In the past month, she has indeed used her own method to help Yang Pingsheng.

The old money was stingy, so she went to trouble other people's shops, forcing them to pay for Yang Pingsheng's expenses.The ghost doesn't care about the back kitchen of the hotel, she goes to the back kitchen to steal food every now and then, and cooks for Yang Pingsheng.The beggar group formed by surrounding children still regarded Yang Pingsheng as a fool, so she took a wooden stick and went to each door to warn them.

"If I remember her definition correctly, it's [a cheeky person who puts interests first], right?"

Yang Pingsheng stood in the wind and snow, his eyes looking into the deep darkness.

"To be honest, I didn't feel it."

Su Murong grew up in the dark, she longed for benefits, but she was not lost because of them.

At least for now, she still has light in her eyes.

"You're right, but in life, you need to know that her mother is still alive."

The system's voice sounded faintly, in the darkness, like the whisper of some kind of existence.

"You have seen the entire plot line of Su Murong. You understand that her mother will not live long."

Su Rouxue.

That is Su Murong's mother, she is already suffering from a serious illness, one of the symptoms is that she cannot see.Her illness is not a terminal illness, but it needs to be combined with medicine and food, and proper self-cultivation and treatment. For the rich, it is not a big problem, but for the poor, it is a real terminal illness.

Because the poor have no money.

Perhaps Su Rouxue's death was one of the reasons why Su Murong was greedy for money and profit. Yang Pingsheng couldn't imagine what Su Murong would do for this, but he felt that the light in the girl's eyes would probably disappear.

"In that case, shouldn't we save her?"

Yang Pingsheng asked, his tone subconsciously turned cold: "Or are you going to stop me again?"

Just like before.

"No, this is not in the plan, so you can save it if you want to." The system said, "But, Yang Pingsheng, you have to understand that everything has a definite number."

Everything has a definite number, and everything has a destiny.

For Su Murong, Su Rouxue's death is one of her destiny.

The way of heaven is magnificent, and it is always in the period. The nature of all things has been determined since birth, and they will go to their own destiny.

Yang Pingsheng frowned: "Su Rouxue's illness is not terminal."

"Since it's a definite number, it cannot be changed. It's up to man to plan and God to make things happen. But you have to try it, and I won't stop it. After all, whether you can save Su Rouxue or not will not change Su Murong much."

What a strange paradox.

Su Rouxue is Su Murong's most important person. If her death has stimulated Su Murong's greedy nature in her bones, then why does saving her not change Su Murong much?

Also, the so-called fate...

Yang Pingsheng raised his head, and snowflakes were slowly falling from the sky.

one slice.

two slices.

three slices...

Until it sank into the snowdrift on the ground, it melted into one body and disappeared.

Chapter 130 Five: New Year

The system complies with Heaven's request to change Su Murong, and only focuses on three aspects of her.

The first is the method of drawing talismans, the second is Su Murong's growth, and the third is the companions Su Murong made.When it judged that whether Su Rouxue was dead or not had little effect on Su Murong's growth, it naturally didn't care about Su Rouxue's life or death.

This is what Yang Pingsheng doesn't understand. Logically speaking, death, especially the death of a loved one, can most stimulate a person's growth. Why, according to the calculation of the system, does Su Rouxue's death not allow Su Murong to grow?

Also, the system doesn't seem to be afraid that Su Murong's greedy nature will be aroused, otherwise, Su Rouxue's death will be included in the plan.

From beginning to end, the system only cares about those three points.

But why...

"Hey, I'm calling you!"

Someone patted the shoulder on the back, Yang Pingsheng came back to his senses, and turned his head to see Su Murong looking at him with a smile.

"I wanted to go to the pharmacy to find you, but I didn't expect you to be in a daze at the door. What, are you planning to go to the tavern now?"

Yang Pingsheng nodded, Su Murong laughed and scolded an idiot, and came out with the straw sandals behind his back, showing them to Yang Pingsheng.


Standing on tiptoe, she touched Yang Pingsheng's eyes and said triumphantly, "These are straw sandals made by my mother herself. It's cheap for you!"

"Ah, thanks."

"You're welcome, there are eight characters in total."

"alright, please wait."

Just as Yang Pingsheng was about to take money out of his pocket, Su Murong jumped up and patted him:

"I lied to you, do you really give it?"

She smiled and pushed the shoes over and stuffed them into Yang Pingsheng's arms: "Happy New Year!"

Today is New Year's Eve.

The old money man has no relatives, so he was going to take Yang Pingsheng to spend New Year's Eve together, but Su Murong came to his house yesterday and gave Yang Pingsheng a half-day off today.

She had been waiting here for Yang Pingsheng a long time ago, and she was in a daze when she saw Yang Pingsheng leave the pharmacy, so she came over to say hello.

"How about you come to my place for dinner tonight?"

Su Murong looked very happy, and followed Yang Pingsheng, talking endlessly:

"Just go to the old thing and go through the process. You have to give red envelopes during the Chinese New Year. Anyway, when the time comes, I pester him. If he doesn't give me red envelopes, I will make him have a bad year."

As she was talking, she suddenly fell silent, grabbed Yang Pingsheng, made him bend down, and whispered in his ear: "Let me tell you a secret, the night before yesterday, I saw the old man meet someone at the south entrance of the city. "

Her voice was very low, with a deep voice at a young age: "That's a barbarian."

Some barbarians sneaked into Floating Cloud City.

In the original plot, the ghost is an informant of the barbarians, and he has no feelings for Yan Guo. The reason why Su Murong can become the guide of the barbarians is probably because of the relationship of the ghosts.

Regarding Guilao, the system has a special plan for it. It tells Yang Pingsheng not to act rashly. For now, he only needs to follow the plan of heaven.

Yang Pingsheng had a premonition that in order to prevent Su Murong from getting the method of drawing the popularity talisman, the system's plan would probably use any means.

No, you can't say that you will use whatever means you can. The way of heaven is to let nature take its course. In other words, some small things that Yang Pingsheng did according to the plan can change the result naturally.

The connection between Su Murong and Gui Lao will be broken eventually.

"My mother said that traitors are not good people, so, hum." Su Murong got up, with disdain on his face, "Singsheng, don't be such a person, or I will look down on you."

Then, she changed the subject.

"However, there is one thing to say, although the old thing is not a human being, he is still very generous."

The money that should be given is a lot, and he didn't even mention Su Murong's debts. From this point of view, Su Murong has nothing to blame the ghost.

The two went to the tavern, Su Murong smiled and begged for a red envelope from Gui Lao, who was left speechless by her, how could anyone come here to ask for red envelopes in broad daylight on New Year's Eve.But he still gave it, Su Murong had it, and Yang Pingsheng had it too.

"Come on, I'll take it for you first."

Su Murong snatched Yang Pingsheng's red envelope, and accepted it happily, calling it a good name, fearing that Yang Pingsheng would show kindness indiscriminately, and gave it to others.

Yang Pingsheng didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he didn't say anything. He was not a person who valued money. If Su Murong wanted it, then take it.

The two strolled around again, bought some things, then stepped into the alley of the poor, and returned to the thatched cottage where Su Murong lived.

As soon as she stepped into the courtyard, Su Murong, who was originally lively, quieted down. She gave Yang Pingsheng a soft sigh, and opened the door lightly.

"Mom, I'm back."

Yang Pingsheng followed in. In the dark room, the woman was lying on the bed.

Her clothes are thin, there is no thick quilt on the bed, only layers of thatch, her long hair hangs down, her face is very thin, she looks like a gentle woman, but she is weak, as if she will faint at any time .

Her eyes were covered with a white cloth, and her hands were too thin, which could be considered skinny. Hearing Su Murong's voice, the woman reacted, and smiled towards the door: "Xiao Rong, you are back."

"Well, I'm back."

Su Murong stepped forward and held her hand: "The Yang Pingsheng I told you about earlier is also here."

"Hello." Yang Pingsheng also stepped forward and said softly.

The woman reacted, and with white clothed eyes, she first turned to Yang Pingsheng, then to Su Murong, and smiled: "Are you the friend that Xiaorong has been talking about? Welcome, my daughter has caused you a lot of trouble, right? "

"Ah, she..."

Su Murong glared at him.

Yang Pingsheng smiled and said: "She is very good, she works very hard there, and everyone likes her very much."

"Yeah, that's good, that's good."

In the first New Year's Eve dinner in the New World, Yang Pingsheng ate with the female villain.

The leftovers from before, the roast chicken and steamed buns stolen from the back kitchen of the tavern, and some food that the two of them bought one after another, made up a fairly sumptuous New Year's Eve dinner.In the thatched hut where the cold wind leaked in, the two put together wooden boards and used them as a table for eating.

Su Rouxue's eyes can't see, most of the time it's Su Murong who feeds her, probably because her mother is there, Su Murong looks extraordinarily quiet, so quiet that she doesn't look like her.

Yang Pingsheng was not a talkative person, and he would not take the initiative to strike up a conversation, so the atmosphere at the dinner table became that Su Rouxue asked, Yang Pingsheng answered, and Su Murong listened to such a situation.

After the meal, Su Rouxue lay back on the bed again, Yang Pingsheng and Su Murong packed up all the things, packed the leftovers, and then sat in the yard to chat.

In the dark night sky, there are fireworks blooming in the sky, which is the direction of the City Lord's Mansion.

The two sat and watched quietly. When the snowflakes were falling, Su Murong suddenly asked:



"Is there anything you want to do?"

Chapter 130 Six: Enlightenment

"What do you want to do?"

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