"I think she's the one who pesters me the most unreasonably."

"That's right, but..."

The black cat didn't finish talking.

But what if.

The ghost knows what happened in the dark, not to mention Yang Pingsheng, his grandma's even the system didn't expect that at the end of the third world, Xu Anlu and Xu Anyin would have a major identity swap, which caught it off guard.

"No matter what, it's still..."

Before he finished speaking, the black cat's hair suddenly exploded.

"Wait, life, something is wrong!!"

It leaped onto Yang Pingsheng's shoulder, bared its teeth, and raised its tail high like a black antenna.

There was no response from the sensory enchantment, and Yang Pingsheng didn't feel anything was wrong. He looked up, only to see Xu Anlu still chasing the butterfly not far away, Xiao Yu roasted another chicken, Wen Shihan was stepping on the water at the river, the three of them Everyone does their own thing, and everything is safe.

"Any questions?"

"No... look at them, don't they look strange?"

Only then did Yang Pingsheng discover the problem.

Xu Anlu was immersed in chasing butterflies, rolling in the flowers, whispering something in her mouth.Xiao Yu smiled softly, looking at the roast chicken with a happy face, as if she was fantasizing about something.On the other side of the river, Wen Shihan fell into the river with a plop, getting himself covered in water, as if he was singing something.

"Ahahaha, light, light is flying, flying!"

"Light, light of happiness~"

"Light surrounds me, so cool, so cool!"

The eyes of the three people were empty, but their expressions were all expressions of happiness.

"Xiaolu? Xiaoyu! Xiaohan!!"

Yang Pingsheng shouted one after another beside the three of them, but no one paid any attention to him.

"Pingsheng, look over there!"

Following the direction the black cat was pointing, Yang Pingsheng looked over. On the other side of the road, the sky-high light pierced the white clouds, revealing a light brighter than the sun.

He looked at the third daughter again, and the third daughter gradually became demented, only smiling and muttering.

"What's going on over there?"

The premonition in his heart became bad, and Yang Pingsheng activated his ultimate move, and four earthen walls immediately rose from the ground to surround the three women. Afterwards, he set up a perception barrier and a defense barrier, and then took the black cat to that place. direction to go.

"Go and see!"

The strength of the earth fairyland has already allowed him to fly against the wind. He rides the fierce wind and catches the howling black cat. Empty, whispering in the mouth, only chanting idiots called light.

Along the official road, the closer you are to the light, the more crazy people will be. Suddenly, the black cat stopped barking. It grabbed Yang Pingsheng's hand in surprise and said:

"My life, my energy is back!!"


As soon as he turned his head to look at the system, he was overturned by the oncoming wave of aura, and the thick sand dazzled his eyes. He landed on the ground reluctantly, and the aura rose to drive him away. Then he saw, not far away, Luo Benmo was kneeling over there.


Yang Pingsheng rushed over and shook her shoulders, but she didn't respond at all, she just knelt there with empty eyes and muttered words.

"Light, let's have, light..."

Dazzling light burst out.

There, is a carriage.

The mysterious light erupted from inside the carriage, and judging from the looming figure, someone was holding it.

Half an hour ago.

Luo Benmo led people and ambushed on both sides of the official road.

In order to ensure the secrecy of her actions, she didn't bring the Lone Wolf and the others along, but instead, she led an ambush here early with a few elites.

Gold is not used to participate in auctions, but to buy intelligence.Under the heavy reward, there must be a brave man. Luo Benmo found out that all the goods that Wan Jin will use for auction will be transported to the capital from this road today.

Among them, there is Tongchenguang, which she wants most.

This guy doesn't want to participate in the auction honestly at all. She knows very well that she has a shallow foundation in this world, and it is definitely not enough to trade immortal items with worldly money alone.Tongchenguang itself is the trace of the Dao, and it has a great effect. It is impossible for everyone to let it pass the auction because of ignorance. It is very difficult for Luo Benmo to obtain Tongchenguang through auction.

Above all, there is a risk of exposure.

Those who can afford Tongchenguang are also those who participate in the capital auction. Essentially speaking, they are all people in the same circle.Everyone knows who, if you want to auction, I will let you save face, but Luo Benmo is different, she is not in this circle, following the normal auction procedure will definitely attract the attention of others.

So, she decided to grab it.

All the gold she asked for from Yang Pingsheng was used to buy information, and then it took another month to find out the strength of the guards' immortals and the route of the auctioned items - the items were all kept by the immortals, in order not to attract attention Today, the immortal will take a carriage and enter the capital secretly by taking the official road today.

Now that the intelligence investigation is clear, let's do it.

Luo Benmo is not an honest person, she does what she says.

It's just that she didn't expect that she would cause trouble by doing so.

Luo Benmo realized his stupidity only when the light of Tongchen came out, but it was too late by this time.

Her proud intuition failed for the first time.

"Come out to hang out, talk about power, talk about background, what are you, come to rob my old lady's things?"

The people in the carriage sneered.

"Damn it, I rushed over aggressively, and it turned out to be a brat, bah, I was so shocked!"

Chapter 120 Seven: Su Murong


In the scorching summer, the criss-crossing streets, the big yellow dog lying there sticking out its tongue, the children by the ancient alley, are so hot that they have no energy and have lost their former vitality.

Mu Xiaobai stood on the street scorched by the sun. She was dressed in white and had a fairy air. Unlike ordinary people who were hit by the heat wave and were embarrassed, she stood beside the willow tree by the river with an indifferent expression.

"What, have something on your mind?"

Tianbulian's voice sounded from the side, Mu Xiaobai reacted, and turned his head to look at her slightly: "Is there any difference between this world and my world?"

Tian Bulian smiled and didn't answer.

Dragonflies flew by, lotus leaves fluttered in the river, Mu Xiaobai pursed his lips, a little irritated: "I want to go back."

"You can't go back."

"Even so, I want to go back. I don't want to be a guardian."

Some birds broke free from the obstacles of the forest and flew to the blue sky. White clouds formed different shapes and drifted past, faintly covering the sun.

Mu Xiaobai felt a little lonely: "I don't belong to this world."

The beauty of that world is better than here.

Tian Bu Lian looked at her, white clothes better than snow, black hair fluttering, when she lowered her head, her lonely expression aroused pity, just standing there could arouse infinite love and affection.

Tianbulian stood with her, although she was equally good-looking, but she was more attractive to people.

She is worthy of being the heroine of the first world, even if she travels here, her aura still lingers.

"You want to go home, don't you?"

Tian Bulian approached with a smile, putting his hands on her shoulders.

"But, you can't go back."


"Your world has collapsed."


Mu Xiaobai took a step back and broke free from her hand: "Do you think I'm a child?"

"It's true." Tian Bulian opened his hand, and in the palm, there was mysterious energy floating, "If you don't believe me, you can take a look."

"what is this?"

"The truth of the destruction of the world you are in is guided into your body, and it will show you everything."

Mu Xiaobai hesitated, the Yang Lingqi floated, and finally led it into the body.

The scene in front of her disappeared, and then she saw——

mountain peak.

The towering peaks pierced the sea of ​​clouds.

There was a woman standing on the top of the mountain, with black aura surging towards the sky.

Thunder rolled from the sky, and the world roared angrily, but a large formation composed of Yin Lingqi ascended to the sky, destroying the will of the sky.

God, there was a hole.

The female fairy tore the sky, entered through that opening, and disappeared.

The flood was raging, the earth's crust trembled, and the whole world screamed in pain.

The world is over.

Realizing this, Mu Xiaobai felt intense sadness in his heart.

The scene disappeared, and she stood next to the willow tree again, next to Tianbulian with a half-smile expression, as if she wanted to see her joke.

The water was rippling, and she leaned closer to the river bank, only showing her melancholy face.

The person who opened the sky was her junior sister.

"Why did she do that?"

"Who knows? Maybe it's for yourself, or maybe it's for others..." Tian Bulian said, "So what do you think, have you decided?"

"I understand."

Mu Xiaobai said, "I will become a guardian."

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