"I will talk about the issue of Taifu's ownership every night, and I will not disturb everyone's rest."

Xu Anlu retracted her gun, cupped her fists, turned around and left.

Target, the room next to Yang Pingsheng's room.

"Hold on."

Wen Shihan called out to stop her: "Why do you sleep in that room?"

"Sister asked such a strange question." Xu Anlu tilted her head to look at her, "This house is mine, and I can sleep wherever I want. Is there any problem?"

"Hehe, of course it's no problem." Wen Shihan smiled, "But you put my brother in that room, the closest room around him is the room next to him, and the other rooms are either separated by corridors or courtyards, you What's the idea, isn't it obvious?"

"That's right." Luo Benmo blocked her way for a moment, still expressionless, "No matter what, I can't let a woman like you sleep next to my brother."

"I said, you two..." Xu Anlu was still laughing, but it could be seen that she was getting impatient, "Did you guys not figure out who is the master here?"

"Hehe." Wen Shihan took out the knife.

"I care about you?" Luo Benmo took out his whip.

"Everyone wants to fight." Xu Anlu took out a spear, "I wish I had said no earlier."

The smell of gunpowder reappeared, and the entanglement of three auras with different attributes seemed to start fighting again.


Xiao Yu had no choice but to speak out again.

"If the three insist on competing for the right to stay in the next room, I have another suggestion."


Fight the landlord.

If Yang Ping was born here, he would be very familiar with this game.

The rules are very simple. It is played by 3 players, using a deck of 54 cards (even ghost cards), one of which is the landlord, and the other two are the other.

Not to mention the familiar bomb, Shunzi, in the game of Doudizhu, as long as there are traversers, he will definitely call out fellow villagers.

Xiao Yu found a deck of playing cards from nowhere, and explained the general rules. The three female villains are not fools, and they can understand the game after listening.

"There are five rounds in total. Whoever has the most points wins. The winner can live in the room next to the young master. The rules are roughly like this. Is there a problem?"

On the stone table in the gazebo, four people sat in a seat, listening to Xiao Yu's rules, the other three shook their heads.

The rules are not difficult, and there is not much movement. It is indeed a good idea to bet and admit defeat.

"However, girl, I have a question." Xu Anlu asked, "As you said, the landlord is one side, and the two peasants are one side. Assuming that someone is the landlord all the time, and then the peasants always win, then after five games , don’t the two peasants have the same points?”

Wen Shihan and Luo Benmo nodded, both of them noticed this problem.

Xiao Yu smiled slightly: "If that's the case, then the two farmers will decide the outcome. I have my own way."

This is what she said. What she didn't say was that what Xu Anlu was worried about would never happen.

Not to mention the hidden contradictions among the three, even if they want to win, the three have hundreds of hearts, and they will never let themselves be in the position of landlords or farmers.

After introducing the names and combinations of the cards in detail, Xiao Yu picked up the playing cards.

"During the card game, it is strictly forbidden to cheat with Ultimate Moves, Reiki, and Scar of the Great Dao. If you catch it once, half of the points will be deducted. Then, if there is no problem, I will start dealing the cards."

As soon as Xiao Yu picked up the playing cards, she looked at Wen Shihan with a smile:

"Can we stop arranging the array?"

"Tsk." Wen Shihan curled his lips and withdrew from the formation outside the gazebo.

"And Your Royal Highness, you can let your sister come back, don't hide on the gazebo and peek."

The red-haired soul came down from above, gave Xiao Yu a sip, and hurriedly fled back into her sister's body.

Xiao Yu sighed helplessly, and looked at Luo Benmo again.

Luo Benmo looked at her: "I didn't do anything."

"Your feet."

Under the table, Luo Benmo's feet protruded from the shoes, with white and small toes, a piece of mirror was sandwiched between them.

"You didn't say you can't use props to cheat."

"Then change the rules a little bit. No matter what the method is, you can't cheat anyway. Do you understand everyone?"

The three nodded. Anyway, it hasn't started yet, and points will not be deducted if they are caught.

Xiao Yu was a little tired, maybe it wasn't a good choice for these people to play Landlords intensively.

But things had come to this, and she had no other choice, and began to deal cards to the three of them.

In the first game, the bright card was caught by Xu Anlu, and Xu Anlu started calling the landlord.

She looked at the cards in her hand, pondered for a moment, and shouted: "1 point."

Her voice is full of hesitation and uncertainty, which makes people feel at first glance that she has got a good card but not many.

However, no one was fooled.

"Can your acting be more fake?" Wen Shihan was a little speechless, "Is it necessary to act?"

"I didn't play it. Believe it or not, it's up to you, anyway."

In order, the next one is Luo Benmo.

She closed her eyes, felt it carefully for a while, and said, "No."

The pressure came to Wen Shihan.

She glanced at the cards in her hand and sneered, "Three points."

Play is a confidence.

Three cards were given to Wen Shihan, she sorted out the cards in her hand, her face subconsciously changed.

"Didn't you say you won't act?" Xu Anlu squinted, "What's the matter with you?"

"Hmph, I want you to take care of it, hurry up, play cards, three against three."

Wen Shihan played pair three, Xu Anlu and Luo Benmo followed up with pair five and nine respectively.

Immediately afterwards, Wen Shihan hit J, Xu Anlu didn't want it, Luo Benmo hit K, Wen Shihan immediately pressed A.

Luo Benmo didn't stop, and pressed a pair of 2.

Wen Shihan raised his hand, signaling not to.

Luo Benmo looked at the cards in his hand, closed his eyes again to feel carefully, and then played a 6.

Wen Shi calculated carefully, and after a move, Xu Anlu frowned slightly and pressed out the Q. When she arrived at Luobenmo, she closed her eyes to feel it again, and chose not to.

But this time Wen Shihan asked for it, and K was overwhelmed.

Luo Benmo closed the cards with a snap, closed his eyes and rested his mind.

Xu Anlu looked at her strangely: "What are you doing?"

"I don't want the rest by default." Luo Benmo closed his eyes and yawned, "You just hit it."


Xu Anlu didn't understand what kind of plane this guy was flying, and could only face Wen Shihan alone.

Seeing that the opponent played a K, she played an A.

Wen Shihan didn't want it, Xu Anlu looked at the cards in her hand and decided to pass the small order.

So she made a 3.

"Play this card, if this is the case, then I really want to thank you."

Wen Shi Han Yin smiled, and issued Zhang 7.

Xu Anlu was not fooled, she chose to ignore Wen Shihan's performance.

"The so-called growth is continuous leaping. You can't shake me like this, because I have already surpassed my past self."

Xu Anlu smiled and played an 8: "It's you, you behaved like this, did you find that you can't pass the cards in your hand?"

"This behavior is to tell you." Wen Shihan threw the king away, "From now on, your failure is doomed."

Xu Anlu put away her smile.

Wen Shihan still has eleven cards in her hand, but now she has played the king to seize the initiative, which is enough to show that she doesn't want to play singles anymore.

Xu Anlu looked at the cards in her hand, 22K101010106654, she has a bomb in her hand, it is not impossible to stop it, but...

She glanced at Luo Benmo, who still had his eyes closed, and had no intention of participating at all.

[The opponent has a king, that is to say, Xiao Wang is in the hands of Luo Benmo, and four bombs consisting of 4s are hit. The probability that the opponent can have a bomb larger than this is very low, but the probability of scoring is lower if the bomb is hit. Double, if Wen Shihan wins, plus the status of the landlord, it will open us up a lot]

According to Xiaoyu's rules, the winner gets points, and the loser deducts points. If Xu Anlu loses the first round, it will be a negative point.

【From expression to language to demeanor, none of this woman is believable. It's really troublesome】

In the end, Xu Anlu chose to play it safe. Anyway, she had a bomb in her hand, and she wanted to see how Wen Shihan would fight next.

Wen Shihan played a straight 34567.

Luo Benmo didn't come out as usual, and Xu Anlu didn't have a straight in his hand.

Hope, it's here with Xu Anlu, she began to think about what the opponent's remaining six cards are.

She pondered for a long time, but finally still chose not to move, Wen Shihan continued to play, and played three Q belt 9.

"Report double." Wen Shihan smiled darkly, and gestured to Xu Anlu for the cards in his hand.

The remaining two cards look very much like a small pair. If Xu Anlu doesn't want it anymore, Wen Shihan is very likely to win directly.

Can't wait.

Xu Anlu decisively used the bomb.

She watched Wen Shihan secretly, and found that the other party was relieved on the surface and motioned for her to continue, but in fact his eyelids twitched and his mind was restless.

【So that's right, it's a pair】

Looking at the remaining cards in her hand, Xu Anlu chose singles and played a 4.

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