"Above the will of the world is the way of heaven."

"You also know that it is the sky that stops you in the end."

"Your oblivion and madness are part of Heaven's plan."

Those words are still recalled, and the painting on the paper can't see why.

"The way of heaven, the way of heaven..."

Xu Anlu murmured, and suddenly sneered: "Go to hell."

I'm sorry, but she didn't believe what Remnant Soul said at all.

It is true that her love for Taifu and her forgetting after reincarnation were indeed designed, but the person who designed her may not be the way of heaven.

It is recorded in "Tian Dao Cultivation Record": The world is not benevolent, and all things are regarded as dogs.The Dao of Heaven does not have the concept of benevolence. In its eyes, all things are like dogs used for sacrifices.The so-called way of heaven is like a large empty bellows, empty but never exhausted, and the wind will come out when it is agitated.The more you understand the knowledge of humanity, the more you will be alienated from the way of heaven.The way to get close to the way of heaven is to stay in the middle.

Domineering and domineering all come from humanity.Xu Anlu, who understands the ways of kings and bullies, has long been a person far away from the way of heaven.

If, as Remnant Soul said, Tiandao put a label on her, then Yang Pingsheng tore it off, and finally changed her to become a little woman who only knows love, such an approach is not like Tiandao at all.

Yes, it's not like Tiandao at all, but like...

"Your Highness?"

The voice interrupted Xu Anlu's thinking, she raised her head, Zishu was looking at her.Realizing her gaffe, Xu Anlu coughed and said, "Wait a minute."

She picked up a pen and paper, and drew a portrait of Yang Pingsheng according to her distant memory.

Her painting skills are not good, and her memory is a bit long, the people in the paintings don't look real, but they are more like the ones she drew when she was crazy.

"You take this."

"Your Highness, this is..."

"Tell the dragon and the snake, I want to find the people above."


Zishu complained in his heart, who the hell is this?

Not daring to look directly into Xu Anlu's frightening eyes, Zishu could only accept it, nodding in agreement.

"You go down first, since you are ready, just wait for now."

"Yes, Your Highness."

The vague figure said respectfully, and then withdrew.

Xu Anlu picked up the bronze mirror and looked at herself in the bronze mirror. Except for her fiery red hair, she was no different from herself before reincarnation.


Those innocence and liveliness have disappeared, there is coercion and indifference in the eyes, the corners of the mouth are no longer raised high, everything is like the surface of silent water, bottomless.

She tried to laugh, but found that she couldn't.

Remnant Soul's words were like a spell, because they lingered in her heart.

"Xu, Xu Anlu, you actually want to absorb my remnant soul, why, I have helped you so much!!"


If you want to talk about excuses, there are countless excuses.

For example, Remnant Soul has already seen the memories of the two sisters, knows too much, and hides too deeply, so he is worried.

But Xu Anlu knew that there was actually no need for so many excuses.

In the bronze mirror, her face was terrifyingly calm.

Putting down the mirror, he picked up a painting from the table, held his breath, and concentrated on it. The ultimate move of the immortal way was slowly running, but it didn't achieve the expected effect.

Who is Yang Pingsheng?

He told his younger sister Xu Anyin that he came here following the call of humanity, but Remnant Soul said that behind this guy was the way of heaven.

Under his bed, there is a painting of his mother and concubine, and he told Xiaoyin that he likes her.

He is unfathomable and has no strength, but he seems to use the two sisters to achieve some purpose.Xu Anyin and herself are like toys in the palm of your hand, either crazy, laughing, sad, or crying.

Emotions, can not own.

Does she really, like Yang Pingsheng?

Do you like the so-called Taifu?

Taifu, do you like her?

Everything is false, and in the end, I have realized it.

But isn't it her own choice to indulge in it?

Just because of that sentence...

"To like is to want, to be with someone is to like."

Just because of this sentence, Xu Anlu hesitated, and it has continued to this day.

His arms trembled slightly, and finally fell powerlessly.

The aura was extinguished, and the paper fell to the ground lightly.

Xu Anlu lowered her eyes, biting blood from the corner of her mouth, and walked into the depths of the hall.

She wants to find Yang Pingsheng.

Find him and ask what happened.

Ask him who he is, why he did what he did, and...

Does he like himself or not.

Chapter 110 Two: Encounter

Xu Anlu didn't expect to get the news of Yang Pingsheng so soon, and it was provided by Chenlong and Sishe.

Chenlong and Sishe are Xiaozhu and Xiaohua.

The two of them were eating at a restaurant, unexpectedly, they ran into Yang Pingsheng.

The world is so big, it is so difficult to find someone, but right under their noses, the two ran into Yang Pingsheng.

Xu Anlu sat on the carriage, slightly opened the curtain, and through the window of the restaurant, a man and a woman could be seen sitting there.

The man has a melancholy temperament, a kind face, and tenderness in his eyebrows and eyes. The woman is slightly shorter, with silver-white hair, which is particularly eye-catching.

Xiao Hua stood respectfully beside the carriage, Xu Anlu didn't ask him too much, but just looked at the man with fixed eyes.


His lips parted slightly, and he whispered subconsciously.

Compared with before, the Tai Tuo looked younger, well-dressed, with the style of a gentleman in white.He looked at the girl beside him tenderly, and said something from time to time. When he spoke, the girl would raise her head and smile slightly.

There is a flame burning in Xu Anlu's heart.

She no longer has the time to think about what is in heaven or what is not in heaven, nor what is love or not. She is urging her to throw herself into the man's arms and call him a tutor.


The parting in that snowy day, the Taifu gave her a gun, hugged her, and asked her when she would grow up.

She is also thinking about when she will grow up.

So in front of the Taifu, he pretended to be strong and would rather die than shed tears. In the end, he broke his merits and threw himself into his arms and wept loudly.

She thought she would never grow up.

As long as the Taifu is around, she will always be that child.

Even... until now.

She lowered her head, suppressed the emotions in her heart, and told Xiao Hua: "Xiao Hua, take the shadow guards and seal this street, don't let..."

Her words suddenly stopped.

A gust of breeze blew the curtains of the car, and the fragrance slowly wafted away. At some point, there was another person beside Xiao Hua.

"Your Highness."

The maid from Zuixian Tower bent slightly, and said neither humble nor overbearing: "My suzerain is here to invite you."

The green sleeve robe was waving, and the little flower next to her took a step back, drew out her knife, and looked at the maid vigilantly.

Cold sweat dripped from Xiao Hua's forehead.

After all, she can be regarded as a strong person in the Heavenly Wonderland. Although she may not be as good as those old monster-level immortals in the capital, she is an immortal after all.

This maid here is weird!

The noise on both sides of the street remained the same, and the noise of people could not affect the tense confrontation here.Xu Anlu squinted her eyes and looked at the maid who appeared out of nowhere. The breeze blowing into the carriage comforted her dress, and the golden crown that symbolized the princess was shining golden, reflecting the light of the sun.

"Your Highness." The maid lowered her head slightly again, "Please take back your subordinates for now, as you know, our suzerain has no ill intentions towards you."

The palms slowly tightened, and the scar of the great road screamed in the body, announcing the early warning before the danger came. The internal organs hurt as if being drenched in boiling water, and her chest heaved violently, because she couldn't throw herself into Yang Pingsheng's arms immediately, she thought He scratched his skin hard until it bleeds.

want to……

I want Yang Pingsheng, I want Taifu.

Want to be with him.

"Call him back..."

"Your Highness."

"Call him back!!"

Xiaohua put away the knife and hurried back to call Xiaozhu.The maid slightly lowered her head, looking very satisfied with Xu Anlu's choice.

Xu Anlu looked at her silently, and when she looked to the window again, she happened to see that the Taifu was feeding the girl next to her.

That look...

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