Yang Pingsheng blinked, trying to understand what Su Murong meant.

"Well, it's like what kind of person you want to be in the future and what kind of things you want to accomplish."

Yang Pingsheng understood that what she was talking about was a dream.

everyone has dream.

The children gathered together in twos and threes, and they all talked about their dreams. Some wanted to be teachers, and some wanted to be scientists. But this vocabulary mainly appeared in the world before Yang Ping’s lifetime. Putting it in this world, The word has to be called—


"Are you talking about ambition?"



Yang Pingsheng thought about it.

While thinking, the system's voice suddenly came out: "Tell her that you want to be a doctor and heal diseases and save lives."

I thought it was just an ordinary chat, but I didn't expect the system to intervene.Yang Pingsheng's eyes dimmed a bit, but he still replied: "In my case, I want to be a doctor to cure diseases and save lives."

"Doctor, well, it suits you quite well."

The girl with gray hair and snow dyed her complexion brightened a bit. She didn't look at him. She dragged her chin and stared at the sky in a daze. Suddenly there was light and loud noise coming from the direction of the City Lord's Mansion. fireworks.

The moment the fireworks exploded, the light in the girl's eyes seemed to bloom together.

The air was much colder, she huddled, tightly next to Yang Pingsheng, breathed out the cold air, and spoke softly, as if in the clouds:

"I... have a very unrealistic idea."

"I want to build a big, big house that can shelter the wind and rain, prepare a lot of delicious food in it, and then let all the poor people in the world live in it, no more pain, no more Sorrow, everyone eats and drinks enough, sits around the fire, quietly."

As she spoke, she leaned her head slightly and rested her head on Yang Pingsheng's arm: "If this is the case, I will be satisfied."

Yang Pingsheng stared at her blankly.

The light from the sky was flickering, and the girl reacted. After realizing that Yang Pingsheng was staring at her, she quickly got up and slapped him: "What, that look, it can't be done in reality, I'm daydreaming Isn't it okay?"


"Okay! I get it, I'm unrealistic, I'm naive, you laugh at me!"

She said shyly and angrily, turned her head, and did not look at him angrily.

The system said, don't underestimate the female villain in front of you.

Tiandao defined her as a "brazen person who puts interests first", but until now, Yang Pingsheng has not felt this after getting along with her.

He didn't underestimate her, he always attached great importance to her, but it was because of the importance that he felt abrupt.

Is Su Murong really a person whose interests come first?

If it was, she wouldn't treat him like this, or even get close to him.The so-called simple human design is, in a sense, a great injustice for being deceived. If Su Murong is really a person who puts interests first, she shouldn't treat him like this.

"No, I didn't laugh at you."

Yang Pingsheng put his hand on Su Murong's head and stroked it.

"A very good idea, I hope you will keep it."

Su Murong looked at the hand on top of her head, and then at him, his eyes dimmed.

"I said you, you treat me like a child, don't you?"

Even though she said that, she didn't resist or express disgust. She just waved her hands helplessly and said in an adult tone: "Actually, what I just said was a lie to you. Look, my family is so broken. Really. If I want to have that kind of big house, I must first live alone to enjoy myself, why should I share it with others? Speaking of which, others have nothing to do with me, and only a good old man like you will believe what I say. "


"Hey! What do you mean by a half-smile but not a smile? It's really annoying. Do you know that you are in need of a beating right now!!"

Su Murong bared her little tiger teeth, and flung herself at Yang Pingsheng, Yang Pingsheng caught her, and the two of them fell down and fought together.

"Dare to make fun of me, accept the trick!"

The icy snow was rolled into balls and stuffed into Yang Pingsheng's clothes. He shivered from the cold, and seeing the other party's triumphant expression, he also rolled a snowball and stuffed it into her clothes.

"My day, it's so cold!"

She yelled and hit more snowballs back. Not to be outdone, Yang Pingsheng also hit back with snowballs.In this way, the two had a snowball fight in the yard.


Inside the house, there was a certain sound.

The snowball fell, and there was no new laughter.Su Murong and Yang Pingsheng looked at each other subconsciously, and rushed into the thatched cottage almost at the same time.


In the dark room, Su Rouxue fell to the ground, panting, her cheeks were flushed, her chest heaved rhythmically, her whole body was extremely hot.

"It's hot!"

This was Yang Pingsheng's first thought when he touched Su Rouxue's skin. As for Su Murong, she was so anxious that she didn't care so much. She hugged her mother back to the bed, held hands and shouted:

"Mom, what's wrong with you, are you okay, don't scare me!!"


The melodious bell rang throughout Floating Cloud City.

On New Year's Eve, at twelve midnight, the sound of the bell.

When the new year came, Su Murong's mother fell down.

The red embroidered bag fell to the ground, and a few coins spilled out of it. It was the red bag that Su Rouxue prepared for Su Murong.

She has been embroidering for a long time. She started embroidering before she lost her sight, and after she lost her sight, she fumbled for it even more. The coins in it were saved all the time, and she was reluctant to spend them all the time.


Yang Pingsheng took a few steps back, silently looking at Su Murong who was throwing himself into Su Rouxue's arms. It was a cold day, and he felt his heart burning in his chest.



"Whether Su Rouxue is alive or not doesn't affect the plan, right?"

"That's right."

"In this case, I will save her."

The heart that was gradually dying suddenly became hot in this cold winter.

Yang Pingsheng thought that after experiencing the second life, he became indifferent, he let himself go, and handed everything over to the system and the way of heaven. The tragedy of the second world.

So he didn't want to do anything.

But now, looking at the scene in front of him, what Su Murong said to him just now is still lingering in his ears.

she says:

"I want to build a big, big house that can shelter the wind and rain, prepare a lot of delicious food in it, and then let all the poor people in the world live in it, no more pain, no more Sorrow, everyone eats and drinks enough, sits around the fire, quietly."

The cold wind blew in through the gaps in the thatched hut, tearing his clothes.

"I want to save Su Rouxue."

Just because of her words, he also wants to save Su Rouxue.

It has nothing to do with the way of heaven, and has nothing to do with the system.

It was Yang Pingsheng who wanted to save Su Rouxue.

Chapter 130 Seven: Remembrance

Dressed in black, Suzaku rushed back from the capital overnight. After returning, she went straight to the top floor of the inn. The place was not too big or small, just enough to accommodate their four guards.

She hurriedly opened the door. Su Murong just finished the meeting with the other three guards. She was sitting there alone. The clothes she was wearing had long been thrown aside, and she was only wearing thin clothes. She was rubbing her temples and worrying. When she saw Suzaku coming in, her expression was not good How much, just raised eyebrows, asked: "Why are you back?"

"Master, are you angry?"

"Damn it, I don't know which guy fell in love with me or something, and suddenly paid a lot of money to check on me." Su Murong said angrily, "The most important thing is to check me for a while, and check my colleagues in my hand for a while." Light, I don’t even know if it’s love for me or something that loves me.”

"What did Qinglong say?"

"Damn, I'm getting angry when I say this, three iron trash!" Su Murong said cursingly, "One is full of yellow trash, one is always killing and killing, and the other is sleeping and eating. I asked who they are After selling our information, none of these three people can come up with it!"

"Don't talk about them, don't talk about them." Su Murong waved his hands and decided to skip this topic, "Tell me about you, didn't you let you lurk in the capital? Why did you come back suddenly?"

"There is very important news to report to the Lord."

"Isn't it enough for the people below to spread the news? As for you coming back in person? Don't miss the big deal. Forget it, forget it, come back, talk about it."

"The person you are looking for has a clue!"

Time suddenly stopped

The sound stopped, and the ups and downs of emotions stopped.Suzaku looked up, surprised to find that his master turned his face to one side, looking out the window.


"Understood, you did a good job, record the credit once, go back and continue to watch, raise the priority of that person again, and use flamingo to contact me alone."


Suzaku exited respectfully.

She clearly knows the character of her master, each of them has more or less flaws, but the master can tolerate them, the key is that they are more useful than others.

Don't ask, don't care, as long as you execute faithfully without thinking, that's enough.

That's exactly what Suzaku did, but this time, she suddenly subconsciously thought: "It's really rare to see the Lord like that".

If it was according to the master's previous appearance, because other things delayed the so-called major event, she would definitely give herself a [hair-plucking service].

The sound faded away.

Su Murong sat on the bed.

She took out a sachet and looked at it quietly.

A sachet, a past event.

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