Xu Anlu let go of her fist, and there was a deep bloodstain on her palm.

It doesn't matter, maybe it's Taifu's younger sister, Xu Anlu thought, Taifu always likes to take care of children.

Just a dwarf.

She comforted herself in this way, took a deep breath, looked at the maid, and said:

"Lead the way."

Let's see for the time being, what does the so-called Suzerain want to do?


In the private room on the fifth floor of Zuixian Tower, Xu Anlu was merciless there.

Xu Anlu knew the rules of the Zuixian Tower, so when the maid brought her in, she was slightly taken aback.

What does this woman want to do?

She will never forget the whispers of this woman when she leaned over when she was a baby, every single word, revealed the deepest secrets of the two sisters, and exposed them nakedly before her eyes.

The sky is not pitiful, suspected to be the suzerain of the Guardian of Heaven, the most mysterious woman in the entire capital, her mystery even surpassed the president of the Wanjin Society.

The reason why the president of Wanjinhui is mysterious is because he can't see the beginning and the end, and he doesn't know whether he is a man or a woman, but the mystery of Tianbulian is that even if you meet her, you still think she is mysterious.

Mystery is like charm, it is engraved in her bones.

Her voice is gentle and soft, numb to the bone; her smile is unique and pitiful; her eyes are rippling and tender.That delicate face, the tear mole at the corner of the eye, and the immaculate blue hands are undoubtedly existences that can make men crazy and women jealous.

"Your Highness, please sit down."

She leaned halfway on the chair, refilled Xu Anlu's tea, slowly raised her jade hand, and put the teacup in front of Xu Anlu.

Xu Anlu didn't answer and didn't move. She just looked at her and went straight in: "This is the fifth floor."

"Yes." Tian Bulian smiled, narrowing his eyes slightly, "Is there any problem on the fifth floor? Could it be that Your Highness is afraid of heights?"

"The rules of Zuixianlou are five or more, and non-supreme people can't go up. I'm the princess, so I should be on the fourth floor."

Xu Anlu had already learned about Xu Anyin's seeking advice from Tianbulian for advice from Zishu.

It's just that Zishu didn't know what Xu Anyin got. The shadow that followed that day was also imprisoned by Xu Anlu in the shadow world because of Xu Anyin's affairs. He also kept silent, but said that Xu Anyin would tell His Majesty.

With the same body, it doesn't make sense that Xu Anyin can sit on the fourth floor, and she can come to the fifth floor.


"Since I invited His Highness to come up, it naturally means that His Highness is the supreme person." Tian Bulian smiled and said, "Isn't the empress of the shadow world, the emperor who wants to unify the two sides, not honorable?"

"You really know." Xu Anlu looked at Tianbulian, with murderous intent in her eyes.

Since Tianbu Lian can know Xu Anyin's name and know about reincarnation, then she will also know about the Shadow Empire to some extent.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

"Why is your highness asking me like that, what do you want to do, isn't it your highness?"

Tian Bulian smiled, picked up the tea bowl, blew slightly, and took a sip.

The tea slipped down her slender neck, she put down the tea bowl, and continued to smile: "I know, what Your Highness wants is news about that person. But you know, heaven has eyes, this place is different from other places, what to do , think twice."

"In this case, it's better for Your Highness to make a deal with me." Tian Bulian said, "I will plan a good time for Your Highness to get to know each other, and I will guarantee that it will not attract attention."

She spoke, emphasizing the last words.

"Not even above."

Chapter 110 Three: The Collapse of Love

Above, neither.

Tian Bu Lian emphasized these words emphatically.

What does the above refer to?

She looked at Tian Bu Lian, and Tian Bu Lian explained:

"What I'm good at is deduction and checking."

"Meetings in the world, where do you go and see them whenever you want? I can help you make a plan so that you can achieve the result you want most."

As Tianbulian said, she put away her smile, and said to her solemnly: "So before this, you must not go to see Yang Pingsheng."

Xu Anlu looked at her.

She looked at Xu Anlu.

In the end, it was Xu Anlu who picked up the tea, took a sip, and asked, "So, what's the price?"

Tianbulian laughed again.

"You'll find out later."

Xu Anlu also laughed.

she says:

"Okay, I'll wait."


And then, those things happened.

Regardless of Xu Anyin's resistance, Xu Anlu began to go her own way.

She traced Yang Pingsheng's traces, investigated Immortal Valley, and made plans for the political situation in the capital.

Until tonight, Tianbulian gave her the answer she wanted.

Go ahead.

You can go see that person now.

That person is waiting for you there.

After getting the address, Xu Anlu rushed there with the shadow guard.

There is no moon tonight, and thick dark clouds cover everything.

In the cloud, there is thunder.

Something happened at the south gate, and the whole capital was in chaos. The guards had already been dispatched, but the Tiger Roaring Camp remained silent.

The shadow guards blocked the entire street. Xu Anlu was walking, her breathing was short, her legs were weak, her chest was beating violently, the closer she got, the faster she jumped.

The master is there.

The master is there.

The master is there! ! !

It's raining.

The drizzle of Xilili irritated the skin and gave it a cooling sensation.

Finally, it was time to meet the Tai Tuo.

Those things, those forgotten madnesses, will come to an end.

How would she face the Tai Tuo?

Ask about love?Ask the way of heaven?

No, she has to obey her heart and go crazy for a while.

She wants to make the Taifu into a human puppet.

"Ping, Pingsheng, let me tell you something, don't be afraid."


"Really, it's coming, I, I can feel, hiss...it's not good, it's not good. It's ten times worse than Luobenmo. He's going to die, he's going to die, let's run quickly, that guy is A monster, she won't let us go, ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah I am so unlucky I am an innocent little meow."

"Hey, I can't understand you talking so fast."

"Ping, Pingsheng, you don't understand at all..."

"What don't I understand?"

"It's the killing intent. I feel the killing intent. That person really wants to kill you."

The eyes seem to be unable to see clearly.

All emotions are like prisoners who have been imprisoned for a long time, and now they swarm out, engulfing everything like a huge wave, the deafening heartbeat crushes Xu Anlu's thoughts, desire is torturing her reason, making her no longer be yourself.

growing up.

growing up.

growing up!

To grow!

To get... Tai Fu.

"This shocking killing intent, ouno!! It's almost to the point of smashing into pieces!!"

"Don't be nervous, is the third female villain here?"

"Come, come? Come!? She is standing in front of the door!!!!"




The sound sounded, slow and firm, like a piece of music.

Xu Anlu knocked on the door of the house in the rain.

In the courtyard, footsteps could be heard, with a familiar intensity and rhythm.At this time, Xu Anlu lost all her courage and turned back into that child.


If the Taifu really recognized her.

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