Chapter 120 Five: Phantom Reappearance

One month later, on a sunny noon, Xu Anlu invited Yang Pingsheng to enjoy flowers in the wild.

Wen Shihan and Xiaoyu also went with him, and Luo Benmo was out on business, so he was nowhere to be seen early in the morning.

The carriage stopped at the door, the thick curtains blocked the heat, there were cicadas screaming, one sound, the big red roof was bumped, and a thick heat wave rolled over.

Xiao Yu was wearing plain clothes, with a jade hairpin that Yang Pingsheng bought for her pinned between her jet-black long hair, her face was unpainted, and she looked quiet and beautiful.

The aura of that Jiangnan woman could even calm the heat wave, her white and tender skin was icy cold, she was standing at the door, quietly waiting for Yang Pingsheng.

Wen Shihan was still wearing her black clothes, with her single ponytail hanging high and tied up with red silk. When Yang Pingsheng walked out, she followed closely. Although she was smiling on the surface, her eyes In the middle, it is dark and cold, like a snake hiding in the dark spitting out its core, ready to deal a fatal blow to someone at any time.

Xu Anlu was dressed in armor and had fluttering black hair. She stood at the door together with Xiao Yu. Unlike Xiao Yu, she didn't have much gentle temperament. On the contrary, she didn't have a smile, and she was full of murderous aura.

She would only laugh when she saw Yang Pingsheng, and only at this time, the murderous aura around her would subside a bit.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting."

Yang Pingsheng smiled, with an apology in his tone.

"It's okay sir, it's still early anyway, so don't worry."

Xu Anlu first stepped forward with a smile, looking into Yang Pingsheng's arms while talking.

There, he is holding a black cat.

The systemized black cat cursed the grass-mud horse in its heart, but still because of fear, the whole cat huddled in Yang Pingsheng's arms, not daring to show its head.

"Sir, do you still have cats?"

"Well, I raised it before. Didn't you see it in the yard?"

"That's right..." Xu Anlu narrowed her eyes.

Looking at it in detail, her eyes became sharp, and she said: "But for some reason, it always feels like it hasn't barked."


As soon as the words fell, the black cat in Yang Pingsheng's arms barked.

"What, it's really just a black cat." Xu Anlu's eyes softened, and she smiled, "I thought..."

She didn't finish her sentence, but when she said this, there was a slight murderous look.

The black cat shuddered and meowed even more fiercely.

The three of them and one cat got into the carriage, Wen Shihan and Xu Anlu sat down next to Yang Pingsheng, Xiao Yu didn't argue with them, but just sat across from them.

The carriage moved slowly and bumped along the way. When the eyes crossed, even the air was cold. The black cat didn't dare to raise its head, so it could only huddle in Yang Pingsheng's arms.

It's summer, why is it so cold?

The carriage went out of the city, and there was a distance to the outskirts. Yang Pingsheng yawned, and Wen Shihan noticed it, and asked softly, "Is brother sleepy?"

"Well... I didn't sleep well last night."

"If you're sleepy." Wen Shihan said with a smile, "Brother might as well sleep on my pillow for a while."

Xu Anlu gritted her teeth, she took a step slower.

Xu Anyin couldn't stand it anymore, and clamored to control her body and fight a beautiful counterattack, but Xu Anlu refused.

It doesn't matter, today is still a long time, she still has a chance.

After breaking through to the Earth Immortal yesterday, his energy and energy were exhausted. At this time, the carriage was bumping, and Yang Pingsheng was really sleepy.At this time, Wen Shihan invited with a smile, and he really couldn't refuse.

"Then I'll be fine for a while."

"Come on bro."

Yang Pingsheng closed his eyes and rested his pillow on Wen Shihan's shoulder. Wen Shihan stroked his brother's hair with a smile, and then looked coldly at the black cat.

The systemized black cat shuddered, and immediately left Yang Pingsheng's arms and jumped to Xiao Yu's side.

The fragrance of the fragrance floated in the carriage, Yang Pingsheng closed his eyes and fell asleep.

In the dream, there is snow.

one slice.

one slice.

Another slice.

Pieces of snow, cool into the heart.

In a trance, he seemed to have come to the fourth world, a world full of snow, where wind and frost made the thatched cottage crumbling.

A piercing voice shouted:


At that moment, Bai Xue's world shattered.

Immediately afterwards, the phantoms overlapped, nine figures from low to high, and the fourth face was becoming clear.

The memory was boiling, the woman knelt down on her knees, and said shamelessly:

"Su has been wandering for half his life, and only regrets that he has not met the Ming Lord. If you don't give up, I will worship you as a righteous father!"

Meng Yi was startled awake, opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was Wen Shihan's face, she was gently stroking Yang Pingsheng's hair, and said: "Brother, we are here."

The carriage stopped, the sunlight came in from outside, and the birds chirped.

The summer sun is particularly dazzling, and the sound of running water flows through the bulging rolling stones. The stone bridge above is independent, and there is a kind of secluded beauty.

Not far away, there are large clusters of flowers in bloom, including yellow, red, and purple. Butterflies are flying among them, which are so colorful that people who look at them are overwhelmed.

"Sir, look!"

Xu Anlu climbed on a tall tree, holding several bird eggs in her hands, and waved excitedly at Yang Pingsheng: "It's bird eggs!"

"Put it back for others, don't mess around."


Xu Anlu responded, put the bird's eggs back, then jumped lightly into the flowers.

Only at this time, she will be like a child, turning back into that innocent Xu Anlu.

"Master, please use it."

Sitting next to him, Xiao Yu tore off a small piece of roasted chicken and handed it to Yang Pingsheng's mouth.

The sizzling and oily chicken was tickling, and the aroma was tangy. Just as Yang Pingsheng was about to open his mouth, he saw Wen Shihan next to him staring at him without saying a word.

He smiled helplessly, ate the chicken handed over by Xiao Yu, then tore off a chicken leg from the chicken, and handed it to Wen Shihan.

Wen Shihan smiled, took it and ate it silently.

The years are quiet, and there is no one in the suburbs, there is running water, flowers, and delicious food. Everyone is guarding the beautiful things, as if time has stood still.

Wen Shihan went fishing, Xu Anlu was catching butterflies among the flowers, Xiao Yu was packing firewood, everyone had something to do except Yang Pingsheng.

He looked around, and saw the systematic black cat snoring under the tree, so he picked it up, hid behind the big tree, and set up a perception barrier at the same time.

The black cat tilted its head to look at him: "What are you doing?"

Today's proposal to go out to enjoy the flowers is simply stupid. It doesn't want to be with these female villains, but Yang Pingsheng has just broken through the Earth Immortal, and some things need its help, so it can only follow.

Suffocating in his heart, the words he spoke were naturally not so gentle, the black cat stretched out its paws angrily: "It's not that easy to coax me."

"A phantom appeared."

"Of course, if you have a better attitude, it wouldn't be... huh?"

"While on the carriage, the phantom appeared." Yang Pingsheng said to it calmly, "I can feel that the female villain of the fourth world is coming."

The black cat pondered for a moment, then raised its paw decisively.

"It doesn't matter, I will surrender."

Chapter 120 Six: Wanjin will come

It really can't be helped.

In today's it, its energy cannot be replenished, and the Heavenly Dao cannot be contacted. Let alone giving Yang Pingsheng strength, self-protection is a problem.

"Surrender to what!?"

Yang Pingsheng knocked off its two claws, hating iron for being weak, "Let me ask you, the female villain of the fourth life is a mortal, right?"

The black cat nodded: "Not bad."

"I have nothing against her, do I?"

"Actually, no."

"She is such a likable person, why should she have deep feelings for me?"

"As it should be."

"She's not like Xu Anlu and Xu Anyin, so I don't have the possibility of admitting my mistake, right?"

"That's natural."

"In that case." Yang Pingsheng asked, "Why should I be afraid of her?"

The black cat slapped his thigh: "Grandma is right!"

If you want to make a ranking list of the hard power of the female villains of the ninth generation, the female villains of the fourth generation are undoubtedly the lowest. (Note that this only represents hard power, not threat)

To some extent, Xu Anlu is not an ordinary mortal. She can comprehend the scars of the Dao herself, and with the help of Xu Anyin's soul, after fusion, she can even unleash a true immortal combat power, fighting Luo Benmo five or five times open.

And the female villain of the fourth world is a mortal through and through.

She does not have the noble blood of princes and nobles, nor does she have a natural immortal body with extraordinary talents. She started in the grass and grew in the smallest things. Among all the female villains, she is the most common one.

Wen Shihan, Luo Benmo, they all had a miserable childhood, and the female villains of the fourth generation also had them, but the difference is that both Wen Shihan and Luo Benmo got rid of their environment by becoming immortals, while the fourth generation Although the female villain in the world also got rid of her environment, she did not choose the path of being a fairy.

From beginning to end, she was mortal.

But even if she is a mortal, she still rubs against the heroine of destiny, and even forces her to commit suicide and apologize. The difficulty is so difficult that even the will of the world finds it difficult to handle.

So, Yang Pingsheng came.

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