The biggest flaw of the popular talisman is that it cannot reach the power of the aura talisman.For example, there is a kind of magic talisman called Purifying Fire Talisman, which is a purple charm. After using it, the charm splits into six pieces, and the six Purifying Fire Talismans will become six fire dragons of different colors, which can destroy city walls, block troops, and kill immortals. Very useful spell.

As for the popular character, there is no way to create such power.

Not to mention the purple talisman, even the power of the white talisman can't reach it, the lowest attack white talisman can also exert a shock wave to destroy the wall, and the popular painting talisman...

Gui Jianchou spent decades from the construction method to the high-efficiency use. Even if the popularity of the character has reached its limit, the most powerful gust of wind is the same as farting.

What makes him most desperate is that because popularity includes blood qi, nutrition qi, defensive qi, etc., once there are too many symbols, it will cause great damage to the human body, and there is even a risk of shortening the life span.

The power is not good, and the side effects are huge. Not to mention killing immortals, it can't even hurt ordinary people. It's even weaker than a magic talisman.

"If that's the case, there's nothing to be afraid of, right? Even Su Murong, without the help of spiritual energy, can't circumvent this restriction, so how did she rely on this carp to transform into a dragon?"

Seeing the old and the young arguing, Yang Pingsheng secretly asked the system while wiping the dust in the corners with a rag.

"This question..."

First of all, Su Murong is extremely popular.

This remote town has been unable to keep up with nutrition for a long time. Logically speaking, everyone's blood and vitality should not be good, but Su Murong is an exception.

This guy is a weirdo. Most people don’t absorb well. It’s not bad to eat a little to absorb a quarter of it. However, Su Murong absorbs as much as he eats, so the blood energy, nutrition energy, defense energy and five internal organs are basically the same as before.From time to time, she is irritable, loses her temper, and gets angry, which is essentially a manifestation of excessive popularity.

From the point of view of Chinese medicine, of course it is better to keep the qi smooth, especially the qi of the five internal organs, but all of Su Murong's qi is in a vigorous state, so the popularity symbol will not shorten her life, but will prolong her life.To her, that so-called defect was not a defect at all.

Secondly, it is power.

Su Murong provided a new way of thinking: the reason why auras draw talismans destroy heaven and earth is because aura comes from heaven and earth.And the symbol of popularity comes from people. In this case, as long as the effect is useful to people, wouldn't it be fine?

Therefore, after learning the aura of ghosts and sorrows, she created a whole new set of popular talismans, including but not limited to: reverse right and wrong talismans, mantra talismans, inverted talismans, absent-minded talismans, loss of spirit talismans, loss of body talismans, slave talismans, Willingness Talisman, Memory Confusion Talisman, Six Relatives Do Not Recognize Talisman, etc.

Relying on these talismans, she forcibly made the heroine lose her body and mind, destroy her beliefs, and betray her relatives, and finally forced her to draw her sword and commit suicide.

"After Su Murong grew up, her control over human nature was simply too strong. She who got the popularity talisman was like a carp turning into a dragon, and a tiger coming out of the mountain. Therefore, the method of popularity talisman must not be allowed to her."

"But..." Yang Pingsheng glanced at Su Murong, who was still eloquent, and frowned slightly, "Since this is the case, wouldn't it be better not to let her touch ghosts?"

"It can't be helped. It's a foregone conclusion that she knows Gui Lao. Even if she doesn't know him, Gui Lao will find her. After all, Su Murong's popularity is too strong. The moment she was born, Gui Lao has already followed her." her."

There is no free pie in the world.

Gui Lao pampered Su Murong in every possible way, after all, he also took a fancy to Su Murong's popularity.It's a pity that Su Murong still doesn't understand this truth. She is only ten years old after all, and she is not the Su Murong who understands human nature in the later plot.

"The purpose of the Dao of Heaven is simple."

"First of all, the method of drawing popularity symbols is the main reason why Su Murong is out of control later on, so she must not be allowed to get it."

"Secondly, to slow down Su Murong's growth, at least not let her control human nature so deeply as in the original plot, so that she can't reach the level of art."

"Finally, Su Murong has a team in the original plot line. There are barbarians, monsters, and monsters. We must eradicate them one by one, so that she will never have the chance to know them again."

"After these are done, the change of the female villain Su Murong is considered complete, and we can withdraw."

Yang Pingsheng was a little surprised. This was the first time the system had told him in such detail before the mission started. In the previous system, it was only after completing a stage that it would talk about the next stage. Now it suddenly said everything, which made him feel a little nervous. do not adapt.

"Why did you tell me all of a sudden?"

"Because in this world, there is no task time limit."

In Su Murong's world, there is no time limit.

It's not ten years, twenty years, or decades. According to the system, Heaven has issued a death order, and there is no time limit. They can't leave until Su Murong's changes are completely completed.

Yang Pingsheng became more and more amazed. Su Murong was the first to make an exception for the system and Tiandao, whether it was a staged plan or mission time. Originally, Yang Pingsheng thought that the time for subsequent world missions would be shorter and shorter.

Seemingly seeing Yang Pingsheng's surprise, the system asked, "Are you surprised?"

Yang Pingsheng nodded, and the system chuckled twice in his mind, and then said seriously: "Now, let me tell you very seriously, Pingsheng, this female villain, you must not underestimate it."

"Of the nine female villains, she may not be the strongest, not the smartest, or even a complete mortal, but you must not underestimate her."

"Because the scariest thing about her is that she makes others look down on her."

Su Murong, mortal.

In the original plot line, whether it is the heroine or the emperor of this world, they all had the chance to kill Su Murong, but they all missed it.

They missed the chance to kill Su Murong, and once they missed it, Su Murong would not give them this chance again.

When Su Murong betrayed the country and brought the barbarians into the customs, when the generals of the Guan family army scolded her for betraying the country, Su Murong laughed and replied:

"I am also a barbarian."

Then she used the right and wrong talisman to scold the country of Yan for bullying the people and for being a tyrant in power. Now she leads the magic soldiers to liberate the people and save the people from fire and water. dog.

After she really captured those cities, she allowed the barbarians to burn, kill and loot, and brought gold, silver and jewels to run, regardless of the life and death of the common people.

When the situation changed and the heroine left, she used these jewels to raise a rebel army, and in turn beat up the barbarians, yelling:

"The attitude of barbarians is not the same as Yan, and the mountains and rivers are different!"

She cried loudly in front of the graves of the massacred people, and then issued an order to slaughter the barbarians, slaughtering the barbarians one by one, and even fought all the way outside the northern border, destroying the royal court of the other party.Su Murong snatched everything that the barbarians plundered before and their own.

The heroine is the daughter of the Guan family. Originally, Su Murong was mad at her father before, and she wanted to kill Su Murong to avenge her father.But at the celebration banquet in the palace, Su Murong kowtowed and cried loudly, swearing that he has always worshiped General Guan extremely, and that everything he did was coerced by the barbarians.She gave a big gift to the hostess, pulled her into a sworn relationship, and even recognized the hostess's mother as her godmother, and the dead General Guan as her godfather. After the banquet, she took care of the seriously ill hostess' mother every step of the way for three months. The body is thin, and everyone is crying.

Su Murong behaved like this, coupled with her hard work, and many acquaintances of the hostess who had been bribed by her to explain to the hostess, the hostess was soft-hearted for a while, so she didn't kill her.A year later, Su Murong went to the court and said that the rebellion in Nanzhong continued, and she asked to go and suppress it.The heroine was not there at that time, and no one in the palace stopped her, so the emperor naturally nodded in agreement.After getting the approval, Su Murong raised his troops and came to Nanzhong, killed the guards, released the monsters, and led the group of monsters to attack the capital of Yan Kingdom.

When asked why she did this, Su Murong said indignantly:

"All things are born between heaven and earth, and they should be equal. However, the weak demons in Nanzhong were bullied and enslaved wantonly, and they have no demon power. Jun】I can't see this kind of thing, so I raised up rebels to eradicate tyranny!"

"At the same time, I also tell the fathers and folks of the Yan Kingdom that you are essentially no different from the monsters in Nanzhong. The royal family draws your blood, pulls your skin, and makes you serve heavy corvee. Those shameless aristocratic families united Together with this shameless emperor, he is pressing heavily on you, making you unable to straighten up and stand up. Not only you, but also your future descendants!"

"I, Su Murong, dare to speak out against the world, just for three things. First, all living beings are equal, second, all living beings are equal, and third, all fucking living beings are equal!"

"The world is the world of the world's living beings, not the world of his emperor alone! Today, I [Loyalty, God, Martial Spirit, Youren, Bravery, Equality, Equality, Compassion for All People, Sincere Appeasement, Praise of Xuande, Demons, Demons, and True Monarch] will crush the evil royal family and establish A beautiful world where everyone is equal, ladyboys are equal, and monsters are equal!"

With such a declaration, she called back, and after she called back, she never gave the heroine and the royal family a chance to kill herself.

This is Su Murong. Among the nine female villains, she is the most unrestrained, the most shameless, and also the one who can survive the most.

Chapter 130 Four: Definite Number

People are afraid of being hungry and also afraid of cold.

Floating Cloud City, which was in the fringe area, didn't have much popularity in the first place, but now that the Chinese New Year was approaching and the frost and snow were in full bloom, it was even more lifeless.

Yang Ping lived between the tavern and the pharmacy, basically helping out at the pharmacy during the day, and only came to the tavern when work was over at night.

And often at this time, there are no people in the tavern, or in this place, the tavern is already empty, and Yang Pingsheng's main job here is cleaning.

He cleaned up the hall initially, and placed the wine jars one by one on the ground, but after doing these, Yang Pingsheng exhaled heavily and couldn't straighten his waist.As expected, this body is still too weak, just a few times, it will be too weak.

Looking up, Su Murong poked his head and waved to himself.

Yang Pingsheng smiled and waved to her too. The latter signaled to be quiet and raised the roast chicken in his hand.

A small one, which she stole from the back kitchen.

"Ha, as expected, I still want to reward myself for a hard day by eating meat!"

On the roof, Su Murong hiccupped contentedly, and touched the oil on the snow with her hands. She looked at Yang Pingsheng next to her, and found that he was staring blankly at the chicken leg in her hand, so she patted him on the shoulder.

"Why are you in a daze, eat!"

The two had known each other for more than a month. Perhaps it was Yang Pingsheng's simple personality. There was no barrier between them getting along. To a certain extent, Yang Pingsheng would listen to her instead.

Su Murong has a good impression of Yang Pingsheng, but it doesn't mean she likes this guy's character. Seeing Yang Pingsheng staring at the chicken leg in a daze, she knew what he was thinking.


Word by word, with accents.

Yang Pingsheng looked at her, and then smiled: "I haven't said anything yet."

"You don't need to tell me, don't you just want to give it to those people?"

"is it not OK?"

"Of course not!"

Su Murong hated iron for being weak, so he slapped Yang Pingsheng.

The strength is not strong, but since the other party is only a ten-year-old girl, the insult is still quite strong.But Yang Pingsheng didn't mind at all, he just smiled helplessly:

"It's been getting colder lately and I just want them to have something to eat."

Su Murong was speechless.

She pursed her lips, her little face was flushed red by the cold snow, she pursed her lips hard, and when she looked at Yang Pingsheng, there was light in her eyes.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah what do you do you do

She threw a cloud of snow at Yang Pingsheng, then patted her body to stand up, cursed a few times and left.

The snow melted into Yang Pingsheng's clothes, and he shivered subconsciously.


He watched the female villain leave, wrapped the remaining chicken and put it in his arms, stood up too, and subconsciously sighed.

"If I could, I really wouldn't want to do that."

The voice of the system followed: "Why, you actually sympathize with her?"

"At least for now, she is still kind."

"...You're not mistaken, she grew up in such an environment, deceit and robbery are the main theme, how can she be kind."

"She still has light in her eyes." Yang Pingsheng said, "Don't forget, this is the chicken she got."

If she really didn't want Yang Ping to be kind, she had countless ways.

The simplest thing is that it is enough not to distribute food to him. Is it necessary to run over to distribute the things she stole from the back kitchen to Yang Pingsheng? Can't she take it home and share it with her mother?

"If she is really a bad person, after knowing my personality, there is no need to befriend me. It is in her best interest to lie to me like others."

Others think that he is a big fat sheep, and if they want to pluck his wool, Su Murong can do the same.

However, she didn't.

"I think you are too stupid. From now on, you will follow me and recognize me as the boss. I will guarantee that you will not be bullied."

At that time, she stood in front of Yang Pingsheng, with her hips akimbo, her head held high, and said to him with an unquestionable attitude:

"Your body is too weak, I will cover you from now on."

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