Not Xu Anyin, but Xu Anlu.

So what should she do?

What would the master say?

Do you really want to do that yourself?

The door opened, and the person in the yard was standing on the steps looking at her. Xu Anlu almost lost control of her body. The familiar face was younger and thinner than she remembered, and the gentleness between her eyebrows and eyes was still the same. Kindness, when those eyes looked over, they surged like a tsunami with memories.

That is, the Taifu at the time of parting.

At that time, the Taifu when he passed away.

At that time, only belonged to her Taifu.

Taifu, Taifu, Taifu! !

She was about to step forward, but the Taifu said something first.


So this is ah……

So this is ah……

A long time ago, before the end of the world, Yang Pingsheng asked Xu Anlu a question.

"Xiaolu, what's the matter?"

At that time, Yang Pingsheng thought that it was Xu Anyin who kidnapped him, so he asked Xu Anlu about it.

Xu An showed nothing on his face, but he was very happy in his heart.

Tai Tuo, he cares about himself.


"In my heart, she will always be that child."

"Then Taifu, do you like her?"

"I like you, Xiaoyin."

Xu Anlu remembered.

I remembered everything.

Why does she want to make the Tai Tuo a human puppet.

She has been spoiled.

Whether it is the way of heaven or humanity, they have turned her into this, into a stupid woman who only has Yang Pingsheng in her eyes and is full of love.

It was that existence that made her like this.

She has admitted, has given up, and is willing to fall into the abyss.

But, why did Yang Pingsheng like Xu Anyin?


So vile.

Such a thing is really despicable.

She was the first to like.

It was she who expressed it first.

She was the first to bow her head.

All, she.

But why.

"Why did you only recognize me now, Tai Tuo!!!"

The overturned chessboard, white and black mixed together.

When Yang Pingsheng said the familiar sentence: "Xiaolu, when will you grow up?"

Xu Anlu couldn't hold back anymore.

She cried loudly in Yang Pingsheng's arms, pulled his clothes, and said almost like a roar:

"I am the emperor, the emperor who unifies the two sides, the emperor who understands the way of kingship, and the overbearing emperor. I have great ambitions, I should have the brightest future, I still have ideals, and I have blood, but all of these have been destroyed by you. "

"You ruined everything about me!"

"You broke into my world and changed my future. I recognize these, I recognize them all, but why, exactly why..."

"You'll think I'm Xu Anyin!!! I'm the one who compromised, I was the one who voluntarily sacrificed, and I'm the one who surrendered. It's Xu Anlu, not Xu Anyin!"

"Teacher, the one who likes you has always been me..."

Tears, rolling down.

With her long red hair fluttering, Xu Anlu raised her head, looked at the silent Yang Pingsheng, and forced a smile through her tears.

"Teacher, I have always been the one who likes you."

"You once told me that to like is to want, and to want to be with someone is to like."

"So, Taifu, become my puppet."

The fiery red spiritual energy circulated, the formation was activated, and it burst into light.

"Together with me forever, forever and ever, no death, no sorrow, no separation, we, forever together."

"Because I like you."

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Chapter 110: My name is Wen Shihan, and I am an unscrupulous person

The fiery red aura is running.

Yang Pingsheng lowered his eyes and looked at Xu Anlu who had a ferocious face.

The innocent and lively girl who used to be had turned into someone he didn't know.

The red hair is like a flame, drawn upward by the wind, her voice is charming, and her frown and smile are enough to attract a man's attention. When she is standing, she looks like a blooming peony.

She has grown taller and is no longer that little doll. She has her own ideas and is willing to work hard for them.

Although, that's not a good idea.

The teardrops rolled down, and when they landed, they were evaporated by the spiritual energy, crystal clear, and then became part of the formation.

"I have grown up, Taifu."

The failed formation was working again, and this time, no one could stop it.

The girl's face gradually became calm, and the fiery red aura wrapped around her, as charming as a monster. She looked at Yang Pingsheng obstinately, and her immortal ultimate move in her hand gradually enveloped the entire room.

"You are my demon. I am crazy, obsessed, and depraved for you. As long as you are here, I will never be able to grow."

"Growth requires a price."

"Only by paying a huge price can a person grow. Only by growing can one bid farewell to the cowardly self in the past and move towards a broader future."

"I've already paid that price."

With a slightly trembling voice, Xu Anlu's eyes were still red even though the tears had evaporated, and the shattered tears destroyed all the imperial aura in her body, revealing that she was still the fragile and stubborn child back then.

She still doesn't give up.


The door opened.

A dark shadow covered it, and a servant walked in.

Xu Anlu was focused on Yang Pingsheng physically and mentally, without looking at the attendant, she just said, "Who told you to come in? Get out quickly."

The attendant did not speak, but approached silently.



Blood splattered.

The pitch-black arms passed through Xu Anlu's chest, and blood-colored flowers bloomed.

The formation of spiritual energy gathered and flowed towards Yang Pingsheng, and the formed killing move bombarded him.

In the end, it was blocked by the heart guard.

The mirror automatically emerged to block the red aura, and the mirror surface was rippling like water waves, with a figure looming in it.

Xu Anlu coughed up blood, widened her eyes, and turned her head slowly: "You..."

The shadow receded, and Wen Shihan's incarnation was dressed in black, standing there expressionless, looking at her with silent pupils, and said in a cold voice:

"Stay away from my brother."

"Your... brother?"

Blood smeared her lips red, Xu Anlu smiled: "Heh..."

Shadow Empire, come.

Shadows enveloped the entire house, and dark figures stood around, blocking the breath.

Immortal Ultimate Move - Fire Spirit Heavy Sun Armor.

Immortal Ultimate Move - Emmanuel Fire Boots.

Immortal ultimate move - Great Sun Fire Ring.

Immortal ultimate move - fire spirit flesh and blood.

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