Floating Cloud City is a city on the edge, full of gangsters, theft, deceit, and prostitutes, it is a city of pure white, and it is also a capital of crime.

However, the first step of the system is to let him show innocence and kindness in such an environment.

Yang Pingsheng shook his head: "I am no longer innocent."

He who has gone through three lives has no innocence at all.

"Then pretend it."

The sound of the system seemed to be in a dream.

"Pretend your innocence, just like this snow, quietly floating in this city, and it will melt together in the spring of next year."


This man is too easy to deceive.

Su Murong who ran away thought.

Her acting skills are not very good. Originally, she didn't expect to be able to deceive this person. Her initial plan was that the person would either be cynical or angry. In short, it was impossible for him to believe her own words. Su Murong threw the stones hidden under the snow at him again, and ran away by himself.

However, he believed it.

He believed what he said, and actually ran to buy candy for himself. Su Murong couldn't understand it. You must know that he robbed him earlier today.

In her heart, an adult is synonymous with cunning, but this person seems too innocent.

He actually believed the words of a robber.

"Is he mentally disabled?"

Su Murong hid in the dark and observed, and found that the other party stood there after he couldn't find him, looking disappointed.

"He looks like he's in his 20s. How come he's as stupid as a donkey and believes my words? But forget it, this kind of person is so stupid, he deserves to be robbed."

She said so, but she refused to move her feet, and kept staring at him.

By coincidence, she started following Yang Pingsheng just like that.

She followed Yang Pingsheng until she reached the door of the old doctor's shop.

"So it's the old money man?"

The old money man is a well-known miser here, the kind who loves money to the extreme, because he dislikes hiring handymen and spending money, this guy often looks for people in the name of accepting apprentices, and after finding someone, let that person Do the work of a handyman.

"It seems that this guy is the unlucky guy that the old money has just found. Also, he is stupid, and he is easy to deceive at first glance."

The old money boss has a lot of money and little money and loves to scold others. Basically, few apprentices can bear him. Most of them will turn their heads and leave after working here for a few months. Su Murong guesses that this guy is the same.

"Tsk tsk, what a pity."

She shook her head and sighed, and was about to leave, but found that Yang Pingsheng had come out from there again.

On the opposite side of the street, there is an alley entrance. At the alley entrance, there is a child sitting there, in the same posture as Su Murong before. There is a wooden board in front of it, which says "sell your body to bury your mother".

Su Murong stared with wide eyes, watching Yang Pingsheng walking there step by step.

"Hey, hey, no way, this guy..."

She watched the man walk past, saw the man squat down, and watched the man turn his head, and was thrown to the ground by the wooden stick that the child pulled out from the snow.She just watched, watching the kid rummaging through his pockets and taking his candy and money.

"Sick, sick! This guy is also sick!"

Su Murong cursed, suddenly panicked like something, didn't dare to look over there, turned around and ran away.

Stepping hard on the soft snow, the air-conditioning poured into the lungs until it caused severe pain. Su Murong ran desperately until he couldn't run any more.

She leaned on the wall, gasping for breath, feeling nauseous in her heart, wanting to spit it out.

"Sick, sick, that man is sick."

She couldn't figure out her emotions, but she was flustered, and panicked very much.

That scene stimulated her heart and reminded her of her childhood.

That was when she was about six years old.

That day, she followed her mother to sell woven straw sandals. On the way, her mother forgot something and wanted to go back to get it. She asked her to look at the straw sandals first.After my mother went back, a man came over and said that he wanted to buy straw sandals, and he wanted to buy all the straw sandals.

At that time, little Su Murong didn't understand anything, but was very happy that her mother didn't need to blow the cold wind today. She took the man's broken silver, and when she lowered her head to look in her pocket to change the money, the man gave her a sap.

A heavy stick, a heavy bang, hit her head, and she fell to the ground on the spot.

The man was a human trafficker and wanted to abduct her.

From then on, Su Murong never believed in any strangers, and she didn't believe any strangers, especially adults.

The scene of Yang Pingsheng aroused the memories of her being kidnapped and made her want to vomit.


She clutched her throat, but couldn't vomit anything.

The vast expanse of white land is still white.

Chapter 130: Big Fat Sheep

"Xiao Rong, what's wrong with you?"

Su Murong, who was in a daze, came back to his senses and found that Su Rouxue was holding her hand with a worried expression on his face.

Although she couldn't see it, she could feel it. She probably sensed that Su Murong was in a low mood, so she asked this question.

"It's nothing, I just want to let mother continue to eat well." Su Murong laughed, reassuring Su Rouxue, "I'm fine, mother, you can eat."

There was still a pancake left over from the food a few days ago, and Su Murong was reluctant to eat it, so he gave it to Su Rouxue.

"Xiao Rong, you eat, you want to grow your body."

"Mom, I've eaten. The helper I'm looking for now takes care of the food every day. If you touch my belly, I'm full!!"

She held her mother's hand, touched her stomach, and tried her best to straighten it up, as if she had really eaten.

Of course she didn't eat it.

The helper mentioned is also a lie. Su Murong has tried hard to find them these days, but firstly, she has a bad reputation here, and secondly, she really doesn't trust others very much.

The atmosphere in Floating Cloud City is very bad, there are no good people here.

No, maybe there are good people, Su Murong said, but he was thinking about Yang Pingsheng in his mind.

In just a few days, Yang Pingsheng became famous among them.

The begging group formed by the children next door often said that Yang Pingsheng was a big fat sheep, as long as he played a little pitiful, he would take his money or trick him into eating, and this guy would be slaughtered like a fat sheep.

Hearing these words, Su Murong became more irritable.

"Xiao Rong?"

"Ah, mother, what's the matter?"

"I said I'm full." Su Rouxue smiled, handed over the remaining half of the biscuits, and said, "I can't eat any more, you can eat."


She was about to refuse, but her stomach made a gurgling sound.

She was embarrassed to see her mother, but she just lowered her head, took the cake, and bit it silently.

Hungry is a really uncomfortable feeling.

At the beginning, I will feel dizzy, and then my hands and feet will become numb, my stomach will always hurt, my eyes will stare, I want to eat everything, I feel that my chest and back are connected together, after a while, my body starts to consume fat to replenish, blood sugar As it decreases, the body's reserves are exhausted little by little until death.

Su Murong was afraid that he would be hungry in the future, so he didn't dare to eat too much pancake. After taking a few bites, he stopped eating.

"Mom, I'm going to help."

"Well, you go."

Walking out of the thatched hut and stepping on the icy snow, Su Murong looked at the snow in Floating Cloud City, feeling a little dazed.

No one wants to take her.

She is only ten years old, she has no strength in her whole body, and has a notorious reputation. The shops in Floating Cloud City are not willing to let her work as a helper.

She also went to ask at the recruiting office. They saw that she was ten years old and a girl, so they didn't bother to talk to her. They just waved their hands casually and asked her to go to other places to play by herself.

There is nowhere to go, so I can only steal, cheat, and beg as before.

She never robbed, because she couldn't rob, and it was the first time in Yang Pingsheng's life.

The old ghost's tavern is willing to recruit her, but she doesn't want to. Su Murong has Su Murong's arrogance, and under the influence of her mother, she will never work for traitors or people who seem to be traitors.

But what else could she do?

Walking in the snow in confusion, he raised his head and found that Yang Pingsheng was standing not far away, holding a bag of biscuits in his hand, looking at a child begging on the street, his lips moved, as if he was talking about something.

Su Murong frowned slightly, and hid in the dark, approached secretly. As soon as he approached, he heard the child say, "Big brother, have pity on me. My sister is dead. I haven't eaten for several days."

A clumsy lie, Su Murong smiled disdainfully, she knew this guy, he was from their block, he had an older brother, the older brother was the one who wrote about selling his body and burying his mother, he made a fool of Yang Pingsheng before, now it's his younger brother's turn to trick him.

Yang Pingsheng lowered his head, looked at the biscuits in his arms, and was about to hand them over, when Su Murong couldn't take it anymore, and came out from the shadow.

"Hey you!"

She stepped forward and unceremoniously kicked the child down.

The child was about to get angry, but when he saw it was Su Murong, he changed his smile again: "Sister Su, what are you doing?"

Su Murong pointed to the side, with a cold face: "It's none of your business here, you go."

"Oh? This, this is against the rules, isn't it that we agreed..."

"Say the fart, who will tell you." She stepped forward and kicked him again, "Don't forget, I wrote for him the words about selling your body and burying your mother. Hurry up and leave."


"You still want to be kicked?"

"Go, go, I'll go."

Su Murong is notorious for his obscenity among children, this child dare not resist, and besides Su Murong, they are illiterate, so they will have to rely on her in the future, so they can only leave obediently.

She watched him walk away, then turned her head, stared at Yang Pingsheng, and opened her mouth to reprimand: "Are you stupid?"

"Ah, you were from that day..."

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