"Can't you teach me the art of war?"

"Can't you finish the rest!?"

"I eavesdropped on it before. Cough, of course, I didn't mean to hear it, it just meant that I didn't say anything at the end, and I felt awkward... Well, I want to listen, okay?"

"Aha, Taifu, I won this game!"

"Don't, don't say stupid things!"

"Teacher, I beg you, don't stop me. You, you promised me, you will stand by my side. I'm not the kind of person who doesn't repay my kindness. Before I was reborn, you saved me. Now, it is you who helped me again, I will always remember your kindness, and I will repay you. When my revenge is over, I will definitely repay you, so don't stop me, okay?"

"I feel disgusted by your benevolence and righteousness, so I won't learn it anymore."

Memory is boiling like boiling water.

The past was crushed into foam, leaving only a phantom. Somehow, she seemed to understand her sister's painting.

Brows, wrinkled together.

She looked at the man's leaving figure and asked, "Ying, what do you think?"

A vague figure appeared, following Xu Anyin's words: "Like."

Unlike Xu Anyin, Ying simply feels like it.

Although Xu Anlu's paintings are abstract, Ying still finds the answer from the fragments of memory. He seems to have heard of this person before.

"Well, I think so too."

Xu Anyin nodded, her brows furrowed a little more: "It can't be a coincidence, can it?"

"You can go to explore, but Your Highness, he came out of Tianzihao."


Tianzihao box, that is to say, this man has a deep connection with Tianbulian.

Tianbulian is too mysterious, and her sister is in such a situation now, she must not act rashly, if she annoys the other party, it will be bad for the two sisters.

However, this does not prevent her from doing some small tricks.

The two attendants I brought were all taken away by the shadow guards.The shadow guards are uniformly trained by the shadows, and after being attached to people, they will carry basic aura and good skills, and ordinary veterans in the world may not be their opponents.It's not impossible to ask my servants to find out where that man is going.

So, she winked at her attendant, motioning her to follow.

After a long time, Xu Anyin, who got the answer, left Zuixian Tower and meditated alone on the street.

Front: [Untie the bell and tie the bell]

On the back: [The two should be the same after a desolate farewell, and the most invincible is Qingming Yuemingzhong]

This was the answer Xu Anyin got.

What's the meaning?Tian Bu Lian didn't say anything, it was up to Xu Anyin to realize it himself.

She also noticed something, those fragments, those dreams, she was a little dazed for a while, until Ying reminded herself.

Time to go back.

After returning, the Chinese doctor was still standing at the gate of the hall and did not go in.Xu Anyin had expected it a long time ago, and seeing this, she was not surprised, but stepped forward and sighed helplessly: "Is the emperor still unwilling to take the medicine?"

The Chinese doctor bowed his head, not daring to answer.

"Bring it, I'll give it to Miss Huang."

Stepping in, darkness swallowed Xu Anyin's body.

A power broke away from the depths, entered the body immediately, and began to compete with her for control.

"Get out, who let you in."

"Sister, it's time for you to drink your medicine."

"You also think I'm sick, don't you? Hahahahaha, it's ridiculous, obviously you forgot, you forgot, you are the one who is sick, get out!"

"Sister, I believe in you, but you have to drink the medicine first."

"I don't take medicine, get out, get out of here, and you too!"


Her own imperial sister has gone crazy, she thought.

Instead of being calm and rational, she became cranky and difficult to communicate with.

Xu Anyin needs time to prove the answer of Tian Bulian, the identity of the man.

So, sorry, sister.

Xu Anyin thought to herself, let Xu Anlu control her neck with both hands, and began to recite silently in her heart.

Sorry sister, I will find out the truth and cure you.

So before that, I can only lock you up first.

May [-]st reward plus more

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-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Xu Anlu was suppressed, and most of the affairs fell on Xu Anyin's head.

Originally in this world, Xu Anlu was the leader. Whether it was planning the layout, practicing ultimate moves, or political wrestling, Xu Anlu was in charge. Xu Anyin's mission, apart from providing spiritual energy and spiritual roots, most of the time was to manipulate the body and act cute.

Willfulness and savagery have long since been worn away by the incidents he has experienced. Now Xu Anyin's temper has changed a lot compared to that world.But what remains unchanged is the conspiracy theory hidden deep in her personality. Compared with her sister Xu Anlu, she still prefers to use various conspiracies to eradicate her opponents.

Xu Anlu prefers to boil the frogs in warm water, while Xu Anyin prefers to cut the mess quickly.

The Heaven Protector Sect is too mysterious, Xu Anyin can't do it anymore, not to mention, she also asked a woman who might be the suzerain master, but this does not mean that she is weak in the court.

"Good news from the northern border, the fourth prince Xu Baxian broke the Abuhan Tugu Immortal Suo phalanx, returned with a great victory, and will soon return to the court."

In the early morning, pale golden light entered the hall.

Ever since Xu Anlu went crazy, the hall has been gloomy. Now that Xu Anyin is taking over, the atmosphere of the whole hall is different.

The shadow guards hid in the dark and protected the surroundings of the hall.The servants who were taken away by the shadow guards walked around the corridor, creating a peaceful scene.

The two of the zodiac signs are reporting below, while Ying is standing next to Xu Anyin, waiting for her instructions.

White and slender hands tapped on the handle of the seat, her beautiful legs were folded, and the toes landed lightly.

Xu Anyin looked at the blurred figure in the report below, and asked: "Is Abuhan Tugu a waste? Thanks to our help, we still lost. And Xu Baxian, his troops have no grass, no food, no food and no clothes. , where did such a strong combat power come from?"

It was Xu Anyin's plan to help Ah Buhan Tugu.

Xu Anlu has always been opposed to this matter, but not everyone with the twelve zodiac signs listens to her, most people still listen to Xu Anyin, so Xu Anlu doesn't know about this matter.

Now that everything is under Xu Anyin's control, she directly brought this matter to the surface.

The following two vague figures - Haizhu and Shenhou looked at each other, and finally Haizhu took the initiative to step forward and said:

"It's like this. Xu Baxian's troops couldn't get aid in Fangcheng, and our people also blocked the imperial court's support for him. It's just that Wan Jinhui stepped in and provided food and grass for Xu Baxian's troops. Jia elixir, this has raised the combat effectiveness of Xu Baxian's troops to a whole new level."


The top chamber of commerce in the Qian Kingdom, like the Guardian Sect, is an extremely mysterious existence, participating in most of the people's livelihood industries in the Qian Kingdom, involving food, clothing, housing and transportation.Of course, if this is the case, the Wan Jinhui is not actually a mystery. The reason why it is mysterious is that it not only deals with mortals, but also deals with immortals.


For rank five and above, the pills are all elixir, such as the transformation pill, the promotion pill and so on.For the immortals, the elixir of rank six is ​​like a chicken rib, the elixir of rank seven is flocking to it, the elixir of rank eight is hard to find, and the elixir of rank nine is crazy about it.Even Wen Shihan's master, Dao Ranzi, who is good at alchemy, has to use all his strength when facing the refining of the Nine-Turn Immortal Pill, and there is a very high failure rate.

Wan Jin will trade in immortals, and he has countless alchemists under his command. In every auction, besides auctioning secret treasures, he also auctions the alchemists' pills.Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, or even Nineth, as long as the price is right, Wan Jinhui can trade.

For this reason, many sects are very respectful to the Wanjinhui. Even the Heaven Protecting Sect of Qian Kingdom can only act according to the rules of the Wanjinhui when facing the transactions of the Wanjinhui.

As for the president of the Wanjin Society, that is even more mysterious.Some people say that the President is a man, some say a woman, some say he is a fairy, and some say he is a mortal.In short, there are different accounts, but without exception, no one has seen him.

Wanjinhui does not participate in court affairs, but it supports Xu Baxian who is trapped in the northern border, and even helps him win a big victory.This is a great signal politically, so Xu Anyin couldn't help but ignore it.

"If our Shadow Empire makes a move now, what are the chances of winning?"

"I'm afraid the chances of winning are not high." Shenhou responded to Xu Anyin's words, "We haven't figured out the details of the Guardian Sect, and we don't know the position of Wan Jinhui. Besides, if we make a rash move, if Xu Weibang is angered, I'm afraid there will be No small trouble."

It's not that Xu Weibang, the monarch of the Qian Kingdom, does not support his children's internal fighting, but the internal fighting cannot cross the line and must be under his own control.Moreover, the person fighting among them must also be the person he is inclined to. Xu Anyin, who is the emperor's daughter, is obviously not among them.

"There is another troublesome thing, Your Majesty, Xu Baxian has already noticed something wrong with our people's action. He should have sensed that there are other people in the court besides the prince who are attacking him. Our people intercepted the letter, It was written to him by his staff."

Xu Anyin was slightly taken aback: "Staff?"

"Yes." The speaking Shenhou lowered his head and continued to add, "Unlike the crown prince's wide range of guests and staff, Xu Baxian has only one staff. Due to physical reasons, he did not follow Xu Baxian to the northern border this time. But it is said that The aides gave Xu Baxian three tips before he set off, and the reason why he was able to defeat Ah Buhan Tugu this time was because of the tips given by his aides."

"What did the letter say?"

"It's a reply letter to Xu Baxian. The analysis in it shows that the prince is too worried, and the guests he keeps are all gentlemen and gentlemen. The prince can't do such things as cutting off food and grass, and blocking support. There are other people who make the fourth prince suffer. He was recuperating in the capital, and after careful analysis, he felt that..."

Having said that, Shen Hou paused and looked up at Xu Anyin.

Xu Anyin raised his eyebrows: "Go on, what does he think?"

"He thinks that Xu Anlu, the third emperor's daughter, is the most likely."

The main hall was silent.

Xu Anlu, this is the name people outside know.

The third princess, Xu Anlu, is fond of martial arts. When she was born, she was invited by His Majesty's guests to see her fate. She asserted that this girl is extraordinary. When she grows up, she has a lively and cheerful personality and extraordinary martial arts. Although His Majesty does not love her mother, he loves this daughter very much. The Tiger Roaring Battalion of the Beijing Defense Force is under her control.

Xu Anlu is from her daughter's family, and she also loves martial arts, and she shows that she is not interested in politics. Although there is a Tiger Roaring Camp, her power is not that great compared to other princes.Logically speaking, the third princess is the least likely, but Xu Baxian's staff asserted that the third queen is the most likely.

"Good, good, good."

Xu Anyin said three good words in succession, with murderous intent in his eyes.

No matter how she changed, her fierce nature remained unchanged.

"Xu Baxian's staff is a smart man."

"But only this smart man, he can't live long."

Chapter 110: The Remnant Soul Reappears

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