Wen Shihan was startled, and quickly pulled his hands away, his avatar retreated violently, but it was already too late.

The terrifying high temperature engulfed like a wave, and the spear that was as bright as the sun shot out with the sharp edge, stabbing at the avatar with one stroke.

Amidst the screams, the avatar was broken and turned into pieces.

Houses, chessboards, and chess pieces were burned to ashes, and Xu Anlu's fire boots stepped on the floor, melting the hard marble into water.

When I looked back, Yang Pingsheng had disappeared.

been played.

When Wen Shihan used his avatar to sneak attack her, the main body had already been transported along the breastplate, and Yang Pingsheng was transferred with him.

"Want to run?"

Huo Ling was beating on Xu Anlu's chest, feeding up the previous penetrating wound. She looked around the house with cold eyes, and said loudly:

"Teacher, don't hide. The real world here has been half-fused with my consciousness space. For this, I have spent a lot of Dao Scar. Even a true immortal can't detect the movement here."

The Sunshine Spear radiated thousands of rays of light, turning this dark night into daylight.

The systematically made black cat opened its eyes, saw this scene, closed its eyes and lay down again.

"I'm dizzy, I'm dizzy."

A dead fellow Daoist is not a poor daoist, for the rest of his life, you have to work hard, I can't help you anymore.

The black cat slapped itself and stopped moving.

The formations or immortal ultimate moves blessed by the Great Dao Scar must be solved with the corresponding Great Dao Scar.At the moment when the shadow empire came, Wen Shihan realized this.

This woman is difficult to deal with.

Wen Shihan's incarnation had sneaked into her side long ago, since she killed the opponent's attendant and seized the opponent's memory, Wen Shihan had detected a lot of things.

Reincarnation, Twin Life, Shadow Empire.

There is one person's world, one person's kingdom.

Xu Anyin is well versed in the way of the soul, Wen Shihan's incarnation can't hide it from her, but upholding the idea of ​​fishing law enforcement, Xu Anyin did not startle the snake, she also wanted to see what the other party wanted to do with an avatar.

It's just that before I could continue to observe, my sister seized power.

Xu Anlu's actions will undoubtedly expose her strength, Xu Anyin disagrees, but now, there is nothing she can do.

In the corner of the East Wing, Wen Shihan clicked his tongue, turned to look at Yang Pingsheng, smiled slightly, and said, "Don't be afraid, brother, I will deal with that woman."

"Wait, Xiaohan, I..."

Before he could finish speaking, Wen Shihan cast a formation to protect him, and then left instantly.

The shadows stood everywhere, Xu Anlu was still standing in the middle of the burned chess room, feeling the gust of wind in front of her, she raised her head, stared at Wen Shihan coldly, and asked, "Where is the master?"

"I don't know what grand master you're talking about." Wen Shihan held out the Immortal Ring Sword, "But if you want to find brother, then I can only say sorry."

There is the word Pingsheng on the ring head knife, which looks particularly eye-catching.

Xu Anlu stared at the words on it for a while, then laughed suddenly: "It seems that he is a very important person to you."

"of course."

"Then you are really pathetic. I'm afraid you, like me, have fallen into this illusory relationship?"

Wen Shihan looked at it unwaveringly: "My feelings for my brother are beyond your comprehension."

"Are you dear?"


"I see." Xu Anlu smiled, "Then I'd better kill you."

The flames roared out.

Between the steps, the magma boiled, and the bright light approached unexpectedly, but it was the Sunshine Gun.

The blow that contained the trace of the Dao is close at hand.

If it was an ordinary fairy, this move would be fatal.But Wen Shihan is not an ordinary fairy, she is a true fairy who has been ascended by the eight scriptures, and she fell down because she forcibly jumped to the world.

The dark wind blew out the flames, and the emotions were teased by some kind of force. The blade of the ring head knife collided with the tip of the spear, and the black aura and the red aura were mixed together, making it impossible to distinguish.

The two stepped back dozens of steps, Xu Anlu looked at the tip of the gun, then at the other side, and asked, "What's your name?"

"Wen Shi Han."

Wen Shihan replied, while clenching the handle of the knife:

"A person who can do anything for his brother."

Chapter 110 Five: Wen Shihan vs Xu Anlu

"For the sake of my brother, can I use any means?"

Hearing Wen Shihan's words, Xu Anlu smiled.

She did not continue to attack in a hurry, but clenched the handle of the gun and stepped forward slowly.

"Do you know how to grow?"

"The so-called growth is the product of being constantly tormented by the difficulties one thinks, and thus falling into the abyss. Growth is the price, and only those who have experienced great hardships can grow."

"I was once confused. What was the confusion? It was because I knew clearly that I had fallen into an illusory love. I didn't know how to face this illusory love, how to face the lover who ruined everything for me. So I Madness, struggle, pain, and finally, a sudden realization."

"It's all about, I'm not growing."

"As long as you grow, you can become firm. As long as you grow, you can become strong. As long as you grow, you can become fearless. Your name is Wen Shihan, right? In your opinion, I must be a lunatic, but You don't know, the love I have for your brother is the real love after I grow up."

She stopped, waving the gun in her hand.

"I have, completed the growth."

Immortal ultimate move - dead soul burning spirit repents millions of troops.

A hand broke through the ground.

Wen Shihan's pupils constricted, and it was she who crawled out from the ground.

"Brother, where are you?"

"Brother, don't you want Xiao Han?"

"Brother, don't leave Xiaohan behind."

Those who regretted it before, with flames burning on their bodies, swayed towards her.

"What do you see?"

"It's my past self, right?"

"This ultimate move was originally a destructive ultimate move. I modified it and added some other functions to it."

Xu Anlu stopped swinging her gun, looked at Wen Shihan who was standing there blankly, and said lightly:

"After using the ultimate move, different people will see different self. That is the self in the past, the self that has not yet grown up."

"So, repent, confess that self that hasn't grown up, that cowardly, useless self."

"That is, you."

Zombies burning with flames, muttering to themselves, surrounded Wen Shihan.

Clothes were pulled, whispers were approaching, Wen Shihan came back to his senses, shouted angrily in a low voice, Yin Lingqi erupted, impacted the surrounding zombies, and rushed towards Xu Anlu like a rage.

"Are you angry? Are you angry because you saw your past self?"

"So that's it, you haven't [growth] yet."

"In that case, then back off."

Wen Shihan froze in place.

The shining sun gun pierced into her chest, breaking through her protective aura, and roasting her internal organs and blood in just an instant.

Xu Anlu watched with cold eyes, retracted the gun, and let the other party fall to be eaten by the zombies.

It seems that Tai Tuo still has a lot of things that she doesn't know. At that time, he didn't have any younger sisters.

"There are so many secrets."

Xu Anlu didn't like this feeling.

The range of perception expanded, and Xu Anlu took steps to find Yang Pingsheng who was hidden by Wen Shihan.

But at this moment-



Xu Anlu's shadow, someone slowly rose from it.

The whole body of the ring head knife turned into a pitch-black blade, ignoring the protection of the armor and halo, and pierced through Xu Anlu's chest.

Wen Shihan gripped the handle of the knife tightly, the aura of body protection creaked from the heat wave, and his cold eyes were expressionless.

"What the hell are you..."

Xu Anlu coughed up blood, turned her head stiffly, and roared, "Do you just like to attack from behind so much!?"

"I said, for my brother, I can do whatever it takes."

As long as it is for Yang Pingsheng, Wen Shihan can do anything.

Xu Anlu erupted with spiritual energy and escaped. Wen Shihan avoided the long jump and used Yin spiritual energy to repair his exposed burns.

Both of them were seriously injured, one was penetrating wound plus penetrating wound, the other got too close and was severely injured by the opponent's fire aura.


As soon as Xu Anlu opened her mouth, she coughed up a mouthful of black blood.

"Your mother is still poisoning!?"

Wen Shihan healed his arm and sneered: "Otherwise? Do you think I talk as much nonsense as you?"

"Fuck you..."

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