance, the red-haired soul became their common soul, and the black-haired body became their shared body.They are like two sides of one soul, one is Xu Anlu and the other is Xu Anyin.

"I've said it all, don't squeeze me when I'm manipulating my body."

"Hey~ why is that like this?"

Xu Anyin complained, but obediently retreated.The different face on that side disappeared and became normal.

Xu Anlu got up, walked in the dark hall, and finally stopped in front of the bronze mirror, looking at her face.

This body has indeed become weird.

After the reincarnation technique was used, they were born in this country called Qianguo.This time, instead of twins, it was a single girl.

It's just that this girl is born with a strange nature. When she was first born, she subconsciously said the word "An Lu".Therefore, the mother and concubine of this world also took the name Xu Anlu.

Is it a coincidence?still……

She looked at her palm, where the burn marks from the gun handle were slowly disappearing.

This body does not have any talent for cultivating immortals, but it is close to the trace of the Dao.

The soul of this body cannot condense the traces of the Dao, but it has deep roots of fire and a huge amount of spiritual energy.

The soul and the body have a sense of blockage. Normally, manipulating the body is like manipulating a puppet. Only when the two sisters are united can the soul and the body truly become one.

At that time, the hair color of this body will turn red, and it can use many immortal killing moves and the scar of the great way that it remembers from the previous life.

At the same time, there is also the space of consciousness, the shadow empire.

That was the real empire, the Great Yan Dynasty.

Inside this body, among her shadows, lies a dynasty.

With Xu Anlu as the main, Xu Anyin as the assistant, the Zodiac and the Shadow Empire followed, ready to deal a fatal blow to the Qianguo of this world at any time.

From childhood to now, Xu Anlu has been hiding for many years.


She reached for the mirror.

She couldn't remember.

She couldn't remember why she had to come to this world.

My younger sister Xu Anyin once said: "Huh? Why did you come? Of course it's for the door. Sister, have you forgotten?"

Yes, that's one reason, but—

There is another reason, a very important reason for her.

She once fell into a trap, and after she understood it, she realized that she couldn't break free, so she gave herself up. Until now, she found that she could no longer recall any details.

She said to herself, maybe this is the best?However, her subconscious mind said again, no, don't forget, there is no possibility for a fallen person to wake up again.

So, if you want to think about it, you must think about it.

Then, sink, until you fall into the abyss.

But what should I think of?


Deep in the memory, something seemed to emerge.

"Small ears?"

A rabbit appeared at her feet.

"And...Xiao Jie?"


A sparrow landed on her shoulder.

"and also……"

The sun fell on her face.

Not far away, in a blurry scene, the man was sitting on a rocking chair, looking at her.

"Xiaolu, you played well, keep working hard."

You are……


Xu Anlu covered her head and fell to her knees.

"Sister, what's wrong with you?"

Xu Anyin's voice came out, Xu Anlu shook her head, indicating that she was fine, then subconsciously touched her shoulder, but found that there was nothing there.

At the foot, the little rabbit also disappeared.

"Where is Little Pull... and Little Ear?"

"Hey? Sister, what are you talking about?"

"'s fine."

The picture of the small courtyard is warm and beautiful, like the waves engraved in the memory, as long as you touch it lightly, you can feel the happiness in it.

However, she couldn't remember.

That person, those things.

The picture was fragmented, and the only thing left in front of him was the cold bronze mirror in the hall, reflecting his painful face.


"what happened?"

" did we get together?"

"What's the problem, sister, are you okay today, haven't we been together all the time?"

Before reincarnation, after reincarnation, before birth, after birth, they were always together.


Before that, they were not together.

There is a person among them.


who is it?

who are you?

The memory changed again, it was her who was angry, kicked open the door under countless disasters, as if she was going to kill someone.


Heart hurts.

In the depths of the darkness, some kind of existence is laughing at himself.

Xu Anlu was in a trance for a while, and the face in the bronze mirror became blurred, leaving only Xu Anyin's eloquent voice in her ears.

"Although we have agreed that you will control your body in private, my sister, and I will control your body externally, but I think you are a little... Hey, sister, are you listening to me?"

"Be quiet first!"

Without mercy.

Xu Anyin closed his mouth.

She couldn't figure out what happened to her sister today, didn't she just fail to normalize the fairy weapon?As for being so angry, and still angry at her.


She complained and dived, but before she dived, she used the fire elf's perspective to see how her sister was controlling the body.

She saw Xu Anlu staring blankly at the bronze mirror, then slowly stepped back, punching jerkyly, like a staggering baby.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

My memory is still a mess, I can't remember it.

At night, Xu Anlu lay on the big red bed, rubbing her temples, thinking this way.

The candle was still burning, and a vague figure stepped out from the shadows, and asked respectfully, "Is Your Majesty still not resting?"

Xu Anlu raised her head, looked at the figure, and sighed wearily: "It's you, Ying, did you forget, you have to call me Your Highness outside."

"Yes, Your Highness."

Ying, his real name before reincarnation was Uncle, his memory was modified by Xu Anyin, endowed with strange abilities, and named Ying.Because they can travel between the shadow world and the real world, their daily duties are to follow the two sisters, take care of daily life, and participate in planning.

Ying, can be said to be the most trusted person of the sisters, followed by the twelve zodiac signs.

"Your Highness, is there something on your mind?"


Originally thought that Xu Anlu was calculating the current political situation in the capital, just like she used to, but when she looked up, she found that the other party was full of tears, her lips were pursed, and trembling.

Weird, so weird.If Xu Anyin was like this, he would understand, but now it is Xu Anlu, the Xu Anlu who has been calm and composed since his reincarnation.



Yingxiang stepped forward and listened more carefully, only to find that Xu Anlu's face was suddenly ferocious, and he yelled manically, "Why!"

He was startled, and hurriedly backed away. When he looked up again, he saw the empress of the Great Yan Dynasty screaming on the bed.

"Why did you forget? Could it be the sky? Yes, it must be the sky, it must be the sky!!"

She roared like a madman, tore her hair, grabbed the quilt, and slapped her everywhere.

Xu Anlu has never lost her composure like this.

Such a gaffe forced Xu Anyin to come out.The red-haired soul hovered behind her, hugging her slowly.

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