
The Guardian Sect has no suzerain, no deputy suzerain, no peak master, from top to bottom, there is only a unified title of guardian.

Except for the disciples of the Heaven Protecting Sect, the affairs of the entire sect are managed by twelve Taoist guardians. The twelve Taoist guardians do not exist all the time. They come from the [door] and eventually return to the [door] after completing their tasks. go.

Now, the entire Guardian Sect has only Tianbulian, Granny Zhinu, and Uncle Sloppy as three guardians. Now including Mu Xiaobai, it can be said that there are four of them.

Mu Xiaobai still wanted to say something, but suddenly felt the air vibrate, and a trace of the Great Dao was conceived and resonated. This abnormal sound attracted the attention of Tian Bulian and Mu Xiaobai at the same time. The two were almost the same. Time looked outside the city.

There is--


Mu Xiaobai and Tian Bulian looked at each other, and they flew there.



Endless lights flowed out from the carriage.

Luo Benmo lost his mind, and Yang Pingsheng didn't call her anything.

"Energy, full."

The systematically made black cat puffed out its chest.

The cow is up.

The reason why it has been obedient is because its energy is exhausted. In desperation, it can only pretend to be a cat and endure humiliation to survive.

But now, its energy is back.

It's that omnipotent system again.

"What the hell is your name Luo Benmo?"

It jumped down with its head held high, and patted Lobenmo's face with its tail.

"Hmph, looking at you now, isn't it... Hey, hey, hey? My energy!"

The energy that had already been fully replenished suddenly began to retreat.

The light began to dim.

The air flow is retrograde, and the already overflowing energy is absorbed backwards.

The black cat changed from awesome to weak. It couldn't even meow and fell to the ground.

"Wait, my energy..."

It spoke weakly, and before it finished speaking, it rolled its eyes and passed out.

Light, dim down.

The figure in the carriage moved, she stood up and took the light into her arms.

"Tsk, I didn't expect it to be so big."

She pursed her lips and opened the curtain.

"Heh, I'd like to see who doesn't have eyesight, and even wants to steal my old lady's things. Don't you know my nickname is Huo Yanluo? This time I have to..."

Time seemed to stop.

Yang Pingsheng raised his head, as if inspired by something, and looked towards the carriage.

It was a gray-haired girl.

A whip with braids crosses half of the top of the head, entangled on the back of the head and hangs down, the scattered gray hair on both sides covers the forehead, thin lips are rosy, eyes are watery, Qianqianyu is pointing at the mouth, there is no style, only people feel to crumbs.

She was wearing the clothes of the Wanjin Chamber of Commerce, with white embroidery covering her wrists on both sides, and gold threads swimming on the red-brown fabric in the middle, like a golden dragon playing. The buttons are gold, and the belt is also gold. Qualification certificate, with Tai Chi pattern in the middle.

She stepped out of the carriage with a smug smile on her face, but when she caught sight of Yang Pingsheng, she almost froze, her pupils dilated, and she looked at him in disbelief.

"you you……"

He stuttered, unable to even speak smoothly.

Although there was a phantom warning, Yang Pingsheng never expected that it would come so soon.

He stood up, took a deep breath, looked at the girl whose pupils were shaking, and said helplessly:

"Murong, are you okay?"

The familiar title, for a moment, made both of them a little dazed.

Memories, like waves, swept over the two of them.



Yang Pingsheng walked on the official road with his luggage on his back.

No longer the appearance of an old man, he was young, wearing a patched cotton coat, walking in the cold wind.

After walking a few steps, he felt light in his body, his nose was blocked, and there seemed to be something blocked in his throat, making him extremely uncomfortable.

"This time you are a commoner with weak health. Because of your poor health since childhood, you decided to study medicine. Before that, you were accepted as an apprentice by an old Chinese doctor. Now you are going to work in the city as a handyman."

The voice of the system chattered in Yang Pingsheng's mind, and the white snow covered his eyes. Yang Pingsheng wiped it and asked, "Aren't you an apprentice?"

"Ang, don't you know that apprentices usually start as handymen?"


This body was so weak that Yang Pingsheng had to hurry, and he didn't have the strength to argue with the system, so he just listened silently.

It talks about the background of this world, Yang Pingsheng's character design, and the first step of Tiandao's plan.After Yang Pingsheng got a general understanding, he asked, "Do you still want to leave the character design?"

"It doesn't matter, you didn't leave the last world." The system said, "I don't see any reaction from Tiandao. If you don't leave, don't leave."


He coughed again and hurried on.

The city not far ahead is called Liuyun City, a small city on the edge of Yan Kingdom. The background of this world is not the place of war before. The Central Plains has been unified by a country called Yan Kingdom, which is different from other worlds. The strange thing is that the world country here does not belong to the sect, and the power of the immortal itself is part of the power of the country.

The royal family has been passed down for generations, and they are all inherited by immortals. The successor to the throne is tested not only by political ability, but also by his own realm of cultivation. In this country, mortals cannot be emperors.

Logically speaking, immortals should look down on mortals, which is why, in the previous world, the immortal sect only regarded the mortal country as a white glove, and rarely directly participated in the management of specific affairs.But this world is different. The aura in this world is thin, and there are fewer seeds that can become immortals than in other worlds. In the whole country, except for the royal family who are immortals, it is difficult to see an immortal in other places. The number of immortals is so rare that they cannot form at all. The upper world structure, can only be forced to live with mortals.

The scarcity of aura makes it difficult for many people to gather aura and cultivate spiritual roots even if they have the talent of a fairy.The place with the most spiritual energy in the whole world is undoubtedly the imperial palace in the capital city of the Yan Kingdom, where there is the only spiritual spring in the whole world, which is why only the royal family of the Yan Kingdom produces immortals.

Small towns on the edge of the northern border like Liuyun City have very little aura, let alone aura.

The kingdom of Yan unified the world, but it didn't mean the world was peaceful. Outside the northern frontier, there was a vast grassland, where various barbarian tribes lived.In recent years, there has been a barbarian tribe called Tiewangu, which unified the entire barbarian tribe. They coveted the country of Yan and harassed them every year. The border towns were often miserable.

The Yan Kingdom has been passed down to eight generations of emperors, and the current generation of the Holy Lord has long been disarmed. The officers who come here to serve as officials either have the idea of ​​making a fortune and running away, or they have the idea of ​​compromising and living in peace with the barbarians. Anyway, the sky is high and the emperor is far away, so no one cares about the towns here.

Traitorism is the main theme here, and the female villain of the fourth generation lives here.

Yang Pingsheng walked in breathless air, and when he reached the end of the road, he stopped.

He has come to the outskirts of the city gate.

Not far away, the ancient city stands there alone, the city wall tells the traces of the years, the flag of the Yan State is fluttering on the city gate, the cold wind blows, the Yan character flag trembles, stubbornly refusing to fall down.

There were no officers and soldiers guarding the gate of the city, only one veteran, wrapped in a quilt, huddled there.In the large expanse of snow at the gate of the city, there were beggars huddled there, and several corpses lay there, frozen stiff, and no one cleaned them up.

This is a place that is forgotten by the world.

It's an unattended place here.

This is a place where traitors can be accepted.

This is where the female villain lives.

"There she is." The voice of the system sounded in his mind.

Yang Pingsheng looked over, stepped on the white snow, and walked crunchingly.

She was sitting next to the city wall, hugging her knees, wearing cloth clothes and straw sandals, her arms and thighs were exposed, her gray hair was dirty and stuck to the snow, because she was afraid of the cold, there were a lot of piles on it The thatched grass, the nose is red from the cold, sucking a few times from time to time, and there is a wooden board in front of it, with four large characters written on it: [Selling one's body to bury one's father]

The characters are written in the Yan State, and Yang Pingsheng has systematic help, so he can barely recognize them. The reason why he said that he is reluctant is probably because the other party's writing is too ugly.

He stopped there and looked carefully, both at the board and at her.


The girl suddenly said, "How about your mother?"

Yang Pingsheng was stunned.

Although I heard from the system that the female villains in this world have a bad personality, I didn't expect it to be so bad.

She looked the same as Wen Shihan, ragged and poor.It's just that Wen Shihan is a beggar, and she has low self-esteem from the bottom of her heart. When Yang Pingsheng touched her, she was even afraid that her own body would tarnish his purity, so she was obedient, and this...

"Have you never seen your dead father?" She looked at Yang Pingsheng and bared her canine teeth, "If you want to buy it, you can buy it, if you don't buy it, you can leave, why don't you just stand here and see your mother?"

"Your father died?"

"What is death?"

"It's just dead."

"Nonsense, are you illiterate, can't you see what I wrote on it?" The girl said angrily, "You look like a dog in your clothes, I didn't expect you to be illiterate."

Yang Pingsheng was choked by the words, he looked at the girl carefully, the latter was not afraid at all, but turned his face up and looked at him coldly.

"Whether you buy it or not, don't stand here if you don't buy it."

I don't know what she is so awesome about selling her body to bury her father.

"Where's your father's body?"

Generally speaking, those who sell their bodies to bury their fathers would take their father's body with them, but looking at the girl like this, she was alone and could not see her father's body at all.

"There!" The girl pointed to the snow field at the door.

Yang Pingsheng looked over, the frozen corpses were piled up there, and he didn't know which girl was referring to.

"So which one?"

"Who knows, they're all piled up together." The girl said nonchalantly, "Anyway, it's there, whichever you think it is."

Yang Pingsheng was speechless.

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