She is wearing a long tulle dress, her skin is as white as snow, black silk is three thousand vertical waist, there are tear moles at the corners of her eyes, she has a slender figure, and there is a charming charm between her brows.

It is the boss of Zuixianlou, God is not pitiful.

She put her mind on the message of the talisman, and the corner of her mouth couldn't help but smile.

There are two other companions in the main hall, one is an old lady with bowed waist and weaving cloth with kind eyes, and the other is a sloppy uncle who is sleeping soundly on the ground holding a wine gourd.

Seeing Tian Bulian's smile, the old woman squinted her eyes and said, "It looks like something good is going on. Could it be that Boss Tian's Zuixian Tower has some unexpected gains?"

"Mother-in-law, you are teasing me again." Tian Bulian responded with a smile, "I saw an interesting piece of news, but it's not worth mentioning."

"Well... that seems to be a good thing."

"Good things and bad things are caused by man."

Guardian of Heaven.

The entire Qian Kingdom, no, to be precise, is the most mysterious sect in the entire world.

No one knows where the headquarters of this sect is located, and no one knows who the suzerain of the sect is. As the high-ranking sect of the Qian Kingdom, it seems that it has no suspicion of caring about the world at all.In the entire capital, except for Tian Bulian, who is suspected to be the suzerain of Wentianzong, you can't see any other disciples of Wentianzong.

Who is the suzerain, who is the deputy suzerain, who are the elders, these are all unknown.


A strong vibration spread into the hall, Tian Bulian pinched the talisman, Zhinu put down her needle and thread, the sloppy uncle opened his eyes, and walked out of the hall door in unison, looking in the direction of the vibration.

"Is it the back mountain?"

There was a strong sense of shock, and upon listening carefully, there was the roar of dragons and tigers, which seemed to resonate vaguely with the fragments of the avenue. Tian Bulian was a little surprised, and said: "I am afraid that the guardian who came this time is not so loud. Simple."

"What are you afraid of? I'm not afraid that he is not simple, but I am afraid that he is simple." Weaver Girl smiled, "[The door] is unfathomable and mysterious. It is hard to say what kind of guardians will be passed on, but this time the movement can actually cause a lot of trouble. With such a strong shock in our sect, the guardian who came this time must be extremely extraordinary."

"The more extraordinary, the more serious the crisis is." The sloppy uncle burped, drunk, but his words were not confused, "If the person who comes is really extraordinary, it means that the situation has reached a very dangerous point It's time, if the people who come here even surpass you and me, it means that this crisis, even veteran guardians like us, may not be able to solve it."

"There are talents from generation to generation, old things, what are you worried about?" Granny Zhinu scolded with a smile, "Wouldn't you know exactly what kind of person came here?"

Sanxian made up his mind and flew towards the back mountain.

Flying to the sky above the back mountain, in the original valley, the prosperity there has disappeared. Countless sword marks are engraved on the surrounding mountains. The tyrannical spiritual energy has destroyed the vegetation and turned the depths of the soil.

"This kind of aura is actually Yang Linggen!!" Granny Zhinu said in shock.

No wonder she was shocked, Yang Linggen is such a rare spirit root that it is difficult to find one in a thousand years.

The three immortals landed in a hurry, and in the center of the explosion site, a female immortal was lying at the bottom of the pit with tattered clothes, as if she had been seriously injured.

When the female fairy saw the person coming, she opened her eyes with difficulty, and said in an extremely weak voice, "It hurts..."

Zhinu's mother-in-law hurried forward and used treatment methods.

God is not pitiful, the sloppy uncle looked at each other, there was a lot of commotion before, he thought he was at least a fairy, but after seeing him, he found that this person was not strong, or even so weak.

Some are surprising.

"It's so strange, my treatment method doesn't work?" Zhinu frowned and said.

The sloppy uncle stepped forward, pointed at the female fairy's brow, felt it carefully for a while, and said in surprise:

"Strange, it's really weird. Logically speaking, the soul of the chosen guardian shouldn't be so weak. The person who came here is not small, and he is a very rare Yang Linggen. However, his strength is not high, and his soul is passing through again. She was severely injured at the time, and she is now like this, ordinary treatment methods are ineffective, and she must use soul-type treatment ultimate moves."

The sloppy uncle kept his hands on as he spoke, executing his ultimate move, a little bit of wine spilled out of his wine gourd, condensed on his fingertips, and was pushed into the eyebrows of the female fairy by him.

Immortal Ultimate Move - Jiu Kagami.

The female fairy's condition has improved a lot, her pale face has gradually turned rosy, and she has an intuition.She raised her heavy eyelids, looked at the person in front of her, and opened her mouth with difficulty: "This is... where?"

"This is the Guardian Sect." Granny Zhinu gently stroked her head, "Don't be afraid, child, this is not a bad place."

"who are you?"

"We, I will tell you when you are almost recovered. Speaking of children, do you still remember your own name?"


The girl opened her mouth weakly, but her words were powerful.

"My name is--"

"—Mu Xiaobai."

Chapter 120 Three: People in the Shadow

"Sir, if you want to practice ultimate moves, you can come to the palace to learn."

The royal family of the Qian Kingdom hides some immortal killer moves inside.

Xu Anlu owns the Shadow Empire, and the guards around her have been taken away long ago. There is a secret room in the depths of her hall, which hides the immortal killer moves she has collected in the past few years.

Wen Shihan's information is correct. Compared with the first and second princesses, Xu Anlu is indeed not valued by Xu Weibang, but this does not mean that she is not favored by Xu Weibang.Because of his passion for martial arts when he was young, he took charge of the Tiger Roaring Camp in the capital when he grew up. This action itself can explain many problems.

It's not because of Xu Anlu's own problems, it's because Xu Weibang has always favored boys over girls. If we really want to talk about it, the eldest princess and the second queen are definitely not as good as the crown prince and the fourth prince.

The two of them are now basically sealed as princes, and the political forces each occupy half of the country, and they are divided into courts.

Xu Baxian was assassinated, and the crown prince was most suspected, but he couldn't say anything because he had no evidence.Logically speaking, Xu Baxian should come out at this time, expressing his trust in Prince Yunyun, but he sent troops to surround Zuixianlou, and he himself hid at home without seeing anyone.

Xu Weibang lost his temper yesterday morning, and that rebellious son did not even go to court on the pretext of self-cultivation.

No one knows what he wants to do.

These few days the palace is very tense, everyone is counting the power in their hands, Xu Anlu invited Yang Pingsheng at this time, it is also convenient to bring him in.

So, in the afternoon, he sneaked into the palace with Xu Anlu.

The main hall, which was not exposed to sunlight before, is much brighter now.Xu Anlu led Yang Pingsheng into the underground secret room, which contained most of the common killing moves.

"Mr. is tempering the body now. Practicing ultimate moves and aura is convenient to better understand the soul and extract immortal artifacts from the soul. In this case, sir, it is better to practice these few ultimate moves."

The red-haired Xu Anyin manipulated her soul to float out, and now she, like Xu Anlu, called Mr. Yang Pingsheng.

Yang Pingsheng didn't care too much, he looked at the few killer moves in his hand, they were all common killer moves, but they were miscellaneous.

There are soul-building, soul-nourishing, soul-strengthening, all in all about the soul.

"Thank you."

He sincerely thanked Xu Anlu for helping him a lot. Although she clamored to make herself a puppet before, she was helping him now.

"Sir, will you stay for supper?"

"No, I have to go back."

"Then I too..."

"Little Lu."

Yang Pingsheng put away the scroll that recorded ultimate moves.

"You didn't go back to the palace last night, did you?"


Xu Anlu slept in the courtyard last night.

She couldn't persuade everyone by force, and lost the Landlord again, but she was unwilling to leave in such a disheveled manner, and found a room to sleep in. At midnight, she wanted to sneak into Yang Pingsheng's room secretly, but ended up with Wen Shihan. The bodyguard avatar bumped into him.

Although the other party is a fairy, she already knew how powerful this guy was when fighting the landlord. After scolding each other, she left a few cruel words and went back to the room in despair.

She doesn't know what her husband has gone through, so that she is surrounded by talents, but she will not give up.

Not anyway.

"Xiaolu, you are the third emperor's daughter of Qian Kingdom now, you have things to do, you can't put all your mind on me."

"But, sir, all I want now is to be with sir..."

She was reincarnated for this.

"My sister likes you so much, why don't you listen to me." Xu Anyin said next to her, "We'll elope with my husband, we won't be the Queen of Birds anymore."

Xu Anlu immediately looked at Yang Pingsheng with bright eyes: "Is it okay, sir?"

Of course not.

I really don't know what kind of poison Xu Anlu has been poisoned. As long as I am by her side, my IQ seems to drop exponentially.

"Little Lu, don't you want to look further away?"

"Do not want to."

"Where's Xiao Yin?"

"As long as my sister is happy, I don't care."

The two bad guys didn't look as high-spirited as they used to.

Yang Ping's thoughts became vivid, in this case, can he treat them like Wen Shihan?

Among the three, although Wen Shihan was a little cautious, he had clearly declared his allegiance. Luo Benmo was thoughtful and talented, so it was not easy to be fooled, and he didn't know what she was doing now.

If he can win over Xu Anlu, it can be regarded as a certain amount of help for himself.

"Xiao Lu, you know, I said before that it's not me who wants to do these things, it's God, right?"


"Now, God doesn't want me."

Yang Pingsheng said: "And I need help."

The secret room was silent.

Xu Anlu and Xu Anyin looked at each other, and finally, Xu Anlu spoke.

"Sir, no matter what you want to do, Xiaoyin and I will support you."

The double-faced emperor spoke heartfelt words to Yang Pingsheng.

"Being by your side is my greatest wish."

"My sister's wish is my wish."

"it is good."

Yang Pingsheng smiled: "Thank you."

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