"Sorry, I won."

A picture of Xiao Wang was photographed by Wen Shihan.


Xu Anlu was stunned, looked up at Wen Shihan, there was no smile and so many micro-expressions on the other side's face, only indifference.

"It's really not easy to deceive you. I don't think there should be a bigger card than my little king now, right?"

Luo Benmo closed his eyes and rested his mind. Xu Anlu was still surprised by Xiao Wang on the table. Now, there is indeed no bigger card on the field.

"Then, I accept the victory of the first game."

Wen Shihan played the last card, 9.

This guy not only disassembled the big and small kings, but even the last three belts and one, also dismantled the pair.

Both expressions and words, all her purpose is to deceive Xu Anlu.

"...You bastard."

For the first time, Xu An stared squarely at the angel in front of him: "You really shouldn't underestimate it."

"I've won the prize, let's open the next one."

Fighting the Landlords in Five Pans passed away under the cover of night.

In the end, it was Wen Shihan who won the victory. She really used all means to win. She repeatedly robbed the landlord and used her acting skills to deceive people. Another time in the middle, she tried to cheat by using spiritual energy to fake Xu Anlu. She was caught by Luo Benmo and deducted half of it. integral.

Even so, she was victorious in the end.

At the end of the endgame, Wen Shihan glanced at the two proudly, packed his luggage and moved into the room next to Yang Pingsheng.Xiao Yu put away the poker, said goodnight softly, and went back to her room to sleep.

In the gazebo, only Luo Benmo and Xu Anlu were left.

Luo Benmo didn't have the desire to chat with her, so he turned around and was about to leave, but Xu Anlu raised his hand and stopped her: "Please wait a moment."

Luo Benmo stopped, turned his head, his attitude was still cold: "What's the matter?"

"Don't you want to win?"

In the five rounds of Doudizhu, Luo Benmo had no fighting spirit from the first round. In the next four rounds, she was the same as the first round. Halfway through the fight, she closed her eyes and closed her eyes.

Mingming's affection for the Tai Tuo is no less than hers, and even wanted to fight with herself to snatch the Tai Tuo before Fighting the Landlord, Xu Anlu didn't understand why she suddenly lost her motivation later on.

"Leave me alone?"

Luo Benmo didn't give him a good face, he replied and left.

Of course, Xu Anlu couldn't understand Luo Benmo's behavior.

As the person with the strongest intuition and at the same time a person with extraordinary talents, among the three, Luo Benmo's interpretation of "Tiandao Cultivation Record" is the deepest.

It's just the right to stay in the room, and even the room next door, so what's there to argue about?

What she wanted was never a room.

What she wanted was Yang Pingsheng, her younger brother, who belonged exclusively to her.

Intuition told her that if there was no need to argue about this, then she would not.

Anyway, as long as she is the one who wins in the end, that's enough.

Chapter 120 II: The Unreturnable Past

There is no conspiracy, no undercurrent.

After Xu Anlu came back, Yang Ping rarely had a peaceful sleep in his life.

When she woke up the next day, Wen Shihan was already standing at his door, the first morning light shone on her face, her black hair tied into a single ponytail was swaying in the wind, she was holding a water basin and towel, smiling all over her face.

"Good morning, brother."

"Ah... hello."

"Wash up, brother."

"it is good."

The cool well water splashed on his face, washing away the tired sleepiness.Yang Ping let out a long sigh of relief, feeling the cool aftertaste from the inside out.

Is it going to be summer?Feeling that the weather has become hot recently, Yang Pingsheng looked up and saw the willow trees in the small courtyard being played with by the breeze, swaying from time to time.

There were not many dewdrops left last night, but in the air, the remnants of spiritual energy of various attributes could be faintly felt.

He put down the towel, glanced at the happy Wen Shihan, and subconsciously asked, "Where's Xiao Yu?"

In the past, Xiao Yu always did these things, but now Wen Shihan takes over, it always feels weird.

"Sister Xiaoyu is in Xiyuan, so it's troublesome to come here, and I live next to my brother, so I thought, it's better for me to come."

"Is that so..."

He walked to the corridor, only to notice the room next to him, he thought Wen Shihan slept there last night.

A dragonfly flew low, its wings vibrated at a high frequency, disturbing the heat. Yang Pingsheng watched and talked to Wen Shihan:

"What about the rest?"

"My brother's sister is also in Xiyuan. As for that crazy woman, I don't know."

The crazy woman refers to Xu Anlu, it can be seen that Wen Shihan doesn't like that guy very much.

Yang Pingsheng smiled helplessly, patted her head, and asked, "What's for breakfast?"

"If brother doesn't dislike it, Xiaohan can make it for him to eat."


Wen Shihan took a step forward, hugged him, pressed his cheek against the other's chest, felt the enveloping breath, and sniffed greedily.

The fire of obsession burns more intensely and lasts for a long time. It may be hidden under the ordinary appearance in daily life, but it will still burn violently at critical moments.

Yang Pingsheng patted her on the head, looked at the sky, and thought further.

"Xiao Han, do you have any plans for today?"

"Serve my elder brother!"

"Xiaohan has become very reliable."

The scorching sun couldn't penetrate the girl's black hair, Wen Shihan's gaze focused on Yang Pingsheng's face, and he smiled:

"Xiaohan will always follow my brother."

During breakfast, Luo Benmo took the money and ran away. Xu Anlu was not there, and Xiao Yu said that he was not feeling well, so the breakfast time became a time for Yang Pingsheng and Wen Shihan.

The steamed pastry exuded heat and looked like a kitten. Wen Shihan smiled and put the pastry on Yang Pingsheng's plate.

"Brother, try this."

The pastry in the shape of a kitten, with its left paw raised slightly and its tail standing up, looks quite cute.

Yang Pingsheng took a bite on the head and chewed carefully.


"I added some black rice, and the stuffing inside is red bean stuffing, don't you like it, brother?"

"No dislike, it's delicious."

"Yeah, that's fine."

Wen Shi smiled coldly, and used chopsticks to split a kitty pastry in half.

The black cat lying on the eaves broke out in a cold sweat, and ran into the kennel, not daring to come out.

"What are you going to do today, brother?"

"I want to strengthen my cultivation, can Xiaohan keep an eye on the capital's movements for me?"

"no problem."

Xu Baxian was assassinated, the royal family ended, and the capital is now full of the smell of storms.

Most of the shops were closed, except for Zuixianlou, but even so, no one dared to spend. The fourth prince's people surrounded Zuixianlou, looking like they were about to go to war.

No one knows what the fourth prince is going to do.

Obviously, he was afraid of offending Tianbulian before, but now he looks indifferent, and he doesn't know what his plan is.

Xu Anlu's return has basically determined Yang Pingsheng's dangerous situation at this time. He must hurry up and try to raise his realm to the Heavenly Wonderland before the next female villain finds him.

An excellent ultimate move can smooth out the gap in realms, that's why, the system gave him the realm of immortals, but he can boast of defeating the old monster in the capital, just wanting to suppress the female villain, immortals alone are not enough.

Wen Shihan, Luo Benmo, and Xu Anlu each have their own special moves, and Xu Anlu himself even mastered the ultimate forbidden move. Once they all become true immortals, they will no longer be ordinary immortals.

At the very least, Yang Pingsheng himself must have the strength of the real fairyland, so as to have a chance to suppress these female villains.

Now, we can only use expedient measures to balance the two phases.

Yang Pingsheng sighed, looked up and saw Wen Shihan's smiling face, and couldn't help smiling.

Spend the first breakfast in summer with Wen Shihan.

After dinner, Wen Shihan left the house to investigate information.Yang Pingsheng was alone in the backyard garden, sitting cross-legged, exuding the faint earth aura around him.

The quenching of the body and the removal of impurities have been completed, and the next step is to re-familiarize with the ultimate move of the immortal way.


The embarrassment is here, he can use the taboo ultimate move given by the system, but he can't use the common ultimate move that everyone usually uses, which leads to him being unable to feel the source of the soul, so as to extract his own immortal weapon.

When he was in trouble, a voice sounded from the wall.


The high voice, the sun shining on the wall, the black hair was blown by the breeze, the hand swayed accordingly, and the excited eyes met Yang Pingsheng's raised gaze.

It was Xu Anlu, she was not wearing armor or official uniform, but a coarse linen dress without makeup, and she greeted him with a smile.


Cheerful look, just like back then.

"Teacher, come and watch me punch!!"

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