The system doesn't mention the way of heaven.

Tiandao doesn't know what happened, and the system has no energy. The current situation is beyond its solution.

"You can only take one step at a time."

If the will of the world is still there, even if the female villain is gone, a new female villain will be born, and the deduction of the will of the world will not stop.

But if the will of the world collapses...

"That is to say, if these female villains do not get the will of the world before they leave, then those worlds will actually continue to run. Even if they leave, it will be fine, because the will of the world will cultivate new female villains." Yang Pingsheng concluded softly .

"That's it, but... I don't think it's possible. The will of the world won't let them leave. Their departure actually means that the will of the world has been destroyed." The black cat curled up in Yang Pingsheng's arms, wagging its tail, "So Said, don't worry about those things, let's think about how to solve it. It's getting late today, why don't you go to bed earlier? "

Yang Pingsheng did not reply.

As if a whole world was silent, his voice came from the darkness: "Xu Anlu won't be the last, right?"

Even a fool would not consider it a coincidence to be hit by a car three times in a row.

Except for the first two missions in the nine worlds, he walked step by step in the following worlds according to the system. Now he should have spent the rest of his life in the Immortal Valley, and finally died in a place that no one knew.

But now, not long after he retired, Wen Shihan, Luo Benmo, and Xu Anlu came to him one by one, one after another.

There is a conspiracy covering him in the net, but he can't see through it.

Those ancient memories kept reappearing, and the scenes of the past stimulated him. What was shown was not merit, but crime.

That's his crime against all the girls.

Whether it was the self-righteous rescue in the front, or the change like a puppet in the back, Yang Pingsheng has indeed broken into their lives and changed their original life trajectory. Just like what Xu Anyin said, he is the reason for everything.

He was unavoidable.

Without him, Xu Anlu would have embarked on the plot mentioned by the system, and that plot would be completely ruined, but there is no doubt that for Xu Anlu herself, it is the best arrangement.

Whether she or others, they should have their own glory, their own pinnacle, but now, they gathered around him.

Not only them, I'm afraid, there will be other female villains behind.

The black cat was speechless, so it could only be silent for a while, and silently replied: "I still believe in the way of heaven."

It can only say this sentence.

"It's okay, for the rest of my life, I will be with you, just like the previous nine worlds."

"But you are completely useless."

"Hey, hey, saying such things at this time is too damaging to the atmosphere! It's obviously time to be sensational, so don't make complaints!"

"……I'm telling the truth."

As he spoke, Yang Ping kept thinking in his life. His eyes wandered in the darkness, thinking carefully about the details of female villains in other worlds.

"The female villain of the next world is..."

A cheeky person who puts his interests first.

The most shameless of the nine female villains.

Although Wen Shihan is an unscrupulous person, she needs to be ashamed anyway, and she just uses unscrupulous means to achieve her goal.Compared with Wen Shihan, the female villains of the fourth world simply have no sense of shame.

Looking at the female villains in the nine worlds, some are indifferent, some are bloodthirsty, some are unscrupulous, and some have no distinction between good and evil.Maybe they have temporarily bowed their heads because of the situation, but there is no doubt that they all have their own pride.

And the female villain of the fourth world?

It's simply that they don't know how to write the word "honesty" at all, they are shameless, lie comes out of their mouths, and they turn black and white, and speak righteously.

She will only act for the benefit, as long as the benefits of the righteous way are enough, she will not hesitate to swear to join the righteous way to crusade against the devil, but as long as the benefits of the devil are given enough, she can turn to the devil and crusade against the righteous way.

To her, taking an oath is as simple as farting. If she has principles, then her principles have no bottom line. If she has bottom lines, then her bottom line has no principles.

She may not be the strongest, not the wisest, but she is definitely the most shameless.

Outright shameless.

However, what troubled Yang Pingsheng was that such shameless people would also come to him.

Now, he can't handle Wen Shihan, Luo Benmo, and Xu Anlu's feelings well, let alone adding such a shameless person.

But speaking of it, she is such a shameless person for the sake of profit, she probably won't love him to death like Xu Anlu...

"Probably not?"

Once she loves him like Xu Anlu to the point of death, then Yang Ping will not be able to live in peace for the rest of his life.

After all, how terrible is a person who beats the heroine by relying on shamelessness and causes the will of the world to fear him?

Chapter 120: Asura Field× Fighting the Landlord√

Yang Pingsheng thought to no avail, so he decided to rest first and talk about it tomorrow.

But what he didn't expect was that at this time, in the small courtyard at night, the three female villains stood silently.

Blue bricks and blue tiles, stone foundations and cornices, antique and fragrant, the martial arts arena near the ancient pavilion is a place specially used by Xu Anlu to train his subordinates. Now the three of them are standing in the martial arts arena, facing each other, and no one is willing to leave.

Wen Shihan was dressed in black, holding a horizontal knife in his hand, blending into the night.Luo Benmo's silver hair fluttered, and there seemed to be thunder in his eyes.Xu Anlu was wearing armor and holding a spear in her hand, she was very domineering.

Dark clouds drifted past, covering the moonlight, which was a sign that Luo Benmo was going to use his spiritual root.

"I say……"

Xu Anlu spoke first. She first looked at Luo Benmo, then squinted at Wen Shihan, and asked, "Are you sure you want to fight me?"

"I don't want to fight with you." Wen Shihan smiled.

"I just don't want you to harass my brother." Luo Benmo was expressionless.

"The house you live in is provided by me."

"That doesn't mean you can build a secret tunnel into your brother's room." Wen Shihan smiled grimly.

"What do you mean, do you think I don't know?" Luo Benmo's face was gloomy.

Xu Anlu was not frightened, but smiled: "Then what do you want?"

The red-haired soul appeared next to her, and Xu Anyin grinned like a loyal dog protecting its master.

"No matter what." Xu Anlu smiled, "I'm going to sleep with Taifu in my arms tonight."

The scene was silent.

"It always feels like..."

"We seem to be underestimated."

The corners of Wen Shihan's mouth twitched, Luo Ben's black eyes were murderous, and the spiritual energy was mixed with the strong wind. It was rare for the two to stand on the same front again.

There was a faint flash of thunder and lightning in the dark clouds, and the smell of gunpowder on the field became more and more intense. Suddenly, it was interrupted by a soft voice.

"Sorry, everyone."

Xiao Yu stood outside the arena, looked at the three of them, and smiled softly:

"It's very late today, and the young master is already asleep. If you make a scene, he will be very embarrassed."

The gentle temperament has a calming magic power, the dark clouds in the sky gradually dissipated, Wen Shihan and Luo Benmo did not speak, one knew how powerful the other was, and the other felt that it was best not to speak now.

"Huh? Who are you?"

Asking arrogantly, the red-haired Xu Anyin flew over, with his hips akimbo, and looked at the smiling Xiao Yu with disdain.

"A servant who follows Taifu, a mere handyman, dares to take care of our affairs, do you know who is in front of you? You, a mortal, are also qualified to say this to us?"

Xu Anlu didn't stop her, but her eyes narrowed slightly, staring at Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu looked up, smiled slightly, and then looked at Xu Anlu: "Is she your sister?"

Eye movements moved slightly, Xu Anlu was a little surprised: "Can you see her?"

The soul and the aura have the same origin, and they are both related to the existence of the origin of this world. Mortals cannot touch the aura, and naturally they cannot see the spirit body.

Yang Pingsheng was able to see it with the help of the system's ability, Xu Anlu was able to see it because he condensed the trace of the Dao with a mortal body, and Xiao Yu could also see it, which greatly exceeded Xu Anlu's expectations.

On Xiao Yu's body, she neither sensed the aura nor the trace of the Dao, and the other party was indeed an ordinary mortal, so how did she manage to see Xu Anyin?

This woman is weird.

"Well, I can see her, she's a lovely child."

Xiao Yu nodded with a smile, and looked at Xu Anyin: "It's already very late, good children should go to bed at this time."

"Are you an idiot?" Xu Anyin looked at her with stupid eyes, "What's the matter with your tone of coaxing children? Do you think I will listen to you? Besides, who are you?"

"Aren't you obedient?"

"It's a joke, I, Xu Anyin, can be considered a generational hero, why should I listen..."


A very nice roundhouse kick.

Xu Anyin was kicked away, she was kicked away in her soul state.

She passed heavily through the pillars of the gazebo, her whole soul was suspended above the ground, she covered her head, the intense pain and dizziness came to her head, and she could not help sobbing.


The wind stopped.

The aura of an ancient evil beast swept across the entire Martial Arts Field, the terrifying aura made the entire space tremble, and an unknown force forcibly suppressed the aura of everyone present.

"I said, everyone..."

Xiao Yu looked at the three of them and said with a smile:

"I can understand your feelings, but after all, it's so late, fighting or something, isn't it good?"

Now, Xu Anlu knew what role this guy played beside the Taifu, so it was no wonder that two such arrogant people, Luo Benmo and Wen Shihan, could coexist peacefully for so long.

This reason is most likely attributed to this woman named Xiao Yu.

To be honest, even now, Xu Anlu has the idea of ​​making Yang Pingsheng a human puppet. Unlike before, she may leave Yang Pingsheng with a sense of self. After all, the human body is so easily damaged, but Luo Benmo He Wen Shihan stopped her, she could only dismiss this idea for the time being.

Now, there is another one named Xiao Yu.

The situation was not clear, and a fight would definitely attract the attention of the royal family, so Xu Anlu stepped back and said: "What the girl said is that the Taifu is too tired tonight, and it's really not good for us to be like this."

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