It is always good to plan ahead.

Now Yang Ping, although he still doesn't know who his enemy is, he has to start to become stronger.

The power of the system cannot be meddled with too much. In order to seek the truth, he must find his own system, so those ultimate moves of the space-time type will not be used in the future.

Back from the palace, it was already night.Xiao Yu was still in her room, and Luo Benmo was usually absent, but Wen Shihan came back. She made a table of dishes and placed them in the hall, waiting alone. When she saw Yang Pingsheng coming in, she immediately got up and smiled.

"Brother, are you back?"

"Well, I've been waiting for a long time." Yang Pingsheng nodded and patted her head, "I was still thinking that I would come back to do it, but I didn't expect that Xiaohan had already done it."

"I want my brother to taste my craft again."

Wen Shihan hugged him, and buried his face in it while talking.

The two stayed together for a while, then sat down and began to eat.Wen Shihan made four dishes and one soup. The soup was a chicken soup with a rich color and fragrance.

Black Cat and Rhubarb lay neatly by the window, drooling greedily.

"Brother, eat chicken legs."

Wen Shihan took chicken legs for Yang Pingsheng, and pretended not to care while picking up vegetables, and asked, "What are you doing in the palace today, brother?"

Yang Pingsheng's chopsticks froze.

He raised his head, looked at Wen Shihan who was lowering his head to cook rice, put down his chopsticks, his eyes drooped slightly.



"Are you following me?"

The voice is very soft, with helplessness.

Wen Shihan didn't even have time to swallow the food in his mouth, spit it out quickly, and said: "No, absolutely not, brother, trust me!"

She said anxiously:

"Didn't brother tell me to investigate the intelligence of the capital? I sent my incarnation out. Brother, you know that the palace is the largest gathering place for intelligence. It is my avatar. I saw you in the palace, and I definitely did not follow you." you."

Chapter 120 Four: For peace of mind

Wen Shihan anxiously cast aside his suspicions.

It's okay to do small movements, but who doesn't do small movements?She is Wen Shihan, Luo Benmo, Xu Anlu, who doesn't make small moves?

If it wasn't for Xiao Yu's presence, the three of them would have beaten you to death long ago.

Even if a peace agreement was temporarily reached because of Xiao Yu, but behind the scenes for Yang Pingsheng, he would still make small moves. This was the case with the Landlord Fight last night, and it was also the case with Xu Anlu's attack in the middle of the night.

Just do small tricks behind your back, never do it in front of yourself.

Besides, she really didn't follow Yang Pingsheng, but she didn't tell the truth either. The reason why she knew Yang Pingsheng was in the palace was because of the mark given by the mysterious person.

"is it?"

"Yes, that's it!"

"Okay." Yang Pingsheng picked up the bowls and chopsticks again, and smiled: "Brother believes in Xiaohan."

After the meal, Wen Shihan cleaned up the dishes and ran to wash the dishes. The black cat and Dahuang ate leftovers together, and Yang Pingsheng sat alone in the rocking chair in the backyard and meditated.

He didn't feel sleepy, silently thinking about what happened these days.

The current life is completely different from his retirement expectations. He never imagined that one day the heavens will fail and the system will be broken, and everything will depend on him.

The three female villains who have returned have enriched his life all of a sudden.

From the initial self-confidence of the system, to the guarantee in the middle, to the current inaction, everything in the system seems to have been foreshadowed long ago, and it also seems to be an early warning before the arrival of some kind of big crisis.

During the meal, Wen Shihan gave him new information, saying that the soldiers from the fourth prince's mansion who surrounded Zuixian Tower had withdrawn, and the fourth prince entered the palace overnight to meet with the Holy Majesty for a secret talk.

The forbidden area of ​​the palace is occupied by old monsters, and Wen Shihan dare not go deep.

Politics is inherently complicated, let alone politics with the participation of immortals.For some reason, Yang Pingsheng thought of Tianbulian, that mysterious woman in his mind.

She said: "Beware of bloody disasters."

"Tie the knot," she said.

That mysterious woman thought that every time she came out, she said nothing, and there was no half truth in her mouth.

Today Xu Anlu told him the truth, the reason why she went to find Yang Pingsheng that night was because Tian Bulian told her.

The two of them made a deal.

The assassination of the fourth prince had nothing to do with Xu Anlu, she swore to Yang Pingsheng that she did not do anything to Xu Baxian.In fact, thinking about it, Xu Anlu controlled the Shadow Empire. If she really wanted to do something, she would directly capture the entire capital, let alone assassinate only one Xu Baxian?

Xu Anyin talked about Xu Baxian's staff, saying that a political incident caused by the two sisters was discovered by Xu Baxian's staff to be done by the Three Emperors. Even if you want to do it, you should do it to his staff.

In short, the assassination of Xu Baxian was full of doubts, and it seemed that no one benefited from it.

The crown prince is very suspicious, but it's really not like his style. After all, even if they are political enemies, the two are brothers. No matter how big Xu Weibang is, he will not allow brothers to kill each other.

So, what's going on?

Yang Pingsheng had a headache and rubbed his temples.

Xiang Xiang approached quickly, and before Yang Pingsheng could react, a petite figure threw himself into his arms.Under the moonlight, the silver thread is entwined, and the beauty is in her arms.

Luo Benmo, who had been wandering for a day, came back and threw himself into his arms, sniffing his breath greedily.

"younger brother……"

"Sister, you came back so late, have you eaten yet?"


"I'll get it for you."

He wanted to get up, but was firmly pressed down by Luo Benmo: "Hold me for a while."

Eating is just to satisfy the appetite, but she hugged Yang Pingsheng for peace of mind.

The moonlight was like water, and Luo Benmo's face was soft. Yang Pingsheng looked into her pupils, and there seemed to be endless longing in them.

"younger brother."


"I miss you."

Her tone was flat, but with a gentleness that belonged exclusively to Luo Benmo.

She doesn't fight for the landlord's victory or loss, nor is she greedy for Yang Ping's daily care, nor does she engage in night raids like Xu Anlu.She devoted all her time and energy to becoming stronger, because she knew that only strong people have the right to speak.

Only now, she has time to enjoy Yang Pingsheng's tenderness to herself for a while.

Yang Pingsheng smiled helplessly and stroked her hair: "Well, I miss you too."

Since more and more female villains have come back, they have spoken more and more involuntarily.

"Brother, will you still support sister?"



"Whatever you do."

"Okay." She stretched out her small hand, "Give me some money."

Yang Pingsheng couldn't laugh or cry: "Do you miss me or my money?"

Having said that, he still went to get it.

"How much?"


"The amount is so large, I'll get you a bank note."

Luo Benmo grabbed him and shook his head: "I want 500 million taels of gold."

It's crazy.

Yang Pingsheng had no idea what Luo Benmo was doing now.

This is the capital city, under the eyes of the royal family, it is fine for immortals to come and go freely, but if Luo Benmo develops such a large power, it is impossible to hide it from the eyeliner in the palace.

Yang Pingsheng didn't know what to say, and finally he could only say: "Sister is going to do big things."

"En." Luo Benmo nodded, but did not deny Yang Pingsheng's statement: "I will definitely succeed."

She will find the door.

Recently, a breakthrough has been made in the research on the light sphere. Luo Benmo was originally very talented. He learned a lot from reading "Tiandao Cultivation Record". With this breakthrough in the research on the light sphere, Luo Benmo finally figured out some secrets the truth.

Back then, although she had seen through many things, she was still kept in the dark.

[Only by finding the door and completely crushing the will of Heaven, can I live with my younger brother]

Luo Benmo thought so in his heart.

The door is hidden in this world, but to know the exact location, you still have to find the soul of the sword, Tongchenguang, Taixu soil, Wuhehua.

After these four things helped her come to this world, they disappeared.Now, if you want to know the location of the door, you need to find the sword soul heart of this world, Tongchenguang, Taixu soil, Wuhehua.

While developing his power, Luo Benmo sent people to search around.

Soon, her subordinates received a message and reported it to her early this morning.

Next month, Wan Jinhui will organize a large-scale auction in the capital. At the meeting, Tong Chenguang will be auctioned.

Luo Benmo has already studied the background of the light sphere. In essence, that thing is transformed by Tong Chenguang.

Reminiscent of the soul passing through his brother, the will of the world that has been shattered by himself, everything points to the light of the same world in this world.

Just as the Wanjin Society advertised, the light of the same dust in this world contains the traces of the Great Dao.

No, it cannot be said that it contains the trace of the Great Dao.

In itself, it is the Scar of the Great Dao.

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