Chapter 110: Interrogation

In one night in the capital, many things happened.

The top priority is naturally the assassination of the Fourth Prince.

The fourth prince came back from a great victory, but was assassinated on the way back to the palace, but fortunately, the person sitting in the attacked carriage was a stand-in, and the fourth prince himself was fine.

The Holy Master Longyan was furious, and immediately ordered a thorough investigation. For three days, the aura of immortality filled the air. The guards of the capital were dispatched again and again, a large number of shops were raided, and many spies from other countries were pulled out.

The second thing is that the street next to the south gate was damaged.

The damage occurred overnight, and the immortals didn't notice it. There was no earthquake or fight that night. However, the entire street and the house were damaged overnight. Fortunately, there were no casualties.

The third princess immediately surrounded the place with the Tiger Roaring Camp to ensure that nothing happened.

A series of situations happened in the capital, not to mention the mysterious true fairy who appeared outside the city before.The next morning, someone proposed to report the truth to the Guardian of Heaven and send more immortals to investigate these matters, but for some reason, the Holy Majesty refused.

Qianguo has its own immortals, and now those who investigate these things are all their own immortals.

For Yang Pingsheng, the occurrence of these things means that he lost his place to live with great difficulty, and now he has to find a place to live again.

The fight between the two parties destroyed all the furniture he had arranged, but fortunately, no one was injured.The most common Xiaoyu just sprained his foot.

That's right, when two real immortals fought, Xiao Yu only sprained his foot.

When Wen Shihan pulled her out from the ruins, she rubbed her red ankle and smiled embarrassedly at Yang Pingsheng.

"Sorry, master, to trouble you."

Yang Pingsheng hugged her, sniffed her fragrance, lowered his eyes.

"It's okay, as long as people are still there."

The house is gone, no matter whether you are a real fairy or a fairy, you have to sleep on the street.

Fortunately, Xu Anlu stepped forward.

She bought many properties in the capital, one of which was originally used as a base for training subordinates, the place is not small, close to the commercial street, and even bigger than Yang Pingsheng's house.

She contributed this place to Yang Pingsheng's family.

It's hard to say whether she has selfish intentions, but at least this move is what Yang Pingsheng needs now. Yang Pingsheng originally wanted to thank her, until he discovered that there was a secret passage in his room leading to the outside world.

That's it.

The silvery moonlight was softly reflected in the pool, and the flowers and plants in the yard were gently touched by the evening breeze, and they were still fragrant. At dinner, Yang Pingsheng, Wen Shihan, Luo Benmo, and Xu Anlu who came to eat said: Okay, I have something to do tonight, so don't bother him for now.

All three of them nodded in agreement, but they didn't know what they actually thought. Xiao Yu didn't say a word, and should eat and drink.

After the meal, Yang Pingsheng went into the study room, locked the door, did not light candles, but set up a vigilant array.

The black cat that was hung upside down on the beam of the house forced a smile.

"That, that, my whole life..."


"We're friends, right?"

"What do you think."

"Ahahaha, look, after going through so many things, you are not considered a friend but a comrade in arms. Well, you... what are you doing with a whip? Wait, wait! Don't do that kind of thing!!!"

Lesson learned.

After a while, he untied the black cat that was put down and lay on the ground, his eyes dull: "I'm just a cat..."

Yang Pingsheng gave it a kick: "Don't pretend to be dead."

"I'm no longer alive."

"I'm going to wipe your ass."

"But in other words, it's better to die than to live. Oh, my beloved life, what can I do for you?"

The dark green pupils flickered, and the black cat's eyes blinked, and it ran into Yang Pingsheng's arms to act like a baby.Ignoring its flattery, Yang Pingsheng grabbed it by the neck and picked it up.

"Remember what you told me?"

"You, which sentence are you referring to?"

"Skynet is restored, sparse but not lost."

"Yes, yes." The black cat muttered, "Indeed, that's true..."

The original words in the book are not what it said.

"What's the matter with Xu Anlu? Don't you say that you will fully implement Tiandao's plan, is it impossible for her to escape?"

"Ah... um... meow?"

"Meow you big-headed ghost!"

Relying on his status as a cat, the black cat planned to get away with it, but was interrupted mercilessly by Yang Pingsheng.

"Do you know one hundred ways to make cat meat?"

"Don't do that kind of thing!!"

It howled, and finally, under Yang Pingsheng's increasingly dangerous eyes, he murmured weakly: "I, I don't know, it was indeed according to the plan of heaven at that time."

"So? You don't even know that someone changed later!"

"The way of heaven didn't tell me whether it was good or not, I guessed it all!"

"The reason why Xu Anyin replaced Xu Anlu didn't realize it was because you were always guessing before!?"

"Don't, don't be so fierce." The black cat forced a smile, "Didn't I come to help you save it?"

"You didn't help at all, alright!!"

"Because there is no energy..." the black cat sighed helplessly, "about the way of heaven, the formation of energy, etc., it is complicated to explain. There are many things, not that I don't want to talk about them, but..."

It closed its mouth, and the meaning was self-evident.

"How did Xu Anlu come here, do you know?"

"Hmm..." The black cat was silent, and after thinking for a while, he said, "The world Xu Anlu lives in is just a small garden, and Xu Anlu is the flower in that garden. There is no way to break free from the shackles of the garden."

"But Xu Anlu did it."

"I don't know exactly how she did it, but her current method is like someone picking off the flowers in that garden and transplanting them to other gardens, but this kind of transplanting is not transplanting into the soil, but putting A certain flower in this garden was cut off in half and then grafted on."

Yang Pingsheng frowned slightly: "Can this kind of thing be done?"

"It can't be done, so I don't know how Xu Anlu did it. And I think her mental state is not very good, and she has an inexplicable dependence on you. I don't know why this dependence is formed."

"You may think that's the way of heaven." The black cat looked at him, "but I can tell you clearly, it's not."

The way of heaven is ruthless, and the matter of love would not have arisen from the way of heaven.

Wen Shihan, Luo Benmo, and now Xu Anlu, they have too much affection for Yang Pingsheng. From the results point of view, this is not Tiandao's style.

There is a mastermind behind the scenes, tampering with everything behind the scenes.

"My life, remember what I told you?" Black Cat said seriously, "Even if the female villain breaks free from the will of the world, she can't find you."

"Someone is helping them and finding you."

who's that person?

What is his purpose?

How much did he know, and why would he do it?

Yang Pingsheng looked out the window and lowered his eyes.

The night seems to be getting deeper.

Chapter 120: The Brazen Man

Wen Shihan once told Yang Pingsheng that there was a mysterious person.

The reason why she was able to find it was thanks to that mysterious man.

Yang Pingsheng couldn't calm down. He looked at the black cat in the dark. In a trance, he felt that the pair of green vertical pupils were watching him. When he looked carefully, he found that it was licking his fur.

"The way of heaven defines Xu Anlu as a double-faced emperor, right?"

"That's right."

"Since it's a double-faced emperor, it also includes Xu Anyin, right?"

"Um...that's it."

"Xu Anyin..." Yang Pingsheng paused and said, "I have no plans to find me."

"Hey? How do you say that?"

"That is to say...forget it."

He kept thinking, and the system might not believe it. Yang Pingsheng didn't plan to express his guess for a while.

He wanted to ask something else, so he followed the system's previous words and continued to ask: "You just said that Xu Anlu is like a flower in a garden. When you find it, she picks up other flowers herself. Then her original garden, what will happen?" How about it?"

"It's hard to say, it depends on whether the will of the world has collapsed."

"It's broken?"

"The world is destroyed."

"Didn't it crash?"


The system thought for a while and said, "There is a high probability that a new villain will appear."

Where there is good, there must be evil.

The end of a story heralds the beginning of the next one. The world is endlessly reincarnated, and history passes by in a hurry, but the fundamental law will never change.

"Even if there is no Xu Anlu, there will be Liu Anlu, Wang Anlu, the definition is still a double-faced emperor." Black Cat said, "As long as there are people, humanity will not disappear, which is why, the way of heaven advocates change, not obliteration."

"but now……"

"The current situation... well, I don't know what the situation is."

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