"Sister, calm down, calm down."

"Calm down? You, why did you forget? It shouldn't be, why did you forget, tell me why!"

The trace of the avenue, now.

Xu Anlu turned her hand abruptly, grabbed Xu Anyin's neck with one hand, and asked with red eyes, "Why!"

"Sister?" Xu Anyin looked at her in disbelief.

The two sisters, from that world to this world, are inseparable. It can be said that they are like one person. Last time, I used the Soul Return Dafa for her. Why now...

Feeling suffocated, she also became annoyed, and shouted: "Xu Anlu, are you sick?"

"You are the one who should not be forgotten, the one who should not be forgotten!!"

Xu Anlu ignored her, and still stared at her firmly.

The stretch of the Great Dao marks restricted Xu Anyin's movements, and the fiery red aura was suppressed, leaving only desperate wailing.

"Your Majesty!" Shadow knelt heavily and shouted.

Let go of your hand.


"But I, really want, really want..."

Tears, rolling down.

Xu Anlu choked up and couldn't help herself. Xu Anyin watched, the same sadness overflowed from her heart, and there was the same emptiness there.

But why would she?

"Sister...what's the matter with you?"




He once taught himself to paint, to paint mountains, to paint water, to paint her.

Also, draw...

"Little Lu!"

The voice said:

"Drawing must be serious, just like practicing martial arts. Don't be so sloppy."

"It's good if I can draw Taifu well!"

"You don't look like me at all, okay..."

"Then Xiaolu must practice hard. When the time comes, the Taifu's drawing will be super, super super, super super super super super beautiful!"

"……hope so."


Tai Fu.

The person she forgot was Taifu.

In that small courtyard, the figure of the man lying on the rocking chair, and the upright figure of Xuexia when they were parting, all the piles and scenes were engraved in Xu Anlu's soul.

She remembered that she had stepped into a situation where the name of the Taifu was engraved on her, and she couldn't break free again.

Even if you forget it, you can't get rid of it.

That's why she came here, looking for him.

find that person.

"Paper, drawing paper..."

Qianguo has paper, and now, seeing Xu Anlu asking for paper, the shadow hastily retreated, and then brought paper and pen.

The pitch-black color blurred and turned into ink, dripping onto the bed. Xu Anlu tremblingly held the pen, mixed with the ink and fell onto the paper.


"I, I can't remember..."

She couldn't remember the appearance, the appearance of the Taifu.

In the violent snowstorm, the face of the person lying on the rocking chair was gradually covered by the wind and snow, and he could no longer see clearly.

She was the only one left crying.

Under Xu Anyin's and Ying's unclear eyes, she lay on the bed, crying loudly.

As time passed like this, the atmosphere in the hall became more and more gloomy and silent. Xu Anlu shrank back, unable to see any light.

She no longer thinks about politics, doors, and cultivation. As long as Xu Anyin controls her body and steps in here, she will go crazy—crazy to grab control.

She snatched control for nothing but painting.

Inside the main hall, Xu Anlu's paintings are everywhere.

Xu Anyin wore a disguised mask and manipulated his body to stand outside the hall, holding a painting drawn by his sister in his hand.

"No matter how you look at it, I can't see why..."

The elder sister draws like crazy, the purpose is to find the person in the painting, although she doesn't know who he is, but as the younger sister of the twin soul, Xu Anyin, it is obviously impossible to sit idly by.

Moreover, for some reason, when she looked at the painting, she always felt a sense of sadness in her heart.

A vague figure stood behind her and asked, "Your Highness, have you really decided?"

"Is there no other way? I think my sister's state is probably related to the sky. The boss of Zuixianlou is not pitiful. He is the suzerain of the Guardian of Heaven. The Guardian of Heaven is the sect behind Qianguo. Back then, She saw through the symbiosis of our two souls at a glance. But for some reason, she didn't tell Father."

God is not pitiful, she is a mysterious woman.

It is rumored that she is the suzerain of Hutianzong, and most of her attendants are called suzerain instead of shopkeeper or boss.

Protecting Heaven Sect is the sect of the Qian Kingdom. Xu Anlu and Xu Anyin, holding the Shadow Empire and the twelve zodiac signs in their hands, did not dare to annex Qian Kingdom immediately and seek the gate with great fanfare. This is also the reason for the Protecting Heaven Sect.

This sect is too mysterious.

In addition, the legendary suzerain saw their twin status at a glance when they were young, which made them even more afraid to act rashly.

Xu Anyin still remembers the scene at that time.

That was when they were just born, the father invited Tian Bulian to enter the palace to deduce the fate of the country, just in time for the birth of the queen, and based on the principle of convenience, he invited Tian Bulian to come and calculate the fate of the newborn princess.

Tian Bulian asked for a separate calculation, so the emperor retreated left and right, and he also retreated.In the room, only Tian Bu Lian and the newborn baby were left.

It was in such an environment that Tian Bulian looked at the baby, leaned down, slightly raised his lips, and asked softly:

"I said, reincarnation, is it fun?"

Softly, like the whisper of the devil.

"It's called Xu Anlu...and Xu Anyin, right?"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The baby didn't cry or fuss, just looked at her steadily.

"Don't be nervous, I won't say it."

She smiled, straightened up, and slowly backed out.

The red-haired soul watched all this, and secretly, the voices of the two sisters sounded.

"Sister, are you okay?"

"This woman is weird, pay more attention."

Pay more attention...how can you pay attention?

Up to now, the information that Xu Anyin knows is limited to a little information about Zuixianlou and the rumor that the other party may be the lord of the Guardian Sect.

Zuixianlou's tricks, in the capital, can be said to be neither famous nor famous.What is famous is that all princes and nobles know such a set of rules. What is not famous is that ordinary people may think that this is a restaurant for eating, and it is not good to talk about business, and they will not think in the direction of immortals.

Xu Anlu Xu Anyin reincarnated here, the purpose involved the sect, the sect behind Qianguo is also called Hutianzong, Tian Bulian is an enemy or a friend, it is not known, and he also holds the secret of sister twins, at this time, ask her for advice , is really not a wise move.


Xu Anyin turned her head, the door of the main hall was closed tightly, Xu Anlu's consciousness was extracted by her spiritual energy, and she put it inside for the time being.

All the attendants that Xu Weibang had arranged for her had already been seized by Xu Anyin with the souls from the Shadow Empire.At the entrance of the main hall, there was a trembling Chinese medicine doctor. Xu Anyin glanced at him and asked, "Is the medicine ready yet?"

Xu Anlu's consciousness rioted, and Xu Anyin and the shadow concocted a medicine that could calm the nerves, as long as the shadow possessed by Xu Anlu's consciousness drank it.

"Your Highness is ready." The Chinese medicine doctor lowered his body slightly, "It's just..."

"Then stay here, and after a while, let Huang Jie drink the medicine."

Probably the experience of the first life, in front of outsiders, Xu Anyin always likes to call Xu Anlu the imperial sister.

She asked the doctor to stay here, and walked out of the palace with two attendants and Ying, heading for Zuixianlou.

It was still early, so she followed the rules, showed her identity as the princess, and sat on the fourth floor.The two attendants stood respectfully behind her, and Ying had already disappeared into her figure before entering.

Girls from Zuixianlou came up to prepare refreshments for Xu Anyin. Because it was early, the girls served breakfast. The breakfast from Zuixianlou was the best. People, queuing up to buy.

But Xu Anyin was thinking about her own sister, so she had no intention of eating, and just meditated quietly by herself.

While meditating, the door of the private room on the fifth floor suddenly opened, and a person walked out from there.

The fifth floor of Zuixian Tower is no ordinary fifth floor.

The number of five or even nobles, as the princess Xu Anyin, can seek advice on the fourth floor, but cannot enter the fifth floor, which is enough to show the dignity of the fifth floor.

The fourth prince, the crown prince, were all on the fourth floor without any accidents. Everyone guessed that only the Holy Majesty could enter and exit the legendary private room on the fifth floor.

But now, a man came out of that private room.

A very young man.

The man came out and exchanged glances with Xu Anyin. In an instant, something emerged from his memory.

"What kind of king, I don't want to learn."

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