"This, this, a few more big buns, and this roast chicken, pack them all for me!"

"Have you eaten all this?"

"I want you to take care of it, hurry up!!"

"All right, all right, I'm afraid of you."

After a while, the storekeeper wrapped the food she asked for in yellow paper, and Su Murong picked it up and left. The storekeeper was dumbfounded, and quickly stopped her: "Where's the money?"

"On credit first."

"On credit again? Aren't you rich?"

Su Murong sighed, turned around, stood on tiptoe, patted the shopkeeper on the shoulder, with a serious face:

"Old devil, you don't want others to know about breaking into the widow's house at night, do you?"

Chapter 120 Nine: Su Murong's Home

Su Murong's home is at the corner of Floating Cloud City.

The dirt roads criss-crossed, and there were a large number of thatched houses, and Su Murong's house was one of them.

When she walked from the main road of the street with the food in her arms, her heart became heavy for some reason.The dirt gnawed at her straw sandals recklessly, and she walked lightly, as if unwilling to give up.

Some children were entrenched around, staring at the food in her arms, with malicious intentions, she did not flinch, and stared back at those people.

There were poor children who came to beg for her, but she kicked them away, and she cursed them, not only to those who stared at them, but also to those who pretended to be pitiful.

They are all messing around here, and everyone knows what the other party is.

She walked into the innermost thatched house, and there was a small courtyard. At the door of the courtyard, the boards had been blown down by the wind and snow. wooden door.

The wind and snow kept pouring in from the roof, windows, and gaps. The temperature inside was the same as outside. The light was terribly dark, and the air was full of strange smells. A woman, wearing sackcloth, was leaning on the bed with her eyes closed.

Xue Guang stretched Su Murong's figure, she walked over lightly, put the food on the table, and then called softly:


The woman moved, she faced the direction of the voice, and laughed:

"Xiao Rong, are you back?"


She responded, walked over, and grabbed the woman's hand:

"Mom, are you feeling better?"

"Mother is much better, don't worry, how is business today?"

"Okay, very good, the weather is cold, and many people like the straw sandals made by my mother." Su Murong said with a smile, "I sold a lot of them today, and the business was so good that I bought a lot of delicious ones back. Mom, you can eat some too."

"You grow taller, you should eat more." The woman smiled, stretched out her hand and touched Su Murong's hair, "It's a pity, mother's eyes are failing, do you still have straw sandals? If it's not enough, mother can think of a way."

The woman's name is Su Rouxue, and she is Su Murong's mother.

She took her mother's surname, and the mother and daughter lived in this thatched cottage. Originally, the mother and daughter made a living by selling straw sandals from Su Rouxue, but just this year, Su Rouxue suddenly lost her eyesight.From seeing things blurry at the beginning to completely invisible now, Su Rouxue is no longer able to make straw sandals.

But fortunately, she had done a lot before, and every time Su Murong came back with money from outside, she would use this as an excuse.

"Mother, don't think so much, I will learn to help out, you should eat something first."

Su Murong doesn't know how to treat diseases, and she doesn't know why her mother went blind. She just thinks that as long as she eats more, she will be fine.

So she bought a lot of things and wanted her mother to eat them.

"Eat, mother, look, this hot steamed stuffed bun, and roast chicken."

Su Murong handed over all the food, Su Rouxue took it with a smile, took a small bite of the steamed stuffed bun, and said, "It's delicious."

"Then you should eat more."

"Xiao Rong, you eat too, you want to grow up."

"it is good."

As the sun sets, the brilliance of the setting sun falls on the vast white snow, as if covering the white elves with a layer of golden sand.

Su Murong stepped on the snow and walked along the city wall, kicking the stones in the snow irritably.

The picture of her mother eating today is still echoing in Su Murong's mind, it was the first time she saw her mother so happy.

Su Murong's mother was kidnapped.

She heard from others that her mother used to be the daughter of a certain family in the Central Plains. When she went out to visit relatives, she was robbed by kidnappers. Many people were killed. Because of her gentle temperament and good looks, she was sold to the Northern Territory. Married to a certain officer in Floating Cloud City.

Later, the officer's embezzlement of military pay was exposed, and the soldiers under him wanted to settle accounts with him. In addition, Su Rouxue had already given birth to Su Murong, a daughter at that time. The officer had no hope and defected to the barbarians overnight, leaving the mother and daughter here. depend on each other.

From then on, Su Murong took his mother's surname and grew up with her until today.

She seldom heard her mother talk about the past, but guessed that her mother was probably from a scholarly family. She could recite poems, write, and embroider things. Many styles were incompatible with people in the northern border. Many of Su Murong's characters were taught by her mother. her.

Her mother would often tell her the story of the Guan family's army defending the family and the country, and told her that a person must stand upright, defend the family and the country, and be responsible. She said these words every day, even today, she told her again.

"Xiaorong, mother hopes that you can become a person who stands up to the sky, so don't lie to mother, where did you get so much money?"

Perhaps it was because the richness of the food greatly exceeded her expectations, so she became suspicious.

But Su Murong didn't want to say so much, just a few words of justification was over, but now, she was walking here, thinking about it again, she couldn't help but feel irritable.

"Defend the family and defend the country, stand up to the sky, it's none of my business!"

She saw someone had built a snowman by the side of the road and kicked it down.

"My eyes are so blind, and I'm talking so much about it, I'm sick, I'm sick!"

She cursed, but felt uncomfortable in her heart.

From childhood to adulthood, she rarely saw her mother smile, but today, she saw her mother smile.

Mom, are you happy too?

Since then, I haven't eaten any good food, and I have given everything to her.

Stealing, robbing and cheating are not the right way after all, she has to find a way.

Walking past the recruiting notice on the city wall, she stopped, looked up, and looked at the notice.

Because her mother taught her to read and write, she could barely understand the meaning of the notice. She didn't pay attention to what to do as a soldier, but focused on the salary of being a soldier.

As long as she signs up to join the army, she can immediately have three taels of silver as a settling allowance, as well as rations and monthly salary every month. If she signs up to join the army, she can change her mother to a better place and let her eat delicious food every day. Take care of your body.

"If only I could be a soldier..."

Su Murong sighed, she is too young and a girl, many people are unwilling to accept her for work, let alone enlist in the army.

The ghost old man in the tavern kept telling her to help, but maybe her mother was nagging her about defending the country. She heard that the ghost old man was openly doing business and secretly selling some big items to the barbarians. .She doesn't know what it is, and she doesn't know if there is such a thing, anyway, she is like this, loves the house and black, and she doesn't want to go when she hears that the ghost old man has such a bad reputation.

"What about this?"

She frowned and sighed, turned her head away from the conscription notice, stepped on the snow, making a creaking sound, thinking of a solution.

As she walked, she stopped.

Someone stopped in front of her.

It was Yang Pingsheng, standing in front of her, looking at her calmly.

Chapter 130: Simple

Yang Pingsheng reported to the old Chinese doctor first, and then found him under the guidance of the system.

The old Chinese doctor was a miser, and he imposed extremely harsh conditions on Yang Pingsheng. He came to be a handyman rather than an apprentice.

But forget it, the original purpose was to change the female villain, Yang Pingsheng didn't care about that much.

Under the white snow, he stood here looking at the female villain in front of him. Just as he was about to speak, the latter suddenly widened his eyes, covered his heart with one hand, and fell to the ground.

"Ah... ah!!"

I twitched a few times and didn't move.

Yang Pingsheng: "She's just pretending, right?"

System: "Yes."

There is really no way.

The system asked him to show kindness to the female villain, but he didn't know how to show kindness reasonably. After all, as long as he was not stupid, it was difficult to show kindness calmly to a girl who robbed him of money and insulted his IQ.

But, forget it, let's cooperate.

Yang Pingsheng sighed, walked over, and asked softly, "Are you uncomfortable?"

"Ah, it hurts, it hurts..."

"Where does it hurt?"

"Heartache, ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ahhhhhhhh!"

The female villain suddenly yelled, startling Yang Pingsheng, then grabbed her hair and began to roll from side to side.

"It hurts to death, it hurts to death, huhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"

I don't know why she pulled her hair with a heartache.

"Does it hurt?" Yang Pingsheng patted her hand, "I'll take you to see a doctor."

"No, no..." The girl closed her eyes tightly and pointed forward with trembling fingers: "I just need to eat something sweet, anything is fine, as long as I eat it, I'll be fine."

"Then I'll buy it."

Although he knew it was a lie, Yang Pingsheng stood up obediently. He ran to a grocery store not far away, bought a few pieces of candy with the little money in his pocket, and then ran back.

In the snow, no one is there.

The vast expanse of white land, only clean snow.

"The first step is completed, so the next step is our first stage."

System opening:

"Just like this piece of snow, Yang Pingsheng, show your simplicity and kindness to your heart's content."

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