Conscious Space, Shadow Realm.

Now here, it is no longer the darkness before, but a world has been formed.

All the people of the Dayan Dynasty lived here, and the basic style of the previous one was preserved here.In Yong'an City, the streets, and the various people, no one noticed that they had become shadows, living in the space of one's consciousness.

Thousands of traces of the avenue, vividly shaped a world.

The weather is cloudy and sunny, and the transformation of the four seasons is all decided by the Supreme Empress alone.Whenever Xu Anlu paid attention to the outside world, Xu Anyin took care of the Great Yan Dynasty inside.

But now, Xu An has a problem, and Xu Anyin is about to take care of both worlds.

In the deepest part of the palace, Xu Anlu's will was suppressed there.Memories tumbling, she seemed to have lost her memory, wandering in dreams.

The courtyard, the palace, the last hermitage.

She stood there in a daze, looking for someone.



A voice sounded.

Xu Anlu snapped back to her senses, only to realize that she was in a cave, standing in front of an unnamed tombstone, and a ghostly blue remnant soul appeared in front of her, sighing leisurely:

"Sure enough."

"What? You, who are you..."

The faint blue remnant soul emitted light, dispelling the fog that lingered on Xu Anlu's body.

In an instant, memories flowed like a fountain.

She fell to her knees, covered her face with her hands, stared at the ground in disbelief with her big eyes wide open.

"Teacher, Yang Pingsheng."

She remembered, and remembered everything.

The oath before reincarnation, the collapse called liking, everything, she remembered.

"I see, I was imprisoned by Xiaoyin again..."

She raised her head, looked at the blue remnant soul in front of her calm eyes, and asked, "Why are you here?"

Here is the phantom cage that Xu Anyin constructed for her.

The remnant soul was wiped out by Lei Jie in the previous life, and it appeared in their consciousness space again for no reason.

Could it be that……

"Well, I hid part of my consciousness in your souls before Thunder Tribulation destroyed me in my last life."

The remnant soul said: "The soul is the deepest mystery of a person. I have been studying the soul for many years, and naturally I have my own research. But I didn't expect that you would play such a big game, reincarnation, which even I can't do." thing."

"But we did it." Xu Anlu took the words.

"Yes, you did it, but that doesn't mean it's a good thing." Remnant Soul sighed faintly, "The waters of the world and the Dao of Heaven are too deep for you to explore."

Xu Anlu's heart moved, and she even changed her address: "Does senior know something?"

"Know some, but not much."

The remnant soul asked: "Do you know the way of heaven?"


When Xu Anyin returned to the shadow world, Xu Anlu was sitting on the emperor's throne, playing with her hair bored.


She was surprised at first, how her sister broke free, and then came surprise: "You're back to normal!?"


With a low grunt, those pupils swept across, carrying supreme pressure, and containing extreme cruelty: "What have you done these days when I'm not here?"


Xu Anyin was dumbfounded, she must not let her sister know about Abuhan Tugu.

She just met the attendant who came back after following him. She knew from him that the other party was an ordinary person and nothing special. After she sensed the vibration of the shadow world, she asked the attendant what to do, and rushed here by herself. She didn't expect to see The sister has recovered and is breaking free.

Seeing Xu Anlu's questioning right now, Xu Anyin simply pretended to be stupid, and said with a smile: "I didn't do anything, sister, you know, I have no interest in managing the Tiger Xiaoying."

It is Xu Anlu who loves martial arts, not her.

Immortals have the fighting methods of immortals. They are high above the ground, and they can control the life and death of their opponents with every gesture. This is an immortal. The kind of martial arts rushing forward to fight is not Xu Anyin's style.

Because of this, the external performance of this body is mostly the nature of her sister Xu Anlu. If it is according to Xu Anyin's nature, she might not be a murderous demon king without blinking an eye.

"Sister, it's just in time for you to wake up. The chief of the Tiger Roaring Battalion invited me to inspect it. I don't want to use my spiritual energy, and then Dayang rides around on horseback. Now that you have returned to normal, I will leave the outside affairs to you. .”

Most of the twelve zodiac signs are active in the shadow world. Except for dragons and snakes that have their own bodies, most of the others are blurred figures. The shadow world has built a bridge with the outside world. As long as the entrances and exits are built, the zodiac signs can Come and go by yourself.

Because Xu Anyin usually masters the shadow world, and most of the zodiac signs obey her, so Xu Anlu did the thing to support Ah Buhan Tugu without telling Xu Anlu.


"What's the matter, sister?"

The figure on the throne stood up and walked down the steps.There was no smile on her face, she patted Xu Anyin on the shoulder, and said softly, "I think of the past."


"Before, before reincarnation, at that time, you also imprisoned me."


"Don't you remember? That's right. After all, you also forgot the Taifu, so naturally you forgot what you did to me."


Xu Anyin took a few steps back and said, "Sister, what are you talking about? Don't be like this, I'm a little scared..."

"Why should you be afraid? I am your sister. You imprisoned me for my own good, didn't you?"

"That's right."


The palace shook, and the fiery red aura spread over Xu Anlu's body.


"Xiao Yin, I did this for you too."

"Wait, sister!!"

When Xu Anlu pushed open the gate of the palace, everything was doomed.

Xu Anyin has become a consciousness, body, and soul, all of which are now controlled by Xu Anlu.

The energy looted from the remnant soul helped Xu Anlu seize power very well.

Now, Xu Anlu took control of the shadow world, but she wasn't even half happy. In her mind, she was still thinking about what Remnant Soul said before.

"It's only natural that you don't remember your memory of your master. I browsed through the memories of the two of you and the sisters. What that person said was false. He didn't come here because of humanity. Behind him is the way of heaven." .”

"Every world has outstanding heroes. Such people are called the sons of humanity, that is, the so-called villains. The feelings of humanity are reflected in them. Heaven hates them, but there is nothing they can do. They can only let others change. .”

"Your Grand Tutor Yang Pingsheng did just that."

"Think about it, at the end of the day, when you were going, was the will of the world stopping you? To put it bluntly, it was a scene, a scene against you, and you noticed it yourself, didn't you?"

"Your love for Yang Pingsheng is a false love, just like the heroine Jiangzhi in the storybook, the label affixed by heaven to you is torn off by Yang Pingsheng, and finally, it changes you and makes you a person who only knows Little lady in love."

"This is the way of heaven."

Chapter 110: Hesitation

It's raining.

Recently, there has been a lot of heavy rain in the capital.

Yesterday, a thunderstorm swept across the capital, not only that, even the suburbs were affected.Immortal Valley has the aura of a true immortal, and Xu Anlu even felt the traces of the Dao hidden in it.

The old monsters in the capital were alarmed one after another. Dozens of veteran angels were dispatched, including a true immortal. But considering that the other party's goal was not the capital, the old monsters did not dare to act rashly.

The hidden immortals of the Protector of Heaven Sect were also acting in the dark. The Drunken Immortal Tower put up a closed sign, and the guards of the capital were dispatched one after another to block the gates of the capital.

The Tiger Roar Camp in charge of Xu Anlu needs to patrol the city to maintain law and order.In the past few days, His Majesty issued successive instructions, coupled with the urging from the chief, Xu Anlu had to act.

In the main hall, the red-haired Xu Anlu has entered the fairy mode. She is sitting on a chair without makeup, her face is white and elegant, her eyelashes are trembling slightly, and when she looks up, she looks like a beautiful woman in a dream.

The fiery red aura is running, and she has successfully developed a new immortal ultimate move.

A vague figure came in through the door, and the sunlight pierced through the darkness in the hall, which made her feel a little uncomfortable.

"Your Highness."

"It's too bright, close the door."


The sunlight was blocked, and the hall was once again shrouded in darkness.The fuzzy figure is the rat in the Chinese zodiac. In the previous world, he was responsible for protecting the royal inheritance of the Yan Dynasty.He is not a person with a firm stand. He doesn't care who is the boss of Xu Anlu or Xu Anyin. Now that Xu Anlu controls Xu Anyin, he naturally swears allegiance to Xu Anlu.

"How's it going outside?"

"Everything is ready, Your Highness."

"it is good."

Feeling thirsty, Xu Anlu reached for the teacup on the table, and suddenly thought of something, retracted the hand that had been stretched out, and said, "Zishu."

The blurry figure quickly replied: "This subordinate is here."

"Do you believe in the way of heaven?"

The royal secret treasure of the Dayan Dynasty is a book called "Tiandao Cultivation Record".

Xu Anlu has read the book and heard what Remnant Soul said. Now, she wants to hear the caretaker's opinion.

After waiting for a long time, there was no response. Xu Anlu looked at it and knew that the other party was trying to figure out how to answer.Such thoughts are not what she wants, so she waved her hands and said, "That's all, it's okay."

On the table was the picture she drew when she was mad, she picked it up silently, and began to recall what Remnant Soul said to her again in her mind.

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